986 resultados para Air Particulate Matter


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O estudo teve por objetivo construir um modelo de regressão baseada no uso do solo para predizer a concentração material particulado inalável (MP10) no município de São Paulo, Brasil. O estudo se baseou na média de MP10 de 2007 de 9 estações de monitoramento. Obtiveram-se dados demográficos, viários e de uso do solo em círculos concêntricos de 250 a 1.000 m para compor o modelo. Calculou-se regressão linear simples para selecionar as variáveis mais robustas e sem colinearidade. Quatro variáveis entraram no modelo de regressão múltipla. Somente tráfego leve em círculos concêntricos <250 m permaneceu no modelo final, que explicou 63,8% da variância de MP10. Verificou-se que o método de regressão baseada no uso do solo é rápido, de fácil execução. Entretanto, este modelo se baseou em medições de MP10 de poucos locais.


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Biomass burning represents one of the largest sources of particulate matter to the atmosphere, which results in a significant perturbation to the Earth’s radiative balance coupled with serious negative impacts on public health. Globally, biomass burning aerosols are thought to exert a small warming effect of 0.03 Wm-2, however the uncertainty is 4 times greater than the central estimate. On regional scales, the impact is substantially greater, particularly in areas such as the Amazon Basin where large, intense and frequent burning occurs on an annual basis for several months (usually from August-October). Furthermore, a growing number of people live within the Amazon region, which means that they are subject to the deleterious effects on their health from exposure to substantial volumes of polluted air. Initial results from the South American Biomass Burning Analysis (SAMBBA) field experiment, which took place during September and October 2012 over Brazil, are presented here. A suite of instrumentation was flown on-board the UK Facility for Airborne Atmospheric Measurement (FAAM) BAe-146 research aircraft and was supported by ground based measurements, with extensive measurements made in Porto Velho, Rondonia. The aircraft sampled a range of conditions with sampling of fresh biomass burning plumes, regional haze and elevated biomass burning layers within the free troposphere. The physical, chemical and optical properties of the aerosols across the region will be characterized in order to establish the impact of biomass burning on regional air quality, weather and climate.


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The objective of this thesis is to improve the understanding of what processes and mechanism affects the distribution of polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and organic carbon in coastal sediments. Because of the strong association of hydrophobic organic contaminants (HOCs) such as PCBs with organic matter in the aquatic environment, these two entities are naturally linked. The coastal environment is the most complex and dynamic part of the ocean when it comes to both cycling of organic matter and HOCs. This environment is characterised by the largest fluxes and most diverse sources of both entities. A wide array of methods was used to study these processes throughout this thesis. In the field sites in the Stockholm archipelago of the Baltic proper, bottom sediments and settling particulate matter were retrieved using sediment coring devices and sediment traps from morphometrically and seismically well-characterized locations. In the laboratory, the samples have been analysed for PCBs, stable carbon isotope ratios, carbon-nitrogen atom ratios as well as standard sediment properties. From the fieldwork in the Stockholm Archipelago and the following laboratory work it was concluded that the inner Stockholm archipelago has a low (≈ 4%) trapping efficiency for freshwater-derived organic carbon. The corollary is a large potential for long-range waterborne transport of OC and OC-associated nutrients and hydrophobic organic pollutants from urban Stockholm to more pristine offshore Baltic Sea ecosystems. Theoretical work has been carried out using Geographical Information Systems (GIS) and statistical methods on a database of 4214 individual sediment samples, each with reported individual PCB congener concentrations. From this work it was concluded that the continental shelf sediments are key global inventories and ultimate sinks of PCBs. Depending on congener, 10-80% of the cumulative historical emissions to the environment are accounted for in continental shelf sediments. Further it was concluded that the many infamous and highly contaminated surface sediments of urban harbours and estuaries of contaminated rivers cannot be of importance as a secondary source to sustain the concentrations observed in remote sediments. Of the global shelf PCB inventory < 1% are in sediments near population centres while ≥ 90% is in remote areas (> 10 km from any dwellings). The remote sub-basin of the North Atlantic Ocean contains approximately half of the global shelf sediment inventory for most of the PCBs studied.


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Gli impianti di incenerimento di rifiuti solidi suscitano preoccupazione nella popolazione per i possibili effetti avversi associati all’esposizione. Gli effetti delle polveri sottili (PM2.5), generate dai processi di combustione, sulla salute umana includono l’insorgenza di patologie a carico del sistema respiratorio e cardiovascolare e l’aumento della mortalità per malattie polmonari e probabilmente cancro al polmone. Lo scopo della tesi è quello di valutare il profilo tossicologico e cancerogeno del particolato atmosferico in prossimità dell’inceneritore di Bologna rispetto alle aree adiacenti mediante l’utilizzo di test alternativi alle metodologie in vivo, come il test di trasformazione cellulare e approcci di tossicogenomica (soprattutto trascrittomica) oltre alla valutazione della variazione del rischio cancerogeno indotto dall’esposizione di PM2.5 in diversi siti (massima ricaduta, controllo, fondo urbano e fondo rurale) e in differenti periodi di campionamento (estate 2008 e inverno 2009). Gli estratti di PM2.5 relativi alla stagione invernale sono risultati più tossici rispetto ai campioni estivi, che inducono tossicità soprattutto alle alte dosi. Per i campioni invernali il numero medio di colonie di cellule BALB/c 3T3 A31-1-1 risulta ridotto in modo significativo anche per le dosi più basse saggiate indipendentemente dal sito di provenienza. Tutti i campioni analizzati sono risultati negativi nel test di trasformazione cellulare in vitro. L’analisi dell’espressione genica delle cellule BALB/c 3T3 A31-1-1, in seguito all’esposizione agli estratti di PM2.5, ha mostrato un effetto stagionale evidente. Relativamente ai campioni invernali è stato evidenziato un maggior effetto tossico da parte del sito di controllo rispetto alla massima ricaduta, poiché nel sito di controllo risultano attivati marcatori di morte cellulare per apoptosi. La valutazione del rischio cancerogeno in tutti i siti valutati non mostra situazioni preoccupanti legate alla predizione di eccessi di rischio di tumori imputabili all’attività dell’inceneritore in quanto le stime di rischio non eccedono mai il valore limite riportato in letteratura.


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Population growth in urban areas is a world-wide phenomenon. According to a recent United Nations report, over half of the world now lives in cities. Numerous health and environmental issues arise from this unprecedented urbanization. Recent studies have demonstrated the effectiveness of urban green spaces and the role they play in improving both the aesthetics and the quality of life of its residents. In particular, urban green spaces provide ecosystem services such as: urban air quality improvement by removing pollutants that can cause serious health problems, carbon storage, carbon sequestration and climate regulation through shading and evapotranspiration. Furthermore, epidemiological studies with controlled age, sex, marital and socio-economic status, have provided evidence of a positive relationship between green space and the life expectancy of senior citizens. However, there is little information on the role of public green spaces in mid-sized cities in northern Italy. To address this need, a study was conducted to assess the ecosystem services of urban green spaces in the city of Bolzano, South Tyrol, Italy. In particular, we quantified the cooling effect of urban trees and the hourly amount of pollution removed by the urban forest. The information was gathered using field data collected through local hourly air pollution readings, tree inventory and simulation models. During the study we quantified pollution removal for ozone, nitrogen dioxide, carbon monoxide and particulate matter (<10 microns). We estimated the above ground carbon stored and annually sequestered by the urban forest. Results have been compared to transportation CO2 emissions to determine the CO2 offset potential of urban streetscapes. Furthermore, we assessed commonly used methods for estimating carbon stored and sequestered by urban trees in the city of Bolzano. We also quantified ecosystem disservices such as hourly urban forest volatile organic compound emissions.


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Air quality represents a key issue in the so-called pollution “hot spots”: environments in which anthropogenic sources are concentrated and dispersion of pollutants is limited. One of these environments, the Po Valley, normally experiences exceedances of PM10 and PM2.5 concentration limits, especially in winter when the ventilation of the lower layers of the atmosphere is reduced. This thesis provides a highlight of the chemical properties of particulate matter and fog droplets in the Po Valley during the cold season, when fog occurrence is very frequent. Fog-particles interactions were investigated with the aim to determine their impact on the regional air quality. Size-segregated aerosol samples were collected in Bologna, urban site, and San Pietro Capofiume (SPC), rural site, during two campaigns (November 2011; February 2013) in the frame of Supersito project. The comparison between particles size-distribution and chemical composition in both sites showed the relevant contribution of the regional background and secondary processes in determining the Po Valley aerosol concentration. Occurrence of fog in November 2011 campaign in SPC allowed to investigate the role of fog formation and fog chemistry in the formation, processing and deposition of PM10. Nucleation scavenging was investigated with relation to the size and the chemical composition of particles. We found that PM1 concentration is reduced up to 60% because of fog scavenging. Furthermore, aqueous-phase secondary aerosol formation mechanisms were investigated through time-resolved measurements. In SPC fog samples have been systematically collected and analysed since the nineties; a 20 years long database has been assembled. This thesis reports for the first time the results of this long time series of measurements, showing a decrease of sulphate and nitrate concentration and an increase of pH that reached values close to neutrality. A detailed discussion about the occurred changes in fog water composition over two decades is presented.


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Particulate matter is one of the main atmospheric pollutants, with a great chemical-environmental relevance. Improving knowledge of the sources of particulate matter and of their apportionment is needed to handle and fulfill the legislation regarding this pollutant, to support further development of air policy as well as air pollution management. Various instruments have been used to understand the sources of particulate matter and atmospheric radiotracers at the site of Mt. Cimone (44.18° N, 10.7° E, 2165 m asl), hosting a global WMO-GAW station. Thanks to its characteristics, this location is suitable investigate the regional and long-range transport of polluted air masses on the background Southern-Europe free-troposphere. In particular, PM10 data sampled at the station in the period 1998-2011 were analyzed in the framework of the main meteorological and territorial features. A receptor model based on back trajectories was applied to study the source regions of particulate matter. Simultaneous measurements of atmospheric radionuclides Pb-210 and Be-7 acquired together with PM10 have also been analysed to acquire a better understanding of vertical and horizontal transports able to affect atmospheric composition. Seasonal variations of atmospheric radiotracers have been studied both analysing the long-term time series acquired at the measurement site as well as by means of a state-of-the-art global 3-D chemistry and transport model. Advection patterns characterizing the circulation at the site have been identified by means of clusters of back-trajectories. Finally, the results of a source apportionment study of particulate matter carried on in a midsize town of the Po Valley (actually recognised as one of the most polluted European regions) are reported. An approach exploiting different techniques, and in particular different kinds of models, successfully achieved a characterization of the processes/sources of particulate matter at the two sites, and of atmospheric radiotracers at the site of Mt. Cimone.


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Nitrogen is an essential nutrient. It is for human, animal and plants a constituent element of proteins and nucleic acids. Although the majority of the Earth’s atmosphere consists of elemental nitrogen (N2, 78 %) only a few microorganisms can use it directly. To be useful for higher plants and animals elemental nitrogen must be converted to a reactive oxidized form. This conversion happens within the nitrogen cycle by free-living microorganisms, symbiotic living Rhizobium bacteria or by lightning. Humans are able to synthesize reactive nitrogen through the Haber-Bosch process since the beginning of the 20th century. As a result food security of the world population could be improved noticeably. On the other side the increased nitrogen input results in acidification and eutrophication of ecosystems and in loss of biodiversity. Negative health effects arose for humans such as fine particulate matter and summer smog. Furthermore, reactive nitrogen plays a decisive role at atmospheric chemistry and global cycles of pollutants and nutritive substances.rnNitrogen monoxide (NO) and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) belong to the reactive trace gases and are grouped under the generic term NOx. They are important components of atmospheric oxidative processes and influence the lifetime of various less reactive greenhouse gases. NO and NO2 are generated amongst others at combustion process by oxidation of atmospheric nitrogen as well as by biological processes within soil. In atmosphere NO is converted very quickly into NO2. NO2 is than oxidized to nitrate (NO3-) and to nitric acid (HNO3), which bounds to aerosol particles. The bounded nitrate is finally washed out from atmosphere by dry and wet deposition. Catalytic reactions of NOx are an important part of atmospheric chemistry forming or decomposing tropospheric ozone (O3). In atmosphere NO, NO2 and O3 are in photosta¬tionary equilibrium, therefore it is referred as NO-NO2-O3 triad. At regions with elevated NO concentrations reactions with air pollutions can form NO2, altering equilibrium of ozone formation.rnThe essential nutrient nitrogen is taken up by plants mainly by dissolved NO3- entering the roots. Atmospheric nitrogen is oxidized to NO3- within soil via bacteria by nitrogen fixation or ammonium formation and nitrification. Additionally atmospheric NO2 uptake occurs directly by stomata. Inside the apoplast NO2 is disproportionated to nitrate and nitrite (NO2-), which can enter the plant metabolic processes. The enzymes nitrate and nitrite reductase convert nitrate and nitrite to ammonium (NH4+). NO2 gas exchange is controlled by pressure gradients inside the leaves, the stomatal aperture and leaf resistances. Plant stomatal regulation is affected by climate factors like light intensity, temperature and water vapor pressure deficit. rnThis thesis wants to contribute to the comprehension of the effects of vegetation in the atmospheric NO2 cycle and to discuss the NO2 compensation point concentration (mcomp,NO2). Therefore, NO2 exchange between the atmosphere and spruce (Picea abies) on leaf level was detected by a dynamic plant chamber system under labo¬ratory and field conditions. Measurements took place during the EGER project (June-July 2008). Additionally NO2 data collected during the ECHO project (July 2003) on oak (Quercus robur) were analyzed. The used measuring system allowed simultaneously determina¬tion of NO, NO2, O3, CO2 and H2O exchange rates. Calculations of NO, NO2 and O3 fluxes based on generally small differences (∆mi) measured between inlet and outlet of the chamber. Consequently a high accuracy and specificity of the analyzer is necessary. To achieve these requirements a highly specific NO/NO2 analyzer was used and the whole measurement system was optimized to an enduring measurement precision.rnData analysis resulted in a significant mcomp,NO2 only if statistical significance of ∆mi was detected. Consequently, significance of ∆mi was used as a data quality criterion. Photo-chemical reactions of the NO-NO2-O3 triad in the dynamic plant chamber’s volume must be considered for the determination of NO, NO2, O3 exchange rates, other¬wise deposition velocity (vdep,NO2) and mcomp,NO2 will be overestimated. No significant mcomp,NO2 for spruce could be determined under laboratory conditions, but under field conditions mcomp,NO2 could be identified between 0.17 and 0.65 ppb and vdep,NO2 between 0.07 and 0.42 mm s-1. Analyzing field data of oak, no NO2 compensation point concentration could be determined, vdep,NO2 ranged between 0.6 and 2.71 mm s-1. There is increasing indication that forests are mainly a sink for NO2 and potential NO2 emissions are low. Only when assuming high NO soil emissions, more NO2 can be formed by reaction with O3 than plants are able to take up. Under these circumstance forests can be a source for NO2.


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Seit Anbeginn der Menschheitsgeschichte beeinflussen die Menschen ihre Umwelt. Durch anthropogene Emissionen ändert sich die Zusammensetzung der Atmosphäre, was einen zunehmenden Einfluss unter anderem auf die Atmosphärenchemie, die Gesundheit von Mensch, Flora und Fauna und das Klima hat. Die steigende Anzahl riesiger, wachsender Metropolen geht einher mit einer räumlichen Konzentration der Emission von Luftschadstoffen, was vor allem einen Einfluss auf die Luftqualität der windabwärts gelegenen ruralen Regionen hat. In dieser Doktorarbeit wurde im Rahmen des MEGAPOLI-Projektes die Abluftfahne der Megastadt Paris unter Anwendung des mobilen Aerosolforschungslabors MoLa untersucht. Dieses ist mit modernen, zeitlich hochauflösenden Instrumenten zur Messung der chemischen Zusammensetzung und Größenverteilung der Aerosolpartikel sowie einiger Spurengase ausgestattet. Es wurden mobile Messstrategien entwickelt und angewendet, die besonders geeignet zur Charakterisierung urbaner Emissionen sind. Querschnittsmessfahrten durch die Abluftfahne und atmosphärische Hintergrundluftmassen erlaubten sowohl die Bestimmung der Struktur und Homogenität der Abluftfahne als auch die Berechnung des Beitrags der urbanen Emissionen zur Gesamtbelastung der Atmosphäre. Quasi-Lagrange’sche Radialmessfahrten dienten der Erkundung der räumlichen Erstreckung der Abluftfahne sowie auftretender Transformationsprozesse der advehierten Luftschadstoffe. In Kombination mit Modellierungen konnte die Struktur der Abluftfahne vertieft untersucht werden. Flexible stationäre Messungen ergänzten den Datensatz und ließen zudem Vergleichsmessungen mit anderen Messstationen zu. Die Daten einer ortsfesten Messstation wurden zusätzlich verwendet, um die Alterung des organischen Partikelanteils zu beschreiben. Die Analyse der mobilen Messdaten erforderte die Entwicklung einer neuen Methode zur Bereinigung des Datensatzes von lokalen Störeinflüssen. Des Weiteren wurden die Möglichkeiten, Grenzen und Fehler bei der Anwendung komplexer Analyseprogramme zur Berechnung des O/C-Verhältnisses der Partikel sowie der Klassifizierung der Aerosolorganik untersucht. Eine Validierung verschiedener Methoden zur Bestimmung der Luftmassenherkunft war für die Auswertung ebenfalls notwendig. Die detaillierte Untersuchung der Abluftfahne von Paris ergab, dass diese sich anhand der Erhöhung der Konzentrationen von Indikatoren für unprozessierte Luftverschmutzung im Vergleich zu Hintergrundwerten identifizieren lässt. Ihre eher homogene Struktur kann zumeist durch eine Gauß-Form im Querschnitt mit einem exponentiellen Abfall der unprozessierten Schadstoffkonzentrationen mit zunehmender Distanz zur Stadt beschrieben werden. Hierfür ist hauptsächlich die turbulente Vermischung mit Umgebungsluftmassen verantwortlich. Es konnte nachgewiesen werden, dass in der advehierten Abluftfahne eine deutliche Oxidation der Aerosolorganik im Sommer stattfindet; im Winter hingegen ließ sich dieser Prozess während der durchgeführten Messungen nicht beobachten. In beiden Jahreszeiten setzt sich die Abluftfahne hauptsächlich aus Ruß und organischen Partikelkomponenten im PM1-Größenbereich zusammen, wobei die Quellen Verkehr und Kochen sowie zusätzlich Heizen in der kalten Jahreszeit dominieren. Die PM1-Partikelmasse erhöhte sich durch die urbanen Emissionen im Vergleich zum Hintergrundwert im Sommer in der Abluftfahne im Mittel um 30% und im Winter um 10%. Besonders starke Erhöhungen ließen sich für Polyaromaten beobachten, wo im Sommer eine mittlere Zunahme von 194% und im Winter von 131% vorlag. Jahreszeitliche Unterschiede waren ebenso in der Größenverteilung der Partikel der Abluftfahne zu finden, wo im Winter im Gegensatz zum Sommer keine zusätzlichen nukleierten kleinen Partikel, sondern nur durch Kondensation und Koagulation angewachsene Partikel zwischen etwa 10nm und 200nm auftraten. Die Spurengaskonzentrationen unterschieden sich ebenfalls, da chemische Reaktionen temperatur- und mitunter strahlungsabhängig sind. Weitere Anwendungsmöglichkeiten des MoLa wurden bei einer Überführungsfahrt von Deutschland an die spanische Atlantikküste demonstriert, woraus eine Kartierung der Luftqualität entlang der Fahrtroute resultierte. Es zeigte sich, dass hauptsächlich urbane Ballungszentren von unprozessierten Luftschadstoffen betroffen sind, advehierte gealterte Substanzen jedoch jede Region beeinflussen können. Die Untersuchung der Luftqualität an Standorten mit unterschiedlicher Exposition bezüglich anthropogener Quellen erweiterte diese Aussage um einen Einblick in die Variation der Luftqualität, abhängig unter anderem von der Wetterlage und der Nähe zu Emissionsquellen. Damit konnte gezeigt werden, dass sich die entwickelten Messstrategien und Analysemethoden nicht nur zur Untersuchung der Abluftfahne einer Großstadt, sondern auch auf verschiedene andere wissenschaftliche und umweltmesstechnische Fragestellungen anwenden lassen.


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Natural and anthropogenic emissions of gaseous and particulate matter affect the chemical composition of the atmosphere, impact visibility, air quality, clouds and climate. Concerning climate, a comprehensive characterization of the emergence, composition and transformation of aerosol particles is relevant as their influence on the radiation budget is still rarely understood. Regarding air quality and therefore human health, the formation of atmospheric aerosol particles is of particular importance as freshly formed, small particles penetrate into the human alveolar region and can deposit. Additionally, due to the long residence times of aerosol particles in the atmosphere it is crucial to examine their chemical and physical characteristics.This cumulative dissertation deals with stationary measurements of particles, trace gases and meteorological parameters during the DOMINO (Diel Oxidant Mechanism In relation to Nitrogen Oxide) campaign at the southwest coast of Spain in November/December 2008 and the ship emission campaign on the banks of the Elbe in Freiburg/Elbe in April 2011. Measurements were performed using the Mobile research Laboratory “MoLa” which is equipped with state-of-the-art aerosol particle and trace gas instruments as well as a meteorological station.


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The formation of aerosols is a key component in understanding cloud formation in the context of radiative forcings and global climate modeling. Biogenic volatile organic compounds (BVOCs) are a significant source of aerosols, yet there is still much to be learned about their structures, sources, and interactions. The aims of this project were to identify the BVOCs found in the defense chemicals of the brown marmorated stink bug Halymorpha halys and quantify them using gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and test whether oxidation of these compounds by ozone-promoted aerosol and cloud seed formation. The bugs were tested under two conditions: agitation by asphyxiation and direct glandular exposure. Tridecane, 2(5H)-furanone 5-ethyl, and (E)-2-decenal were identified as the three most abundant compounds. H. halys were also tested in the agitated condition in a smog chamber. It was found that in the presence of 100-180 ppm ozone, secondary aerosols do form. A scanning mobility particle sizer (SMPS) and a cloud condensation nuclei counter (CCNC) were used to characterize the secondary aerosols that formed. This reaction resulted in 0.23 mu g/bug of particulate mass. It was also found that these secondary organic aerosol particles could act as cloud condensation nuclei. At a supersaturation of 1%, we found a kappa value of 0.09. Once regional populations of these stink bugs stablilize and the populations estimates can be made, the additional impacts of their contribution to regional air quality can be calculated. Implications: Halymorpha halys (brown marmorated stink bugs) are a relatively new invasive species introduced in the United States near Allentown, Pennsylvania. The authors chemically speciated the bugs' defense pheromones and found that tridecane, 5-ethyl-2(5H)-furanone, and (E)-2-decenal dominated their emissions. Their defense emissions were reacted with atmospherically relevant concentrations of ozone and resulted in 0.23 g of particulate matter per emission per bug. Due to the large population of these bugs in some regions, these emissions could contribute appreciably to a region's PM2.5 (particulate matter with an aerodynamic diameter 2.5 m) levels.


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BACKGROUND: Particulate matter <10 mum (PM(10)) from fossil fuel combustion is associated with an increased prevalence of respiratory symptoms in children and adolescents. However, the effect of PM(10) on respiratory symptoms in young children is unclear. METHODS: The association between primary PM(10) (particles directly emitted from local sources) and the prevalence and incidence of respiratory symptoms was studied in a random sample cohort of 4400 Leicestershire children aged 1-5 years surveyed in 1998 and again in 2001. Annual exposure to primary PM(10) was calculated for the home address using the Airviro dispersion model and adjusted odds ratios (ORS) and 95% confidence intervals were calculated for each microg/m(3) increase. RESULTS: Exposure to primary PM(10) was associated with the prevalence of cough without a cold in both 1998 and 2001, with adjusted ORs of 1.21 (1.07 to 1.38) and 1.56 (1.32 to 1.84) respectively. For night time cough the ORs were 1.06 (0.94 to 1.19) and 1.25 (1.06 to 1.47), and for current wheeze 0.99 (0.88 to 1.12) and 1.28 (1.04 to 1.58), respectively. There was also an association between primary PM(10) and new onset symptoms. The ORs for incident symptoms were 1.62 (1.31 to 2.00) for cough without a cold and 1.42 (1.02 to 1.97) for wheeze. CONCLUSION: In young children there was a consistent association between locally generated primary PM(10) and the prevalence and incidence of cough without a cold and the incidence of wheeze which was independent of potential confounders.


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Increasingly, regression models are used when residuals are spatially correlated. Prominent examples include studies in environmental epidemiology to understand the chronic health effects of pollutants. I consider the effects of residual spatial structure on the bias and precision of regression coefficients, developing a simple framework in which to understand the key issues and derive informative analytic results. When the spatial residual is induced by an unmeasured confounder, regression models with spatial random effects and closely-related models such as kriging and penalized splines are biased, even when the residual variance components are known. Analytic and simulation results show how the bias depends on the spatial scales of the covariate and the residual; bias is reduced only when there is variation in the covariate at a scale smaller than the scale of the unmeasured confounding. I also discuss how the scales of the residual and the covariate affect efficiency and uncertainty estimation when the residuals can be considered independent of the covariate. In an application on the association between black carbon particulate matter air pollution and birth weight, controlling for large-scale spatial variation appears to reduce bias from unmeasured confounders, while increasing uncertainty in the estimated pollution effect.


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Quantifying the health effects associated with simultaneous exposure to many air pollutants is now a research priority of the US EPA. Bayesian hierarchical models (BHM) have been extensively used in multisite time series studies of air pollution and health to estimate health effects of a single pollutant adjusted for potential confounding of other pollutants and other time-varying factors. However, when the scientific goal is to estimate the impacts of many pollutants jointly, a straightforward application of BHM is challenged by the need to specify a random-effect distribution on a high-dimensional vector of nuisance parameters, which often do not have an easy interpretation. In this paper we introduce a new BHM formulation, which we call "reduced BHM", aimed at analyzing clustered data sets in the presence of a large number of random effects that are not of primary scientific interest. At the first stage of the reduced BHM, we calculate the integrated likelihood of the parameter of interest (e.g. excess number of deaths attributed to simultaneous exposure to high levels of many pollutants). At the second stage, we specify a flexible random-effect distribution directly on the parameter of interest. The reduced BHM overcomes many of the challenges in the specification and implementation of full BHM in the context of a large number of nuisance parameters. In simulation studies we show that the reduced BHM performs comparably to the full BHM in many scenarios, and even performs better in some cases. Methods are applied to estimate location-specific and overall relative risks of cardiovascular hospital admissions associated with simultaneous exposure to elevated levels of particulate matter and ozone in 51 US counties during the period 1999-2005.


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Due to their high thermal efficiency, diesel engines have excellent fuel economy and have been widely used as a power source for many vehicles. Diesel engines emit less greenhouse gases (carbon dioxide) compared with gasoline engines. However, diesel engines emit large amounts of particulate matter (PM) which can imperil human health. The best way to reduce the particulate matter is by using the Diesel Particulate Filter (DPF) system which consists of a wall-flow monolith which can trap particulates, and the DPF can be periodically regenerated to remove the collected particulates. The estimation of the PM mass accumulated in the DPF and total pressure drop across the filter are very important in order to determine when to carry out the active regeneration for the DPF. In this project, by developing a filtration model and a pressure drop model, we can estimate the PM mass and the total pressure drop, then, these two models can be linked with a regeneration model which has been developed previously to predict when to regenerate the filter. There results of this project were: 1 Reproduce a filtration model and simulate the processes of filtration. By studying the deep bed filtration and cake filtration, stages and quantity of mass accumulated in the DPF can be estimated. It was found that the filtration efficiency increases faster during the deep-bed filtration than that during the cake filtration. A “unit collector” theory was used in our filtration model which can explain the mechanism of the filtration very well. 2 Perform a parametric study on the pressure drop model for changes in engine exhaust flow rate, deposit layer thickness, and inlet temperature. It was found that there are five primary variables impacting the pressure drop in the DPF which are temperature gradient along the channel, deposit layer thickness, deposit layer permeability, wall thickness, and wall permeability. 3 Link the filtration model and the pressure drop model with the regeneration model to determine the time to carry out the regeneration of the DPF. It was found that the regeneration should be initiated when the cake layer is at a certain thickness, since a cake layer with either too big or too small an amount of particulates will need more thermal energy to reach a higher regeneration efficiency. 4 Formulate diesel particulate trap regeneration strategies for real world driving conditions to find out the best desirable conditions for DPF regeneration. It was found that the regeneration should be initiated when the vehicle’s speed is high and during which there should not be any stops from the vehicle. Moreover, the regeneration duration is about 120 seconds and the inlet temperature for the regeneration is 710K.