997 resultados para Adjustment factor


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The human epidermal growth factor (hEGF) is a small single-chain polypeptide of 53 amino acid residues. It can stimulate the proliferation of many cell types, mainly those of epidermal and epithelial tissues both in vivo and in vitro. A vector pRL-hEGF was constructed using plasmids pRL-489 and pUC-hEGF. The synthetic hEGF gene was recombined into the downstream of strong promoter psbA in plasmids pRL-489. Then, the vector was introduced into Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 and Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 by triparental conjugative transfer. The transformation was confirmed by PCR amplification. The pRL-hEGF is thought to be retained as a plasmid form in the transgenic Anabaena sp. PCC 7120, since it can be recovered. However, it has been integrated into the chromosome of Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 as there is no duplication origin in the pRL-hEGF in this cyanobacterium. and plasmid cannot be isolated from the Synechococcus sp. PCC 7002 either. The radioimmunoassay (RIA) proved that the hEGF gene has been expressed as the protein existed in these two strains of transgenic cyanobacteria, and the hEGF protein in Anabaena sp. PCC 7002 could be secreted into the medium.


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The construction of the shuttle, expression vector of human tumor necrosis factor alpha (hTNF-alpha) gene and its expression in a cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 was reported. The 700-bp hTNF cDNA fragments have been recovered from plasmid pRL-rhTNF, then inserted downstream of the promoter PpsbA in the plasmid pRL439. The resultant intermediary plasmid pRL-TC has further been combined with the shuttle vector pDC-8 to get the shuttle, expression vector pDC-TNF. The expression of the rhTNF gene in Escherichia coil has been analyzed by SDS-PAGE and thin-layer scanning, and the results show that the expressed TNF protein with these two vectors is 16.9 percent (pRL-TC) and 15.0 percent (pDC-TNF) of the total proteins in the cells, respectively, while the expression level of TNF gene in plasmid pRL-rhTNF is only 11.8 percent. Combined with the participation of the conjugal and helper plasmids, pDC-TNF has been introduced into Anabaena sg PCC 7120 by triparental conjugative transfer, and the stable transgenic strains have been obtained. The existence of the introduced plasmid pDC-TNF in recombinant cyanobacterial cells has been demonstrated by the results of the agarose electrophoresis with the extracted plasmid samples and Southern blotting with alpha-(32)p labeled hTNF cDNA probes, while the expression of the hTNF gene in Anabaena sp. PCC 7120 has been confirmed by the results of Western blotting with extracted protein samples and human TNF-alpha monoclonal antibodies. The cytotoxicity assays using the mouse cancer cell line L929 proved the cytotoxicity of the TNF in the crude extracts from the transgenic cyanobacterium Anabaena sp. PCC 7120.


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Anti-lipopolysaccharide factor (ALF) represents one kind of basic proteins, which binds and neutralizes LPS and exhibits strong antibacterial activity against Gram-negative R-type bacteria. The ALF gene of Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis (Milne Edwards, 1853) (denoted as EsALF) was identified from haemocytes by expressed sequence tag (EST) and PCR approaches. The full-length cDNA of EsALF consisted of 700 nucleotides with a canonical polyadenylation signal-sequence AATAAA, a polyA tail, and an open-reading frame of 363 bp encoding 120 amino acids. The high similarity of EsALF-deduced amino acid sequence shared with the ALFs from other species indicated that EsALF should be a member of ALF family. The mRNA expression of EsALF in the tissues of heart, gonad, gill, haemocytes, eyestalk and muscle was examined by Northern blot analysis and mRNA transcripts of EsALF were mainly detected in haemocytes, heart and gonad. The temporal expression of EsALF in haemocytes after Vibrio anguillarum challenge was recorded by quantitative real-time RT-PCR. The relative expression level of EsALF was up-regulated rapidly at 2 h post-injection and reached 3-fold to that in blank group. After a drastic decrease to the original level from 4 to 8h, the expression level increased again and reached 4-fold to that in the blank group at 12 h post-injection. The genomic DNA sequence of EsALF gene consists of 1174bp containing three exons and two introns. The coding sequence of the EsALF mature peptide was cloned and expressed in Escherichia coli BL21(DE3)-pLysS to further elucidate its biological functions. The purified recombinant product showed bactericidal activity against both Gram-positive (G(+)) and Gram-negative (G(-)) bacteria, which demonstrated that the rEsALF was a broad-spectrum antibacterial peptide. All these results indicated that EsALF was an acute-phase protein involved in the immune responses of Chinese mitten crab, and provided a potential therapeutic agent for disease control in aquaculture. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Myeloid differentiation factor 88 (MyD88) is a universal and essential adapter for the TLR/IL-1R family. In this report, the first mollusk Myd88 ortholog (named as CfMyd88) was cloned from Zhikong scallop (Chlamys farreri). The full-length cDNA of CfMyd88 was of 1554 bp, including a 5 '-terminal untranslated region (UTR) of 427 bp, a polyA tail, and an open reading frame (ORF) of 1104 bp encoding a polypeptide of 367 amino acids containing the typical TLR and IL-1R-related (TIR) domain and death domain (DD). Homology analysis revealed that the predicted amino acid sequence of CfMyd88 was homologous to a variety of previously identified Myd88s with more than 30% identity. The temporal expressions of CfMyd88 mRNA in the mixed primary cultured haemocytes stimulated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and peptidoglycans (PGN) were measured by real-time RT-PCR system. The mRNA expression of CfMyd88 decreased after stimulation with both LPS and PGN, and the lowest level was about 1/3 times (at 6 h) and 1/10 times (at 9 h) to that in the control group, respectively. The expression then recovered and was upregulated to two-fold at 9 h after LPS stimulation or to the original level at 12 It after PGN stimulation. The results suggest that the MyD88-dependent signaling pathway exists in scallop and was involved in the defense system. (c) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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LPS-induced TNF-alpha factor (LITAF) is a novel transcriptional factor that was first discovered in LPS-stimulated human macrophage cell line THP-1. LITAF can bind to TNF-a promoter to regulate its expression. The first scallop LITAF (named as CfLITAF) was cloned from Zhikong scallop Chlamys farreri by Expressed Sequence Tag (EST) and Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) techniques. The cDNA of CfLITAF was of 1240 bp and consisted of a 5' untranslated region (UTR) of 112 bp, a 3' UTR of 678 bp and an open reading frame (ORF) of 450 bp encoding a polypeptide of 149 amino acids with an estimated molecular mass of 16.08 kDa and theoretical isoelectric point of 6.77. A typical conserved LITAF-domain was identified in CfLITAF by SMART analysis. Homology analysis of the deduced amino acid sequence of CfLITAF with other known sequences by using the BLAST program revealed that CfLITAF was homologous to the LITAF from human and rat (Identity = 46%), cattle, horse, mouse and chicken (Identity = 48%), western clawed frog (Identity = 42%), and zebrafish (Identity = 50%). The mRNA expression of CfLITAF in different tissues including haemocytes, muscle, mantle, heart, gill and gonad, and the temporal expression in haemocytes challenged by LPS or peptidoglycan (PGN) were measured by Real-time RT-PCR. CfLITAF mRNA transcripts could be detected in all tissues examined and be up-regulated in haemocytes after LPS challenge. No significant changes were observed after PGN stimulation. All these data indicated the existence of LITAF in scallop and also provided clue on the presence of TNF-alpha-like molecules in invertebrates. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A novel invertebrate TNF ligand was identified and characterized in Ciona savignyi. The CsTL cDNA consisted of 995 nucleotides and encoded 281 amino acids. A conserved TNF family signature and several motifs of TNF ligand superfamily were identified in deduced amino acid sequence of CsTL. Phylogenetic analysis grouped CsTL, CiTNF (predicted TNF ligand superfamily homolog in Ciona intestinalis) and urchin TL1A with their own cluster apart from mammalian TNF alpha, LTA, TNFSF15 and fish TNFa proteins. Expression studies demonstrated that CsTL mRNA is present in all tested tissues from unchallenged ascidians and its expression was significantly upregulated in hemocytes following LIPS injection. The recombinant CsTL protein expressed using a baculovirus expression system showed potential cytotoxic activity in L929 cells. Present results indicated that TNF ligand superfamity molecules are present in marine invertebrates. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Serine proteinase homologues (SPHs), as one of prophenoloxiase-activating factors (PPAFs), play critical roles in innate immunity of crabs. Based on an EST from the eyestalk full length cDNA library, the complete cDNA (designated as PtSPH) and genomic DNA of SPH from the swimming crab Portunus trituberculatus were cloned in this study. The estimated molecular weight of mature PtSPH (354 amino acids) was 38.7 kDa and its isoelectric point was 5.08. Multiple sequence alignment revealed that PtSPH lacked a catalytic residue with a substitution of Ser in the active site triad to Gly. Phylogenetic analysis indicated PtSPH together with PPAFs of Callinectes sapidus (AAS60227), Eriocheir sinensis (ACU65942), Penaeus monodon (ABE03741, ACP19563) and Pacifastacus leniusculus (ACB41380), formed a distinct cluster which only included clip-SPHs. As the first analyzed genomic structure of PPAFs in crustaceans, two introns were found in the open reading frame region of this gene. The mRNA transcripts of PtSPH could be detected in all the examined tissues, and were higher expressed in the eyestalk than that in gill, hepatopancreas, haemocytes and muscle. Accompanied with the change in phenoloxidase (PO) activity and total haemocyte counts, the temporal expression of PtSPH gene in haemocytes after Vibrio alginolyticus challenge demonstrated a clear time-dependent expression pattern with two peaks within the experimental period of 32 h. These findings suggest that PtSPH is involved in the antibacterial defense mechanism of Portunus tritubercualtus crab. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Myf-5, a member of the myogenic regulatory factors (MRF), has been shown to be expressed in muscle precursors in early stage zebrafish embryos. The MRFs, including MyoD, Myf-5, Myogenin and MR-F4, belong to the basic Helix-Loop-Helix transcription factors that contain a conserved basic Helix-Loop-Helix (bHLH) domain. To better understand the role of Myf-5 in the development of fish muscles, we have isolated the Myf-5 genomic sequence and cDNA from Flounder (Paralichthys olivaceus), and analyzed its structures and patterns of expression. Promoter analysis identified several putative transcription factor binding sites such as an E-box, NF-Y sites that might confer muscle-specific expression. Myf-5 transcripts were first detected in the paraxial mesoderm that gives rise to slow muscles. During somitogenesis, Myf-5 expression was found in developing somites. Myf-5 expression decreased gradually in somites in the anterior region, but remained strong in the newly formed somites. In the hatching stage, the expression was also detected in other muscle cells such as head muscle and fin muscle. In the growing fish, RT-PCR results showed that Myf-5 was expressed in the skeletal muscle and intestine. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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The anti-lipopolysaccharide factor CALF) is a small basic protein that can bind and neutralize lipopolysaccharide (LPS), mediating degranulation and activation of an intracellular coagulation cascade. In the present study, cDNA of the second Eriocheir sinensis ALF (designated as EsALF-2) was cloned and the full-length cDNA of EsALF-2 was of 724 bp, consisting of an open reading frame (ORF) of 363 bp encoding a polypeptide of 120 amino acids. The deduced amino acid of EsALF-2 shared 82% similarity with EsALF-1 from E. sinensis and about 53-65% similarity with ALFs from other crustaceans. The potential tertiary structures of EsALF-1 and EsALF-2 contained two highly conserved-cysteine residues to define the LPS binding site, but the N-terminal of EsALF-1 formed a single additional alpha-helix compared to EsALF-2, implying that EsALF-1 and EsALF-2 might represent different biological functions in E. sinensis. The mRNA transcript of EsALF-2 was detected in all examined tissues of healthy crabs, including haemocytes, hepatopancreas, gill, muscle, heart and gonad, which suggested that EsALF-2 could be a multifunctional molecule for the host immune defense responses and thereby provided systemic protection against pathogens. The mRNA expression of EsALF-2 was up-regulated after Listonelln anguillarum and Pichia pastoris challenge and the recombinant protein of EsALF-2 showed antimicrobial activity against L. anguillarum and P. pastoris. indicating that EsALF-2 was involved in the immune defense responses in Chinese mitten crab against L. anguillarum and P. pastoris. These results together indicated that there were abundant and diverse ALFs in E. sinensis with various biological functions and these ALFs would provide candidate promising therapeutic or prophylactic agents in health management and diseases control of crab aquaculture. (C) 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Adaptation to hypoxia is regulated by hypoxia-inducible factor 1 (HIF-1), a heterodimeric transcription factor consisting of an oxygen-regulated a-subunit and a constitutively expressed beta-subunit. How animals living on Qinghai-Tibetan plateau adapt to the extreme hypoxia environment is known indistinctly. In this study, the Qinghai yak which has been living at 3000-5000 m attitude for at least two millions of years was selected as the model of high hypoxia-tolerant adaptation species. The HIF-1 alpha ORFs (open reading frames) encoding for two isoforms of HIF-1 alpha have been cloned from the brain of the domestic yak. Its expression of HIF-1 alpha was analyzed at both mRNA and protein levels in various tissues. Both its HIF-1 alpha mRNA and protein are tissue specific expression. Its HIF-1 alpha protein's high expression in the brain, lung, and kidney showed us that HIF-1 alpha protein may play an important role in the adaptation to hypoxia environment. (c) 2006 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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Hypoxia-inducible factor I is a transcription factor composed of HIF-1alpha and HIF-1beta. It plays an important role in the signal transduction of cell response to hypoxia. Plateau pika (Ochotona curzoniae) is a high hypoxia-tolerant and cold adaptation species livin only at 3000-5000m above sea level on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. In this study, HIF-1alpha cDNA of plateau pika was cloned and its expression in various tissues was studied. The results indicated that plateau pika HIF-1alpha cDNA was highly identical to those of the human (82%), bovine (89%), mouse (82%), and Norway rat (77%). The deduced amino acid sequence (822 bp) showed 90%, 92%, 86%, and 86% identities with those of the human, bovine, house mouse, and Norway rat, respectively. Northern blot analyses detected two isoforms named pLHIF-1alpha and pSHIF-1alpha. The HIF-1alpha mRNA was highly expressed in the brain and kidney, and much less in the heart, lung, liver, muscle, and spleen, which was quite different from the expression pattern of mouse mRNA. Meanwhile, a new variant of plateau pika HIF-1alpha mRNA was identified by RT-PCR and characterized. The deduced protein, composed of 536 amino acids, lacks a part of the oxygen-dependent degradation domain (ODD), both transactivation domains (TADs), and the nuclear localization signal motif (NLS). Our results suggest that HIF-1alpha may play an important role in the pika's adaptation to hypoxia, especially in brain and kidney, and pika HIF-1alpha function pattern may be different from that of mouse HIF-1alpha. Further-more, for the high ratio of HIF-1alpha homology among the animals, the HIF-1alpha gene may be a good phylogenetic performer in recovering the true phylogenetic relationships among taxa. (C) 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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It has been suggested that endothelial apoptosis is a primary lesion in the pathogenesis of thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura (TTP). We tested this hypothesis by examining the phenotypic signatures of endothelial microparticles (EMP) in TTP patients. In addition, the effect of TTP plasma on microvascular endothelial cells (MVEC) in culture was further delineated. EMP released by endothelial cells (EC) express markers of the parent EC; EMP released in activation carry predominantly CD54 and CD62E, while those in apoptosis CD31 and CD105. We investigated EMP release in vitro and in TTP patients. Following incubation of MVEC with TTP plasma, EMP and EC were analysed by flow cytometry for the expression of CD31, CD51, CD54, CD62E, CD105, CD106 and von Willebrand factor (VWF) antigen. EMP were also analysed in 12 TTP patients. In both EC and EMP, CD62E and CD54 expression were increased 3- to 10-fold and 8- to 10-fold respectively. However, CD31 and CD105 were reduced 40-60% in EC but increased twofold in EMP. VWF expression was found in 55 +/- 15% of CD62E(+) EMP. Markers of apoptosis were negative. In TTP patients, CD62E(+) and CD31(+)/CD42b(-) EMP were markedly elevated, and preceded and correlated well with a rise in platelet counts and a fall in lactate dehydrogenase. CD62E(+) EMP (60 +/- 20%) co-expressed VWF and CD62E. The ratio of CD31(+)/42b(-) to CD62E(+) EMP exhibited a pattern consistent with activation. In conclusion, our studies indicate endothelial activation in TTP. EMP that co-express VWF and CD62E could play a role in the pathogenesis of TTP.


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With the example of Damintun Depression, Liaohe Oilfield, different methods to study fracture distribution were propsosed, i.e. combined crop, core, log, with seismic attribute and paleo-stress field to predict fractural reservoir. The following conclusions are drawn: 1. Secondary fracture and dissolution pore are the main reservoir space of fractured reservoir in Damintun buried hills through observing more than 270 meters core in 27 wells. Among them, structural fracture is the main reservoir spcace in Archaean metamorphism whose main mineral are silicates, while dissolution pore and structural fracture are the main reservoir space in Protozoic carbonate which has been proved with high dissolution. Structural fracture is not only the main reservoir space but also the influent path. 2. Actual core observation and log identification proved that the formation of buried hills have the following zone: weathering crust, fracturaed zone and compact zone, among which the weathering crust and fractured zone are the main reservoir. 3. The mineralogical component of rock is the inner factor and the tectonization is the outer factor, which control the development of structural fracture. The content of brittle material in rock influences the development of structural fracture. Dissolution, chemical eluviations, weathering and fill-up affect the development of structural fracture. 4. Basement faults control the distribution of structural fracture in Damintun Depression. The trend of fracture is consistent with that of faults and there is often large-scale fractural zone around faults. 5. Based on log response, the fracture is identified with core observation, imaging well log and ANN, which can provide geological basis for optimized perforation. 6. The methods for predicting fracture with structure restoration, seismic inversion and paleo-stress simulation aiming at different types of buried-hills reservoir, and then the spatial distribution of the fracture and density is obtained, which can provide geological basis for well site adjustment.


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In this paper, taking Madong district of Huanghua depression as a case, based on the theory of sequence stratigraphy, sedimentology, reservoir geology and geophysics, according to core analysis, seismic attribute analysis, logging constrained inversion, multi-data correlation of strata, reservoir modeling, etc. the lower and middle first member of Shahejie formation of the study area was forecasted and evaluated. As a result, a number of reservoir prediction and remaining oil distribution methods suitable to oil exploitation of gravity flow channel reservoir are presented. Scientific foundation is provided to the next adjustment of development program and exploitation of the remaining oil. According to high resolution sequence stratigraphy theory, precise stratigraphic framework was founded, the facies types and facies distribution were studied under the control of stratigraphic framework, the technologies of seismic attribute abstraction and logging constrained inversion. Result shows that gravity flow channel, as the main facies, developed in the rising period of base-level cycle, and it was formed during the phase of contemporaneous fault growth. As the channel extends, channel width was gradually widened but thickness thined. The single channels were in possession of a great variety of integrated modes, such as isolated, branching off, merging and paralleling, forming a kind of sand-mud interblending complex sedimentary units. Reservoir quality differs greatly in vertical and horizontal direction, and sedimentary microfacies is main controlling factor of the reservoir quality. In major channel, deposition thickness is great, and petrophysical property is well. While in marginal channel, reservoir is thinner, and petrophysical property is unfavorable. Structure and reservoir quality are main factors which control the oil and gas distribution in the study area. On the basis of the research about the reservoir quality, internal, planar and 3-D reservoir heterogeneities are characterized, and the reservoir quality was sorted rationally. At last, based on the research of reservoir numerical simulation of key well group, combined with reservoir performance analysis and geological analysis above, remaining oil distribution patterns controlled by internal rhythm of gravity flow channel were set up. Through this research, a facies-restrained reservoir prediction method integrating multi-information was presented, and potential orientation of remaining oil distribution in gravity flow channel reservoir is clarified.


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Based on the study of fluvial sandstone reservoir in upper of Guantao group in Gudao and Gudong oilfields, this paper first introduces A.D.Miall's(1996a) architectural-element analysis method that was summarized from ground outcrop scale into the reservoir formation research of the study area, more subtly divides sedimentary microfacies and establishes sedimentary model of research area.on this base, this paper summarizes the laws of residual oil distribution of fluvial formation and the control effect of sedimentary microfacies to residual oil distribution, and reveals residual oil formation mechanism. These results have been applied to residual oil production, and the economic effect is good. This paper will be useful for residual oil research and production and enhancement of oil recovery in similar reservoir. The major conclusions of this paper are as follows. 1. Using the architectural-element analysis method to the core data, a interfacial division scheme of the first to the dixth scale is established for the studied fluvial formation. 2.Seven architectural-elements are divided in upper of Guantao group of study area. The sandstone group 5~1+2 of Neogene upper Gutao group belongs to high sinuous fine grain meandering river, and the sandstone group 6 is sandy braided river. 3. Inter layer, the residual oil saturation of "non-main layer" is higher than "main layer", but the residual recoverable reserve of former is larger. Therefore, "main layer" is the main body of residual oil distribution. The upper and middle part of inner layer has lower permeability and strong seeping resistance. Addition to gravity effect in process of driving, its driving efficiency is low; residual oil saturation is high. Because of controlling of inside non-permeable interlayer or sedimentary construction, the residual oil saturation of non-driving or lower driving efficiency position also is high. On plane, the position of high residual oil saturation mostly is at element LV, CS, CH (FF), FF etc, Which has lower porosity and permeability, as well as lens sand-body and sand-body edge that is not controlled by well-net, non-perfect area of injection and production, lower press difference resort area of inter-well diffiuent-line and shelter from fault, local high position of small structure. 4.Microscopic residual oil mainly includes the non-moved oil in the structure of fine pore network, oil in fine pore and path, oil segment in pore and path vertical to flow direction, oil spot or oil film in big pore, residual oil in non-connective pore. 5.The most essential and internal controlling factor of fluvial formation residual oil distribution is sedimentary microfacies. Status of injection and production is the exterior controlling factor of residual oil distribution. 6. The controlling effect of formation sedimentary microfacies to residual oil distribution indicates inter-layer vertical sedimentary facies change in scale of injection and production layer-series, planar sedimentary face change and inner-layer vertical sedimentary rhythm and interbed in single layer to residual oil distribution. 7. It is difficult to clear up the inter-layer difference in scale of injection and production layer-series. The using status of minor layer is not good and its residual oil saturation is high relatively. It is obvious that inter-layer vertical sedimentary facies changes control inter-layer residual oil distribution at the same or similar conditions of injection and production. For fluvial formation, this vertical sedimentary facies change mainly is positive gyration. Namely, from down to top, channel sediment (element CHL, LA) changes into over-bank sediment (element LV, CR, CS). 8. In water-injection developing process of transverse connecting fluvial sandstone oil formation, injection water always comes into channel nearby, and breaks through along channel and orientation of high pressure gradient, does not expand into side of channel until pressure gradient of channel orientation changes into low. It brings about that water-driving status of over-bank sedimentary element formation (LV, CR, CS) is not good, residual oil saturation is high. In non-connective abandoned channel element (CH) formation with channel, because this reverse is difficult to control by injection and production well-series, its using status is not good, even terribly not good, residual oil is enrichment. 9. The rhythm and sedimentary structure, sedimentary facies change in single sand body brings about vertical changes of formation character, growth character of inner layer interbed. These are important factor of controlling and affecting vertical water spread volume and inner layer residual oil forming and distribution in single sand body. Positive rhythm, is the principal part of fluvial sandstone inner layer sedimentary rhythm. Namely, from down to upside, rock grain granularity changes from coarse to fine, seeping ability changes from strong to feebleness. It brings about that water-driving status of inner layer upside is not good, residual oil saturation is high. Inner layer interbed has different degree affecting and controlling effect to seeping of oil and water. Its affecting degree lies on interbed thickness, extending scale, position, and jeted segment of production or injection well. The effect of interbed at upside of oil formation to oil and water seeping is less; the effect of interbed at middle of oil formation to oil and water seeping is more. 10. Indoor experiment and research indicate that wettability, permeability step, vertical permeability, position of Kmax and ratio of oil viscousity and water viscousity all have great effect on the water-driving recovery ratio. 11. Microscopic residual oil distribution is affected and controlled by formation pore network structure, pressure field distribution, and oil characteristic. 12.The residual oil forming mechanism: the over-bank sedimentary element and upper part of a positive rhythm sandstone have fine pore and throat network, permeability is low, displacement pressure of pore and throat is high. The water-driving power usually falls short of displacement pressure that brings about injection water does not spread into these pore and throat network, thereby immovable oil area, namely residual oil, is formed. At underside of channel sedimentary element and positive rhythm sandstone, porosity and permeability is relatively high, connecting degree of pore and throat is high, displacement pressure of pore and throat is low. Thereby injection water is easy to enter into pore and throat, driving oil in them. Because the pore space is irregular, the surface of pore wall is coarse and non-flat. That the oil locate on concave hole of pore wall and the dead angle of pore, and the oil attaches on surface of pore wall by surface tension, are difficult to be peeled off, becoming water-driving residual oil (remaining oil). On the other hand, Because flowing section lessens, flowing resistance increase, action of capillary fore, or seeping speed decreases at process of transfer at pass narrow throat path in the course carried by driving water. The "oil drop", "oil bead", or "oil segment" peeled off by driving water is difficult to carry and to drive out by water at less pressure difference. Thereby they are enclosed in pore to form discontinuous residual oil. 13.This results described above have been applied in nine develop blocks of Gudao and Gudong oilfield. Its applying effect is marked through local injection production adjustment, deploying replacement well, repair hole, replacement envelop, block off water and profile control etc. Relative method and technology can be applied to other oil production area of Shengli oilfield, and obtain better economic and societal effect.