879 resultados para AMBER Alert
El presente trabajo se enmarca en el ámbito de la eficiencia energética y contempla la gestión del consumo eléctrico en hogares. Concretamente, para este proyecto fin de grado se propone el desarrollo de un sistema informático que permita el análisis y monitorización del consumo eléctrico y optimización en la contratación del suministro eléctrico en el hogar. El sistema desarrollado permite la monitorización del consumo eléctrico, expresado en kilovatios-hora (kWh), y la monitorización del coste real de dicho consumo, expresado en euros, en función del tipo de tarifa que se tenga contratada en la modalidad del PVPC1 (Precio Voluntario para el Pequeño Consumidor). También se ha desarrollado una interfaz web a través de la cual el usuario tiene acceso a la información y datos del sistema. En dicha web se muestran gráficas de consumo, potencia, voltaje, corriente y coste de la energía por días. Además, se ha dotado al sistema de un generador de alertas que notifica al usuario, vía web y vía correo electrónico, cuando el consumo sobrepasa los límites fijados por él mismo. El usuario, por tanto, podrá definir los valores de alerta de sobreconsumo y visualizar tanto un histórico de las alertas generadas en el pasado como las alertas activas en ese momento. Las alertas se muestran en la gráfica correspondiente dentro de la aplicación web. Por último, se dispone de la opción de exportar las gráficas que son visualizadas en la aplicación web en formato PNG, JPEG, PDF y SVG, además de la posibilidad de imprimirla.---ABSTRACT---This project belongs to the Energy Efficiency field and is aimed at home energy management. Specifically, for this thesis the development of a computer system that allows monitoring and analysis of energy consumption and contracted power optimization is proposed. The developed system allows energy consumption management within households (expressed in kilowatts per hour, kWh) and real cost monitoring (in euros) according to the contract tariff. A web interface has been developed in order to provide the user with power consumption information and control energy tools. In this web application, electric consumption, power, voltage, current and energy cost by day are shown. Besides, an alert generation system has been implemented so that the user can define maximum power consumption values and be informed through email or web when these values are exceeded. The user will be able to check older power alerts as well as the currently active ones. These alerts are shown in a specific graph within the web application. Finally, the user generated graphs can be exported from the web using PNG, JPEG, PDF or SVG image formats as well as be printed from the web.
El riesgo asociado a la rotura de un depósito de agua en entorno urbano (como la ocurrida, por ejemplo, en la Ciudad Autónoma de Melilla en Noviembre de 1997) y los potenciales daños que puede causar, pone en duda la seguridad de este tipo de infraestructuras que, por necesidades del servicio de abastecimiento de agua, se construyen habitualmente en puntos altos y cercanos a los núcleos de población a los que sirven. Sin embargo, la baja probabilidad de que se produzca una rotura suele rebajar los niveles de alerta asociados a los depósitos, haciéndose hincapié en la mejora de los métodos constructivos sin elaborar metodologías que, como en el caso de las presas y las balsas de riego, establezcan la necesidad de clasificar el riesgo potencial de estas infraestructuras en función de su emplazamiento y de estudiar la posible construcción de medidas mitigadoras de una posible rotura. Por otro lado, para establecer los daños que pueden derivarse de una rotura de este tipo, se hace imprescindible la modelización bidimensional de la ola de rotura por cuanto la malla urbana a la que afectaran no es susceptible de simulaciones unidimensionales, dado que no hay un cauce que ofrezca un camino preferente al agua. Este tipo de simulación requiere de una inversión económica que no siempre está disponible en la construcción de depósitos de pequeño y mediano tamaño. Esta tesis doctoral tiene como objetivo el diseño de una metodología simplificada que, por medio de graficas y atendiendo a las variables principales del fenómeno, pueda estimar un valor para el riesgo asociado a una posible rotura y sirva como guía para establecer si un deposito (existente o de nueva implantación) requiere de un modelo de detalle para estimar el riesgo y si es conveniente implantar alguna medida mitigadora de la energía producida en una rotura de este tipo. Con carácter previo se ha establecido que las variables que intervienen en la definición de riesgo asociado a la rotura, son el calado y la velocidad máxima en cada punto sensible de sufrir daños (daños asociados al vuelco y arrastre de personas principalmente), por lo que se ha procedido a estudiar las ecuaciones que rigen el problema de la rotura del depósito y de la transmisión de la onda de rotura por la malla urbana adyacente al mismo, así como los posibles métodos de resolución de las mismas y el desarrollo informático necesario para una primera aproximación a los resultados. Para poder analizar las condiciones de contorno que influyen en los valores resultantes de velocidad y calado, se ha diseñado una batería de escenarios simplificados que, tras una modelización en detalle y un análisis adimensional, han dado como resultado que las variables que influyen en los valores de calado y velocidad máximos en cada punto son: la altura de la lamina de agua del depósito, la pendiente del terreno, la rugosidad, la forma del terreno (en términos de concavidad) y la distancia del punto de estudio al deposito. Una vez definidas las variables que influyen en los resultados, se ha llevado a cabo una segunda batería de simulaciones de escenarios simplificados que ha servido para la discusión y desarrollo de las curvas que se presentan como producto principal de la metodología simplificada. Con esta metodología, que solamente necesita de unos cálculos simples para su empleo, se obtiene un primer valor de calado y velocidad introduciendo la altura de la lámina de agua máxima de servicio del depósito cuyo riesgo se quiere evaluar. Posteriormente, y utilizando el ábaco propuesto, se obtienen coeficientes correctores de los valores obtenidos para la rugosidad y pendiente media del terreno que se esta evaluando, así como para el grado de concavidad del mismo (a través de la pendiente transversal). Con los valores obtenidos con las curvas anteriores se obtienen los valores de calado y velocidad en el punto de estudio y, aplicando la formulación propuesta, se obtiene una estimación del riesgo asociado a la rotura de la infraestructura. Como corolario a la metodología mencionada, se propone una segunda serie de gráficos para evaluar, también de forma simplificada, la reducción del riesgo que se obtendría con la construcción de alguna medida mitigadora como puede ser un dique o murete perimetral al depósito. Este método de evaluación de posible medidas mitigadoras, aporta una guía para analizar la posibilidad de disminuir el riesgo con la construcción de estos elementos, o la necesidad de buscar otro emplazamiento que, si bien pueda ser no tan favorable desde el punto de vista de la explotación del depósito, presente un menor riesgo asociado a su rotura. Como complemento a la metodología simplificada propuesta, y además de llevar a cabo la calibración de la misma con los datos obtenidos tras la rotura del depósito de agua de Melilla, se ha realizado una serie de ejemplos de utilización de la metodología para, además de servir de guía de uso de la misma, poder analizar la diferencia entre los resultados que se obtendrían con una simulación bidimensional detallada de cada uno de los casos y el método simplificado aplicado a los mismos. The potential risk of a catastrophic collapse of a water supply reservoir in an urban area (such as the one occurred in Melilla in November 1997) and the damages that can cause, make question the security in this kind of infrastructures, which, by operational needs, are frequently built in high elevations and close to the urban areas they serve to. Since the likelihood of breakage is quite low, the alert levels associated to those infrastructures have also been downgraded focussing on the improvement of the constructive methods without developing methodologies (like the ones used in the case of dams or irrigation ponds) where there is a need of classifying the potential risk of those tanks and also of installing mitigating measures. Furthermore, to establish the damages related to a breakage of this kind, a twodimensional modelling of the breakage wave becomes imperative given that the urban layout does not provide a preferential way to the water. This kind of simulation requires financial investment that is not always available in the construction of small and medium sized water tanks. The purpose of this doctoral thesis is to design a simplified methodology, by means of charts and attending to the main variables of the phenomenon, that could estimate a value to the risk associated to a possible breakage. It can also be used as a guidance to establish if a reservoir (existing or a new one) requires a detailed model to estimate the risk of a breakage and the benefits of installing measures to mitigate the breakage wave effects. Previously, it has been established that the variables involved in the risk associated to a breakage are the draft and the maximum speed in every point susceptible to damages (mainly damages related to people). Bellow, the equations ruling the problem of the reservoir breakage have been studied as well as the transmission of the breakage wave through the urban network of the city and the possible methods to solve the equations and the computer development needed to a first approach to the results. In order to be able to analyse the boundary conditions affecting the values resulting (speed and draft), a set of scenarios have been designed. After a detailed modelling and a dimensionless analysis it has been proved that the variables that influence the operational draughts and the maximum speed in every point are the water level in the tank, the slope, the roughness and form (in terms of concavity) of the terrain and the distance between the tank and the control point. Having defined the involving variables, a second set of simulations of the simplified scenarios has been carried out and has helped to discuss and develop the curves that are here presented as the final product of the simplified methodology. This methodology only needs some simple calculations and gives a first value of draft and speed by introducing the maximum water level of the tank being evaluated. Subsequently, using the suggested charts, the method gives correction coefficients of the measured values for roughness and average slope of the assessed terrain as well as the degree of concavity (through transverse gradient).With the values from the previous curves (operational draughts and speed at the point of survey) and applying the proposed formulation, an estimation of the risk associated to the breakage of the infrastructure is finally obtained. As a corollary of the mentioned methodology, another set of diagrams is proposed in order to evaluate, in a simplified manner also, the risk reduction that could be gained with the construction of some mitigating measures such as dikes or retaining walls around the reservoir. This evaluating method provides a guide to analyse the possibility to reduce the risk, constructing those elements or even looking for a different site that could be worse in terms of exploitation of the tank but much safer. As a complement to the simplified methodology here proposed, and apart from completing its calibration with the obtained data after the reservoir breakage in Melilla, a number of examples of the use of the methodology have been made to be used as a user guide of the methodology itself, as well as giving the possibility of analysing the different results that can be obtained from a thorough two-dimensional simulation or from the simplified method applied to the examples.
Este trabalho tem como objetivo examinar o estágio atual do processo de desenvolvimento da função de Recursos Humanos (RH) e se esses papéis, ainda requeridos ou já existentes, atendem às expectativas dos diversos estratos envolvidos, auxiliando na busca de melhores resultados para as empresas e os que nelas trabalham. Nesse contexto, baseou-se na premissa de que as crescentes alterações sócio-culturais e o constante avanço tecnológico experimentado no mundo, além das modificações das condições de vida, permeiam e alteram as condições de trabalho e expectativas de convivência entre as pessoas e suas organizações, exigindo que a função Recursos Humanos busque alternativas de ação para alinhar suas estratégias às das organizações onde atua e fazendo com que o sistema de gestão de pessoas seja fonte de vantagem competitiva sustentável. Buscou-se analisar se o que uma organização faz e como o faz é fator que a distingue das demais, se sua especialização e habilidades deixam-na mais capaz, se é essa capacidade que a torna essencialmente mais competente e técnica e se, nesse quadro, o posicionamento postural de Recursos Humanos é adequado. Também procurou analisar a atuação de diversos públicos de interesse, como os envolvidos nas atividades trabalhistas-sindicais e se os novos elementos da governança corporativa são definidores de atuação estratégica para os profissionais da área estudada. Dentro dos conceitos acima, verificaram-se teorias e fatos, além de pesquisa, que resumissem e explicassem o que se sabe sobre o objeto estudado, classificando-os e sistematizando-os conforme apresentados na realidade empírica e selecionando aqueles a serem estudados, na tentativa de buscar e prever novas caracterizações dos papéis desempenhados por Recursos Humanos, que melhor os clarifiquem. A análise dos levantamentos teóricos realizados reforçou a importância das vantagens competitivas para o sucesso empresarial e a necessidade de que pessoas de conhecimento tornem-se mais produtivas na busca dessas vantagens, além de constatar que essas pessoas devem estar preparadas para atuar em contextos exigentes e complexos e o alerta de que a atuação estratégica de RH é fundamental na solidificação desse novo perfil dos empregados. As diversas funções operacionais atribuídas a Recursos Humanos, entre elas a administração da infra-estrutura e o gerenciamento da contribuição dos funcionários, devem complementar-se, agora, com as chamadas funções estratégicas, geradoras de valor, destacando-se o auxílio na definição das estratégias empresariais e sua tradução em ações de transformação e mudança. Mais do que isso se verificou a crescente preocupação de autores em aliar os recentes conceitos de governança corporativa a essa função estratégica de Recursos Humanos.(AU)
Este trabalho tem como objetivo examinar o estágio atual do processo de desenvolvimento da função de Recursos Humanos (RH) e se esses papéis, ainda requeridos ou já existentes, atendem às expectativas dos diversos estratos envolvidos, auxiliando na busca de melhores resultados para as empresas e os que nelas trabalham. Nesse contexto, baseou-se na premissa de que as crescentes alterações sócio-culturais e o constante avanço tecnológico experimentado no mundo, além das modificações das condições de vida, permeiam e alteram as condições de trabalho e expectativas de convivência entre as pessoas e suas organizações, exigindo que a função Recursos Humanos busque alternativas de ação para alinhar suas estratégias às das organizações onde atua e fazendo com que o sistema de gestão de pessoas seja fonte de vantagem competitiva sustentável. Buscou-se analisar se o que uma organização faz e como o faz é fator que a distingue das demais, se sua especialização e habilidades deixam-na mais capaz, se é essa capacidade que a torna essencialmente mais competente e técnica e se, nesse quadro, o posicionamento postural de Recursos Humanos é adequado. Também procurou analisar a atuação de diversos públicos de interesse, como os envolvidos nas atividades trabalhistas-sindicais e se os novos elementos da governança corporativa são definidores de atuação estratégica para os profissionais da área estudada. Dentro dos conceitos acima, verificaram-se teorias e fatos, além de pesquisa, que resumissem e explicassem o que se sabe sobre o objeto estudado, classificando-os e sistematizando-os conforme apresentados na realidade empírica e selecionando aqueles a serem estudados, na tentativa de buscar e prever novas caracterizações dos papéis desempenhados por Recursos Humanos, que melhor os clarifiquem. A análise dos levantamentos teóricos realizados reforçou a importância das vantagens competitivas para o sucesso empresarial e a necessidade de que pessoas de conhecimento tornem-se mais produtivas na busca dessas vantagens, além de constatar que essas pessoas devem estar preparadas para atuar em contextos exigentes e complexos e o alerta de que a atuação estratégica de RH é fundamental na solidificação desse novo perfil dos empregados. As diversas funções operacionais atribuídas a Recursos Humanos, entre elas a administração da infra-estrutura e o gerenciamento da contribuição dos funcionários, devem complementar-se, agora, com as chamadas funções estratégicas, geradoras de valor, destacando-se o auxílio na definição das estratégias empresariais e sua tradução em ações de transformação e mudança. Mais do que isso se verificou a crescente preocupação de autores em aliar os recentes conceitos de governança corporativa a essa função estratégica de Recursos Humanos.(AU)
A prática do ioga tem se tornado cada vez mais popular, não apenas pelos benefícios físicos, mas principalmente pelo bem-estar psicológico trazido pela sua prática. Um dos componentes do ioga é o Prãnãyama, ou controle da respiração. A atenção e a respiração são dois mecanismos fisiológicos e involuntários requeridos para a execução do Prãnãyama. O principal objetivo desse estudo foi verificar se variáveis contínuas do EEG (potência de diferentes faixas que o compõem) seriam moduladas pelo controle respiratório, comparando-se separadamente as duas fases do ciclo respiratório (inspiração e expiração), na situação de respiração espontânea e controlada. Fizeram parte do estudo 19 sujeitos (7 homens/12 mulheres, idade média de 36,89 e DP = ± 14,46) que foram convidados a participar da pesquisa nas dependências da Faculdade de Saúde da Universidade Metodista de São Paulo. Para o registro do eletroencefalograma foi utilizado um sistema de posicionamento de cinco eletrodos Ag AgCl (FPz, Fz, Cz, Pz e Oz) fixados a uma touca de posicionamento rápido (Quick-Cap, Neuromedical Supplies®), em sistema 10-20. Foram obtidos valores de máxima amplitude de potência (espectro de potência no domínio da frequência) nas frequências teta, alfa e beta e delta e calculada a razão teta/beta nas diferentes fases do ciclo respiratório (inspiração e expiração), separadamente, nas condições de respiração espontânea e de controle respiratório. Para o registro do ciclo respiratório, foi utilizada uma cinta de esforço respiratório M01 (Pletismógrafo). Os resultados mostram diferenças significativas entre as condições de respiração espontânea e de controle com valores das médias da razão teta/beta menores na respiração controlada do que na respiração espontânea e valores de média da potência alfa sempre maiores no controle respiratório. Diferenças significativas foram encontradas na comparação entre inspiração e expiração da respiração controlada com diminuição dos valores das médias da razão teta/beta na inspiração e aumento nos valores das médias da potência alfa, sobretudo na expiração. Os achados deste estudo trazem evidências de que o controle respiratório modula variáveis eletrofisiológicas relativas à atenção refletindo um estado de alerta, porém mais relaxado do que na situação de respiração espontânea.
The phenylpropanoid pathway provides precursors for the biosynthesis of soluble secondary metabolites and lignin in plants. Ferulate-5-hydroxylase (F5H) catalyzes an irreversible hydroxylation step in this pathway that diverts ferulic acid away from guaiacyl lignin biosynthesis and toward sinapic acid and syringyl lignin. This fact led us to postulate that F5H was a potential regulatory step in the determination of lignin monomer composition. To test this hypothesis, we have used Arabidopsis to examine the impact of F5H overexpression. Arabidopsis is a useful model system in which to study lignification because in wild-type plants, guaiacyl and syringyl lignins are deposited in a tissue-specific fashion, while the F5H-deficient fah1 mutant accumulates only guaiacyl lignin. Here we show that ectopic overexpression of F5H in Arabidopsis abolishes tissue-specific lignin monomer accumulation. Surprisingly, overexpression of F5H under the control of the lignification-associated cinnamate-4-hydroxylase promoter, but not the commonly employed cauliflower mosaic virus 35S promoter, generates a lignin that is almost entirely comprised of syringylpropane units. These experiments demonstrate that modification of F5H expression may enable engineering of lignin monomer composition in agronomically important plant species.
Oligonucleotides that recapitulate the acceptor stems of tRNAs are substrates for aminoacylation by many tRNA synthetases in vitro, even though these substrates are missing the anticodon trinucleotides of the genetic code. In the case of tRNAAla a single acceptor stem G⋅U base pair at position 3·70 is essential, based on experiments where the wobble pair has been replaced by alternatives such as I⋅U, G⋅C, and A⋅U, among others. These experiments led to the conclusion that the minor-groove free 2-amino group (of guanosine) of the G⋅U wobble pair is essential for charging. Moreover, alanine-inserting tRNAs (amber suppressors) that replace G⋅U with mismatches such as G⋅A and C⋅A are partially active in vivo and can support growth of an Escherichia coli tRNAAla knockout strain, leading to the hypothesis that a helix irregularity and nucleotide functionalities are important for recognition. Herein we investigate the charging in vitro of oligonucleotide and full-length tRNA substrates that contain mismatches at the position of the G⋅U pair. Although most of these substrates have undetectable activity, G⋅A and C⋅A variants retain some activity, which is, nevertheless, reduced by at least 100-fold. Thus, the in vivo assays are much less sensitive to large changes in aminoacylation kinetic efficiency of 3·70 variants than is the in vitro assay system. Although these functional data do not clarify all of the details, it is now clear that specific atomic groups are substantially more important in determining kinetic efficiency than is a helical distortion. By implication, the activity of mutant tRNAs measured in the in vivo assays appears to be more dependent on factors other than aminoacylation kinetic efficiency.
Myosin V is an unconventional myosin proposed to be processive on actin filaments, analogous to kinesin on a microtubule [Mehta, A. D., et al. (1999) Nature (London) 400, 590–593]. To ascertain the unique properties of myosin V that permit processivity, we undertook a detailed kinetic analysis of the myosin V motor. We expressed a truncated, single-headed myosin V construct that bound a single light chain to study its innate kinetics, free from constraints imposed by other regions of the molecule. The data demonstrate that unlike any previously characterized myosin a single-headed myosin V spends most of its kinetic cycle (>70%) strongly bound to actin in the presence of ATP. This kinetic tuning is accomplished by increasing several of the rates preceding strong binding to actin and concomitantly prolonging the duration of the strongly bound state by slowing the rate of ADP release. The net result is a myosin unlike any previously characterized, in that ADP release is the rate-limiting step for the actin-activated ATPase cycle. Thus, because of a number of kinetic adaptations, myosin V is tuned for processive movement on actin and will be capable of transporting cargo at lower motor densities than any other characterized myosin.
Advanced eusociality sometimes is given credit for the ecological success of termites, ants, some wasps, and some bees. Comprehensive study of bees fossilized in Baltic amber has revealed an unsuspected middle Eocene (ca. 45 million years ago) diversity of eusocial bee lineages. Advanced eusociality arose once in the bees with significant post-Eocene losses in diversity, leaving today only two advanced eusocial tribes comprising less than 2% of the total bee diversity, a trend analogous to that of hominid evolution. This pattern of changing diversity contradicts notions concerning the role of eusociality for evolutionary success in insects.
Two critical requirements for developing methods for the site-specific incorporation of amino acid analogues into proteins in vivo are (i) a suppressor tRNA that is not aminoacylated by any of the endogenous aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases (aaRSs) and (ii) an aminoacyl-tRNA synthetase that aminoacylates the suppressor tRNA but no other tRNA in the cell. Here we describe two such aaRS–suppressor tRNA pairs, one for use in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae and another for use in Escherichia coli. The “21st synthetase–tRNA pairs” include E. coli glutaminyl-tRNA synthetase (GlnRS) along with an amber suppressor derived from human initiator tRNA, for use in yeast, and mutants of the yeast tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase (TyrRS) along with an amber suppressor derived from E. coli initiator tRNA, for use in E. coli. The suppressor tRNAs are aminoacylated in vivo only in the presence of the heterologous aaRSs, and the aminoacylated tRNAs function efficiently in suppression of amber codons. Plasmids carrying the E. coli GlnRS gene can be stably maintained in yeast. However, plasmids carrying the yeast TyrRS gene could not be stably maintained in E. coli. This lack of stability is most likely due to the fact that the wild-type yeast TyrRS misaminoacylates the E. coli proline tRNA. By using error-prone PCR, we have isolated and characterized three mutants of yeast TyrRS, which can be stably expressed in E. coli. These mutants still aminoacylate the suppressor tRNA essentially quantitatively in vivo but show increased discrimination in vitro for the suppressor tRNA over the E. coli proline tRNA by factors of 2.2- to 6.8-fold.
Invertebrate species possess one or two Na+ channel genes, yet there are 10 in mammals. When did this explosive growth come about during vertebrate evolution? All mammalian Na+ channel genes reside on four chromosomes. It has been suggested that this came about by multiple duplications of an ancestral chromosome with a single Na+ channel gene followed by tandem duplications of Na+ channel genes on some of these chromosomes. Because a large-scale expansion of the vertebrate genome likely occurred before the divergence of teleosts and tetrapods, we tested this hypothesis by cloning Na+ channel genes in a teleost fish. Using an approach designed to clone all of the Na+ channel genes in a genome, we found six Na+ channel genes. Phylogenetic comparisons show that each teleost gene is orthologous to a Na+ channel gene or gene cluster on a different mammalian chromosome, supporting the hypothesis that four Na+ channel genes were present in the ancestors of teleosts and tetrapods. Further duplications occurred independently in the teleost and tetrapod lineages, with a greater number of duplications in tetrapods. This pattern has implications for the evolution of function and specialization of Na+ channel genes in vertebrates. Sodium channel genes also are linked to homeobox (Hox) gene clusters in mammals. Using our phylogeny of Na+ channel genes to independently test between two models of Hox gene evolution, we support the hypothesis that Hox gene clusters evolved as (AB) (CD) rather than {D[A(BC)]}.
Abscisic acid (ABA) 8′-hydroxylase catalyzes the first step in the oxidative degradation of (+)-ABA. The development of a robust in vitro assay has now permitted detailed examination and characterization of this enzyme. Although several factors (buffer, cofactor, and source tissue) were critical in developing the assay, the most important of these was the identification of a tissue displaying high amounts of in vivo enzyme activity (A.J. Cutler, T.M. Squires, M.K. Loewen, J.J. Balsevich [1997] J Exp Bot 48: 1787–1795). (+)-ABA 8′-hydroxylase is an integral membrane protein that is localized to the microsomal fraction in suspension-cultured maize (Zea mays) cells. (+)-ABA metabolism requires both NADPH and molecular oxygen. NADH was not an effective cofactor, although there was substantial stimulation of activity (synergism) when it was included at rate-limiting NADPH concentrations. The metabolism of (+)-ABA was progressively inhibited at O2 concentrations less than 10% (v/v) and was very low (less than 5% of control) under N2. (+)-ABA 8′-hydroxylase activity was inhibited by tetcyclacis (50% inhibition at 10−6 m), cytochrome c (oxidized form), and CO. The CO inhibition was reversible by light from several regions of the visible spectrum, but most efficiently by blue and amber light. These data strongly support the contention that (+)-ABA 8′-hydroxylase is a cytochrome P450 monooxygenase.
Cells in adult primary visual cortex are capable of integrating information over much larger portions of the visual field than was originally thought. Moreover, their receptive field properties can be altered by the context within which local features are presented and by changes in visual experience. The substrate for both spatial integration and cortical plasticity is likely to be found in a plexus of long-range horizontal connections, formed by cortical pyramidal cells, which link cells within each cortical area over distances of 6-8 mm. The relationship between horizontal connections and cortical functional architecture suggests a role in visual segmentation and spatial integration. The distribution of lateral interactions within striate cortex was visualized with optical recording, and their functional consequences were explored by using comparable stimuli in human psychophysical experiments and in recordings from alert monkeys. They may represent the substrate for perceptual phenomena such as illusory contours, surface fill-in, and contour saliency. The dynamic nature of receptive field properties and cortical architecture has been seen over time scales ranging from seconds to months. One can induce a remapping of the topography of visual cortex by making focal binocular retinal lesions. Shorter-term plasticity of cortical receptive fields was observed following brief periods of visual stimulation. The mechanisms involved entailed, for the short-term changes, altering the effectiveness of existing cortical connections, and for the long-term changes, sprouting of axon collaterals and synaptogenesis. The mutability of cortical function implies a continual process of calibration and normalization of the perception of visual attributes that is dependent on sensory experience throughout adulthood and might further represent the mechanism of perceptual learning.
The primate visual system offers unprecedented opportunities for investigating the neural basis of cognition. Even the simplest visual discrimination task requires processing of sensory signals, formation of a decision, and orchestration of a motor response. With our extensive knowledge of the primate visual and oculomotor systems as a base, it is now possible to investigate the neural basis of simple visual decisions that link sensation to action. Here we describe an initial study of neural responses in the lateral intraparietal area (LIP) of the cerebral cortex while alert monkeys discriminated the direction of motion in a visual display. A subset of LIP neurons carried high-level signals that may comprise a neural correlate of the decision process in our task. These signals are neither sensory nor motor in the strictest sense; rather they appear to reflect integration of sensory signals toward a decision appropriate for guiding movement. If this ultimately proves to be the case, several fascinating issues in cognitive neuroscience will be brought under rigorous physiological scrutiny.
We present a general approach to forming structure-activity relationships (SARs). This approach is based on representing chemical structure by atoms and their bond connectivities in combination with the inductive logic programming (ILP) algorithm PROGOL. Existing SAR methods describe chemical structure by using attributes which are general properties of an object. It is not possible to map chemical structure directly to attribute-based descriptions, as such descriptions have no internal organization. A more natural and general way to describe chemical structure is to use a relational description, where the internal construction of the description maps that of the object described. Our atom and bond connectivities representation is a relational description. ILP algorithms can form SARs with relational descriptions. We have tested the relational approach by investigating the SARs of 230 aromatic and heteroaromatic nitro compounds. These compounds had been split previously into two subsets, 188 compounds that were amenable to regression and 42 that were not. For the 188 compounds, a SAR was found that was as accurate as the best statistical or neural network-generated SARs. The PROGOL SAR has the advantages that it did not need the use of any indicator variables handcrafted by an expert, and the generated rules were easily comprehensible. For the 42 compounds, PROGOL formed a SAR that was significantly (P < 0.025) more accurate than linear regression, quadratic regression, and back-propagation. This SAR is based on an automatically generated structural alert for mutagenicity.