Pulmonary vascular remodeling is an important pathological feature of pulmonary hypertension, leading to increased pulmonary vascular resistance and reduced compliance. It involves thickening of all three layers of the blood vessel wall (due to hypertrophy and/or hyperplasia of the predominant cell type within each layer), as well as extracellular matrix deposition. Neomuscularisation of non-muscular arteries and formation of plexiform and neointimal lesions also occur. Stimuli responsible for remodeling involve transmural pressure, stretch, shear stress, hypoxia, various mediators [angiotensin II, endothelin (ET)-1, 5-hydroxytryptamine, growth factors, and inflammatory cytokines], increased serine elastase activity, and tenascin-C. In addition, there are reductions in the endothelium-derived antimitogenic substances, nitric oxide, and prostacyclin. Intracellular signalling mechanisms involved in pulmonary vascular remodeling include elevations in intracellular Ca2+ and activation of the phosphatidylinositol pathway, protein kinase C, and mitogen-activated protein kinase. In animal models of pulmonary hypertension, various drugs have been shown to attenuate pulmonary vascular remodeling. These include angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors, angiotensin receptor antagonists, ET receptor antagonists, ET-converting enzyme inhibitors, nitric oxide, phosphodiesterase 5 inhibitors, prostacyclin, Ca2+-channel antagonists, heparin, and serine elastase inhibitors. Inhibition of remodeling is generally accompanied by reductions in pulmonary artery pressure. The efficacy of some of the drugs varies, depending on the animal model of the disease. In view of the complexity of the remodeling process and the diverse aetiology of pulmonary hypertension in humans, it is to be anticipated that successful anti-remodeling therapy in the clinic will require a range of different drug options. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Background Distraction osteogenesis (DO) is a method of producing new bone directly from the osteotomy site by gradual traction of the divided bone fragments. Aim The purpose of the present study was to evaluate histomorphometrically whether acute DO would constitute a viable alternative to the conventional continuous distraction treatment and also to verify the capacity of a recombinant human BMP (rhBMP-2) associated with monoolein gel to stimulate bone formation in the acute distraction process. Materials and methods Forty-eight Wistar rats were assigned to three groups: Group 1, treated at a conventional continuous distraction rate (0.5 mm/day), Group 2, treated with acute distraction of 2.5 mm at the time of the surgical procedure, and Group 3, subjected to acute distraction associated with rhBMP-2. The animals from each experimental group were killed at the end of the second or fourth post-operative weeks and the volume fraction of newly formed bone trabeculae was estimated in histological images by a differential point-counting method. Results The results showed that after 2 and 4 weeks, bone volumes in the rhBMP-2 group were significantly higher than in the other groups (P < 0.05), but no significant difference was observed in the volume fraction of newly formed bone between the continuous and acute DO groups. Conclusion In conclusion, the study indicates that rhBMP-2 can enhance the bone formation at acute DO, which may potentially reduce the treatment period and complications related to the distraction procedure. To cite this article:Issa JPM, do Nascimento C, Lamano T, Iyomasa MM, Sebald W, de Albuquerque Jr RF. Effect of recombinant human bone morphogenetic protein-2 on bone formation in the acute distraction osteogenesis of rat mandibles.Clin. Oral Impl. Res. 20, 2009; 1286-1292.doi: 10.1111/j.1600-0501.2009.01799.x.
It has been hypothesized that the brain categorizes stressors and utilizes neural response pathways that vary in accordance with the assigned category. If this is true, stressors should elicit patterns of neuronal activation within the brain that are category-specific. Data from previous Immediate-early gene expression mapping studies have hinted that this is the case, but interstudy differences in methodology render conclusions tenuous. In the present study, immunolabelling for the expression of c-fos was used as a marker of neuronal activity elicited in the rat brain by haemorrhage, immune challenge, noise, restraint and forced swim. All stressors elicited c-fos expression in 25-30% of hypothalamic paraventricular nucleus corticotrophin-releasing-factor cells, suggesting that these stimuli were of comparable strength, at least with regard to their ability to activate the hypothalamic-pituitary-ad renal axis. In the amygdala, haemorrhage and immune challenge both elicited c-fos expression in a large number of neurons in the central nucleus of the amygdala, whereas noise, restraint and forced swim primarily elicited recruitment of cells within the medial nucleus of the amygdala. In the medulla, all stressors recruited similar numbers of noradrenergic (A1 and A2) and adrenergic (C1 and C2) cells. However, haemorrhage and immune challenge elicited c-fos expression In subpopulations of A1 and A2 noradrenergic cells that were significantly more rostral than those recruited by noise, restraint or forced swim. The present data support the suggestion that the brain recognizes at least two major categories of stressor, which we have referred to as 'physical' and 'psychological'. Moreover, the present data suggest that the neural activation footprint that is left in the brain by stressors can be used to determine the category to which they have been assigned by the brain.
This study investigated whether pulmonary Vascular remodelling in hypoxic pulmonary hypertensive rats (10% oxygen; 4 weeks) could be prevented by treatment, during hypoxia, with amlodipine (IO mg/kg/day, p.o.), either alone or in combination with the angiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor, perindopril (30 mg/kg/day, p.o.). Medial thickening of pulmonary arteries (30-500 mum o.d.) was attenuated by amlodipine whereas it was totally prevented by the combination treatment (amlodipine plus perindopril); neomuscularisation of small alveolar arteries (assessed from critical closing pressure in isolated perfused lungs) was not affected. Pulmonary vascular resistance (isolated perfused lungs) was reduced by both treatment regimes but only combination treatment reduced right ventricular hypertrophy. Taus, amlodipine has anti-remodelling properties in pulmonary hypertensive rats. The finding that combining amlodipine with another anti-remodelling drug produced effects on vascular structure that were additive raises the question of whether combination therapy with two different anti-remodelling drugs may be of value in the treatment of patients with hypoxic (and possibly other forms of) pulmonary hypertension. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
The objective of this study was to use a population-based register of acute cardiac events to investigate the association between survival after an acute event and history of smoking and alcohol consumption. The population was all residents of the Lower Hunter Region of Australia aged 25 to 69 years who suffered myocardial infarction or sudden cardiac death between 1986 and 1994. Among 10,170 events, 2504 resulted in death within 28 days. After adjusting for sex, age and medical history, current smokers had a similar risk of dying after an acute cardiac event to never-smokers [odds ratio (OR)=1.10, 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.94-1.29]. People who consumed more than 8 alcoholic drinks per day on more than 2 days per week (OR=1.93, 95% CI 1.39-2.69) and former moderate to heavy drinkers (OR=4.59, 95% CI 3.65-5.76) were more likely to die than people who were nondrinkers. The results of this large community study, suggesting no effect of smoking on case fatality and an increased risk of death after an acute cardiac event for heavy drinkers and former moderate to heavy drinkers, highlight the importance of a population view of case fatality. These results can also shed some light on reasons for the paradoxical results from clinical trials. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science Inc. All rights reserved.
Objectives: Although monitoring of cyclosporin (CsA) is standard clinical practice postrenal transplantation. mycophenolic acid (MPA) concentrations are not routinely measured. There is evidence that a relationship exists between MPA area under the concentration-time curve (AUC) and rejection. In this study, a retrospective analysis was undertaken of 27 adult renal transplant recipients. Methods: Patients received CsA and MPA therapy and had a four-point MPA AUC investigation. The relationship between MPA AUC performed in the first week after transplantation, as well as median trough cyclosporin concentrations, and clinical outcomes in the first month posttransplant were evaluated. Results: A total of 12 patients experienced biopsy proven rejection (44.4%) and 4 patients had gastrointestinal adverse events (14.8%). A statistically significant relationship was observed between the incidence of biopsy proven rejection and both MPA AUC (p = 0.02) and median trough CsA concentration (p = 0.008). No relationship between trough MPA concentration and rejection was observed (p = 0.21). Only 3 of 11 (27%) patients with an MPA AUC > 30 mg.h/L and a median trough CsA > 175 mug/L experienced acute rejection, compared with a 56% incidence of rejection for the remaining 16 patients. Patients who experienced adverse gastrointestinal events had significantly lower MPA AUC (p = 0.04), but median trough CsA concentrations were not significantly different (p = 0.24). Further, 3 of these 4 patients had rejection episodes. Conclusions: in addition to standard CsA monitoring, we propose further investigation of the use of a 4-point sampling strategy to predict MPA AUC in the first week posttransplant, which may facilitate optimization of mycophenolate mofetil dose at a rime when patients are most vulnerable to acute rejection. (C) 2001 The Canadian Society of Clinical Chemists. All rights reserved.
Circulating GH consists of multiple molecular isoforms, all derived from the one gene in nonpregnant humans. To assess the effect of a potent stimulus to pituitary secretion on GH isoforms, we studied 17 aerobically trained males (age, 26.9 +/- 1.5 yr) in a randomized, repeat measures study of rest vs. exercise. Exercise consisted of continuous cycle ergometry at approximately 80% of predetermined maximal oxygen uptake for 20 min. Serum was assayed for total, pituitary, 22-kDa, recombinant, non-22-kDa, 20-kDa, and immunofunctional GH. All isoforms increased during, peaked at the end, and declined after exercise. At peak exercise, 22-kDa GH was the predominant isoform. After exercise, the ratios of non-22 kDa/total GH and 20-kDa GH/total GH increased and those of recombinant/pituitary GH decreased. The disappearance half-times for pituitary GH and 20-kDa GH were significantly longer than those for all other isoforms. We conclude that 1) all molecular isoforms of GH measured increased with and peaked at the end of acute exercise, with 22-kBa GH constituting the major isoform in serum during exercise; and 2) the proportion of non-22-kDa isoforms increased after exercise due in part to slower disappearance rates of 20-kDa and perhaps other non-22-kDa GH isoforms. It remains to be determined whether the various biological actions of different GH isoforms impact on postexercise homeostasis.
A 47 year old man undergoing immunotherapy for metastatic melanoma with autologous dendritic cells pulsed with autologous tumour peptide and hepatitis a surface antigen developed acute left ankle arthritis. Gout and acute infection were excluded, and an autoimmune aetiology or occult metastasis were considered. The arthritis initially subsided with indomethacin, but the symptoms recurred 2 months later, and magnetic resonance imaging demonstrated metastatic melanoma of the left talus. Immunohistochemical staining of a cerebral metastatic deposit biopsied 1 week after the onset of arthritis demonstrated T-cell and macrophage infiltration of the tumour. In addition, the patient developed melanoma-specific delayed type hypersensitivity and cytotoxic T-cell responses after vaccination. Thus, the monoarthritis represented an 'appropriate' inflammatory response directed against metastatic melanoma. (C) 2001 Lippincott Williams & Wilkins.
This study describes the developmental changes in pulmonary surfactant (PS) lipids throughout incubation in the sea turtle, Chelonia mydas. Total phospholipid (PL), disaturated phospholipid (DSP) and cholesterol (Chol) harvested from lung washings increased with advancing incubation, where secretion was maximal at pipping, coincident with the onset of pulmonary ventilation. The DSP/PL ratio increased, whereas the Chol/PL and the Chol/DSP ratio declined throughout development. The phospholipids, therefore, are independently regulated from Chol and their development matches that of mammals. To explore whether hypoxia could elicit an effect on the development of the PS system, embryos were exposed to a chronic dose of 17% O-2 for the final similar to 40% of incubation. Hypoxia did not affect incubation time, absolute, nor relative abundance of the surfactant lipids, demonstrating that the development of the system is robust and that embryonic development continues unabated under mild hypoxia. Hypoxia-incubated hatchlings had lighter wet lung weights than those from normoxia, inferring that mild hypoxia facilitates lung clearance in this species. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Purpose: The phenotype of vascular smooth muscle cells (SMCs) is altered in several arterial pathologies, including the neointima formed after acute arterial injury. This study examined the time course of this phenotypic change in relation to changes in the amount and distribution of matrix glycosaminoglycans. Methods: The immunochemical staining of heparan sulphates (HS) and chondroitin sulphates (CS) in the extracellular matrix of the arterial wall was examined at early points after balloon catheter injury of the rabbit carotid artery. SMC phenotype was assessed by means of ultrastructural morphometry of the cytoplasmic volume fraction of myofilaments. The proportions of cell and matrix components in the media were analyzed with similar morphometric techniques. Results: HS and CS were shown in close association with SMCs of the uninjured arterial media as well as being more widespread within the matrix. Within 6 hours after arterial injury, there was loss of the regular pericellular distribution of both HS and CS, which was associated with a significant expansion in the extracellular space. This preceded the change in ultrastructural phenotype of the SMCs. The glycosaminoglycan loss was most exaggerated at 4 days, after which time the HS and CS reappeared around the medial SMCs. SMCs of the recovering media were able to rapidly replace their glycosaminoglycans, whereas SMCs of the developing neointima failed to produce HS as readily as they produced CS. Conclusions: These studies indicate that changes in glycosaminoglycans of the extracellular matrix precede changes in SMC phenotype after acute arterial injury. In the recovering arterial media, SMCs replace their matrix glycosaminoglycans rapidly, whereas the newly established neointima fails to produce similar amounts of heparan sulphates.
Performance in sprint exercise is determined by the ability to accelerate, the magnitude of maximal velocity and the ability to maintain velocity against the onset of fatigue. These factors are strongly influenced by metabolic and anthropometric components. Improved temporal sequencing of muscle activation and/or improved fast twitch fibre recruitment may contribute to superior sprint performance. Speed of impulse transmission along the motor axon may also have implications on sprint performance. Nerve conduction velocity (NCV) has been shown to increase in response to a period of sprint training. However, it is difficult to determine if increased NCV is likely to contribute to improved sprint performance. An increase in motoneuron excitability, as measured by the Hoffman reflex (H-reflex), has been reported to produce a more powerful muscular contraction, hence maximising motoneuron excitability would be expected to benefit sprint performance. Motoneuron excitability can be raised acutely by an appropriate stimulus with obvious implications for sprint performance. However, at rest reflex has been reported to be lower in athletes trained for explosive events compared with endurance-trained athletes. This may be caused by the relatively high, fast twitch fibre percentage and the consequent high activation thresholds of such motor units in power-trained populations. In contrast, stretch reflexes appear to be enhanced in sprint athletes possibly because of increased muscle spindle sensitivity as a result of sprint training. With muscle in a contracted state, however, there is evidence to suggest greater reflex potentiation among both sprint and resistance-trained populations compared with controls. Again this may be indicative of the predominant types of motor units in these populations, but may also mean an enhanced reflex contribution to force production during running in sprint-trained athletes. Fatigue of neural origin both during and following sprint exercise has implications with respect to optimising training frequency and volume. Research suggests athletes are unable to maintain maximal firing frequencies for the full duration of, for example, a 100m sprint. Fatigue after a single training session may also have a neural manifestation with some athletes unable to voluntarily fully activate muscle or experiencing stretch reflex inhibition after heavy training. This may occur in conjunction with muscle damage. Research investigating the neural influences on sprint performance is limited. Further longitudinal research is necessary to improve our understanding of neural factors that contribute to training-induced improvements in sprint performance.
Background. A retrospective analysis was performed on adult renal transplant recipients to evaluate the relationship between tacrolimus trough concentrations and the development of rejection in the first month after transplant. Methods. A total of 349 concentrations from 29 patients, measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA), were recorded. Based on an increased serum creatinine, 12 patients were considered to have organ rejection. Rejection was confirmed by biopsy in five of these. The median trough concentration of tacrolimus over the first month of therapy, or until the time of first rejection was compared in rejecters vs non-rejecters. Results. Median trough concentrations of tacrolimus were found to be lower in biopsy-proven rejecters vs non-rejecters (P=0.03) and all rejecters vs nonrejecters (P = 0.04). The average median concentration (+/- SD) in the biopsy-proven rejecter group was 5.09 +/-1.16 ng/ml, compared to 9.20 +/-3.52 ng/ml in the non-rejecter group. After exclusion of an outlier, the average median concentration in all rejecters was 5.57 +/-1.47 ng/rnl, compared with 9.20 +/-3.52 ng/ml in non-rejecters. A rejection rate of 55% was found for patients with a median trough concentration between 0 and 10 ng/ml. This compared with no observed rejection in patients with a median concentration between 10 and 15 ng/ml. Conclusion. A significant relationship exists between organ rejection and median tacrolimus trough concentrations in the first month post-transplant, with patients displaying low concentrations more likely to reject. In order to minimize rejection in the first month after renal transplantation, trough concentrations greater than 10 ng/ml must be achieved.