989 resultados para 405
In uplands and lowlands of Santa Teresa, central Espírito Santo State, Brazil, 405 bird species were confirmed by field, museum, and literature studies. Of these, 16 seem to have disappeared, while 67 other species seem to have been lost from the lowlands (where no large biological reserves exist). Due to a suggestion that human areas add species to beta-diversity, we verified that up to 79 species now present have perhaps invaded with human activity (and 10 others are likely to invade), a total similar to that for lost species. However, lost species are often rare and invading species often widespread, resulting in exchange of Picassos for Coca-Cola bottles. Furthermore, gains exceed losses only when large biological reserves are present, as in the uplands (Nova Lombardia, Santa Lucia Reserves, each with over 250 species). Small or irregular reserves usually lose well over half their species, and these are only partly replaced by the invaders, resulting in net losses of up to half the local avifaunas. If one lists only 31 probable invaders, rather than a possible 79, things are even worse; net losses occur even in the entire township and near reserves, reaching over 200 species around lowland private reserves. Future productive development of human areas can eliminate or maltreat many invading species, too. While approving taxes on improductive use of land, as it leaves other areas free, we suggest that many current local uses, such as for coffee, are luxury production and could, be taxed.
Cobb male broiler chicks (1,000) on new litter were used to evaluate effects of dietary electrolyte balance [DEB; Na+K-Cl, milliequivalents (mEq) per kilogram] under tropical summer conditions. Corn-soybean meal-based mash diets had salt (NaCl) alone or in combination with one or more supplements: sodium bicarbonate (NaHCO3), ammonium chloride (NH4Cl), or potassium bicarbonate (KHCO3). A completely randomized design, with five starter and grower feed treatments (control: 145, then 130 mEq/kg; or 0, 120, 240, or 360 mEq/kg throughout) and four replicate pens (1.5 x 3.2 m) per treatment (50 chicks per pen), was used. Diets were analyzed for Na, K, and Cl for confirmation. There were no significant (P < 0.05) effects of treatments on mortality or processing parameters. Water intake increased linearly with increasing DEB, giving higher litter moistures and lower rectal temperatures. Blood HCO3 and pH increased with the highest DEB (360 mEq/kg) causing respiratory alkalosis. The DEB of 240 mEg/kg gave best weight gain and feed conversion ratio, and ideal DEB predicted by regression analyses were 186 and 197 mEq/kg from 0 to 21 d of age and 236 and 207 mEq/kg of feed from 0 to 42 d, respectively. These DEB corresponded to estimated (interpolated) values in predicted optimal 186 to 197 mEq/kg starter of Na 0.38 to 0.40% and Cl 0.405 to 0.39% (K = 0.52%), in 207 to 236 mEq/kg starter, Na 0.409 to 0.445% and Cl 0.326 to 0.372% Cl (K = 0.52%), and in grower Na 0.41 to 0.445%, Cl 0.315 to 0.267% (K = 0.47%).
Objective - We determined the effects of losartan and PD 123319 (antagonists of the AT1 and AT2 angiotensin receptors, respectively), and [Sar1, Ala8] ANG II (a relatively peptide antagonist of angiotensin receptors) injected into the paraventricular nucleus (PVN) on water and 3% NaCl intake, and the diuretic, natriuretic, and pressor effects induced by administration of angiotensin II (ANG II) into the medial septal area (MSA) of conscious rats. Methods - Holtzman rats were used. Animals were anesthetized with tribromoethanol (20 mg) per 100 grams of body weight, ip. A stainless steel guide cannula was implanted into the MSA and PVN. All drugs were injected in 0.5-μl volumes for 10-15 seconds. Seven days after brain surgery, water and 3% NaCl intake, urine and sodium excretion, and arterial blood pressure were measured. Results - Losartan (40 nmol) and [Sar1, Ala8] ANG II (40 nmol) completely eliminated whereas PD 123319 (40 nmol) partially blocked the increase in water and sodium intake and the increase in arterial blood pressure induced by ANG II (10 nmol) injected into the MSA. The PVN administration of PD 123319 and [Sar1, Ala8] ANG II blocked whereas losartan attenuated the diuresis and natriuresis induced by MSA administration of ANG II. Conclusion - MSA involvement with PVN on water and sodium homeostasis and arterial pressure modulation utilizing ANGII receptors is suggested.
During the study of Heliotropium L. genus in the project Flora Fanerogâmica do Estado de São Paulo, it was verified that Heliotropium fruticosum L. presents a new geographical occurrence in Southeast of Brazil. Description, illustration and comments about relationships, distribution and phenology, as well as a summary of examined material are included in this paper.
Objective: To evaluate the use of drugs to relieve the pain of invasive procedures newborn infants cared for at a university hospital NICU. Methods: A prospective cohort study of all newborn infants hospitalized in four NICU during October 2001. The following data were collected: demographic data of the hospitalized newborn infants; clinical morbidity; number of potentially painful procedures and frequency of analgesic administration. Factors associated with the use of analgesia in this cohort of patients were studied by multiple linear regression using SPSS 8.0. Results: Ninety-one newborn infants were admitted to the NICU during the study period (1,025 patient-days). Only 25% of the 1,025 patient-days received systemic analgesia. No specific drugs were administered to relieve acute pain during any of the following painful events: arterial punctures, venous, capillary and lumbar punctures or intubations. For chest tube insertion, 100% of newborn infants received specific analgesia. For the insertion of central catheters 8% of the newborn infants received painkillers. Only nine of the 17 newborn infants that underwent surgical procedures received any analgesic dosage during the postoperative period. For 93% of patients under analgesia the drug of choice was fentanyl. The presence of mechanical ventilation increased the chance of newborn infants receiving painkillers by 6.9 times and the presence of chest tube increased this chance by five times. Conclusion: It is necessary to train health professionals in order to bridge the gap between scientific knowledge regarding newborn infant pain and clinical practice. Copyright © 2005 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.
The purpose of this study was to realize a floristic survey in riparian forest remains of the Upper Paraná River, under domain of the submontane seasonal semideciduous forest, located in Porto Rico, Paraná, Brazil (53°19'3 W e 22°47'37 S). Within and in the neighborhood of 10.000 m2 area (100 m × 100 m), 165 species were surveyed, in 124 genera and 60 families, distributed in arboreous, shrubs, herbs, climbers and hemiparasites. Leguminosae, Myrtaceae, Poaceae, Rubiaceae, and Bignoniaceae were the families with the highest species' richness, showing together 33.33%, and the genera more representative were Eugenia, Casearia, Guarea, Inga, Panicum, and Solanum, with 12.73% of the species. Though the perturbations verified in the forest remains, eight species were rare for this type of vegetation and 12 were listed as fishes natural food.
The genus Yersinia contains three species pathogenic to humans: Y. pestis, Y. enterocolitica e Y. pseudotuberculosis. The pathogenicity of Yersinia is linked to the presence of a 70-kb virulence plasmid (pYV) that is common to the three species and codifies a type III secretion system and a set of virulence proteins, including those known as Yersinia outer proteins (Yops), that are exported by this system when the bacteria encounter host cells. Two Yops translocators (YopB and YopD) are inserted into the host plasma membrane and transport six effectors (YopO, YopH, YopM, YopJ and YopT) across the membrane into the cytosol of the host cell. The Yops effectors interfere with multiple signaling pathways of the infected cell, affecting both the innate and adaptive immune responses. This article focuses on the role of Yops in the modulation of the host immune response.
The aim of this work is to present, by a literature review, the principal characteristics of TGF-beta, in the regulation and new bone formation. © 2007 Sociedad Chilena de Anatomía.
Several pathologies have been diagnosed in children of hypertensive mothers; however, some studies that evaluated the alterations in their oral health are not conclusive. This study analyzed the salivary gland activity and dental mineralization of offsprings of spontaneously hypertensive rats (SHR). Thirty-day-old SHR males and Wistar rats were studied. The salivary flow was evaluated by injection of pilocarpine, the protein concentration and salivary amylase activity, by the Lowry method and kinetic method at 405 nm, respectively. Enamel and dentin mineralization of the mandibular incisors was quantified with aid of the microhardness meter. The results were analyzed by the ANOVA or Student's t test (p<0.05). It was noticed that the salivary flow rate (0.026 mL/min/100 g±0.002) and salivary protein concentration (2.26mg/mL±0.14) of SHR offspring were reduced compared to Wistar normotensive offspring (0.036 mL/min/100 g±0.003 and 2.91 mg/mL±0.27, respectively), yet there was no alteration in amylase activity (SHR: 242.4 U/mL±36.9; Wistar: 163.8 U/mL±14.1). Microhardness was lower both in enamel (255.8 KHN±2.6) and dentin (59.9 KHN±0.8) for the SHR teeth compared to the Wistar teeth (enamel: 328.7 KHN±3.3 and dentin: 67.1 KHN±1.0). These results suggest that the SHR offspring are more susceptible to development of pathologies impairing oral health, once they presented lesser flow and salivary protein concentration and lower dental mineralization.
This article turns on the importance of the small coffee production in the coffee complex economy between 1890 and 1914. We argue here the relations of work, the forms of financing and the way as the small coffee production inserts itself in this universe. We use as priority sources the employment contracts that involved the formation and/or the treatment of coffee trees and the Writes of mortgage debts, both recorded in Notarial Books, documents not used by historiography in a systematical way. We turns our look for a region marked predominantly for small and the middle producing farms of coffee, observing the dynamics of the accumulation in a period of expansion and crisis of the coffee economy.
The effect of an organic acid mixture (OA) and a Lactobacillus-based probiotic culture on Salmonella enteritidis (SE) infection in broiler chicks was evaluated. In exp. 1, chicks were challenged by oral gavage with SE, held in chick boxes for 2 h and randomly assigned to either untreated control or continuous OA treatment in the drinking water. Crop and cecal tonsils were cultured at 48 h and 5 d post-challenge for recovery of SE. Recovery of SE in the crop and cecal tonsils at 48 h was significantly (p<0.05) lower in the OA treated group as compared to control chickens but not different at 5d. In exps.2 and 3, chicks were SE challenged, held in chick boxes for 2 h and randomly assigned to either untreated control, probiotic, OA, or probiotic+OA. After 24 or 48 h, crop and cecal tonsils were cultured for the presence or absence of SE. After 24 h, probiotic or probiotic+OA significantly reduced SE recovery from the crop as compared to controls. All treatments reduced SE recovery from the cecal tonsils at 24 h. While no significant differences were observed in SE recovery from crop at 48 h, SE recovery from probiotic and or probiotic+OA groups was significantly lower than the controls in the cecal tonsils. These data suggest that combination treatment with the selected OA and Lactobacillus-based probiotic culture is more effective than individual treatment for Salmonella reduction in chicks. © Asian Network for Scientific Information, 2007.
This study evaluated the water quality of the Vargem Limpa stream and tested the hypothesis that protected stretches of the aquatic system, located within a conservation unit, favor the preservation of the diversity of Chironomidae (Insecta: Diptera). Samplings were conducted in four stations, where some physical and chemical variables were measured. The results obtained by the study indicated the predominance of genera associated with arenaceous substrata, and that the stretches protected by the conservation unit presented better environmental conditions, with better-preserved Chironomidae diversity, demonstrating the importance of these areas in maintaining the diversity of Chironomidae.
The Coleoptera order is the richest group among Metazoa, but its phylogenetics remains incompletely understood. Among Coleoptera, bioluminescence is found within the Elateroidea, but the evolution of this character remains a mystery. Mitochondrial DNA has been used extensively to reconstruct phylogenetic relationships, however, the evolution of a single gene does not always correspond to the species evolutionary history and the molecular marker choice is a key step in this type of analysis. To create a solid basis to better understand the evolutionary history of Coleoptera and its bioluminescence, we sequenced and comparatively analyzed the mitochondrial genome of the Brazilian luminescent click beetle Pyrophorus divergens (Coleoptera: Elateridae). © 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Includes bibliography
Resumen En la Cumbre de las Américas, celebrada en Miami en diciembre de 1994 se acordó establecer un Área de Libre Comercio de las Américas (ALCA), a fin de crear un espacio continental de libre comercio antes del 2005. Desde una perspectiva institucional, el ALCA reconoce sus antecedentes en la Iniciativa de las Américas (IA), que privilegiaba las negociaciones entre grupos de países, en detrimento de las bilaterales. En un principio se había planteado como una propuesta de profundizar las reformas económicas implantadas por los países latinoamericanos con objeto de abrir sus economías a la competencia externa y permitir que el mercado se transformara en el principal asignador de recursos. El ALCA representa el más importante acuerdo de integración regional firmado entre países desarrollados y no desarrollados con miras a establecer el libre flujo comercial entre sus economías. Coherente con las disposiciones multilaterales de la Organización Mundial del Comercio (OMC), el acuerdo pretende incorporar a la negociación la inversión en bienes y servicios siguiendo reglas comerciales definidas y transparentes; compras del sector público y políticas de competencia; y sentar las bases para la inclusión de temas tales como la agricultura y acceso a mercados, servicios e inversión, políticas de competencia y subsidios, procedimientos antidumping y derechos compensatorios. La actual estructura de negociación se compone de la presidencia, el comité de negociaciones comerciales, los grupos de negociación y el grupo consultivo sobre economías pequeñas. Los beneficios comerciales del ALCA se han concebido utilizando el análisis tradicional de las uniones aduaneras de creación y desviación de comercio, aunque se reconoce que este acuerdo, único en la historia, puede tener consecuencias impredecibles. Entre los obstáculos a su pleno cumplimiento sobresalen la ausencia de una política definida de 'vía rápida' y de un liderazgo significativo. Entre los posibles escenarios de conformación del ALCA, se distingue entre uno real, en el que los países pequeños y grandes cumplen con los compromisos adoptados, y otro llamado formal, en el que el ALCA se integra de manera incompleta por la ausencia de países o de algún país clave, por lo que carecería de significado político y económico. En el plano económico el ALCA se concibe como una unidad geográfica con 757 millones de personas, un producto interno bruto (PIB) de 8 billones de dólares y un comercio total de 2.4 billones de dólares. Uno de los fines de la creación de un área de libre comercio apunta al aprovechamiento del potencial del comercio intramericano. En principio, dicho potencial así como su materialización se reflejarían en la intensidad esperada de un intercambio comercial bilateral desde un país exportador hacia un país importador. A su vez la intensidad puede medirse mediante el grado de correspondencia o similitud entre la composición de las exportaciones e importaciones de los países del hemisferio americano. Este análisis de similitud puede llevarse a cabo entre países grandes y pequeños. En este documento se analiza en dos grandes apartados la institucionalidad del ALCA y el potencial del comercio vinculado con dicho tratado. Los aspectos institucionales incluyen los antecedentes del acuerdo 1, la estructura significativa actual, los beneficios derivados del comercio y los posibles escenarios de conformación del ALCA. Los aspectos económicos se centran en el cálculo de indicadores de similitud en los flujos comerciales de los países, utilizando una muestra de 15 miembros que integrarían el ALCA. Entre éstos no se incluyó a los Estados Unidos porque su estrecha relación comercial con los latinoamericanos podría sesgar los resultados obtenidos. Así, los indicadores de similitud en los flujos comerciales internacionales se limitarían a reflejar la intensidad comercial de países latinoamericanos seleccionados en ausencia de vínculos comerciales con los Estados Unidos. La metodololgía seguida es la propuesta por Van Beers y Linnemann (1993). Una vez obtenidos los indicadores de similitud por país y luego estos mismos a nivel de capítulo, se procedió a estimar su poder explicativo de los flujos comerciales actuales utilizando ecuaciones de gravedad.