1000 resultados para 24-235
Two intramolecularly quenched fluorogenic peptides containing o-aminobenzoyl (Abz) and ethylenediamine 2,4-dinitrophenyl (EDDnp) groups at amino- and carboxyl-terminal amino acid residues, Abz-DArg-Arg-Leu-EDDnp (Abz-DRRL-EDDnp) and Abz-DArg-Arg-Phe-EDDnp (Abz-DRRF-EDDnp), were selectively hydrolyzed by neutral endopeptidase (NEP, enkephalinase, neprilysin, EC at the Arg-Leu and Arg-Phe bonds, respectively. The kinetic parameters for the NEP-catalyzed hydrolysis of Abz-DRRL-EDDnp and Abz-DRRF-EDDnp were Km = 2.8 µM, kcat = 5.3 min-1, kcat/Km = 2 min-1 µM-1 and Km = 5.0 µM, kcat = 7.0 min-1, kcat/Km = 1.4 min-1 µM-1, respectively. The high specificity of these substrates was demonstrated by their resistance to hydrolysis by metalloproteases [thermolysin (EC, angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE; EC], serineproteases [trypsin (EC, a-chymotrypsin (EC] and proteases present in tissue homogenates from kidney, lung, brain and testis. The blocked amino- and carboxyl-terminal amino acids protected these substrates against the action of aminopeptidases, carboxypeptidases and ACE. Furthermore, DR amino acids ensured total protection of Abz-DRRL-EDDnp and Abz-DRRF-EDDnp against the action of thermolysin and trypsin. Leu-EDDnp and Phe-EDDnp were resistant to hydrolysis by a-chymotrypsin. The high specifity of these substrates suggests their use for specific NEP assays in crude enzyme preparations
R,S-sotalol, a ß-blocker drug with class III antiarrhythmic properties, is prescribed to patients with ventricular, atrial and supraventricular arrhythmias. A simple and sensitive method based on HPLC-fluorescence is described for the quantification of R,S-sotalol racemate in 500 µl of plasma. R,S-sotalol and its internal standard (atenolol) were eluted after 5.9 and 8.5 min, respectively, from a 4-micron C18 reverse-phase column using a mobile phase consisting of 80 mM KH2PO4, pH 4.6, and acetonitrile (95:5, v/v) at a flow rate of 0.5 ml/min with detection at lex = 235 nm and lem = 310 nm, respectively. This method, validated on the basis of R,S-sotalol measurements in spiked blank plasma, presented 20 ng/ml sensitivity, 20-10,000 ng/ml linearity, and 2.9 and 4.8% intra- and interassay precision, respectively. Plasma sotalol concentrations were determined by applying this method to investigate five high-risk patients with atrial fibrillation admitted to the Emergency Service of the Medical School Hospital, who received sotalol, 160 mg po, as loading dose. Blood samples were collected from a peripheral vein at zero, 0.5, 1.0, 1.5, 2.0, 3.0, 4.0, 6.0, 8.0, 12.0 and 24.0 h after drug administration. A two-compartment open model was applied. Data obtained, expressed as mean, were: CMAX = 1230 ng/ml, TMAX = 1.8 h, AUCT = 10645 ng h-1 ml-1, Kab = 1.23 h-1, a = 0.95 h-1, ß = 0.09 h-1, t(1/2)ß = 7.8 h, ClT/F = 3.94 ml min-1 kg-1, and Vd/F = 2.53 l/kg. A good systemic availability and a fast absorption were obtained. Drug distribution was reduced to the same extent in terms of total body clearance when patients and healthy volunteers were compared, and consequently elimination half-life remained unchanged. Thus, the method described in the present study is useful for therapeutic drug monitoring purposes, pharmacokinetic investigation and pharmacokinetic-pharmacodynamic sotalol studies in patients with tachyarrhythmias.
We measured human frequency response functions for seven angular frequency filters whose test frequencies were centered at 1, 2, 3, 4, 8, 16 or 24 cycles/360º using a supra-threshold summation method. The seven functions of 17 experimental conditions each were measured nine times for five observers. For the arbitrarily selected filter phases, the maximum summation effect occurred at test frequency for filters at 1, 2, 3, 4 and 8 cycles/360º. For both 16 and 24 cycles/360º test frequencies, maximum summation occurred at the lower harmonics. These results allow us to conclude that there are narrow-band angular frequency filters operating somehow in the human visual system either through summation or inhibition of specific frequency ranges. Furthermore, as a general result, it appears that addition of higher angular frequencies to lower ones disturbs low angular frequency perception (i.e., 1, 2, 3 and 4 cycles/360º), whereas addition of lower harmonics to higher ones seems to improve detection of high angular frequency harmonics (i.e., 8, 16 and 24 cycles/360º). Finally, we discuss the possible involvement of coupled radial and angular frequency filters in face perception using an example where narrow-band low angular frequency filters could have a major role.
We investigated kidney and lung alterations caused by intercellular adhesion molecule type 1 (ICAM-1) blockade after ischemia and reperfusion of hind limb skeletal muscles. Rats were submitted to ligature of the infrarenal aorta for 6 h. The animals were randomized into three groups of 6 rats each: group I, sacrificed after ischemia; group II, reperfusion for 24 h, and group III, reperfusion for 24 h after receiving monoclonal anti-ICAM-1 antibodies. At the end of the experiment, blood samples were collected for creatinine, lactate dehydrogenase, creatine phosphokinase, potassium, pH and leukocyte counts. Samples were taken from the muscles of the hind limbs and from the kidneys and lungs for histological analysis and measurement of the neutrophil infiltrate by myeloperoxidase staining. The groups did not differ significantly with regard to the laboratory tests. There were no major histological alterations in the kidneys. An intense neutrophil infiltrate in the lungs, similar in all groups, was detected. Myeloperoxidase determination showed that after reperfusion there was significantly less retention of polymorphonuclear neutrophils in the muscles (352 ± 70 vs 1451 ± 235 × 10² neutrophils/mg; P<0.01) and in the kidneys (526 ± 89 vs 852 ± 73 × 10² neutrophils/mg; P<0.01) of the animals that received anti-ICAM-1 before perfusion compared to the group that did not. The use of anti-ICAM-1 antibodies in this experimental model minimized neutrophil influx, thus reducing the inflammatory process, in the muscles and kidneys after ischemia and reperfusion of the hind limbs.
Preterm delivery is the main cause of neonatal death and ultrasonographic cervical assessment has been shown to be more accurate than digital examination in recognizing a short cervix. This is a cross-sectional study, involving 1131 women at 22-24 weeks of pregnancy, designed to determine the distribution of cervical length and to examine which variables of demographic characteristics and obstetric history increase the risk of a short cervix (15 mm or less). The distribution of maternal demographic and obstetric history characteristics among patients with cervical length £15 mm was analyzed and compared to the findings for the general population. Risk ratios (RR) between subgroups were generated from this comparison. Median cervical length was 37 mm and in 1.5% of cases it was 15 mm or less. The proportion of women with a short cervix (<=15 mm) was significantly higher among patients with a low body mass index (RR = 3.5) and in those with previous fetal losses between 16-23 weeks (RR = 33.1) or spontaneous preterm deliveries between 24-32 weeks (RR = 14.1). We suggest that transvaginal sonographic measurement of cervical length be performed as part of a routine midtrimester ultrasound evaluation. There are specific variables of demographic characteristics and obstetric history which increase the risk of detecting a short cervix at 22-24 weeks.
Valtatie 24 on Lahden ja Jämsän välinen tieyhteys, joka yhdistää Päijät-Hämeen ja läntisen Keski-Suomen. Päijät-Hämeen puolella tie sijaitsee neljän kunnan alueella noin 67 kilometrin matkalla. Valtatien 24 eteläisin jakso Lahdesta Vääksyyn on tärkeä työmatkaliikenteen reitti. Kokonaisuutena tie välittää enimmäkseen seudullista ja maakunnallista liikennettä. Kuljetus-ten ja matkailuliikenteen kannalta tie täydentää valtakunnallista päätieverkkoa. Yhteysvälille on asetettu käyttäjälähtöiset palvelutasotavoitteet: • Liikenneturvallisuuden parantaminen Lahdesta Padasjoelle ja hyvän tason säilyttäminen Padasjoelta pohjoiseen. • Henkilöautoliikenteen ja kuljetusten hyvä toiminnallinen palvelutaso koko yhteysvälillä. • Kävelyn ja pyöräilyn hyvä palvelutaso Lahden ja Vääksyn välillä, muualla tyydyttävä. • Joukkoliikenteen hyvä palvelutaso Lahden ja Vääksyn välillä, muualla tyydyttävä. Suurin osa yhteysvälille esitettävistä toimenpiteistä kohdistuu jaksolle 1 Lahti–Vääksy, jolla on selvästi eniten liikennettä. Hankkeen vaikutuksesta liikenneturvallisuus paranee, vaikka liikennemäärät kasvaisivat ennustetusti. Henkilöautoliikenteen ja kuljetusten toimivuus pääsuunnalla paranee ja liittyminen sivusuunnilta valtatielle helpottuu. Toisaalta yhteysvälin eteläpäässä liittymien valo-ohjaus lisää kiihdytyksiä ja jarrutuksia sekä pääsuunnan viivytyksiä yhteenkytkennästä huolimatta. Polkupyö-rien liityntäpysäköintimahdollisuudet ja paikoin kehitettävät pysäkkiyhteydet lisäävät joukkoliikenteen houkuttelevuutta. Kävelyn ja pyöräilyn palvelutaso paranee, kun verkkoa täydennetään Lahdessa, Hollolassa ja Asikkalassa.
Arkit: A-B4.
Arkit: A-B4. - S. [2] tyhjä.
Arkit: 1 arkintunnukseton lehti, 3A-3B4.
Variantti B.
The objective was to elucidate the relationships between serum concentrations of the gut hormone peptide YY (PYY) and ghrelin and growth development in infants for potential application to the clinical observation index. Serum concentrations of PYY and ghrelin were measured using radioimmunoassay from samples collected at the clinic. For each patient, gestational age, birth weight, time required to return to birth weight, rate of weight gain, time required to achieve recommended daily intake (RDI) standards, time required for full-gastric feeding, duration of hospitalization, and time of administration of total parenteral nutrition were recorded. Serum PYY and ghrelin concentrations were significantly higher in the preterm group (N = 20) than in the full-term group (N = 20; P < 0.01). Within the preterm infant group, the serum concentrations of PYY and ghrelin on postnatal day (PND) 7 (ghrelin = 1485.38 ± 409.24; PYY = 812.37 ± 153.77 ng/L) were significantly higher than on PND 1 (ghrelin = 956.85 ± 223.09; PYY = 545.27 ± 204.51 ng/L) or PND 3 (ghrelin = 1108.44 ± 351.36; PYY = 628.96 ± 235.63 ng/L; P < 0.01). Both serum PYY and ghrelin concentrations were negatively correlated with body weight, and the degree of correlation varied with age. Serum ghrelin concentration correlated negatively with birth weight and positively with the time required to achieve RDI (P < 0.05). In conclusion, serum PYY and ghrelin concentrations reflect a negative energy balance, predict postnatal growth, and enable compensation. Further studies are required to elucidate the precise concentration and roles of PYY and ghrelin in newborns and to determine the usefulness of measuring these hormones in clinical practice.
Low-sodium and high-potassium diets have been recommended as an adjunct to prevention and treatment of hypertension. Analysis of these nutrients in 24-h urine has been considered the reference method to estimate daily intake of these minerals. However, 24-h urine collection is difficult in epidemiological studies, since urine must be collected and stored in job environments. Therefore, strategies for shorter durations of urine collection at home have been proposed. We have previously reported that collecting urine during a 12-h period (overnight) is more feasible and that creatinine clearance correlated strongly with that detected in 24-h samples. In the present study, we collected urine for 24 h divided into two 12-h periods (from 7:00 am to 7:00 pm and from 7:00 pm to 7:00 am next day). A sample of 109 apparently healthy volunteers aged 30 to 74 years of both genders working in a University institution was investigated. Subjects with previous myocardial infarction, stroke, renal insufficiency, and pregnant women were not included. Significant (P < 0.001) Spearman correlation coefficients (r s) were found between the total amount of sodium and potassium excreted in the urine collected at night and in the 24-h period (r s = 0.76 and 0.74, respectively). Additionally, the 12-h sodium and potassium excretions (means ± SD, 95% confidence interval) corresponded to 47.3 ± 11.2%, 95%CI = 45.3-49.3, and 39.3 ± 4.6%, 95%CI = 37.3-41.3, respectively, of the 24-h excretion of these ions. Therefore, these findings support the assumption that 12-h urine collected at night can be used as a reliable tool to estimate 24-h intake/excretion of sodium and potassium.
Invokaatio: B''B.
High salt intake is related to an increase in blood pressure and development of hypertension. However, currently, there are no national representative data in Brazil using the gold standard method of 24-h urine collection to measure sodium consumption. This study aimed to determine salt intake based on 24-h urine collection in a sample of 272 adults of both genders and to correlate it with blood pressure levels. We used a rigorous protocol to assure an empty bladder prior to initiating urine collection. We excluded subjects with a urine volume <500 mL, collection period outside of an interval of 23-25 h, and subjects with creatinine excretion that was not within the range of 14.4-33.6 mg/kg (men) and 10.8-25.2 mg/kg (women). The mean salt intake was 10.4±4.1 g/day (d), and 94% of the participants (98% of men and 90% of women) ingested more than the recommended level of 5 g/d. We found a positive association between salt and body mass index (BMI) categories, as well as with salt and blood pressure, independent of age and BMI. The difference in systolic blood pressure reached 13 mmHg between subjects consuming less than 6 g/d of salt and those ingesting more than 18 g/d. Subjects with hypertension had a higher estimated salt intake than normotensive subjects (11.4±5.0 vs 9.8±3.6 g/d, P<0.01), regardless of whether they were under treatment. Our data indicate the need for interventions to reduce sodium intake, as well the need for ongoing, appropriate monitoring of salt consumption in the general population.