803 resultados para 2007-2012


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A presente dissertação é fruto da pesquisa que teve como objetivo investigar a participação docente, do Ensino Fundamental II, no processo de formação continuada e principalmente na construção da política curricular do município de Itatiba, o qual tem o ensino municipalizado do 1º ao 9º ano desde 1999. Vale ressaltar que o estudo discorreu entre a gestão municipal de 2001 a 2008 e a gestão de 2009 até 2012. A investigação se desenvolveu a partir das seguintes fontes: entrevista com o Secretário de Educação que atuou entre 2001 e 2008 e com a Secretária de 2009 a 2012; entrevista com duas supervisoras que participaram de todo o processo de 2001 a 2012; entrevista com duas diretoras que atuaram desde a municipalização até 2012; entrevista com quatro professores que se efetivaram após a municipalização (2001), atuam até hoje e participaram do processo de formação até 2012; documentos oficiais: Constituição Federal de 1988, LDB (9394/96), Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais, FUNDEF (1997), FUNDEB (2007), Deliberação CEE nº73/2008, Lei da municipalização (3110/99), Lei do Sistema de Ensino do município de Itatiba (3485/2001), Projeto Político Pedagógico da SE de 2008, assim como os documentos curriculares do município: de 2001 a 2008 Orientações Curriculares e de 2009 a 2012 Currículo do Ensino Fundamental do 6º ao 9º de todas as disciplinas. É por meio de uma pesquisa qualitativa que esta dissertação se delineia. Desse modo, com entrevistas semiestruturadas bem como roteiros previamente elaborados, tivemos como critérios de escolha dos sujeitos: profissionais da educação que atuaram desde a municipalização até 2012, que participaram de todo o processo de formação continuada e da construção da política curricular. Nessa perspectiva, as entrevistas foram gravadas em áudio e, posteriormente, transcritas para o processo de análise. Dessa forma, o processo de análise consistiu na organização dos dados em categorias e subcategorias, estas estabelecidas pelo próprio conteúdo das entrevistas colhidas dos sujeitos, como também no entrecruzamento do conteúdo das entrevistas com os dados documentais das diferentes fontes utilizadas, que foram, por sua vez, analisados e discutidos à luz do referencial teórico que fundamentou a pesquisa. O estudo foi realizado com base em contribuições de autores que discutem o currículo (Veiga, Silva, Apple, Moreira, Sacristán), os saberes docentes (Tardif), a formação continuada de professores (Nóvoa, Hargreaves), a municipalização (Azanha, Arelaro).Os resultados do trabalho revelam, entre outras coisas, que a participação docente ocorreu no ponto de vista principalmente dos professores na gestão de 2009 a 2012, uma vez que esses se sentiram parte de todo o processo de discussão e construção.


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From 1995 to 2015, Ecuador experienced one of its longest periods of deep political, social and economic crisis. During this interval, three democratically elected governments (Bucaram, 1997; Mahuad, 2000 and Gutiérrez, 2005) were overthrown and a critical juncture arose in 2006 as a result. Since 2007, and as a consequence of these chaotic circumstances, new populist strongmen ascended and, amid the biggest bonanza of oil revenues in Ecuadorian history, established a defective democracy. The gradual escalation of authoritarian tendencies during the three consecutive terms in which Rafael Correa has acted as President, have resulted in the severe weakening of the country’s democratic institutions, since Correa’s has strived to perpetuate himself in power through continual re-election into office, instead of building an institutional quality-democracy. This study aims to clarify the historical foundations of the recurrence of caudillistas, populist and authoritarian governments in Ecuador, revealing the basis of the specific path dependence of Ecuadorian politics. We also explore the Jungian theory, specifically the “pseudo-hero myth”, as the political narrative which Correa’s regime successfully employed to establish its hegemony. Additionally, we perform a psychological-political case analysis by examining the social psychology components underlying the Ecuadorian path dependence towards authoritarian and populist caudillos: Specifically, our case study is framed within historical institutionalism, which focuses on methodological individualism to attend various political science and psychological-political theories...


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La nueva sede de la Confederación de Empresarios de Albacete (FEDA), 2007-2011, es un edificio del equipo de arquitectos COR & Asociados, formado por Jesús Olivares y Miguel Rodenas, titulados por la Universidad de Alicante. Situado en un retal de la ciudad de Albacete (España), con 3800 m2 y un coste de poco menos de 1000 €/m2, este equipamiento público, de manifiesta calidad como pieza arquitectónica, suscita a los autores del presente artículo una reflexión en profundidad sobre el alcance de su impacto en el medio indeciso en que se inserta y sobre su capacidad para urbanizar un entorno falto de carácter.


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Introdução: Em situações clínicas selecionadas é aconselhada investigação complementar da criança com febre, nomeadamente realização de hemocultura. Objetivos: Analisar as hemoculturas positivas por bactérias patogénicas num serviço de pediatria, nomeadamente agentes mais frequentes, sua evolução, respetivos antibiogramas e correlação com dados clínicos. Material e Métodos: Estudo retrospetivo de dados micro- biológicos das bactérias patogénicas isoladas em hemoculturas e dados clínicos de crianças com idade entre um mês e 17 anos, admitidas num serviço de pediatria, entre 2003 e 2012. Resultados: No período estudado, a percentagem anual de hemoculturas positivas por bactérias potencialmente patogénicas variou entre 0,8% e 2,9%. No total isolaram-se 158 bactérias patogénicas, sendo mais frequentes: Staphylococcus aureus (29,1%), Streptococcus pneumoniae (27,8%), Escherichia coli (10,1%), Enterococcus faecalis (8,2%), Neisseria meningitidis (5,7%) e Streptococcus pyogenes (5,7%). Nenhuma Neisseria meningitidis foi resistente à resistente à ampicilina, 9% dos Streptococcus pneumoniae tiveram resistência intermédia à penicilina, 8,7% dos Staphylococcus aureus tiveram resistência à meticilina e 6,3% das Escherichia coli tinham resistência à amoxicilina/ácido clavulânico. Sessenta e sete porcento das hemoculturas positivas por bactérias patogénicas correspondiam a crianças com idade inferior a 36 meses. Os diagnósticos mais relevantes foram: bacteriémia oculta, pneumonia, sépsis, meningite e pielonefrite. Ocorreu um óbito devido a choque sético (Streptococcus pneumoniae). Conclusão: Nos 10 anos analisados, as bactérias mais frequentes foram: Staphylococcus aureus, Streptococcus pneumoniae e Escherichia coli. Verificou-se diminuição da incidência da Neisseria meningitidis após 2005 e do Streptococcus pneumoniae após 2007. As suscetibilidades das diferentes bactérias patogénicas aos antimicrobianos mantiveram-se estáveis. Enfatiza-se a importância epidemiológica e clínica da monitorização de dados microbiológicos.


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Sovereign wealth funds (SWFs), government-owned or managed investment vehicles, have proliferated at a remarkable rate over the past decade, even as political controversy has surrounded them. Why? The extant literature depicts the process of SWF creation as driven by functional imperatives associated with “excess” revenue and reserves accumulated from commodity booms and large current account surpluses. I argue that SWF creation also reflects in large part a process of contingent emulation in which first this policy has been constructed as appropriate for countries with given characteristics, and then when countries took on these characteristics, they followed their peers. Put simply, fashions and fads in finance matter for policy diffusion. I assess this argument using a new dataset on SWF creation that covers nearly 80 countries from 1984 to 2007. The results suggest peer-based contingent emulation has been a crucial factor shaping the decision of many countries to create a SWF, especially among fuel exporters. An earlier version of this paper was presented at the annual meeting of the American Political Science Association, Washington, DC, 2 – 5 September 2010. The author would like to thank Eric Neumayer for his many suggestions and comments on previous versions of the manuscript. The author would also like to thank Zachary Elkins for sharing data. Finally, the author would like to acknowledge the research assistance of Natali Bulamacioglu and Christopher Gandrud.


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Updated May 2012 and reposted: In 2011, an EU legislative package on market abuse was proposed, which comprises two sets of documents: 1) a draft Regulation that will largely replace the existing Market Abuse Directive (MAD) and the level 2 measures; and a new Directive dealing with criminal sanctions. Market abuse rules are needed to ensure market integrity and investor confidence, and to allow companies to raise capital and contribute to economic growth, thereby increasing employment. This ECMI Policy Brief argues that rules on market abuse should be technically well designed, proportionate and crystal clear, but also subject to more efficient and harmonised supervision than before. The paper focuses particularly on the draft Regulation. The use of a regulation is welcome, as (in integrated financial markets) abuses should be regulated in a harmonised manner by member states, which has not always been the case, as the 2007 report from the European Securities Markets Expert (ESME) Group extensively demonstrated. At the same time, this paper criticises some of the provisions contained in the draft Regulation, notably the new notion of inside information not to abuse (Art. 6(e)) and the unchanged definition of inside information for listed companies to disclose, and it proposes new definitions. The extension of disclosure obligations to issuers whose shares are traded on demand only on ‘listing’ multilateral trading facilities is also widely criticised. Other comments deal with the proposed rules on managers’ transactions, insiders’ lists and accepted market practices.


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While most academic and practitioner researchers agree that a country’s commercial banking sector’s soundness is a very significant indicator of a country’s financial market health, there is considerably less agreement and substantial confusion surrounding what constitutes a healthy bank in the aftermath of 2007+ financial crisis. Global banks’ balance sheets, corporate governance, management compensation and bonuses, toxic assets, and risky behavior are all under scrutiny as academics and regulators alike are trying to quantify what are “healthy, safe and good practices” for these various elements of banking. The current need to quantify, measure, evaluate, and compare is driven by the desire to spot troubled banks, “bad and risky” behavior, and prevent real damage and contagion in the financial markets, investors, and tax payers as it did in the recent crisis. Moreover, future financial crisis has taken on a new urgency as vast amounts of capital flows (over $1 trillion) are being redirected to emerging markets. This study differs from existing methods in the literature as it entail designing, constructing, and validating a critical dimension of financial innovation in respect to the eight developing countries in the South Asia region as well as eight countries in emerging Europe at the country level for the period 2001 – 2008, with regional and systemic differentials taken into account. Preliminary findings reveal that higher stages of payment systems development have generated efficiency gains by reducing the settlement risk and improving financial intermediation; such efficiency gains are viewed as positive financial innovations and positively impact the banking soundness. Potential EU candidate countries: Albania; Montenegro; Serbia