999 resultados para 1991-1996
Load Rating: . , :Evaluation of the capacity of a bridge to carry vehicle Inventory Rating: Lbad level which can safely utilize the bridge for an indefinite period of time Operating Rating: Absolute maximum permissible load level for the bridge A load rating states the load in tons which a vehicle can impose on a bridge. Changes in guidelines, standards, and customary uses of bridges require analyses of bridges to be updated and re-evaluated. In this report, twenty-two secondary bridge standards for three types of bridges are rated for the AASHTO HS20-44 vehicle configuration and three typical Iowa legal vehicles
El mundo griego, como via de aproximación al pensamiento weiliano, no constituye solo un registro de referencias e influencias; es un ámbito de adhesión que responde a la búsqueda por parte de la autora de un espacio vital que posibilite tanto el acceso del pensamicnto a lo real, como el lenguaje en el que decirse. La sintonia entre su lectura de la cultura griega y la que Maria Zambrano nos presenta hace pensar en una común opción teórica por arraigar su palabra en el tiempo, dirigiéndose al lugar originario en el que se decide entre la construcción racional y la recepcion atenta, un lugar ocupado por el pitagorismo que Platón hereda.
A laboratory study has been conducted with two aims in mind. The first goal was to develop a description of how a cutting edge scrapes ice from the road surface. The second goal was to investigate the extent, if any, to which serrated blades were better than un-serrated or "classical" blades at ice removal. The tests were conducted in the Ice Research Laboratory at the Iowa Institute of Hydraulic Research of the University of Iowa. A specialized testing machine, with a hydraulic ram capable of attaining scraping velocities of up to 30 m.p.h. was used in the testing. In order to determine the ice scraping process, the effects of scraping velocity, ice thickness, and blade geometry on the ice scraping forces were determined. Higher ice thickness lead to greater ice chipping (as opposed to pulverization at lower thicknesses) and thus lower loads. S~milabr ehavior was observed at higher velocities. The study of blade geometry included the effect of rake angle, clearance angle, and flat width. The latter were found to be particularly important in developing a clear picture of the scraping process. As clearance angle decreases and flat width increases, the scraping loads show a marked increase, due to the need to re-compress pulverized ice fragments. The effect of serrations was to decrease the scraping forces. However, for the coarsest serrated blades (with the widest teeth and gaps) the quantity of ice removed was significantly less than for a classical blade. Finer serrations appear to be able to match the ice removal of classical blades at lower scraping loads. Thus, one of the recommendations of this study is to examine the use of serrated blades in the field. Preliminary work (by Nixon and Potter, 1996) suggests such work will be fruitful. A second and perhaps more challenging result of the study is that chipping of ice is more preferable to pulverization of the ice. How such chipping can be forced to occur is at present an open question.
This paper gives new evidence on the relationship between integration and industrial agglomeration in the presence of scale economies, by testing directly one of the predictions that can be derived from Krugman (1991), that is, the existence of regional nominal wage gradients and its transformation following changes in trade regimes. Our case study analyzes the effects of the substitution of an open economy by a closed economy regime, exactly the opposite process studied by Hanson (1996, 1997). In Spain, during the interwar period, protectionist policies would have favored the loss of centrality of the coastal location (Barcelona) and the relative rise of central locations (such as Madrid). Our results indicate the existence of a wage gradient centered in Barcelona during the interwar period (1914-1930) and its weakening after 1925.
The aim of this article is to present the main conclusions of the Report on research in Catalonia for the area of mathematics**. The report was prepared by Joaquim Bruna, Marta Sanz, Joan de Solà-Morales and the author of this text, and published by the Institute for Catalan Studies in 1998. In the report, scientific activity in the area of mathematics was measured essentially by examining two parameters: papers published in specialised journals and doctoral theses read. It should be recognised that a considerable amount of activity in the field of mathematics consists of applying existing knowledge to the resolution of practical technological problems that arise in particular companies. This kind of scientific activity was not measured in any way in the report due to the difficulty of obtaining objective data. This article is divided into the following sections: human resources, scientific production, funding, research publications, research centres, and conclusions.
Aquesta publicació és alhora el primer número de la revista "Studia Ramazziniana Mediterranea", nascuda en ocasió d'aquestes jornades i creada amb la voluntat de recollir la producció científica en el camp de la medicina del treball i totes les activitats que li estan relacionades.En aquest número queda recollit el primer volum de les actes, compost per articles sencers i altres que són només resums de les comunicacions exposades.
Aquesta publicació és alhora el primer número de la revista "Studia Ramazziniana Mediterranea", nascuda en ocasió d'aquestes jornades i creada amb la voluntat de recollir la producció científica en el camp de la medicina del treball i totes les activitats que li estan relacionades.En aquest número queda recollit el primer volum de les actes, compost per articles sencers i altres que són només resums de les comunicacions exposades.
El llibre conté el programa de les jornades i la relació de comunicacions presentades, no el seu resum.També conté una cronologia dels fets més rellevants en el desenvolupament de la disciplina de Medicina del Treball.
This paper gives new evidence on the relationship between integration and industrial agglomeration in the presence of scale economies, by testing directly one of the predictions that can be derived from Krugman (1991), that is, the existence of regional nominal wage gradients and its transformation following changes in trade regimes. Our case study analyzes the effects of the substitution of an open economy by a closed economy regime, exactly the opposite process studied by Hanson (1996, 1997). In Spain, during the interwar period, protectionist policies would have favored the loss of centrality of the coastal location (Barcelona) and the relative rise of central locations (such as Madrid). Our results indicate the existence of a wage gradient centered in Barcelona during the interwar period (1914-1930) and its weakening after 1925.
Debe reconocerse que en estos años próximos al fin del milenio la publicación de estudios sobre el mundo ibérico goza de excelente salud, cuando menos en volumen. Artículos, ponencias y comunicaciones amenazan con abrumar al lector más impenitente. Por ello resulta aleccionador acudir al meritorio trabajo de Fernando Quesada: "La cultura ibérica: una aproximación bibliográfica (1992-1993)", RE/b, 1, 1994, 335-377, que reúne la producción en revistas y series no excesivamente locales -imposibles de controlar, por otro lado-, y comprobar un balance de unos doscientos títulos anuales. Ahora bien, si consideramos el número de monografías, nos situaremos en un plano selectivo, que rondará la docena al año. Diversos factores -y entre ellos la desidia de diferentes niveles administrativos y académicos- parecen confabularse para que no se disponga de un conjunto de memorias impresas proporcional al volumen de excavaciones realizadas en las dos últimas décadas.