975 resultados para 16S RIBOSOMAL-RNA


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新外显子的起源是一种重要的增加转录组和蛋白质组多样性的分子机制。 对于新外显子及其父本基因的进化和功能特征方面还有很多重要的问题有待于 解决。本研究首先在全基因组水平上鉴定在人和小鼠中产生的新外显子,随后 对这些外显子及其父本基因作进化和功能上的分析。我们发现新外显子倾向于 位于基因的UTR 区域,尤其是5’ UTR 区域,这表明可能有些新外显子的出现 与基因的表达调控相关。我们还发现,产生新外显子的基因具有较高的组织表 达特异性,其基因功能倾向于细胞调控和与外界环境相互作用。通过对外群中 直系同源基因的分析,我们的结果表明进化速率较高的基因更容易获得新的外 显子,纠正了先前认为的获得新外显子会加速基因进化速率的看法。 我们对哺乳类CDYL 基因家族中产生的新外显子进行了具体的进化分析和 功能研究。我们的结果表明CDYL 基因在哺乳类分化前在原先的基因上游区域 获得了一个新的启动子和三个新的外显子。随后在哺乳动物各个支系的分化中, CDYL 基因在小鼠,狗和人中分别独立的进化出一个新的外显子。同源比对的 结果表明,这些新外显子是通过内含子序列的外显子化这一分子机制产生。近 缘物种间的进化速率的计算结果表明这些新产生的外显子具有快速进化的模 式,并且其快速进化可能是由正选择所驱动。在人中,多种突变包括新外显子 的获得,启动子的改变,选择性剪切的发生使得人的CDYL 基因获得了一种新 的编码更长蛋白质的剪切体。在人Hela 细胞系中的实验表明,新产生的蛋白质 与原有的蛋白质相比都具有显著的转录抑制活性,但新的蛋白质的转录抑制活 性较弱,且两者之间存在相互干扰的关系。这一结果表明通过新外显子的获得 产生的新的蛋白质可以丰富原有的基因表达调控体系,使得生物体的调控网络 更加精确。 嵌合RNA 通常认为是由来源于不同的pre-mRNA 的外显子通过反式剪切连 接在一起形成的。这一现象在包括多种动物和植物中被广泛的报道。我们的研 究首先通过大规模表达序列(ESTs)的搜索,在酵母,果蝇,小鼠和人中鉴定 到了大量的嵌合RNA。这一结果表明形成嵌合RNA 在真核生物中是一种普遍 的生物学过程,是一种重要的增加转录组和蛋白质组的多样性的分子机制。对 嵌合RNA 的序列分析表明,仅有<20%的嵌合RNA 在接合处可以找到典型的剪切位点 GU-AG,可以用经典的反式剪切模型来解释其产生机制。然而有意思的 是,我们在大约一半的嵌合RNA 的供体基因之间找到了短的同源序列,这一发 现使我们提出了一种新的分子机制来解释这些嵌合RNA 的形成,我们称之为 “转录滑动”模型。在酵母我们,我们用实验的方法验证了短同源序列对形成嵌 合RNA 的必要性,有力地支持了我们这一模型。


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本研究以凤鹛属(Yuhina)鸟类为研究对象,分别使用分子生物学性状和形 态学性状来重建凤鹛属种间的系统发育关系,为东南亚地区鹛类的起源与进化研 究提出新的见解。分子生物学研究的内群不仅包括了凤鹛属(11 种中的10 种), 而且还包括了菲律宾特有穗鹛属(Stachyris)和绣眼鸟属(Zosterops)等近缘种。 通过测定线粒体上两个蛋白编码基因Cyt b、ND3 的全长序列和两个RNA 编码 基因 12S, 16S 的部分序列,得到长度为2379bp 的联合序列,使用最大简约法、 最大似然法和贝叶斯法进行系统发育分析的结果表明,菲律宾岛特有的穗鹛(金 冠穗鹛S. dennistouni、纹穗鹛S. striata、怀氏穗鹛S. whiteheadi)与绣眼鸟属(暗 绿绣眼Z. japonicus、红胁绣眼Z. erythropleurus、灰腹绣眼Z. palpebrosus)聚为 一支,位于凤鹛属支系内部。通过凤鹛、菲律宾穗鹛、绣眼鸟三个类群羽冠性状 演化趋势的分析,发现羽冠性状在菲律宾特有穗鹛和绣眼鸟支系中发生丢失。与 前人的研究结果相比,新发现纹喉凤鹛Y. gularis 与棕肛凤鹛Y. occipitalis 是姐妹 群,黄颈凤鹛Y. flavicollis 和白项凤鹛Y. bakeri 是姐妹群,这两个姐妹群又聚为 一大支的关系。 在分类问题上,暗绿绣眼、红胁绣眼和灰腹绣眼在本研究中与鹛类表现出近 缘关系,与前人使用绣眼鸟属其它物种进行的相关研究显示出高度一致性,说明 绣眼鸟属的系统学地位存在很大疑问,应该扩大取样进行深入研究。栗冠凤鹛 Y. everetti 与栗耳凤鹛Y. castaniceps 聚为姐妹群的关系,但是二者之间较小的遗 传距离和形态学差别显示二者之间应该为亚种关系,而不是种级关系。依据栗耳 凤鹛特有的尾羽形态提出的Staphiada 属没有得到本分子生物学研究结果的支持 (Harrison, 1986a, b)。在白腹凤鹛Y. zantholeuca 不属于凤鹛属支系这一结果的 提示下,发现白腹凤鹛独有的形态学特征,例如羽冠由冠羽形成、鼻孔半裸露、 飞羽外翈没有异色羽缘,这些独有的特征与其特殊的系统学地位相对应。因此, 我们支持前人提出的将白腹凤鹛从凤鹛属中分出去,单独成Erpornis 属的建议 (Cibois et al., 2002)。 在历史生物地理学方面,根据菲律宾特有穗鹛和绣眼鸟的近缘关系,认为菲 律宾特有穗鹛的祖先具有与现在绣眼鸟一样的跨海迁移的能力,在中新世末期(5.74Mya)由喜马拉雅地区或印度支那起源地经大巽他地区扩散到菲律宾岛屿 上,经过长期独立进化后,形成现在高度特有的穗鹛支系。更新世冰期时,大巽 他地区海平面下降,使栗冠凤鹛得以扩散至婆罗州(1.66Mya)。在上新世初期台 湾岛成陆后,由于台湾岛与中国大陆相连,褐头凤鹛Y. brunneiceps 的祖先扩散 至台湾岛屿上(5.05Mya)。高黎贡山为第四纪冰期时凤鹛属鸟类的避难场所,因 此形成了现在凤鹛属鸟类在高黎贡山地区密集分布的格局。喜马拉雅山和青藏高 原的隆起导致青藏高原上植被带的变化和喜马拉雅山南麓在第四纪冰期中避难 所的作用,是纹喉凤鹛、棕肛凤鹛、黄颈凤鹛、白项凤鹛等种类现今在喜马拉雅 山南麓密集分布的可能原因。 在凤鹛属分子系统学的研究基础上,从形态学角度探讨凤鹛属除白领凤鹛外 其它物种之间的系统发育关系。使用最先分化出来的白领凤鹛为外群以外群比较 法进行51 个形态学特征的性状极化,使用最大简约法分析后,结果不仅支持一 些分子系统学揭示的物种之间的亲缘关系,例如,栗耳凤鹛与栗冠凤鹛姐妹群的 关系,黑颏凤鹛和褐头凤鹛姐妹群的关系,三种绣眼鸟聚为一支,再与怀氏穗鹛 聚为一个大支;而且发现了新的系统关系,黄颈凤鹛与缅甸凤鹛Y. humilis 是姐 妹群,具有浅色下体的凤鹛属物种具有较近的系统关系。分子数据和形态数据对 凤鹛属系统发育树中部节点解决能力的差异,说明凤鹛属物种之间分化间隔时间 很短。 通过综述近年来核基因在鸟类分子系统发育研究中的应用情况,建议未来研 究中增加核基因的内含子序列,例如肌球素基因内含子2( myoglobin intron Ⅱ) 或β纤维蛋白原基因内含子7(β-fibrinogen intron7, β-fibint 7)来解决本研究 中未确定的末端分枝分歧顺序。


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本研究设计了一种新的RNA提取方法 ,解决了RNA提取时容易被降解和污染这一关键问题。通过加入Rnase抑制剂 ,消除了同外源RNase对RNA的降解 ,结合DNA难呈低盐溶液(140mmol·L -1NaCl)的原理 ,去除了DNA对RNA提取液的污染 ;先后使用酚和氯仿 ,有效地去除了蛋白质和酚类物的污染 ,利用抗氧化剂PVP和巯基乙醇 ,消除了内源酚类物质氧化变色对病毒RNA逆转录的影响。采用上述方法可以在4~5h内得到纯度高、含量大、完整性好的果树总RNA ,并获得了逆转录活性较强的病毒RNA ,同时使提取RNA的成本降低。这些方法对苹果、葡萄、桃、樱桃等果树总RNA的提取均适用。


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We describe a new molecular approach to analyzing the genetic diversity of complex microbial populations. This technique is based on the separation of polymerase chain reaction-amplified fragments of genes coding for 16S rRNA, all the same length, by denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE). DGGE analysis of different microbial communities demonstrated the presence of up to 10 distinguishable bands in the separation pattern, which were most likely derived from as many different species constituting these populations, and thereby generated a DGGE profile of the populations. We showed that it is possible to identify constituents which represent only 1% of the total population. With an oligonucleotide probe specific for the V3 region of 16S rRNA of sulfate-reducing bacteria, particular DNA fragments from some of the microbial populations could be identified by hybridization analysis. Analysis of the genomic DNA from a bacterial biofilm grown under aerobic conditions suggests that sulfate-reducing bacteria, despite their anaerobicity, were present in this environment. The results we obtained demonstrate that this technique will contribute to our understanding of the genetic diversity of uncharacterized microbial populations.


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All messenger-RNA (mRNA) molecules in eukaryotic cells have a polyadenylic acid [poly (rA)] tail at the 3'-end and human poly (rA) polymerase (PAP) has been considered as a tumor-specific target. A ligand that is capable of recognizing and binding to the poly(M) tail of mRNA might interfere with the full processing of mRNA by PAP and can be a potential therapeutic agent. We report here for the first time that single-walled carbon nanotubes (SWNTs) can cause single-stranded poly (M) to self-structure and form a duplex structure, which is studied by UV melting, atomic force microscopy, circular dichroism spectroscopy, and NMR spectrometry.


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Cyclin A(2) plays critical role in DNA replication, transcription, and cell cycle regulation. Its overexpression has been detected and related to many types of cancers including leukemia, suggesting that suppression of cyclin A(2) would be an attractive strategy to prevent tumor progression. Herein, we apply functionalized single wall carbon nanotubes (f-SWNTs) to carry small interfering RNA (siRNA) into K562 cells and determine whether inhibition of cyclin A(2) would be a potential therapeutic target for chronic myelogenous leukemia.


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The growth potential of turbot Scophthalmus maximus larvae and juveniles was studied using nucleic acid-based indices and protein variables. The experiment was carried out from 4 to 60 days post hatching (dph). A significant increase in instantaneous growth rate during metamorphosis and retarded growth rate during post-metamorphic phase were observed. Ontogenetic patterns of DNA, RNA and protein all showed developmental stage-specific traits. The RNA:DNA ratio decreased up to 12 dph, then increased rapidly till 19 dph and fluctuated until 35 dph followed by a decline to the end. The RNA:DNA ratio was positively correlated with growth rate of juveniles during the post-metamorphic phase, whereas this ratio was not a sensitive indicator of growth during the pre-metamorphic phase and metamorphosis. The protein:DNA ratio showed a similar tendency to the RNA:DNA ratio. Changes of DNA content and protein:DNA ratio revealed that growth of S. maximus performed mainly by hyperplasia from 4 to 12 dph and hypertrophy until 21 dph during the pre-metamorphic larval phase. Growth was dominantly hypertrophical from the early- to mid-metamorphosing phase and hyperplastic thereafter. The results show that the DNA content and protein:DNA ratio can evaluate growth rates of larval and juvenile S. maximus on a cellular level.


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Double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) is a virus-associated molecular pattern which induces antiviral innate immune responses and RNA interference (RNAi) in mammals. In invertebrates, RNAi phenomenon has been widely studied, but dsRNA-induced innate immune response is seldom reported. In the present study, two different dsRNAs specific for green fluorescent protein (GFP) and the putative D1 protein of photosystem II (NoPSD) from Nannochloropsis oculata, were employed to challenge Chinese mitten crab Eriocheir sinensis. The temporal changes of phenoloxidase (PO), acid phosphatase (ACP), superoxide dismutase (SOD) and malondialdehyde (MDA) content, as well as the mRNA expression of some immune-related genes were examined in order to estimate the effect of dsRNAs on the innate immunity of E. sinensis. The activities of PO, ACP and SOD significantly increased after dsRNA treatment, whereas malondialdehyde (MDA) content did not change significantly. Among the examined genes, only the mRNA expression of EsALF, an antibacterial peptide in E. sinensis, was significantly up-regulated (about 5 fold, P < 0.05) at 12 h after dsRNA treatment, while no significant expression changes were observed among the other immune genes. The increase of PO, ACP and SOD activities, and mRNA expression level of EsALF after dsRNA stimulation indicate that phenoloxidase, hydrolytic enzyme, antioxidation and EsALF were involved in dsRNA-induced innate immunity, suggesting that broad-spectrum immune responses could be induced by dsRNA in E. sinensis. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.