995 resultados para 158-957B
中国暖温带落叶阔叶林区维管植物共158科,931属,近4000种(含亚种,变种和变型),种子植物l3l科,877属,3770余种。暖温带植物区系有很强的温带性质,各类温带成分共548属,而各类热带成分仅226属,热带成分与温带成分(R/T)的比率为0.31。运用TWINSPAN和DCA对全国34个植物区系进行了数量分类排序,结果反映了一个地区的植物区系性质主要取决于其所在地的地理位置,同时也受山地海拔高度的强烈影响这一植物区系的基本特征。 根据暖温带森林植物的特点,修订了Raunkiear生活型系统。暖温带森林植物以地面芽植物(H)占较大的优势,占暖温带全部种类的33.9%;其次是地下芽(G)植物,占l 9.7%;全部高位芽植物占27.5%,绝大部分为落叶阔叶高位芽植物。主要由这些生活型组成的暖温带植物生活型总谱基本反映了暖温带夏季温暖多雨、冬季寒冷干旱的中纬度地区地面芽植物群落气候特征。 暖温带森林植被类型主要有7个植被亚型,约50个群系。辽东栎群落是典型的地带性森林群落。应用TWINSPAN和DCA程序将68块暖温带部分地区辽东栎群落样地和83块北京山区辽东栎群落样地分别划分为1 5个和14个群落类型。用物种丰富度指数、Simpson指数、多样性奇测法、Shannon-Wiene r指数、Pielou均匀度指数,Heip均匀度指数、AIatalo均匀度指数等常用的多样性测度方法,分别对暖温带和北京山区辽东栎群落的多样性进行了测度,结果发现,多样性作为一个整体与DCA第1轴有很大的相关关系:暖温带辽东栎群落多样性指数与DCA第1轴的复相关系数为0.7左右,北京山区较高,为0.8左右。多样性的空间特征为:随海拔的升高和纬度的降低,多样性指数呈上升趋势,反映了水热条件在辽东栎水平分布范围内、人类活动和水分因子在辽东栎垂直分布范围内对群落多样性的影响;不同群落之间多样性指数由低到高的顺序为:灌丛、辽东栎萌生丛、辽东栎林、辽东栎纯林、混交林,符合群落演替过程中多样性的动态规律。 对秦岭主峰太白山海拔1400-1600m之间植被类型和物种多样性进行了研究,在划分的1 5种群落类型中,以位于海拔1500-2300m之间的落叶阅叶混交林和栎类混交林的群落多样性最高,在海拔2300-3600m之间,群落多样性趋于单调下降,反映了热量的不足在这一海拔高度范围成为多样性的主要限制因子。
Four species of Gracilaria are investigated for their free amino-acid contents, as well as amino-acid constituents in the proteins and the peptides, using quantitative paper chromatographic technique. Amino-acid constituents of different species of Gracilaria differ only in amount, while free amino-acids and the amino-acids in the peptides vary both in quality and quantity. A number of amino-acids recorded as protein constituents have even escaped detection in the peptides, while in the free state they occur either in all the species or in some only except homocystine. Moreover, some amino-acids occur exclusively in the free state.
Based on a talk given before a meeting of the Society of Fisheries Technologists, India.
保护生物地理学(Conservation biogeography)就是运用生物地理学的原理、理论和分析方法,特别是那些有关物种分布格局的信息,去解决生物多样性保护的相关问题,是当前生物多样性及其保护生物学研究领域的热点。通过构建中国蕨类植物物种及分布数据库得知,中国现有蕨类植物63科,221属,2456种,其中有1218种属于中国特有(中国蕨类总数约50%),3种蕨类植物为外来种。科的统计表明:最大的科为鳞毛蕨科、蹄盖蕨科、金星蕨科和水龙骨科4个科所包含的种类占全国总种数的51.5%。鳞毛蕨科、蹄盖蕨科、金星蕨科、水龙骨科、铁角蕨科、凤尾蕨科、碗蕨科、中国蕨科、叉蕨科、观音座莲科等十个大科所含种数占了中国特有种总数的80%。云南、四川、贵州、广西、台湾、湖南、西藏等省区是中国蕨类植物种类数量及中国特有种数量较多的地区;全国有22个省区拥有地方特有种,地方特有蕨类植物数量由西向东、由南向北逐渐递减,云南、台湾、西藏、海南等四省区的地方特有蕨类植物种数占各省区蕨类植物总数10%以上,反映了青藏高原隆起及岛屿现象对中国特有蕨类植物分化的影响。 中国蕨类植物与各地理、环境及气候因子的相关性分析结果表明:(1)随着经度、纬度的增加, 蕨类植物物种总数及中国特有蕨类植物总数具有减少的趋势;(2)蕨类植物在海拔1000-1600米之间、特有蕨类植物在海拔700-2100米之间具有最大的多样性,此区间外随着海拔的降低及升高,物种丰富度依次降低;(3)气候因子特别是一月均温、年均温、相对湿度、年降雨量等因素对蕨类植物及中国特有蕨类植物均具有较大的影响,与最热月均温成低度线性相关或相关不显著;(4)地形因子是影响蕨类植物多样性的一个独立因素,地形条件越复杂,蕨类植物种类及中国特有蕨类植物种类越丰富。 运用SPSS统计分析软件分析了中国蕨类植物在各省之间种的相似性,以省区为单元对中国各省区蕨类植物物种组成进行了聚类分析,最后结果划分成:①南方蕨类植物区(包括横断山—青藏高原亚区、华中亚区、华东亚区、华南亚区)和北方蕨类植物区(包括东北—华北—西北亚区、秦岭亚区、江淮亚区)。 中国蕨类植物区系地理成分分析结果表明:(1)中国—喜马拉雅分布(40.86%)、热带亚洲分布(30.95%)、东亚分布(12.77%)和中国—日本分布(8.24%)构成中国蕨类植物区系成分的主体;在洲际关系方面,中国蕨类植物与大洋洲的蕨类植物关系最为紧密,共有种最多,达94种;与南美洲共有的蕨类植物种类最少,仅32种。(2)基于地理成分的聚类分析结果表明,可将我国蕨类植物区系地理区划为代表温带亚洲成分的(特别是中亚、西亚地中海分布成分)西北温带亚洲植物区、代表古热带成分的华南古热带植物区和代表广义东亚成分的东亚植物区,东亚植物区可继续下分为中国东北—俄罗斯远东亚区(该区分布有大量的东亚-北美间断分布类型)、中国—日本植物亚区、中国—喜马拉雅植物亚区。 运用IUCN濒危物种等级对中国蕨类植物及其国家重点保护蕨类植物进行了现状评估,结果表明:可能灭绝(EX)的2种,极危(CR)的蕨类植物有33种,属于濒危(EN)的蕨类植物51种,属于易危(VU)的蕨类植物有109种,接近受危(NT)的蕨类植物158种,需予关注(LC)的845种,数据不足(DD)的1255种。对国家重点保护蕨类植物的保护级别提出部分变更的建议,对部分没有列入保护名录珍稀蕨类提出保护的建议,并就建议保护级别变更和增加保护的种类进行了必要的说明。
Even though smoke curing is a very elegant method of preserving fish, the resultant products have only a very restricted shelf-life, unless stored under refrigerated conditions. The main source of spoilage is the early setting in of a vigorous growth of moulds. This problem is of a serious nature even in temperate climatic conditions. In full and universal recognition of the gravity of the problem, the FAO conference on herring technology held in September 1950 at Bergen in Norway has recommended the problem of "means of prevention of mould growth in smoked products" for future research study. This note records an interesting observation made at this Laboratory on the inhibitory action of sodium chloride on the development of mould in smoked fishery products.
An experiment was conducted for a period of 28 days using 7-day old C. batrachus larvae of initial total length (±S.D.) of 7.4 ± 0.49 mm and weight (±S.D.) of 2.8 ± 0.75 mg. Five test diets viz. diets I, II, III, IV and V were prepared. Diet I was formulated using 30% fish meal (FM), 20% soybean meal (SM) and 20% Baker's yeast (BY), diet III using 15% FM, 20% SM, 15% cotton seed meal and 30% BY and diet IV using 20% FM, 30% BY and 30% powdered milk. The remaining two diets (diets II and V) were prepared using minced clam meat (96%) and BY (90%) respectively as the sole source of protein. Three replications were used for each treatment. The larvae fed on diet II exhibited significantly (P<0.05) better length gain and specific growth rate (SGR) than those of the larvae fed on diet III and there was no significant difference among the length gain and SGR of the larvae fed on diet I,II,IV and V. The larvae fed on diet II also showed significantly better weight gain and survival than those of the larvae fed on other diets. There was no significant difference between the condition factor of the larvae fed on diet II and IV. However, the larvae fed on diet II showed better condition factor than those of the larvae fed on other diets.
The changes occurring in moisture, thiamine, riboflavin niacin, phosphorus, iron and calcium in pomfret, surmai and frozen mackerel, glazed with ascorbic acid, citric acid, sodium chloride, glucose, sodium nitrite and kept under frozen storage were studied up to 6 months and results reported.
The passive mode-locking in novel double tapered Bow-Tie lasers is investigated. This investigation aims to determine the possible GHz repetition rate at which passive mode-locking is derived, in addition, the record power levels will also be demonstrated. Alternative drive schemes and contact configurations to achieve optimized performance are discussed.
The response of three commercial weld-hardfacing alloys to erosive wear has been studied. These were high chromium white cast irons, deposited by an open-arc welding process, widely used in the mineral processing and steelmaking industries for wear protection. Erosion tests were carried out with quartz sand, silicon carbide grit and blast furnace sinter of two different sizes, at a velocity of 40 m s-1 and at impact angles in the range 20° to 90°. A monolithic white cast iron and mild steel were also tested for comparison. Little differences were found in the wear rates when silica sand or silicon carbide grit was used as the erodent. Significant differences were found, however, in the rankings of the materials. Susceptibility to fracture of the carbide particles in the white cast irons played an important role in the behaviour of the white cast irons. Sinter particles were unable to cause gross fracture of the carbides and so those materials with a high volume fraction of carbides showed the greatest resistance to erosive wear. Silica and silicon carbide were capable of causing fracture of the primary carbides. Concentration of plastic strain in the matrix then led to a high wear rate for the matrix. At normal impact with silica or silicon carbide erodents mild steel showed a greater resistance to erosive wear than these alloys. © 1995.