999 resultados para 132-809
Weaning, social environment, dendrites, dendritic spines, limbic system
Dopamin, Substantia nigra, Gedächtnis, Hippocampus, funktionelle Magnetresonanztomographie, Genetik, Polymorphismus, Dopamin-Transporter, Catechol-O-Methyltransferase, Altern, Morbus Parkinson
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2009
Abstract Background: The revascularization strategy of the left main disease is determinant for clinical outcomes. Objective: We sought to 1) validate and compare the performance of the SYNTAX Score 1 and 2 for predicting major cardiovascular events at 4 years in patients who underwent unprotected left main angioplasty and 2) evaluate the long-term outcome according to the SYNTAX score 2-recommended revascularization strategy. Methods: We retrospectively studied 132 patients from a single-centre registry who underwent unprotected left main angioplasty between March 1999 and December 2010. Discrimination and calibration of both models were assessed by ROC curve analysis, calibration curves and the Hosmer-Lemeshow test. Results: Total event rate was 26.5% at 4 years.The AUC for the SYNTAX Score 1 and SYNTAX Score 2 for percutaneous coronary intervention, was 0.61 (95% CI: 0.49-0.73) and 0.67 (95% CI: 0.57-0.78), respectively. Despite a good overall adjustment for both models, the SYNTAX Score 2 tended to underpredict risk. In the 47 patients (36%) who should have undergone surgery according to the SYNTAX Score 2, event rate was numerically higher (30% vs. 25%; p=0.54), and for those with a higher difference between the two SYNTAX Score 2 scores (Percutaneous coronary intervention vs. Coronary artery by-pass graft risk estimation greater than 5.7%), event rate was almost double (40% vs. 22%; p=0.2). Conclusion: The SYNTAX Score 2 may allow a better and individualized risk stratification of patients who need revascularization of an unprotected left main coronary artery. Prospective studies are needed for further validation.
Abstract Background: Heart disease in pregnancy is the leading cause of non- obstetric maternal death. Few Brazilian studies have assessed the impact of heart disease during pregnancy. Objective: To determine the risk factors associated with cardiovascular and neonatal complications. Methods: We evaluated 132 pregnant women with heart disease at a High-Risk Pregnancy outpatient clinic, from January 2005 to July 2010. Variables that could influence the maternal-fetal outcome were selected: age, parity, smoking, etiology and severity of the disease, previous cardiac complications, cyanosis, New York Heart Association (NYHA) functional class > II, left ventricular dysfunction/obstruction, arrhythmia, drug treatment change, time of prenatal care beginning and number of prenatal visits. The maternal-fetal risk index, Cardiac Disease in Pregnancy (CARPREG), was retrospectively calculated at the beginning of prenatal care, and patients were stratified in its three risk categories. Results: Rheumatic heart disease was the most prevalent (62.12%). The most frequent complications were heart failure (11.36%) and arrhythmias (6.82%). Factors associated with cardiovascular complications on multivariate analysis were: drug treatment change (p = 0.009), previous cardiac complications (p = 0.013) and NYHA class III on the first prenatal visit (p = 0.041). The cardiovascular complication rates were 15.22% in CARPREG 0, 16.42% in CARPREG 1, and 42.11% in CARPREG > 1, differing from those estimated by the original index: 5%, 27% and 75%, respectively. This sample had 26.36% of prematurity. Conclusion: The cardiovascular complication risk factors in this population were drug treatment change, previous cardiac complications and NYHA class III at the beginning of prenatal care. The CARPREG index used in this sample composed mainly of patients with rheumatic heart disease overestimated the number of events in pregnant women classified as CARPREG 1 and > 1, and underestimated it in low-risk patients (CARPREG 0).
Plantas de cebola (Alium cepa L.var. Baia Piriforme Precoce de Piracicaba) foram cultivadas em vasos contendo silica e irrigadas com solução nutritiva completa. Cada 15 dias a partir dos 70 dias da germinação foram coletadas plantas e separadas em folhas e bulbo. Até aos 85 dias o crescimento da cebola é lento intensificando-se apôs esta idade ate o fim do ciclo. A absorção dos nutrientes acompanha o crescimento. Uma produção de 36.700 kg de bulbo, correspondentes a um ha extrai as seguintes quantidades de nutrientes em kg: nitrogênio - 132,3, fosforo - 21,9, potássio - 177,0, cálcio - 15,9, magnesio - 17,3, enxofre - 33,8.
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Maschinenbau, Diss., 2015
Magdeburg, Univ., Fak. für Naturwiss., Diss., 2015
Otto-von-Guericke-Universität Magdeburg, Fakultät für Naturwissenschaften, Univ., Dissertation, 2015
Foi estudado o aproveitamento do fosfato de Araxá parcialmente solubilizado com ácido sulfúrico (FAPS) usando-se o feijoeiro como planta experimental em um Latossol Vermelho Escuro. Para comparação foram usados o fosfato natural de Araxá (FA) , o fosfato de Gafsa (F) e o superfosfato simples (SPS) em pó (SPSP) e granulado (SPSG). Foram feitos três cultivos sucessivos sem readubação fosfatada em presença e ausência de calagem inicial, isto é, antes da primeira semeadura. A análise dos dados mostrou o seguinte, considerando - se os três cultivos conjuntamente (matéria seca): (1) em ausência de calagem - SPSP - 100 (valor relativo), SPG = 100, FA = 60, FAPS = 60 a 85 (dependendo da granulometria), FG = 132. (2) em presença de calagem SPSP = 100. SPSG = 10,5, FA = 52, FAPS = 75 a 90, FG = 95. A calagem aumentou a quantidade de P absorvido somente no terceiro cultivo, qualquer que fosse a fonte. O FAPS funcionou com fonte de Ca e de S também, A calagem provocou diminuição no teor de P disponível (Olsen) encontrado depois do terceiro cultivo, exceto no caso do FAPS de maior granulonetria. Os teores obedecem à seguinte ordem decrescente: SPS, FAPS, FG e FA. Pode-se concluir que o comportamento do FAPS se aproximou daquele do SPS.
This work describes the reproduction of Gymnogeophagus labiatus (Hensel, 1870) from an upper stretch of Sinos river, southern Brazil, based on the analysis of 174 males and 132 females captured in monthly samples taken from January to December 2007. Results showed that reproductive activity occur in spring and summer although ripe males were found along the year. The standard length of the smallest ripe male was 104.74 mm (Lt) and the smallest ripe female was 55.00 mm (Lt). There was a significant difference in total sex ratio, with 1.32 males to each female (χ2 = 5.76). Males were much more abundant in March (1.75 males: 1 female) and December (5 males: 1 female). Females were more abundant in the 62├77 mm interval (1 male: 2.36 female) while males were more abundant in the 77├92 mm size interval (2.57 males: 1 female). The largest length intervals were composed of only males. Mean absolute fecundity was 113.4 (± 31.24 sd) and mean relative fecundity was 0.0125 (± 0.0026 sd) oocytes/mg. In ripe ovaries, small-diameter oocytes were observed at high frequencies while larger ones occurred at lower frequencies. This pattern is common in fishes with asynchronous oocyte development. Characteristics of G. labiatus, such as low fecundity, asynchrony in oocyte development, multiple spawning, and its well-known parental care behavior, are consistent with an equilibrium strategy, as proposed for other cichlids.
A biota aquática da bacia do rio Paraná tem sido impactada por várias barragens. Este estudo teve como objetivo caracterizar e comparar sazonalmente a alimentação dos peixes do rio Grande, à jusante da usina de Itutinga. Neste trecho de rio é esperada a redução do efeito sazonal devido à regulação do fluxo. A coleta foi realizada em janeiro e julho de 2010, com redes de emalhar e de arrasto. Os peixes foram fixados em formol e conservados em álcool para a análise dos conteúdos estomacais. A dieta foi caracterizada pelo índice alimentar (IA) e a guilda a que cada espécie pertence foi determinado pelo teste de χ². A alimentação de cada espécie e a ocorrência dos itens alimentares foram comparadas nos períodos de seca e chuva utilizando-se as análises de nMDS e SIMPER. Foram analisados 809 estômagos de 32 espécies de peixes categorizadas nas guildas piscívora, herbívora, iliófaga/detritívora, algívora, frugívora, invertívora e generalista, sendo esta a guilda de maior riqueza de espécies. O nMDS indicou menor diversificação na dieta em julho, quando foi observado um aumento na ocorrência de vegetal, invertebrados e sedimento. Este estudo ampliou o conhecimento dos hábitos alimentares dos peixes e o efeito do barramento local sobre a dieta das espécies em virtude da regularização do fluxo.
Aplicación del DEA en el análisis de beneficios en un sistema integrado verticalmente hacia adelante
En el presente trabajo se diseñan tres modelos DEA a partir de un sistema de producción cuyos componentes están colocados en un arreglo en serie que se integran verticalmente hacia adelante. El primer modelo busca optimizar los beneficios del sistema agregado, así como la mejora de los mismos en cada uno de los subsistemas. En el segundo de los modelos, además del objetivo anterior, se incluyen restricciones de transferencia de los recursos específicos asociados a cada subsistema, y en el tercer modelo se estima el intervalo de variación para los precios de transferencia de los inputs intermedios entre ambos subsistemas. Los modelos han sido programados y simulados en el software GAMS a partir de datos generados por una función de producción Cobb-Douglas para los inputs intermedios y los outputs finales.
jahrg. 37, bd. 132 (1916)