967 resultados para 1-benzoyl-3-benzylguanidine
Synthese und photophysikalische Eigenschaften funktionalisierter 1-Oligoalkinylamide Torsten Schweikert Zusammenfassung der Dissertation zur Erlangung des Grades „Doktor der Naturwissenschaften“ Die Zielsetzung dieser Arbeit bestand aus der Synthese verschiedener 1-Oligoalkinylamide und deren Funktionalisierung mit endständigen Akzeptoreinheiten, um einen Zugang zu konjugierten Donor-Akzeptor-substituierten Acetylenchromophoren zu realisieren, welche die Aminogruppe direkt am Acetylenkohlenstoff tragen. In einer kupfer(I)-katalysierten Cadiot-Chodkiewicz-Reaktion konnten terminale 1-Alkinylamide 1 mit verschiedenen substituierten 1-Bromalkinen 2 zu den 1-Oligoalkinylamiden 3 umgesetzt werden. Die Reaktion zeichnet sich durch eine hohe Toleranz gegenüber verschiedenen funktionellen Gruppen aus und lieferte die 1-Oligoalkinylamide 3 in Ausbeuten von 34 bis 99 %. NR1EWGNR2R1EWGR2Br5 Mol-% CuI30 Mol-% NH2OH·H2O2.0 Äquiv. n-BuNH2MeOH0 °C - 40 °C, 0.5 - 2 h34 - 99 %1.5 Äquiv. 213R1: Phenyl, 2-Iodphenyl, Benzyl, AlkylR2: Alkyl, Hydroxyalkyl, O-Tetrahydropyranyloxyalkyl, Methylester, 4-Nitrophenyl, 4-Cyanophenyl, 4-Dimesitylborylphenylnn Mittels UV/Vis-Spektroskopie sind die verschiedenen Donor-Akzeptor-substituierten Chromophore auf ihre photophysikalischen Eigenschaften hin untersucht worden. Dabei zeigten sich verschiedene Effekte bei Variation der Donor- und Akzeptorgruppen sowie bei Verlängerung der Acetylenbrücke auf die Lage der Charge-Transfer-Bande. Die Solvatochromie der Absorptionsbanden zeigte das Vorhandensein eines permanenten Dipolmoments der Verbindungen. Die elektrooptische Absorptionsmessung konnte schließlich Informationen über die Größe der Dipolmomente im Grundzustand und im angeregten Franck-Condon-Zustand liefern. Die elektrischen Dipolmomente der Verbindungen im Grundzustand in 1,4-Dioxan und Cyclohexan liegen im Bereich von (9.4 – 12.2)10-30 Cm. Nach optischer Anregung erhöhen sich die Dipolmomente um (25.0 – 92.3)10-30 Cm, wobei die Änderung des Dipolmoments bei optischer Anregung ein Maximum für die 1-Diinylamide durchläuft und bei drei konjugierten Acetylenbindungen stark abnimmt. Die synthetisierten 1-Diinylamide fanden ferner Anwendung in der Synthese von funktionalisierten 3-Alkinylindolen, wobei mittels einer palladiumkatalysierten Heteroanellierungssequenz in 2-Position am Indol ein Schwefel- oder Stickstoffnucleophil eingeführt werden konnte.
Background: sebbene la letteratura recente abbia suggerito che l’utilizzo degli impianti corti possa rappresentare una alternative preferibile alle procedure di rigenerazione ossea nelle aree posteriori atrofiche, perché è un trattamento più semplice e con meno complicazioni, esistono solo pochi studi a medio e lungo termine che abbiano comparato queste tecniche. Scopo: lo scopo di questo studio retrospettivo è quello di valutare se gli impianti corti (6-8 mm) (gruppo impianti corti) possano presentare percentuali di sopravvivenza e valori di riassorbimento osseo marginali simili a impianti di dimensioni standard (≥11 mm) inseriti contemporaneamente ad una grande rialzo di seno mascellare. Materiali e Metodi: in totale, 101 pazienti sono stati inclusi: 48 nel gruppo impianti corti e 53 nel gruppo seno. In ciascun paziente da 1 a 3 impianti sono stati inseriti e tenuti sommersi per 4-6 mesi. I parametri clinici e radiografici valutati sono: i fallimenti implantari, le complicazioni, lo stato dei tessuti molli, e il riassorbimento osseo marginale. Tutti i pazienti sono stati seguiti per almeno 3 anni dal posizionamento implantare. Risultati: il periodo di osservazione medio è stato di 43.47 ± 6.1 mesi per il gruppo impianti corti e 47.03 ± 7.46 mesi per il gruppo seno. Due su 101 impianti corti e 6 su 108 impianti standard sono falliti. Al follow-up finale, si è riscontrato un riassorbimento osseo medio di 0.47 ± 0.48 mm nel gruppo impianti corti versus 0.64 ± 0.58 mm nel gruppo seno. Non sono presenti differenze statisticamente significative fra i gruppi in termini di fallimenti implantari, complicazioni protesiche, tessuti molli, e riassorbimento osseo. Il gruppo seno ha presentato, invece, un maggior numero di complicazioni chirurgiche. Conclusioni: entrambe le tecniche hanno dimostrato un simile tasso di successo clinico e radiografico, ma gli impianti corti hanno ridotto il numero di complicazioni chirurgiche.
Die antioxidative Aktivität des Enzyms Glutathionperoxidase-1 (GPx-1) schützt vor Atherosklerose und ihren Folgeerkrankungen. In einer Vorstudie konnten wir zeigen, dass der Mangel an GPx-1 die Atheroskleroseentwicklung in Apolipoprotein E defizienten (ApoE-/-) Mäusen beschleunigt und modifiziert. Allerdings sind die Verteilung der GPx-1 in atherosklerotischen Läsionen und die Mechanismen für den erhöhten Makrophagengehalt in der Läsion noch nicht geklärt. Deshalb haben wir (1) die in-situ Expression der GPx-Isoformen in atherosklerotischen Läsionen von GPx-1-/-ApoE-/- und ApoE-/- Mäusen und (2) den Einfluss der GPx-1 Defizienz auf die Schaumzellbildung und Proliferation der Peritonealmakrophagen in ApoE-/- Mäusen untersucht. Die GPx-1-/-ApoE-/- und ApoE-/- Weibchen wurden für 6 und 12 Wochen auf einer atherogenen „Western-type“ Diät gehalten. Die in situ-Hybridisierung zeigte, dass die verschiedenen Isoformen der GPx (GPx-1, GPx-3, GPx-4) vorwiegend in Makrophagen, nicht jedoch in glatten Muskelzellen der atherosklerotischen Läsionen von ApoE-/- Mäusen exprimiert wurden. Für die in vitro Untersuchungen wurden 5 Monate alte, GPx-1 defiziente und Wildtyp-Mäuse, gehalten auf Normaldiät, verwendet. Die Öl-Rot-O Färbung zeigte, dass die GPx-1 Defizienz die OxLDL (oxidiertes LDL) - und E-LDL (enzymatisch modifiziertes LDL) - induzierte Schaumzellbildung förderte. Darüber hinaus war die OxLDL-induzierte Cholesterinakkumulation (zellulärer Cholesterinester/ Cholesterin-Gehalt) in GPx-1 defizienten Makrophagen verstärkt, sodass ein Mangel an GPx-1 die Aufnahme von OxLDL durch Monozyten und damit die Umwandlung in Schaumzellen beschleunigt. Hinsichtlich der Proliferation zeigte sich, dass MCSF (Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Facotr) ein stärkerer Stimulus als OxLDL ist. Ein Mangel an GPx-1 fördert die Proliferation zusätzlich. Daran ist die ERK1/2 (extracellular-signal regulated kinase 1/2) - Kaskade beteiligt, denn es wurde eine schnelle Phosphorylierung der ERK1/2-Kaskade durch MCSF und/oder OxLDL nachgewiesen. Entsprechend reduzieren ERK1/2-Inhibitoren die proliferative Aktivität der Makrophagen. Die Hemmung der p38-MAPK (p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase) führt zur vermehrten Proliferation und bei gleichzeitig verringerter Caspase-3/7 Aktivität der Makrophagen unabhängig von der Expression der GPx-1. Ein Mangel an GPx-1 hat auch keinen Einfluss auf die MCSF-vermittelte Aktivierung der p38-MAPK und JNK (c-Jun N-terminal kinase). Zusammenfassend läßt sich feststellen, dass die GPx-1-Defizienz einen signifikanten Einfluss auf die Schaumzellbildung und Proliferation von Makrophagen hat, was zur Beschleunigung der Atherosklerose und zu vermehrter Zellularität der entstehenden atherosklerotischen Läsionen führt. Die Proliferation wird über den ERK1/2 Signal-transduktionsweg positiv und über den p38-MAPK Weg negativ reguliert, wobei die ERK1/2-Kaskade empfindlich gegenüber oxidativem Stress bei GPx-1-Defizienz ist.
Objectives: To evaluate the extent of bone fill over 3 years following the surgical treatment of peri-implantitis with bone grafting with or without a membrane. Material and Methods: In a non-submerged wound-healing mode, 15 subjects with 27 implants were treated with a bone substitute (Algipore®) alone and 17 subjects with 29 implants were treated with the bone substitute and a resorbable membrane (Osseoquest®). Implants with radiographic bone loss ≥1.8 mm following the first year in function and with bleeding and/or pus on probing were included. Following surgery, subjects were given systemic antibiotics (10 days) and rinsed with chlorhexidine. After initial healing, the subjects were enrolled in a strict maintenance programme. Results: Statistical analysis failed to demonstrate changes in bone fill between 1 and 3 years both between and within procedure groups. The mean defect fill at 3 years was 1.3 ± (SD) 1.3 mm if treated with the bone substitute alone and 1.6 ± (SD) 1.2 mm if treated with an adjunct resorbable membrane, (p=0.40). The plaque index decreased from approximately 40–10%, remaining stable during the following 2 years. Conclusion: Defect fill using a bone substitute with or without a membrane technique in the treatment of peri-implantitis can be maintained over 3 years.
The aim of the study was to evaluate the impact of smoking on a prolongated chlorhexidine digluconate regimen after scaling and root planing. Forty-two smokers (test group) and 85 nonsmoking patients (control group) with generalized chronic periodontitis were examined for clinical attachment level (CAL), probing depth (PD), bleeding on probing (BoP), and Plaque Index (Pl) at baseline and after 1 and 3 months. During scaling and root planing, a 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate solution and a 1% chlorhexidine digluconate gel were used. The subjects used a 0.2% chlorhexidine digluconate solution twice daily for 3 months. The Mann-Whitney U and Wilcoxon tests were used for statistical analysis. There were significant improvements of all studied variables after 1 and 3 months in both groups. After 3 months, the mean improvement in the test group was 1.62 mm for CAL, 2.85 mm for PD, and 48% for BoP; in the control group, the values were 2.18 mm for CAL, 2.81 mm for PD, and 47% for BoP. Only the maximum changes of CAL between 1 and 3 months (test group, 0.32 mm vs 0.69 mm in the control group) and PD (test group, 0.47 mm vs 0.76 mm in the control group) were significantly different between the groups (P < .05 and P = .05, respectively). The present data appear to suggest that the use of chlorhexidine digluconate twice daily during a period of 3 months following nonsurgical periodontal therapy may result in significant clinical improvements in smokers and nonsmokers.
Carcinoids are slow-growing neuroendocrine tumors that, in the lung, can be subclassified as typical (TC) or atypical (AC). To identify genetic alterations that improve the prediction of prognosis, we investigated 34 carcinoid tumors of the lung (18 TCs, 15 ACs, and 1 unclassified) by using array comparative genomic hybridization (array CGH) on 3700 genomic bacterial artificial chromosome arrays (resolution ?1 Mb). When comparing ACs with TCs, the data revealed: i) a significant difference in the average number of chromosome arms altered (9.6 versus 4.2, respectively; P = 0.036), with one subgroup of five ACs having more than 15 chromosome arms altered; ii) chromosomal changes in 30% of ACs or more with additions at 9q (?1 Mb) and losses at 1p, 2q, 10q, and 11q; and iii) 11q deletions in 8 of 15 ACs versus 1 of 18 TCs (P = 0.004), which was confirmed via fluorescence in situ hybridization. The four critical regions of interest in 45% ACs or more comprised 11q14.1, 11q22.1-q22.3, 11q22.3-q23.2, and 11q24.2-q25, all telomeric of MEN1 at 11q13. Results were correlated with patient clinical data and long-term follow-up. Thus, there is a strong association of 11q22.3-q25 loss with poorer prognosis, alone or in combination with absence of 9q34.11 alterations (P = 0.0022 and P = 0.00026, respectively).
BACKGROUND: The objective of this study was to link expression patterns of B-cell-specific Moloney murine leukemia virus integration site 1 (Bmi-1) and p16 to patient outcome (recurrence and survival) in a cohort of 252 patients with oral and oropharyngeal squamous cell cancer (OSCC). METHODS: Expression levels of Bmi-1 and p16 in samples from 252 patients with OSCC were evaluated immunohistochemically using the tissue microarray method. Staining intensity was determined by calculating an intensity reactivity score (IRS). Staining intensity and the localization of expression within tumor cells (nuclear or cytoplasmic) were correlated with overall, disease-specific, and recurrence-free survival. RESULTS: The majority of cancers were localized in the oropharynx (61.1%). In univariate analysis, patients who had OSCC and strong Bmi-1 expression (IRS >10) had worse outcomes compared with patients who had low and moderate Bmi-1 expression (P = .008; hazard ratio [HR], 1.82; 95% confidence interval [CI], 1.167-2.838); this correlation was also observed for atypical cytoplasmic Bmi-1 expression (P = .001; HR, 2.164; 95% CI, 1.389-3.371) and for negative p16 expression (P < .001; HR, 0.292; 95% CI, 0.178-0.477). The combination of both markers, as anticipated, had an even stronger correlation with overall survival (P < .001; HR, 8.485; 95% CI, 4.237-16.994). Multivariate analysis demonstrated significant results for patients with oropharyngeal cancers, but not for patients with oral cavity tumors: Tumor classification (P = .011; HR, 1.838; 95%CI, 1.146-2.947) and the combined marker expression patterns (P < .001; HR, 6.254; 95% CI, 2.869-13.635) were correlated with overall survival, disease-specific survival (tumor classification: P = .002; HR, 2.807; 95% CI, 1.477-5.334; combined markers: P = .002; HR, 5.386; 95% CI, 1.850-15.679), and the combined markers also were correlated with recurrence-free survival (P = .001; HR, 8.943; 95% CI, 2.562-31.220). CONCLUSIONS: Cytoplasmic Bmi-1 expression, an absence of p16 expression, and especially the combination of those 2 predictive markers were correlated negatively with disease-specific and recurrence-free survival in patients with oropharyngeal cancer. Therefore, the current results indicate that these may be applicable as predictive markers in combination with other factors to select patients for more aggressive treatment and follow-up. Cancer 2011;. © 2011 American Cancer Society.
The ABSORB cohort A trial using the bioresorbable everolimus-eluting scaffold (BVS revision 1.0, Abbott Vascular) demonstrated a slightly higher acute recoil with BVS than with metallic stents. To reinforce the mechanical strength of the scaffold, the new BVS scaffold (revision 1.1) with modified strut design was developed and tested in the ABSORB cohort B trial. This study sought to evaluate and compare the in vivo acute scaffold recoil of the BVS revision 1.0 in ABSORB cohort A and the BVS revision 1.1 in ABSORB cohort B with the historical recoil of the XIENCE V® everolimus-eluting metal stent (EES, SPIRIT I and II).
Background Minor protease inhibitor (PI) mutations often exist as polymorphisms in HIV-1 sequences from treatment-naïve patients. Previous studies showed that their presence impairs the antiretroviral treatment (ART) response. Evaluating these findings in a larger cohort is essential. Methods To study the impact of minor PI mutations on time to viral suppression and time to virological failure, we included patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study infected with HIV-1 subtype B who started first-line ART with a PI and two nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitors. Cox regression models were performed to compare the outcomes among patients with 0 and ≥1 minor PI mutation. Models were adjusted for baseline HIV-1 RNA, CD4 cell count, sex, transmission category, age, ethnicity, year of ART start, the presence of nucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor mutations, and stratified for the administered PIs. Results We included 1199 patients of whom 944 (78.7%) received a boosted PI. Minor PI mutations associated with the administered PI were common: 41.7%, 16.1%, 4.7% and 1.9% had 1, 2, 3 or ≥4 mutations, respectively. The time to viral suppression was similar between patients with 0 (reference) and ≥1 minor PI mutation (multivariable hazard ratio (HR): 1.1 [95% confidence interval (CI): 1.0–1.3], P = .196). The time to virological failure was also similar (multivariable HR:.9 [95% CI:.5–1.6], P = .765). In addition, the impact of each single minor PI mutation was analyzed separately: none was significantly associated with the treatment outcome. Conclusions The presence of minor PI mutations at baseline has no effect on the therapy outcome in HIV infected individuals.
Acute stress reactions (ASR) and postpartum depressive symptoms (PDS) are frequent after childbirth. The present study addresses the change and overlap of ASR and PDS from the 1- to 3-week postpartum and examines the interplay of caregiver support and subjective birth experience with regard to the development of ASR/PDS within a longitudinal path model.
Considerable unexplained intersubject variability in the debrisoquine metabolic ratio (urinary debrisoquine/4-hydroxydebrisoquine) exists within individual CYP2D6 genotypes. We speculated that debrisoquine was converted to as yet undisclosed metabolites. Thirteen healthy young volunteers, nine CYP2D6*1 homozygotes [extensive metabolizers (EMs)] and four CYP2D6*4 homozygotes [poor metabolizers (PMs)] took 12.8 mg of debrisoquine hemisulfate by mouth and collected 0- to 8- and 8- to 24-h urines, which were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GCMS) before and after treatment with beta-glucuronidase. Authentic 3,4-dehydrodebrisoquine was synthesized and characterized by GCMS, liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry, and (1)H NMR. 3,4-Dehydrodebrisoquine is a novel metabolite of debrisoquine excreted variably in 0- to 24-h urine, both in EMs (3.1-27.6% of dose) and PMs (0-2.1% of dose). This metabolite is produced from 4-hydroxydebrisoquine in vitro by human and rat liver microsomes. A previously unstudied CYP2D6*1 homozygote was administered 10.2 mg of 4-hydroxydebrisoquine orally and also excreted 3,4-dehydrodebrisoquine. EMs excreted 6-hydroxydebrisoquine (0-4.8%) and 8-hydroxydebrisoquine (0-1.3%), but these phenolic metabolites were not detected in PM urine. Debrisoquine and 4-hydroxydebrisoquine glucuronides were excreted in a highly genotype-dependent manner. A microsomal activity that probably does not involve cytochrome P450 participates in the further metabolism of 4-hydroxydebrisoquine, which we speculate may also lead to the formation of 1- and 3-hydroxydebrisoquine and their ring-opened products. In conclusion, this study suggests that the traditional metabolic ratio is not a true measure of the debrisoquine 4-hydroxylation capacity of an individual and thus may, in part, explain the wide intragenotype variation in metabolic ratio.
BACKGROUND: Plasminogen activator inhibitor type-1 (PAI-1) is considered to be the main inhibitor of fibrinolysis in sepsis. However, the contribution of TAFI to the inhibition of fibrinolysis in sepsis is currently unknown. METHODS: TAFI antigen and PAI-1 levels were measured in severe sepsis (n = 32) and septic shock (n = 8) patients. In addition, TAFI antigen levels had been determined in 151 controls. RESULTS: Septic patients had significantly (p < 0.0001) decreased TAFI levels (median: 78.9% [range: 32.4-172.6]) as compared to controls (108.1% [35.9-255.4]). TAFI levels were equal in septic shock and severe sepsis (68.9% [32.4-172.6] vs. 82.5% [32.7-144.9], p = 0.987) as well as in survivors and non-survivors (87.1% [32.7-172.6] vs. 65.8% [32.4-129.5], p = 0.166). PAI-1 levels were significantly (705.5 ng/ml [131-5788]) higher in septic shock as in severe sepsis patients (316.5 ng/ml [53-1311], p = 0.016) and were equal in survivors and non-survivors (342 ng/ml [53-1311] vs. 413 ng/ml [55-5788], p = 0.231). TAT/PAP ratio (R((TAT/PAP))) reflecting the dysbalance between coagulation and fibrinolysis was calculated. R((TAT/PAP)) significantly increased with fatality and was significantly dependent on PAI-1, but not on TAFI. PAI-1 levels (570.5 ng/ml [135-5788]) and R((TAT/PAP)) (1.6 [0.3-6.1]) were significantly (p = 0.008 and p = 0.047) higher in patients with overt DIC as compared to patients without overt DIC (310 ng/ml [53-1128] and 0.6 [0.1-4.3]), whereas no difference was found for TAFI levels (68.9% [32.7-133.2] vs. 86.4% [32.4-172.6], p = 0.325). CONCLUSIONS: Although inhibition in sepsis is mediated by both, PAI-1 might be involved early in the sepsis process, whereas TAFI might be responsible for ongoing fibrinolysis inhibition in later stages of sepsis.
BACKGROUND: Many HIV-infected patients on highly active antiretroviral therapy (HAART) experience metabolic complications including dyslipidaemia and insulin resistance, which may increase their coronary heart disease (CHD) risk. We developed a prognostic model for CHD tailored to the changes in risk factors observed in patients starting HAART. METHODS: Data from five cohort studies (British Regional Heart Study, Caerphilly and Speedwell Studies, Framingham Offspring Study, Whitehall II) on 13,100 men aged 40-70 and 114,443 years of follow up were used. CHD was defined as myocardial infarction or death from CHD. Model fit was assessed using the Akaike Information Criterion; generalizability across cohorts was examined using internal-external cross-validation. RESULTS: A parametric model based on the Gompertz distribution generalized best. Variables included in the model were systolic blood pressure, total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride, glucose, diabetes mellitus, body mass index and smoking status. Compared with patients not on HAART, the estimated CHD hazard ratio (HR) for patients on HAART was 1.46 (95% CI 1.15-1.86) for moderate and 2.48 (95% CI 1.76-3.51) for severe metabolic complications. CONCLUSIONS: The change in the risk of CHD in HIV-infected men starting HAART can be estimated based on typical changes in risk factors, assuming that HRs estimated using data from non-infected men are applicable to HIV-infected men. Based on this model the risk of CHD is likely to increase, but increases may often be modest, and could be offset by lifestyle changes.
AIM: To compare the plasma levels of endothelin-1 (ET-1) between patients with primary open angle glaucoma with visual field progression despite normal or normalised intraocular pressure and patients with stabile visual fields in a retrospective study. METHODS: The progressive group consisted of 16 primary open angle glaucoma patients and the group with stable visual field consisted of 15 patients. After a 30 minute rest in a supine position, venous blood was obtained for ET-1 dosing. Difference in the plasma level of ET-1 between two groups was compared by means of analysis of covariance (ANCOVA), including age, sex, and mean arterial blood pressure as covariates. RESULTS: ET-1 plasma levels were found to be significantly increased in patients with deteriorating (3.47 (SD 0.75) pg/ml) glaucoma when compared to those with stable (2.59 (SD 0.54) pg/ml) visual fields (p = 0.0007). CONCLUSIONS: Glaucoma patients with visual field progression in spite of normal or normalised intraocular pressure have been found to have increased plasma endothelin-1 levels. It remains to be determined if this is a secondary phenomenon or whether it may have a role in the progression of glaucomatous damage.
BACKGROUND: Standard first-line combination antiretroviral treatment (cART) against human immunodeficiency virus 1 (HIV-1) contains either a nonnucleoside reverse transcriptase inhibitor (NNRTI) or a ritonavir-boosted protease inhibitor (PI/r). Differences between these regimen types in the extent of the emergence of drug resistance on virological failure and the implications for further treatment options have rarely been assessed. METHODS: We investigated virological outcomes in patients from the Swiss HIV Cohort Study initiating cART between January 1, 1999, and December 31, 2005, with an unboosted PI, a PI/r, or an NNRTI and compared genotypic drug resistance patterns among these groups at treatment failure. RESULTS: A total of 489 patients started cART with a PI, 518 with a PI/r, and 805 with an NNRTI. A total of 177 virological failures were observed (108 [22%] PI failures, 24 [5%] PI/r failures, and 45 [6%] NNRTI failures). The failure rate was highest in the PI group (10.3 per 100 person-years; 95% confidence interval [CI], 8.5-12.4). No difference was seen between patients taking a PI/r (2.7; 95% CI, 1.8-4.0) and those taking an NNRTI (2.4; 95% CI, 1.8-3.3). Genotypic test results were available for 142 (80%) of the patients with a virological treatment failure. Resistance mutations were found in 84% (95% CI, 75%-92%) of patients taking a PI, 30% (95% CI, 12%-54%) of patients taking a PI/r, and 66% (95% CI, 49%-80%) of patients taking an NNRTI (P < .001). Multidrug resistance occurred almost exclusively as resistance against lamivudine-emtricitabine and the group-specific third drug and was observed in 17% (95% CI, 9%-26%) of patients taking a PI, 10% (95% CI, 0.1%-32%) of patients taking a PI/r, and 50% (95% CI, 33%-67%) of patients taking an NNRTI (P < .001). CONCLUSIONS: Regimens that contained a PI/r or an NNRTI exhibited similar potency as first-line regimens. However, the use of a PI/r led to less resistance in case of virological failure, preserving more drug options for the future.