988 resultados para ympäristöjärjestelmä, ISO 14001, kestävä kehitys
The present work aims at analyzing how the adoption of a proactive environmental management via green operational practices (GOPs) correlates to the Green Performance (GrP) of a given set of ISO 9001-certified firms in Brazil. To this end, we elaborated a conceptual framework about environmental management, GOPs, and GrP Such theoretical foundation supported the development of empirical research through quantitative analysis. For the analysis, 75 questionnaires were collected from ISO 9001 certified companies. Data was analyzed by with statistical tools such as descriptive analysis, correlation analysis, and Structural Equation Modeling (SEM). The results demonstrate that the adoption of GOPs, in fact, exerts a positive impact on the GrP of the firms. This work contributes to a better understanding of green manufacturing in Brazil's industrial sector
The fierce competitiveness of the current market and the sophistication of customer requirements made the commitment to quality a need within organizations. The search for quality has been carried out by the adoption of quality management systems, a formal organization that should be present throughout the organization, from the initial identification of market needs to the satisfaction of customer requirements. The methodology most commonly used for this purpose is based on the requirements of ISO 9001, latest version of 2008. Considering this scenario, was developed a case study in a small company of the industrial sector with the development of a plan for the implementation of ISO 9001. The proposed methodology involved the construction of a theoretical framework on the subject and the development of a case study with a qualitative approach. Initially, was applied a questionnaire to the representative of the organization about the company's operating procedures, activity logs held, current documentation, planning and resource management for the construction of an assessment about the adequacy of the company needs to ISO 9001. Were obtained as results the characterization of production processes and organizational structure of the company and examples of policy and objectives of quality, performance indicators, document control, system for visualization of non-compliances, among others. Finally, the benefits of adopting a quality management system based on ISO 9001 requirements for the company and its environmental issues such as increased process efficiency, less waste and greater profitability, were pointed out, and the conditions for effective certification in the future
There are many arguments in the literature on environmental management stating that companies that have a significant environmental performance tend to be more competitive, because environmental management tends to generate positive effects on their operational performance. Despite the fact that such arguments are widely accepted, there is little empirical evidence yet of such a relationship in manufacturing contexts that are rarely studied thus far, such as those of developing countries. The paper aims to discuss these issues. Design/methodology/approach – With the objective of testing the positive relationship between environmental performance and operational performance, this research presents the data of a survey conducted with 75 ISO 9001-certified Brazilian companies. Such data were analyzed by means of structural equation modeling. Findings – The paper discovered that, indeed, environmental management relates in a positive, significant manner and large effect to the operational performance of companies.
[EN]This paper presents the experimental measurements of isobaric vapor−liquid equilibria (iso-p VLE) and excess volumes (vE) at several temperatures in the interval (288.15 to 328.15) K for six binary systems composed of two alkyl (methyl, ethyl) propanoates and three odd carbon alkanes (C5 to C9). The mixing processes were expansive, vE > 0, with (δvE/δT)p > 0, and endothermic. The installation used to measure the iso-p VLE was improved by controlling three of the variables involved in the experimentation with a PC.
[ES]Material didáctico interactivo elaborado por el Grupo de Innovación Educativa Ingeniería de Fabricación para la introducción al sistema ISO de especificaciones geométricas de producto. Se dirige principalmente al sistema ISO de tolerancias dimensionales y ajustes, basándose en las normas de aplicación vigentes UNE-EN ISO. Se incluye ejemplos, problemas de aplicación y casos prácticos relacionados con prácticas de laboratorio de varias asignaturas vinculadas al área de conocimiento de Ingeniería de los Procesos de Fabricación. Contiene varios recursos interactivos como ventanas gráficas y vídeos, además de vínculos que facilitan su uso y el acceso a fuentes de información complementarias. Permite un uso para el trabajo autónomo del estudiante, así como un apoyo a la enseñanza presencial.
In the context of “testing laboratory” one of the most important aspect to deal with is the measurement result. Whenever decisions are based on measurement results, it is important to have some indication of the quality of the results. In every area concerning with noise measurement many standards are available but without an expression of uncertainty, it is impossible to judge whether two results are in compliance or not. ISO/IEC 17025 is an international standard related with the competence of calibration and testing laboratories. It contains the requirements that testing and calibration laboratories have to meet if they wish to demonstrate that they operate to a quality system, are technically competent and are able to generate technically valid results. ISO/IEC 17025 deals specifically with the requirements for the competence of laboratories performing testing and calibration and for the reporting of the results, which may or may not contain opinions and interpretations of the results. The standard requires appropriate methods of analysis to be used for estimating uncertainty of measurement. In this point of view, for a testing laboratory performing sound power measurement according to specific ISO standards and European Directives, the measurement of uncertainties is the most important factor to deal with. Sound power level measurement, according to ISO 3744:1994 , performed with a limited number of microphones distributed over a surface enveloping a source is affected by a certain systematic error and a related standard deviation. Making a comparison of measurement carried out with different microphone arrays is difficult because results are affected by systematic errors and standard deviation that are peculiarities of the number of microphones disposed on the surface, their spatial position and the complexity of the sound field. A statistical approach could give an overview of the difference between sound power level evaluated with different microphone arrays and an evaluation of errors that afflict this kind of measurement. Despite the classical approach that tend to follow the ISO GUM this thesis present a different point of view of the problem related to the comparison of result obtained from different microphone arrays.
Lo scopo della seguente trattazione, è quello di introdurre il concetto di efficienza energetica all’interno delle aziende, qualunque sia il loro campo d’applicazione. Per far ciò l’ISO ha emanato una nuova normativa a livello internazionale che ha il compito di aiutare le imprese ad implementare un corretto Sistema di Gestione dell’Energia. Dopo una breve introduzione sul panorama energetico nazionale, nel secondo capitolo verranno introdotte le due normative energetiche e verranno spiegate e commentate. Successivamente ci si concentrerà, a partire dal terzo capitolo, sulla grande distribuzione organizzata, la quale è stata analizzata come caso applicativo; in prima analisi verranno introdotti gli impianti presenti all’interno dei supermercati e che maggiormente impattano sul consumo energetico, in secondo analisi verranno analizzate alcune soluzioni che se correttamente implementate potrebbero portare miglioramenti in termini energetici ed economici all’interno delle GDO. Nell’ultimo capitolo si affronterà una vera e propria diagnosi energetica relativa ad un punto vendita nel quale è stato effettuato un sopralluogo per la raccolta dei dati e si analizzerà l’andamento dei consumi energetici e si introdurranno degli indici di performance appositamente pensati per un monitoraggio efficiente dei consumi energetici, infine si proporranno soluzioni espressamente pensate per il suddetto punto vendita. L’intero lavoro è stato svolto in collaborazione con una società di consulenza, la NIER Ingegneria; una società di servizi che ha come scopo la ricerca delle soluzioni più idonee a problemi di carattere prevalentemente organizzativo e tecnologico in riferimento ai settori ambiente, qualità, sicurezza, energia. Fondata nel 1977, il primo ambito lavorativo fu l’Energia: effettuò ricerche, realizzò simulazioni e banche dati, come la prima Banca Dati Metereologica italiana (su base oraria) e il calcolo dei gradi giorno per tutti i Comuni italiani. Caso raro in Italia, sono rimasti impegnati anche nel Nucleare occupandosi, prima, di sicurezza di reattori a fusione, poi di affidabilità e sicurezza della nuova macchina a fusione, l'ambizioso progetto internazionale Net/Iter. Negli anni '80, dal nucleare si sono allargati al settore dei Rischi e Incidenti rilevanti in campo industriale fornendo assistenza alle imprese e alla pubblica amministrazione e, successivamente, negli anni '90, alle attività di Analisi ambientali e di sicurezza con la produzione di piani di emergenza, manuali operativi, corsi di formazione e strategie di comunicazione ambientale. Infine, l’ Ambiente nelle sue molteplici articolazioni. Acqua, aria, suolo e sottosuolo sono stati oggetto di studi, ricerche e progetti svolti per Autorità Pubbliche, Enti di Ricerca e industrie nella direzione di uno sviluppo durevole e sostenibile. In ambito energetico si occupano di • Diagnosi e certificazioni energetiche • ISO 50001:2011 - Sistema di gestione per l'energia • Piani energetici ambientali • Simulazioni dinamiche di edifici ed impianti • Energie rinnovabili • Risparmio energetico • Attività di ricerca
The present study concerns the acoustical characterisation of Italian historical theatres. It moved from the ISO 3382 which provides the guidelines for the measurement of a well established set of room acoustic parameters inside performance spaces. Nevertheless, the peculiarity of Italian historical theatres needs a more specific approach. The Charter of Ferrara goes in this direction, aiming at qualifying the sound field in this kind of halls and the present work pursues the way forward. Trying to understand how the acoustical qualification should be done, the Bonci Theatre in Cesena has been taken as a case study. In September 2012 acoustical measurements were carried out in the theatre, recording monaural e binaural impulse responses at each seat in the hall. The values of the time criteria, energy criteria and psycho-acoustical and spatial criteria have been extracted according to ISO 3382. Statistics were performed and a 3D model of the theatre was realised and tuned. Statistical investigations were carried out on the whole set of measurement positions and on carefully chosen reduced subsets; it turned out that these subsets are representative only of the “average” acoustics of the hall. Normality tests were carried out to verify whether EDT, T30 and C80 could be described with some degree of reliability with a theoretical distribution. Different results, according to the varying assumptions underlying each test, were found. Finally, an attempt was made to correlate the numerical results emerged from the statistical analysis to the perceptual sphere. Looking for “acoustical equivalent areas”, relative difference limens were considered as threshold values. No rule of thumb emerged. Finally, the significance of the usual representation through mean values and standard deviation, which may be meaningful for normal distributed data, was investigated.
Studio della prova FZG svolta per misurare il comportamento degli olii utilizzati per la lubrificazione di ruote dentate, relativamente alla loro efficienza contro il verificarsi di scuffing, puntando all'ottenimento di una proposta di norma basata sullo studio della ISO 14635-1:2000.