955 resultados para yellow birch


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Ultrafine powders of (Ti1-xSnx)O2, 0yellow in color. They show photocatalytic activity (after platinization) in the visible light region (420-550 nm) for H2 production from aqueous solutions containing sacrificial donors such as hypophosphite. The spectral sensitization is shown to be due to peroxotitanium species present in the lattice.


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Ultrafine powders of extra pure Ti1−xSnxO2, where o < x < 1, prepared by the hydrothermal method are pale yellow in color. They show photocatalytic activity after platinization, in the visible light (420–550 nm) for H2-production from aqueous solutions containing sacrificial donors such as hypophosphite. The spectral sensitization is shown to be due to peroxotitanium species in the rutile-type structure. Peroxide ion, O22−, arises from the dimerization of O−, the hole centres, produced during the disproportionative decomposition of residual hydroxyls: OH− = O− + H. Higher OH contents in TixSnxO2 is due to the amphoteric chemistry of oxocompounds of tin.


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The coat protein of belladonna mottle virus (a tymovirus) was cleaved by trypsin and chymotrypsin, and the peptides were separated by high performance liquid chromatography using a combination of gel permeation, reverse phase, and ion pair chromatography. The peptides were sequenced manually using the 4-N, N-dimethylaminoazobenzene-4'-isothiocyanate/phenyl isothiocyanate double-coupling method. The chymotryptic peptides were aligned by overlapping sequences of tryptic peptides and by homology with another tymovirus, eggplant mosaic virus. The belladonna mottle virus is more closely related to eggplant mosaic virus than to turnip yellow mosaic virus, the type member of this group, as evident from the sequence homologies of 57 and 32%, respectively. The accumulation of basic residues at the amino terminus implicated in RNA-protein interactions in many spherical plant viruses was absent in all the three sequences. Interestingly, the amino-terminal region is the least conserved among the tymoviruses. The longest stretch of conserved sequence between belladonna mottle virus and eggplant mosaic virus was residues 34-44, whereas it was residues 96-102 in the case of belladonna mottle virus and turnip yellow mosaic virus. A tetrapeptide in the region (residues 154-157) was found to be common for all the three sequences. It is possible that these conserved regions (residues 34-44, 96-102, 154-157) are involved in either intersubunit or RNA-protein interactions.


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Metsäsuunnittelussa tarvittavan metsävaratiedon keräämisessä ollaan Suomessa siirtymässä kuvioittaisesta arvioinnista laserkeilaus- ja ilmakuvapohjaiseen kaukokartoitukseen. Tämän tutkimuksen tarkoitus oli selvittää kuvion kokonaistilavuuden ja läpimittajakauman ennustamisen tarkkuus koealan metsikkö- ja puustotunnuksista MSN-, PRM-, ML- ja FMM-menetelmiä sekä Weibull-jakaumaa hyödyntäen seuraavilla tavoilla: 1. PRM-menetelmällä hilatasolla, 2. PRMmenetelmällä kuviotasolla, 3. ML-menetelmällä hilatasolla ja 4. ML-menetelmällä kuviotasolla. Lisäksi kuvion kokonaistilavuuden ennustamisen tarkkuus selvitettiin hyödyntäen kuviolle tuotettua runkolukusarjaa. Tulokset laskettiin puulajikohtaisesti männylle, kuuselle, koivulle ja muille puulajeille. Puulajien tulokset laskettiin kuviotasolla yhteen. Lisäksi selvitettiin menetelmien laskenta-ajan ja tallennustilan tarve. Tutkimuksen aineistona käytettiin Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulun Evon toimipisteen metsistä mitattuja kiinteäsäteisiä ympyräkoealoja, joita oli 249 kappaletta. Hakkuukoneella mitattiin 12kuvion, joiden pinta-alat vaihtelivat välillä 0,2 – 1,94 hehtaaria, puustotiedot. Aluepohjaisen laserkeilausaineiston pulssin tiheys oli 1,8/m2 ja ilmakuvien pikselikoko 0,5 metriä. Kuvion kokonaistilavuus ennustettiin tai estimoitiin laserkeilaus- ja ilmakuva-aineiston piirteiden avulla koealojen puustotunnuksista. Tulokset laskettiin erikseen kaikille kuvioille ja kuvioille, joiden pinta-ala oli yli 0,5 hehtaaria. Yli 0,5 hehtaarin kuvioita oli 8 kappaletta. Kuvion hilojen naapureina käytettiin 1 - 10 koealaa. Menetelmästä ja naapurien määrästä riippuen kokonaistilavuuden suhteellinen RMSE ja harha vaihtelivat välillä 20,76 – 52,86 prosenttia ja -12,04 – 46,54 prosenttia. Vastaavat luvut yli 0,5 hehtaarin kuvioilla olivat 6,74 – 59,41 prosenttia ja -8,04 – 49,59 prosenttia. Laskenta-aika vaihteli menetelmien ja käytettyjen naapurien määrän mukaan voimakkaasti. Kehittyneemmällä ohjelmoinnilla ja ohjelmistolla laskenta-ajat voivat laskea merkittävästi. Tallennustila ei testatuilla menetelmillä ole rajoittava tekijä laajassakaan mittakaavassa. Läpimittajakauman perusteella PRM-menetelmä ennustaa puulajille erittäin kapean läpimittajakauman, jos koeala koostuu vain muutamasta lähes samankokoisesta puusta. Tämä vaikutti tuloksiin erityisesti menetelmällä PRM2.


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The effective heating values of the above and below ground biomass components of mature Scots pine (Pinus sylvestris), Norway spruce (Picea abies), downy birch (Betula pubescens), silver birch (Betula pendula), grey alder (Alnus incana), black alder (Alnus glutinosa) and trembling aspen (Populus tremula) were studied. Each sample tree was divided into wood, bark and foliage components. Bomb calorimetry was used to determine the calorimetric heating values. The species is a significant factor in the heating value of individual tree components. The heating value of the wood proper is highest in conifers. Broad-leaved species have a higher heating value of bark than conifers. The species factor diminishes when the weighted heating value of crown, whole stems or stump-root-system are considered. The crown material has a higher heating value per unit weight in comparison with fuelwood from small-sized stems or wholetrees. The additional advantages of coniferous crown material are that it is a non-industrial biomass resource and is readily available. The variability of both the chemical composition and the heating value is small in any given tree component of any species. However, lignin, carbohydrate and extractive content were found to vary from one part of the tree to another and to correlate with the heating value.


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We show that the characteristic Mn2+ d emission color from Mn2+-doped CdS nanocrystals can be tuned over as much as 40 nm, in contrast to what should be expected from such a nearly localized d-d transition. This is achieved surprisingly by a fine-tuning of the host particle diameter from 1.9 to 2.6 nm, thereby changing the overall emission color from red to yellow. Systematic experiments in conjunction with state-of-the-art ab initio calculations with full geometry optimization establish that Mn2+ ions residing at surface/subsurface regions have a distorted tetrahedral coordination resulting in a larger ligand field splitting. Consequently, these near-surface Mn2+ species exhibit a lower Mn2+ d emission energy, compared to those residing at the core of the nanocrystal with an undisturbed tetrahedral coordination. The origin of the tunability of the observed Mn2+ emission is the variation of emission contributions arising from Mn2+ doped at the core, subsurface, and surface of the host. Our findings provide a unique and easy method to identify the location of an emitting Mn2+ ion in the nanocrystal, which would be otherwise very difficult to decipher.


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A comparison of microsite occupancy and the spatial structure of regeneration in three areas of late-successional Norway spruce dominated forest. Pallas-Ylläs is understood to have been influenced only by small-scale disturbance; Dvina-Pinega has had sporadic larger-scale disturbances; Kazkim has been affected by fire. All spruce and birch trees with diameter at breast height (DBH) ?10 cm were mapped in five stands on 40 m x 400 m transects, and those with DBH < 10 cm on 2 or 4 m x 400 m subplots. Microsite type was inventoried at 1m intervals along the centre line and for each tree with DBH < 10 cm. At all study areas small seedlings (h < 0.3 m, DBH < 10 cm) preferentially occupied disturbed microsites. In contrast, spruce saplings (h ? 1.3 m, DBH <10 cm) at all study areas showed less, or no, preference. At Pallas-Ylläs spruce seedlings (h < 1.3 m, DBH < 10 cm) and saplings (h ? 1.3 m, DBH < 10 cm) exhibited spatial correlation at scales from 32-52 m. At Dvina-Pinega saplings of both spruce and birch exhibited spatial correlation at scales from 32-81 m. At Kazkim spatial correlation of seedlings and saplings of both species was exhibited over variable distances. No spatial cross-correlation was found between overstorey basal area (DBH ? 10 cm) and regeneration (h ? 1.3 m, DBH < 10 cm) at any study area. The results confirm the importance of disturbed microsites for seedling establishment, but suggest that undisturbed microsites may sometimes be more advantageous for long-term tree survival. The regeneration gap concept may not be useful in describing the regeneration dynamics of late-successional boreal forests.


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Jokisokeus eli onkosersiaasi on ihmisen loismatotauti, jota aiheuttaa Onchocerca volvulus -rihmamato. Tautia esiintyy trooppisilla alueilla Afrikassa ja Latinalaisessa Amerikassa. Tartunnan saaneita on noin 37 miljoonaa. Jokisokeus ilmenee iho- ja silmäoireina. Oireet johtuvat loisen nuorimmista muodoista eli mikrofilarioista. Jokisokeutta vastaan on käyty jakamalla lähinnä mikrofilarioihin tehoavaa ivermektiiniä. Tarvetta olisi lääkkeelle, joka tappaisi aikuiset madot tai steriloisi naaraat. Rokote olisi vielä parempi vaihtoehto. Antibiootit on uusi hoitokeino, sillä O. volvuluksella on elintärkeänä symbionttina Wolbachia-bakteeri. Doksisykliini tappaa vähintään 60 prosenttia aikuisista madoista ja steriloi naaraita, mutta kuuri kestää viikkoja. Yksi lupaava yhdiste on emodepsidi, jolla on loismatolääkkeille uusi vaikutusmekanismi. Rihmamatolääkkeiksi on testattu lukuisia yhdisteitä. Jotkut niistä inhiboivat entsyymejä, joilla madot kiertävät ihmisen immuunipuolustusta. Toiset häiritsevät neljä kertaa tapahtuvaa nahanvaihtoa. Hyvä lääkkeiden vaikutuskohde on loiselle välttämätön mutta puuttuu nisäkkäiltä. Betuliini on triterpeeni, jota on runsaasti koivun tuohessa. Betuliini ja monet sen johdannaiset ovat farmakologisesti aktiivisia yhdisteitä, joita tutkitaan etenkin syöpä- ja HIV-lääkkeiksi. Helsingin yliopiston lääkekemian ryhmä on syntetisoinut ja tutkinut lukuisia johdoksia. Jotkin niistä ovat lupaavia esimerkiksi Leishmania-alkueläimiin, Chlamydia pneumoniae -bakteeriin ja alfaviruksiin. Siksi yhdisteitä kannattaisi tutkia muihinkin taudinaiheuttajiin, kuten rihmamatoihin. Sekä Wolbachialla että C. pneumoniaella on sama lipidisynteesireitti, joka on kummallekin elintärkeä. Betuliinista syntetisoitiin johdoksia, joissa betuliinin alkoholeja on hapetettu karbonyyleiksi ja joihin on liitetty typpiheterorengas. Sekä Leishmania donovani että L. braziliensis -tutkimuksissa tehokkain oli formyylibetuliinin heterosykli. Vaikka valmistettuja yhdisteitä ei ole tutkittu rihmamatotesteissä, jatkossa voisi syntetisoida johdannaisia, joissa karbonyylien tilalla on typpirakenteita, koska C. pneumoniaehen hyvin tehonneessa yhdisteessä betuliinin OH-ryhmien tilalla on oksiimi.


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Non-polar a-plane GaN films were grown on an r-plane sapphire substrate by plasma assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PAMBE). The effect of growth temperature on structural, morphological and optical properties has been studied. The growth of non-polar a-plane (1 1 - 2 0) orientation of the GaN epilayers were confirmed by high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) study. The X-ray rocking curve (XRC) full width at half maximum of the (1 1 - 2 0) reflection shows in-plane anisotropic behavior and found to decrease with increase in growth temperature. The atomic force micrograph (AFM) shows island-like growth for the film grown at a lower temperature. Surface roughness has been decreased with increase in growth temperature. Room temperature photoluminescence shows near band edge emission at 3.434-3.442 eV. The film grown at 800 degrees C shows emission at 2.2 eV, which is attributed to yellow luminescence along with near band edge emission. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Birch reduction of 8,9-didehydroestradiol-17 beta 3-methyl ether 1 or 9(11)-didehydroestradiol-17 beta 3-methyl ether 2 followed by acid hydrolysis results in a mixture of 19-nortestosterone 8 and 19-nor-9 beta, 10 alpha-testosterone 9 in varying amounts. However, reduction of their acetates with sodium or lithium, tert-butyl alcohol in liquid ammonia and in the presence of aniline affords exclusively 19-nortestosterone. Similarly, 18a-homo-19-nortestosterone 12 is prepared from the acetate of 18a-homoestradiol-17 beta 3-methyl ether, 10.


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Photoluminescence (PL) of high quality GaN epitaxial layer grown on beta-Si3N4/Si (1 1 1) substrate using nitridation-annealing-nitridation method by plasma-assisted molecular beam epitaxy (PA-MBE) was investigated in the range of 5-300 K. Crystallinity of GaN epilayers was evaluated by high resolution X-ray diffraction (HRXRD) and surface morphology by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM) and high resolution scanning electron microscopy (HRSEM). The temperature-dependent photoluminescence spectra showed an anomalous behaviour with an `S-like' shape of free exciton (FX) emission peaks. Distant shallow donor-acceptor pair (DAP) line peak at approximately 3.285 eV was also observed at 5 K, followed by LO replica sidebands separated by 91 meV. The activation energy of the free exciton for GaN epilayers was also evaluated to be similar to 27.8 +/- 0.7 meV from the temperature-dependent PL studies. Low carrier concentrations were observed similar to 4.5 +/- 2 x 10(17) Cm-3 by measurements and it indicates the silicon nitride layer, which not only acts as a growth buffer layer, but also effectively prevents Si diffusion from the substrate to GaN epilayers. The absence of yellow band emission at around 2.2 eV signifies the high quality of film. The tensile stress in GaN film calculated by the thermal stress model agrees very well with that derived from Raman spectroscopy. (C) 2010 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Synthesis of methyl 2, 7-dimethyltricyclo{,5}undec-5-en-6-carboxylates, the tricyclic skeleton present in (+)-allo-cedrol (1) is described using the Diels-Alder strategy. Thus, Birch reduction of the aromatic acid 8 gives 5, the methyl ester of which is isomerised with DBU to a 1:1 mixture of the dienes 6 and 4. Cycloaddition of this mixture with 2-chloroacrylonitrile followed by hydrolysis yields the ketone 60 having the tricyclo{}undec-5-ene framework. Similar reaction with methyl vinyl ketone affords the regioisomeric adducts 61 and 62.


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The Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) is one of the most widely used sequence alignment programs with which similarity searches, for both protein and nucleic acid sequences, can be performed against large databases at high speed. A large number of tools exist for processing BLAST output, but none of them provide three-dimensional structure visualization. This shortcoming has been addressed in the proposed tool BLAST Server for Structural Biologists (BSSB), which maps a BLAST output onto the three-dimensional structure of the subject protein. The three-dimensional structure of the subject protein is represented using a three-color coding scheme (identical: red; similar: yellow; and mismatch: white) based on the pairwise alignment obtained. Thus, the user will be able to visualize a possible three-dimensional structure for the query protein sequence. This information can be used to gain a deeper insight into the sequence-structure correlation. Furthermore, the additional structure-level information enables the user to make coherent and logical decisions regarding the type of input model structure or fragment that can be used for molecular replacement calculations. This tool is freely available to all users at http://bioserver1.physics.iisc.ernet.in/bssb/.


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A new methodology for the construction of tricyclo[,5)]undecanes is described from indane-4-carboxylic acids. Birch reduction of indane-4-carboxylic acids followed by conjugation and cycloaddition with alpha-chloroacrylonitrile and hydrolysis lead to the tricyclic compounds 36 and 48 which are intermediates in the eremolactone synthesis.


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Details of the first total synthesis of the marine natural product dihydrotochuinyl acetate is described. Cyclopentenone annulation of p-methylacetophenone via a Claisen rearrangement-Wacker oxidation based sequence generated the cyclopentenone 3, a known precursor for the sesquiterpenes cuparene, laurene, alpha-cuparenone and beta-cuparenones. Conversion of the ketone moiety into a carboxylate followed by stereoselective alkylation and reduction transformed the cyclopentenone 3 into the primary alcohol 19. Birch reduction of the alcohol 19 followed by acetylation furnished (+/-)-dihydrotochuinyl acetate, whereas direct acetylation of 19 furnished (+/-)-tochuinyl acetate. (C) 1998 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.