959 resultados para years of life lost


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Many aerospace companies are currently making the transition to providing fully-integrated product-service offerings in which their products are designed from the outset with life-cycle considerations in mind. Based on a case study at Rolls-Royce, Civil Aerospace, this paper demonstrates how an interactive approach to process simulation can be used to support the redesign of existing design processes in order to incorporate life-cycle engineering (LCE) considerations. The case study provides insights into the problems of redesigning the conceptual stages of a complex, concurrent engineering design process and the practical value of process simulation as a tool to support the specification of process changes in the context of engineering design. The paper also illustrates how development of a simulation model can provide significant benefit to companies through the understanding of process behaviour that is gained through validating the behaviour of the model using different design and iteration scenarios. Keywords: jet engine design; life-cycle engineering; LCE; process change; design process simulation; applied signposting model; ASM. Copyright © 2011 Inderscience Enterprises Ltd.


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In the present research, a total of 207 pieces of fish from 25 sampling stations in Gilan Province coasts in the years 2001-2002 were biologically studied in terms of their growth and development, reproduction and feeding. The average length and weight of the fishes are increased, as they get older. The highest index of length and weight growth is observed in the years 1 to 2. As the age increases, gradient of length and weight growth diagrams decrease. In studying the relation between length and weight, it was observed that proportionate to the total length, the weight is increased progressively. The fatness coefficient index in the initial years of life and prior to maturity is higher than the post maturity period. As the age increases, the decrease of this index is observable. The fatness coefficient index rate is directly related to index of fullness. The highest Gonadosomatic Index is seen in the months of June and July, i.e. at the times of spawning; and the lowest index rate is observed in the months of November and December. The appropriate temperature for reproduction of these species is from 18 to 22 degree centigrade. The Gonadosomatic Index is higher in spring and summer seasons as compared with autumn and winter. Besides, as the fishes become aged, the amount of the said index increases in a manner that the gradient of it in the years to maturity is less than the maturity time and thereafter. Sexual maturity stages in different months are directly related to Gonadosomatic index, and increase as the age increases. The sexual ratio of male fishes to the female fishes in terms of number is plus one prior to maturity; about one at the time of maturity and minus after maturity. In general the frequency of male fishes as compared with female fishes in all group ages is approximately two times. The fecundity mean, and the diameter and the rate of eggs will substantially increase, as the Gonadosomatic index rises. The maturity age in the male fishes is 3 to 4 years and in female fishes is 4 to 5 years. The spawning of this species in rivers occurs repeatedly and in different time intervals, and do not take place once (Asyncronous). The Gastrosomatic index is directly related to index of fullness and will decrease, as the age increases. The index of fullness is relatively the months of April and May. The underlying reason is the need of the fishes to energy for reproduction. As the spawning time commences, the index of fullness moves down and the downward direction continues. After spa g mg and reduction of the volume of energy in the body, the index of fullness rises, and it will be substantially high until the beginning of fall. In fall and winter as it gets cold, the index of fullness moves downward and the body fat deposits are used. A correlation is shown between the changes in vacuity index and fullness indices. This means that as the fullness index rises, the vacuity index decreases, and vice versa. The Hepatosomatic index prior to the reproduction is at the highest amount and after spawning is at the lowest. No correlation is observed between the fullness and Hepatosomatic indices. In other words reproduction is an inherent and instinct originated matter; and its cycle goes on, alternately and in an orderly manner, upon completion of germinal cells, even when it coincides with reduction or stoppage of somatic cell growth. The rising trend of Hepatosomatic starts in August and will continue until the next July. The volume of fat around digestive tract is severely reduced in early spring and this trend will reach its apex in summer season. In the cold seasons, i.e. the fall and winter, the accumulation of fat around digestive tract increases. Consequently, a meaningful and inverse relation is observed between index of fullness, also the progress of sexual maturity stages and the volume of fat.


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Background: YidC/Oxa/Alb3 family includes a group of conserved translocases that are essential for protein insertion into inner membranes of bacteria and mitochondria, and thylakoid membranes of chloroplasts. Because mitochondria and chloroplasts are of b


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Sociomateriality has been attracting growing attention in the Organization Studies and Information Systems literatures since 2007, with more than 140 journal articles now referring to the concept. Over 80 percent of these articles have been published since January 2011 and almost all cite the work of Orlikowski (2007, 2010; Orlikowski and Scott 2008) as the source of the concept. Only a few, however, address all of the notions that Orlikowski suggests are entailed in sociomateriality, namely materiality, inseparability, relationality, performativity, and practices, with many employing the concept quite selectively. The contribution of sociomateriality to these literatures is, therefore, still unclear. Drawing on evidence from an ongoing study of the adoption of a computer-based clinical information system in a hospital critical care unit, this paper explores whether the notions, individually and collectively, offer a distinctive and coherent account of the relationship between the social and the material that may be useful in Information Systems research. It is argued that if sociomateriality is to be more than simply a label for research employing a number of loosely related existing theoretical approaches, then studies employing the concept need to pay greater attention to the notions entailed in it and to differences in their interpretation.


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It has been 10 years since the publication of the relative risk model (RRM) for regional scale ecological risk assessment. The approach has since been used successfully for a variety of freshwater, marine, and terrestrial environments in North America, South America, and Australia. During this period the types of stressors have been expanded to include more than contaminants. Invasive species, habitat loss, stream alteration and blockage, temperature, change in land use, and climate have been incorporated into the assessments. Major developments in the RRM have included the extensive use of geographical information systems, uncertainty analysis using Monte Carlo techniques, and its application to retrospective assessments to determine causation. The future uses of the RRM include assessments for forestry and conservation management, an increasing use in invasive species evaluation, and in sustainability. Developments in risk communication, the use of Bayesian approaches, and in uncertainty analyses are on the horizon.


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Sediment geochemical technique was employed to assess how the sediment records reflect the environmental changes of Jiaozhou Bay, a semi-enclosed bay adjacent to Qingdao, China. In the past hundred years, Jiaozhou Bay has been greatly impacted by human interventions. A dated core sediment by Pb-210 chronology was analyzed for trace metals including Li, Cd, Cr, Pb, Cu, Ni, Co, Zn together with C, N, P and BSi. Based on the research, the development of Jiaozhou Bay environment in the past hundred years can be divided into three stages: (1) before the 1980s characterized by relatively low sedimentation rate, weak heavy metal pollution and scarce eutrophication; (2) from the 1980s to 2000, accelerating in the 1990s, during which high sedimentation rates, polluted by heavy metals and the frequent occurrence of red tide; (3) after 2000, the period of the improvement of environment, the whole system has been meliorated including the heavy metal pollution and hypernutrification. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Polysaccharides isolated from Porphyra (porphyran) have been known to have diverse biological activities, including immunomodulatory and antioxidant activities. The molecular weight-antiaging activity relationship of degraded porphyrans was examined in this study. Natural porphyran was extracted from P. haitanensis, and then was degraded into different molecular weight fractions, P1 molecular weight 49 kDa, P2 molecular weight 30 kDa, P3 molecular weight 8.2 kDa, by free radical. The influence on life span and vitality of porphyrans were carried out on Drosophila melanogaster. We found that all the degraded porphyrans and natural porphyran (P), added daily to the diet, can significantly increase the life span of D. melanogaster, except for P3. Among them, P1 exhibited the most prolonging life span activity. Furthermore, vitality of middle-aged flies (assessed by measuring their mating capacity) receiving porphyrans was increased considerably in comparison with the controls. Finally, in the heat-stress test, we observed a remarkable increase in survival time, especially in P3-diet groups. These results suggest that porphyrans may be effective in reducing the rate of the aging process and molecular weight has important influence on the effects. It seems that P1 and P2, possessed higher molecular weight, may be more useful in normal metabolic condition and P3, possessed the lowest molecular weight, may be more beneficial for D. melanogaster in stress condition. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Modified nucleosides have been characterized as tumor markers for a number of malignant diseases. In order to use these markers in children, the age-dependence of the nucleoside levels in healthy children has to be established and taken into account in diagnostic decisions. In this study, the levels of 12 normal and modified nucleosides in urine of 166 healthy children and adolescents with an age between 1 day and 19 years are determined by reversed-phase HPLC, and age-dependent reference ranges are defined. The urinary nucleoside concentrations are related to the creatinine concentrations, which allows the use of randomly collected urine samples. All nucleoside levels in urine of children decrease with age, most pronounced during the first 4 years of life, and the age-dependence of the reference values of the individual nucleosides can be approximated by a mathematical function y = b(0) + b(1) (1/x) with the regression coefficients b(0) and b(1), the nucleoside levels y and the age x between 1 year and 19 years. In the very young children, the shifts in the nucleoside concentrations are more differentiated. Starting with low levels on the first day of life, the concentrations of all studied nucleosides rise up to an age of 1-2 months, when they reach their absolute maximum for all age periods, and then decrease. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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BACKGROUND The assessment of Health-Related Quality of Life (HRQoL) in hepatitis C (HCV) infected individuals continues to gain importance. However, rarely do reviews of this literature consider quantitative and qualitative accounts of HRQoL collectively, which only allows partial insight into the topic. This narrative review aims to address this gap in the literature. METHODS Literature searches were conducted using seven databases with two separate search strategies, and results assessed for eligibility using specific inclusion/exclusion criteria; a data extraction sheet was used to identify the dominant themes for each research paradigm which were then distilled to key findings to construct the narrative. RESULTS Quantitative investigation reveals a low HRQoL in individuals with HCV due to a complex multifactorial cause. During treatment for HCV, a further transient reduction is observed, followed by improvement if a sustained virological response is achieved. Qualitative data provide a recognisable voice to the everyday challenges experienced by individuals with HCV including insights into diagnosis and stigmatisation, contextualising how a reduced HRQoL is experienced day-to-day. Methodological limitations of these findings are then discussed. Much of the quantitative data has little relevance to current substance users as they are excluded from most trials, and appraisal of the qualitative literature reveals a marked difference in the lived experience of HCV infected current substance users and that of other HCV groups. CONCLUSION Concurrent analysis of quantitative and qualitative paradigms provides a deeper understanding of the true burden of HCV illness on HRQoL. Greater utilisation of qualitative research within international clinical guidelines is likely to be of benefit in identifying relevant HRQoL outcomes for substance users.


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El presente artículo es un documento conjunto de la Sociedad Española de Geriatría y Gerontología, la Sociedad Española de Cuidados Paliativos y la Sección de Cardiología Geriátrica de la Sociedad Española de Cardiología. Su objetivo es paliar la laguna que existe en España en lo que respecta al manejo de los desfibriladores automáticos implantables (DAI) en las fases finales de la vida. Cada vez es más frecuente encontrarse enfermos portadores de DAI en fase terminal de una enfermedad avanzada, como insuficiencia cardíaca refractaria, enfermedades oncológicas, otras insuficiencias orgánicas o enfermedades neurodegenerativas con mal pronóstico a corto plazo. La enorme mayoría de estos pacientes tiene más de 65 años, por ello el documento se enfoca de forma particular a los ancianos que se encuentran en esta situación, aunque el proceso de toma de decisiones es similar en portadores de DAI más jóvenes que están en la fase final de su vida.


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Tedd, L.(2006). Program: a record of the first 40 years of electronic library and information systems. Program: electronic library and information systems,40(1), 11-26.


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Tedd, L.A. (2005). 40 years of library and information studies education in Wales. Education for Information, 23(1/2), 1-8.