977 resultados para uterine tumors
HLA-G is a nonclassical major histocompatibility complex class I molecule selectively expressed on cytotrophoblasts at the feto–maternal interface, where it may play an important role in maternal tolerance of the fetus. We provide direct evidence under physiological conditions that supports the role of HLA-G in protecting cytotrophoblasts against natural killer (NK) cytolysis in 6 semiallogenic combinations of maternal uterine NK cells and their own trophoblast counterparts, as well as in 20 allogenic combinations of maternal uterine NK cells and trophoblasts from different mothers. We show that, in all cases studied, this HLA-G-mediated protection was abolished by treatment of cytotrophoblasts with an HLA-G-specific mAb. The HLA class I-negative K562 cell line transfected with the predominant HLA-G1 isoform results in similar protection and abolition from maternal uterine NK lysis. Because maternal uterine NK cells express killer inhibitory receptors for HLA-G, we conclude that their interactions contribute to the survival of the fetal semiallograft by confering immunological tolerance to its tissues.
The enzyme poly(ADP-ribose) polymerase (Parp) catalyzes poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation reaction and is involved in DNA repair and cell death induction upon DNA damages. Meanwhile, poly(ADP-ribosyl)ation of chromosome-associated proteins is suggested to be implicated in the regulation of gene expression and cellular differentiation, both of which are important in tumorigenesis. To investigate directly the role of Parp deficiency in tumorigenicity and differentiation of embryonic stem (ES) cells during tumor formation, studies were conducted by using wild-type J1 (Parp+/+) ES cells and Parp+/− and Parp−/− ES clones generated by disrupting Parp exon 1. These ES cells, irrespective of the Parp genotype, produced tumors phenotypically similar to teratocarcinoma when injected s.c. into nude mice. Remarkably, all tumors derived from Parp−/− clones contained syncytiotrophoblastic giant cells (STGCs), which possess single or multiple megalo-nuclei. The STGCs were present within large areas of intratumoral hemorrhage. In contrast, neither STGC nor hemorrhage was observed in tumors of both wild-type J1 cells and Parp+/− clones. Electron microscopic examination showed that the STGCs possess microvilli on the cell surface and contained secretory granules in the cytoplasm. Furthermore, the cytoplasms of STGCs were strongly stained with antibody against mouse prolactin, which could similarly stain trophoblasts in placenta. These morphological and histochemical features indicate that the STGCs in teratocarcinoma-like tumors derived from Parp−/− clones belong to the trophoblast cell lineage. Our findings thus suggest that differentiation of ES cells into STGCs was possibly induced by the lack of Parp during the development of teratocarcinoma.
Despite the potential of type 1 interferons (IFNs) for the treatment of cancer, clinical experience with IFN protein therapy of solid tumors has been disappointing. IFN-β has potent antiproliferative activity against most human tumor cells in vitro in addition to its known immunomodulatory activities. The antiproliferative effect, however, relies on IFN-β concentrations that cannot be achieved by parenteral protein administration because of rapid protein clearance and systemic toxicities. We demonstrate here that ex vivo IFN-β gene transduction by a replication-defective adenovirus in as few as 1% of implanted cells blocked tumor formation. Direct in vivo IFN-β gene delivery into established tumors generated high local concentrations of IFN-β, inhibited tumor growth, and in many cases caused complete tumor regression. Because the mice were immune-deficient, it is likely that the anti-tumor effect was primarily through direct inhibition of tumor cell proliferation and survival. Based on these studies, we argue that local IFN-β gene therapy with replication-defective adenoviral vectors might be an effective treatment for some solid tumors.
In search of novel genes expressed in metastatic prostate cancer, we subtracted cDNA isolated from benign prostatic hypertrophic tissue from cDNA isolated from a prostate cancer xenograft model that mimics advanced disease. One novel gene that is highly expressed in advanced prostate cancer encodes a 339-amino acid protein with six potential membrane-spanning regions flanked by hydrophilic amino- and carboxyl-terminal domains. This structure suggests a potential function as a channel or transporter protein. This gene, named STEAP for six-transmembrane epithelial antigen of the prostate, is expressed predominantly in human prostate tissue and is up-regulated in multiple cancer cell lines, including prostate, bladder, colon, ovarian, and Ewing sarcoma. Immunohistochemical analysis of clinical specimens demonstrates significant STEAP expression at the cell–cell junctions of the secretory epithelium of prostate and prostate cancer cells. Little to no staining was detected at the plasma membranes of normal, nonprostate human tissues, except for bladder tissue, which expressed low levels of STEAP at the cell membrane. Protein analysis located STEAP at the cell surface of prostate-cancer cell lines. Our results support STEAP as a cell-surface tumor-antigen target for prostate cancer therapy and diagnostic imaging.
Wnt family members are critical to many developmental processes, and components of the Wnt signaling pathway have been linked to tumorigenesis in familial and sporadic colon carcinomas. Here we report the identification of two genes, WISP-1 and WISP-2, that are up-regulated in the mouse mammary epithelial cell line C57MG transformed by Wnt-1, but not by Wnt-4. Together with a third related gene, WISP-3, these proteins define a subfamily of the connective tissue growth factor family. Two distinct systems demonstrated WISP induction to be associated with the expression of Wnt-1. These included (i) C57MG cells infected with a Wnt-1 retroviral vector or expressing Wnt-1 under the control of a tetracyline repressible promoter, and (ii) Wnt-1 transgenic mice. The WISP-1 gene was localized to human chromosome 8q24.1–8q24.3. WISP-1 genomic DNA was amplified in colon cancer cell lines and in human colon tumors and its RNA overexpressed (2- to >30-fold) in 84% of the tumors examined compared with patient-matched normal mucosa. WISP-3 mapped to chromosome 6q22–6q23 and also was overexpressed (4- to >40-fold) in 63% of the colon tumors analyzed. In contrast, WISP-2 mapped to human chromosome 20q12–20q13 and its DNA was amplified, but RNA expression was reduced (2- to >30-fold) in 79% of the tumors. These results suggest that the WISP genes may be downstream of Wnt-1 signaling and that aberrant levels of WISP expression in colon cancer may play a role in colon tumorigenesis.
Guanylyl cyclase C (GCC) has been detected only in intestinal mucosa and colon carcinoma cells of placental mammals. However, this receptor has been identified in several tissues in marsupials, and its expression has been suggested in tissues other than intestine in placental mammals. Selective expression of GCC by colorectal tumor cells in extraintestinal tissues would permit this receptor to be employed as a selective marker for metastatic disease. Thus, expression of GCC was examined in human tissues and tumors, correlating receptor function with detection by PCR. GCC was detected by ligand binding and catalytic activation in normal intestine and primary and metastatic colorectal tumors, but not in extraintestinal tissues or tumors. Similarly, PCR yielded GCC-specific amplification products with specimens from normal intestine and primary and metastatic colorectal tumors, but not from extraintestinal tissues or tumors. Northern blot analysis employing GCC-specific probes revealed an ≈4-kb transcript, corresponding to recombinant GCC, in normal intestine and primary and metastatic colorectal tumors, but not in extraintestinal tissues. Thus, GCC is selectively expressed in intestine and colorectal tumors in humans and appears to be a relatively specific marker for metastatic cancer cells in normal tissues. Indeed, PCR of GCC detected tumor cells in blood from some patients with Dukes B colorectal cancer and all patients examined with Dukes C and D colorectal cancer, but not in that from normal subjects or patients with Dukes A colon carcinoma or other nonmalignant intestinal pathologies.
The use of fertility drugs has continued to grow since their introduction in the 1960s. Accompanying this increase has been the speculation that repetitive use of these drugs can cause ovarian tumors or cancer. We recently reported that transgenic mice with chronically elevated luteinizing hormone (LH), an analog of which is commonly used in fertility regimens, develop granulosa cell (GC) tumors. In this report we show that LH induction of these tumors is highly dependent on genetic background. In CF-1 mice, chronically elevated LH invariably causes GC tumors by 5 months of age. However, in hybrid mice generated by crossing CF-1 males with C57BL/6, SJL, or CD-1 females, elevated levels of this same hormone cause a completely different phenotype resembling a luteoma of pregnancy. We also show that three genes likely control these alternative hormonal responses. This clinical correlate of elevated LH reveals remarkably distinct, strain-dependent, ovarian phenotypes. In addition, these results support the rare incidence of GC tumors in the human population, and suggest that the ability of certain fertility drugs to cause ovarian tumors may depend on an individual's genetic predisposition.
This study was undertaken to determine the modulation of uterine function by chorionic gonadotrophin (CG) in a nonhuman primate. Infusion of recombinant human CG (hCG) between days 6 and 10 post ovulation initiated the endoreplication of the uterine surface epithelium to form distinct epithelial plaques. These plaque cells stained intensely for cytokeratin and the proliferating cell nuclear antigen. The stromal fibroblasts below the epithelial plaques stained positively for α-smooth muscle actin (αSMA). Expression of αSMA is associated with the initiation of decidualization in the baboon endometrium. Synthesis of the glandular secretory protein glycodelin, as assessed by Western blot analysis, was markedly up-regulated by hCG, and this increase was confirmed by immunocytochemistry, Northern blot analysis, and reverse transcriptase-PCR. To determine whether hCG directly modulated these uterine responses, we treated ovariectomized baboons sequentially with estradiol and progesterone to mimic the hormonal profile of the normal menstrual cycle. Infusion of hCG into the oviduct of steroid-hormone-treated ovariectomized baboons induced the expression of αSMA in the stromal cells and glycodelin in the glandular epithelium. The epithelial plaque reaction, however, was not readily evident. These studies demonstrate a physiological effect of CG on the uterine endometrium in vivo and suggest that the primate blastocyst signal, like the blastocyst signals of other species, modulates the uterine environment prior to implantation.
Classical familial adenomatous polyposis (FAP) is a high-penetrance autosomal dominant disease that predisposes to hundreds or thousands of colorectal adenomas and carcinoma and that results from truncating mutations in the APC gene. A variant of FAP is attenuated adenomatous polyposis coli, which results from germ-line mutations in the 5′ and 3′ regions of the APC gene. Attenuated adenomatous polyposis coli patients have “multiple” colorectal adenomas (typically fewer than 100) without the florid phenotype of classical FAP. Another group of patients with multiple adenomas has no mutations in the APC gene, and their phenotype probably results from variation at a locus, or loci, elsewhere in the genome. Recently, however, a missense variant of APC (I1307K) was described that confers an increased risk of colorectal tumors, including multiple adenomas, in Ashkenazim. We have studied a set of 164 patients with multiple colorectal adenomas and/or carcinoma and analyzed codons 1263–1377 (exon 15G) of the APC gene for germ-line variants. Three patients with the I1307K allele were detected, each of Ashkenazi descent. Four patients had a germ-line E1317Q missense variant of APC that was not present in controls; one of these individuals had an unusually large number of metaplastic polyps of the colorectum. There is increasing evidence that there exist germ-line variants of the APC gene that predispose to the development of multiple colorectal adenomas and carcinoma, but without the florid phenotype of classical FAP, and possibly with importance for colorectal cancer risk in the general population.
We have used a combination of computerized database mining and experimental expression analyses to identify a gene that is preferentially expressed in normal male and female reproductive tissues, prostate, testis, fallopian tube, uterus, and placenta, as well as in prostate cancer, testicular cancer, and uterine cancer. This gene is located on the human X chromosome, and it is homologous to a family of genes encoding GAGE-like proteins. GAGE proteins are expressed in a variety of tumors and in testis. We designate the novel gene PAGE-1 because the expression pattern in the Cancer Genome Anatomy Project libraries indicates that it is predominantly expressed in normal and neoplastic prostate. Further database analysis indicates the presence of other genes with high homology to PAGE-1, which were found in cDNA libraries derived from testis, pooled libraries (with testis), and in a germ cell tumor library. The expression of PAGE-1 in normal and malignant prostate, testicular, and uterine tissues makes it a possible target for the diagnosis and possibly for the vaccine-based therapy of neoplasms of prostate, testis, and uterus.
von Hippel–Lindau (VHL) disease is a pleomorphic familial tumor syndrome that is characterized by the development of highly vascularized tumors. Homozygous disruption of the VHL gene in mice results in embryonic lethality. To investigate VHL function in the adult we have generated a conditional VHL null allele (2-lox allele) and null allele (1-lox allele) by Cre-mediated recombination in embryonic stem cells. We show here that mice heterozygous for the 1-lox allele develop cavernous hemangiomas of the liver, a rare manifestation of the human disease. Histologically these tumors were associated with hepatocellular steatosis and focal proliferations of small vessels. To study the cellular origin of these lesions we inactivated VHL tissue-specifically in hepatocytes. Deletion of VHL in the liver resulted in severe steatosis, many blood-filled vascular cavities, and foci of increased vascularization within the hepatic parenchyma. These histopathological changes were similar to those seen in livers from mice heterozygous for the 1-lox allele. Hypoxia-inducible mRNAs encoding vascular endothelial growth factor, glucose transporter 1, and erythropoietin were up-regulated. We thus provide evidence that targeted inactivation of mouse VHL can model clinical features of the human disease and underline the importance of the VHL gene product in the regulation of hypoxia-responsive genes in vivo.
The development of drugs for the control of tumor angiogenesis requires a simple, accurate, and economical assay for tumor-induced vascularization. We have adapted the orthotopic implantation model to angiogenesis measurement by using human tumors labeled with Aequorea victoria green fluorescent protein for grafting into nude mice. The nonluminous induced capillaries are clearly visible against the very bright tumor fluorescence examined either intravitally or by whole-body luminance in real time. The orthotopic implantation model of human cancer has been well characterized, and fluorescence shadowing replaces the laborious histological techniques for determining blood vessel density. Intravital images of orthotopically implanted human pancreatic tumors clearly show angiogenic capillaries at both primary and metastatic sites. A quantitative time course of angiogenesis was determined for an orthotopically growing human prostate tumor periodically imaged intravitally in a single nude mouse over a 19-day period. Whole-body optical imaging of tumor angiogenesis was demonstrated by injecting fluorescent Lewis lung carcinoma cells into the s.c. site of the footpad of nude mice. The footpad is relatively transparent, with comparatively few resident blood vessels, allowing quantitative imaging of tumor angiogenesis in the intact animal. Capillary density increased linearly over a 10-day period as determined by whole-body imaging. Similarly, the green fluorescent protein-expressing human breast tumor MDA-MB-435 was orthotopically transplanted to the mouse fat pad, where whole-body optical imaging showed that blood vessel density increased linearly over a 20-week period. These powerful and clinically relevant angiogenesis mouse models can be used for real-time in vivo evaluation of agents inhibiting or promoting tumor angiogenesis in physiological microenvironments.
One of the fundamental tenets of oncology is that tumors arise from stem cells. In the colon, stem cells are thought to reside at the base of crypts. In the early stages of tumorigenesis, however, dysplastic cells are routinely found at the luminal surface of the crypts whereas the cells at the bases of these same crypts appear morphologically normal. To understand this discrepancy, we evaluated the molecular characteristics of cells isolated from the bases and orifices of the same crypts in small colorectal adenomas. We found that the dysplastic cells at the tops of the crypts often exhibited genetic alterations of adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) and neoplasia-associated patterns of gene expression. In contrast, cells located at the base of these same crypts did not contain such alterations and were not clonally related to the contiguous transformed cells above them. These results imply that development of adenomatous polyps proceeds through a top-down mechanism. Genetically altered cells in the superficial portions of the mucosae spread laterally and downward to form new crypts that first connect to preexisting normal crypts and eventually replace them.
The large size of many novel therapeutics impairs their transport through the tumor extracellular matrix and thus limits their therapeutic effectiveness. We propose that extracellular matrix composition, structure, and distribution determine the transport properties in tumors. Furthermore, because the characteristics of the extracellular matrix largely depend on the tumor–host interactions, we postulate that diffusion of macromolecules will vary with tumor type as well as anatomical location. Diffusion coefficients of macromolecules and liposomes in tumors growing in cranial windows (CWs) and dorsal chambers (DCs) were measured by fluorescence recovery after photobleaching. For the same tumor types, diffusion of large molecules was significantly faster in CW than in DC tumors. The greater diffusional hindrance in DC tumors was correlated with higher levels of collagen type I and its organization into fibrils. For molecules with diameters comparable to the interfibrillar space the diffusion was 5- to 10-fold slower in DC than in CW tumors. The slower diffusion in DC tumors was associated with a higher density of host stromal cells that synthesize and organize collagen type I. Our results point to the necessity of developing site-specific drug carriers to improve the delivery of molecular medicine to solid tumors.