980 resultados para underwater


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As condições naturais dos recursos hídricos podem ser modificadas com o uso insustentável dos mesmos. Por exemplo, em Belém, capital do Estado do Pará, o lago Água Preta, apresenta uma história de degradação que põe em risco o abastecimento de água potável em Belém. Nesse contexto, a principal contribuição do presente trabalho, é a realização de um estudo sobre a modelagem hidrodinâmica e a morfologia do lago Água Preta. Tal estudo foi efetuado a partir de duas fontes de dados. A primeira é um mapa topobatimétrico de 1975, que faz parte dos arquivos da COSANPA. A segunda foi uma batimetria realizada com um ADCP em 2009. A modelagem iniciase com a elaboração dos modelos de elevação de terreno de 1975 e 2009, também utilizados para o estudo morfológico do lago. Para a utilização do modelo hidrodinâmico, são necessários os modelos de elevação de terreno supracitados; o modelo de rugosidade do relevo subaquático do lago, para o cálculo do coeficiente de Manning; e as condições de contorno. As simulações hidrodinâmicas de velocidade e profundidades foram realizadas utilizando o modelo de Saint-Venant do tipo águas rasas. No caso das profundidades, as mesmas foram comparadas com dados disponíveis na literatura, a fim de validá-las. Os resultados das simulações hidrodinâmicas, ou seja, profundidades e velocidades, associadas ao estudo morfológico, são peças chave na análise dos padrões de escoamento e de tendências de assoreamento do lago.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The preference of predation on oocytes of Piaractus mesopotamicus, commonly known as 'Pacucaranha', by the prawn Macrobrachium amazonicum, under laboratory conditions, was evaluated regarding to other food items. The prawns were collected with sieves, placed below the underwater vegetation, and maintained in aquarium (12 L each) at a density of 10 individuals/aquarium for acclimatization. Oocytes (O) of P. mesopotamicus were obtained from the disposal of artisanal fishery. Artificial feed (R), fish muscle (M), organic matter accumulated in roots of Salvinia sp. (S) and plant organic matter in decomposition (MV) items were used to compare the preference by M. amazonicum. In all experiments the average of the prawns preying oocytes were higher; significant differences were detected only when comparing O/P and O/M. The preference for oocytes may be due to the presence of yolk, which has a high nutritional value and easy assimilation, in contrast to others items, which resent certain rigidity. This prawn species is exotic on site and the results of this study shows a possible environmental impact on P. mesopotamicus in the region.


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Two defensive tactics of neonates of nurse sharks, Ginglymostoma cirratum, are reported based on underwater observations. Described as "hiding behaviour" and "substrate resemblance", the defensive strategies were categorized according to the predominant habitat in which the individuals were found and to the behaviour displayed by the sharks in the presence of the observer. In structurally more complex habitats with a wide availability of shelters, the preferential behaviour displayed by neonates is to hide inside holes or crevices. When in open areas deprived of refuges, neonates tend to resemble arborescent coverings as seaweed banks or colonies of octocorals, which allows the use of more exposed habitats without increasing the susceptibility of capture by predators. Both aspects are relevant for a better understanding of the behaviour of neonates of G. cirratum and have important implications for identifying important habitat in nursery areas, and also for the management of this vulnerable species off South America.


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The blind river dolphin (Platanista gangetica), first written about by Pliny the Elder in A.D. 72, was found (10 November 1968) to be the first known side-swimming cetacean. The rudimentary eye lacks the lens, but anatomical evidence suggests that the eye may serve as a light sensor. The underwater sound emissions of this species, although similar to those of the Amazon River dolphin (Inia geoffrensis), appear to be produced constantly.


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Stable isotopes, tritium, radium isotopes, radon, trace elements and nutrients data were collected during two sampling campaigns in the Ubatuba coastal area (south-eastern Brazil) with the aim of investigating submarine groundwater discharge (SGD) in the region. The isotopic composition (delta D, delta(18)O, (3)H) of submarine waters was characterised by significant variability and heavy isotope enrichment. The stable isotopes and tritium data showed good separation of groundwater and seawater groups. The contribution of groundwater in submarine waters varied from a few % to 17%. Spatial distribution of (222)Rn activity concentration in surface seawater revealed changes between 50 and 200 Bq m(-3) which were in opposite relationship with observed salinities. Time series measurements of (222)Rn activity concentration in Flamengo Bay (from 1 to 5 kBq m(-3)), obtained by in situ underwater gamma-spectrometry showed a negative correlation between the (222)Rn activity concentration and tide/salinity. This may be caused by sea level changes as tide effects induce variations of hydraulic gradients, which increase (222)Rn concentration during lower sea level, and opposite, during high tides where the (222)Rn activity concentration is smaller. The estimated SGD fluxes varied during 22-26 November between 8 and 40 cm d(-1), with an average value of 21 cm d(-1) (the unit is cm(3)/cm(2) per day). The radium isotopes and nutrient data showed scattered distributions with offshore distance and salinity. which implies that in a complex coast with many small bays and islands, the area has been influenced by local currents and groundwater-seawater mixing. SGD in the Ubatuba area is fed by coastal contaminated groundwater and re-circulated seawater (with small admixtures of groundwater). which claims for potential environmental concern with implications on the management of freshwater resources in the region. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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The determination of hydrodynamic coefficients of full scale underwater vehicles using system identification (SI) is an extremely powerful technique. The procedure is based on experimental runs and on the analysis of on-board sensors and thrusters signals. The technique is cost effective and it has high repeatability; however, for open-frame underwater vehicles, it lacks accuracy due to the sensors' noise and the poor modeling of thruster-hull and thruster-thruster interaction effects. In this work, forced oscillation tests were undertaken with a full scale open-frame underwater vehicle. These conducted tests are unique in the sense that there are not many examples in the literature taking advantage of a PMM installation for testing a prototype and; consequently, allowing the comparison between the experimental results and the ones estimated by parameter identification. The Morison's equation inertia and drag coefficients were estimated with two parameter identification methods, that is, the weighted and the ordinary least-squares procedures. It was verified that the in-line force estimated from Morison's equation agrees well with the measured one except in the region around the motion inversion points. On the other hand, the error analysis showed that the ordinary least-squares provided better accuracy and, therefore, was used to evaluate the ratio between inertia and drag forces for a range of Keulegan-Carpenter and Reynolds numbers. It was concluded that, although both experimental and estimation techniques proved to be powerful tools for evaluation of an open-frame underwater vehicle's hydrodynamic coefficients, the research provided a rich amount of reference data for comparison with reduced models as well as for dynamic motion simulation of ROVs. [DOI: 10.1115/1.4004952]


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Behavioral data on Neotropical coenagrionids is still scanty, with very few studies on their reproductive behavior. Here we present the first description of the reproductive behavior of A. truncatum in a high density population in the Brazilian Neotropical savanna. The observations were made at a pond in an ecological reserve. Males remain at the water searching for females. Females remain in the surrounding vegetation and only approach the water to mate and oviposit. The mean duration of copulation was 25.6 +/- 3.26 minutes. Copulations are concentrated between 12:00 and 14:00 h (71%). Females oviposit in tandem with males, sometimes submerging to oviposit. Oviposition took 43.08 +/- 22.17 minutes. Female underwater oviposition seems to disrupt male guarding and females emerge from the water by themselves. Malemale interactions usually consist of chases and facing off. This damselfly species is apparently non-territorial, since males did not defend resources and searched for females in the area.


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Objective: An experimental in vitro study was carried out to evaluate the influence of cortical bone thickness on ultrasound propagation velocity. Methods: Sixty bone plates were used, made from bovine femurs, with thickness ranging from 1 to 6 mm (10 of each). The ultrasound velocity measurements were performed using a device specially designed for this purpose, in an underwater acoustic tank and with direct contact using contact gel. The transducers were positioned in two ways: on opposite sides, with the bone between them, for the transverse measurement; and parallel to each other, on the same side of the bone plates, for the axial measurements. Results: In the axial transmission mode, the ultrasound velocity speed increased with cortical bone thickness, regardless of the distance between the transducers, up to a thickness of 5 mm, then remained constant thereafter. There were no changes in velocity when the transverse measures were made. Conclusion: Ultrasound velocity increased with cortical bone thickness in the axial transmission mode, until the thickness surpasses the wavelength, after which point it remained constant. Level of Evidence: Experimental Study.


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A number of autonomous underwater vehicles, AUV, are equipped with commercial ducted propellers, most of them produced originally for the remote operated vehicle, ROV, industry. However, AUVs and ROVs are supposed to work quite differently since the ROV operates in almost the bollard pull condition, while the AUV works at larger cruising speeds. Moreover, they can have an influence in the maneuverability of AUV due to the lift the duct generates in the most distant place of the vehicle's center of mass. In this work, it is proposed the modeling of the hydrodynamic forces and moment on a duct propeller according to a numerical (CFD) simulation, and analytical and semi-empirical, ASE, approaches. Predicted values are compared to experimental results produced in a towing tank. Results confirm the advantages of the symbiosis between CFD and ASE methods for modeling the influence of the propeller duct in the AUV maneuverability. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Computational fluid dynamics, CFD, is becoming an essential tool in the prediction of the hydrodynamic efforts and flow characteristics of underwater vehicles for manoeuvring studies. However, when applied to the manoeuvrability of autonomous underwater vehicles, AUVs, most studies have focused on the de- termination of static coefficients without considering the effects of the vehicle control surface deflection. This paper analyses the hydrodynamic efforts generated on an AUV considering the combined effects of the control surface deflection and the angle of attack using CFD software based on the Reynolds-averaged Navier–Stokes formulations. The CFD simulations are also independently conducted for the AUV bare hull and control surface to better identify their individual and interference efforts and to validate the simulations by comparing the experimental results obtained in a towing tank. Several simulations of the bare hull case were conducted to select the k –ω SST turbulent model with the viscosity approach that best predicts its hydrodynamic efforts. Mesh sensitivity analyses were conducted for all simulations. For the flow around the control surfaces, the CFD results were analysed according to two different methodologies, standard and nonlinear. The nonlinear regression methodology provides better results than the standard methodology does for predicting the stall at the control surface. The flow simulations have shown that the occurrence of the control surface stall depends on a linear relationship between the angle of attack and the control surface deflection. This type of information can be used in designing the vehicle’s autopilot system.


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[EN]This presentation will give examples on how multi-parameter platforms have been used in a variety of applications ranging from shallow coastal on-line observatories down to measuring in the deepest Ocean trenches. Focus will be on projects in which optode technology (primarily for CO2 and O2) has served to study different aspects of the carbon system including primary production/consumption, air-sea exchange, leakage detection from underwater storage of CO2 and measurements from moving platforms like gliders and ferries. The performance of recently developed pH optodes will als


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[EN]One of the main issues of the current education system is the lack of student motivation. This aspect together with the permanent change that the Information and Communications Technologies involve represents a major challenge for the teacher: to continuously update contents and to keep awake the student’s interest. A tremendously useful tool in classrooms consists on the integration of projects with participative and collaborative dynamics, where the teacher acts mainly as a guidance to the student activity instead of being a mere knowledge and evaluation transmitter. As a specific example of project based learning, the EDUROVs project consists on building an economic underwater robot using low cost materials, but allowing the integration and programming of many accessories and sensors with minimum budget using opensource hardware and software.


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The thesis describes the molluscan biodiversity of the infralittoral off-shore reefs in the "Secche di Tor Paterno" marine protected area lying in the Central Tyrrhenian Sea off the coasts of Lazio south of Roma. Data originate from underwater sampling activities carried out by SCUBA diving in four biocoenoses: Posidonia oceanica leaves and rhizomes, coralligenous concretions and detritic pools. The representativeness of molluscs as descriptors of biocoenoses is evaluated by preliminary comparisons with data about Polychaeta, Pleocyemata (Crustacea) and Brachiopoda obtained in the same survey. The malacocoenoses of the four biocoenoses are treated in detail. Then data are compared with other data sets to assess differences and similarities with other communities. The agreement between death and living assemblages in the reefs is evaluated for the Posidonia oceanica and the coralligenous biocoenosis and was carried out by a set of standard metrics and some benthic ecology methods. Molluscs perform very well as descriptors of biocoenoses, better than the other phyla. The molluscan assemblages of the reefs are very rich in species despite richness is mainly concentrated in the coralligenous and in the rhizomes of Posidonia oceanica. The leaves of Posidonia oceanica host a rather poor assemblage. Detritic pools host a poor but peculiar species assemblage. The dead-live agreement showed that death assemblages are highly representative of sediments of nearby biocoenoses as a result of low bottom transport. Fidelity metrics suggest a good agreement between the living and death assemblages when species richness and taxonomic composition are considered. The study suggests that fidelity is lower when considering the species dominance. These differences could be associated to the trophism of species and possibly to the species life span.