965 resultados para time dependent
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Using the axially-symmetric time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation we study the phase coherence in a repulsive Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) trapped by a harmonic and an one-dimensional optical lattice potential to describe the experiment by Cataliotti et al. on atomic Josephson oscillation [Science 293, 843 (2001)]. The phase coherence is maintained after the BEC is set into oscillation by a small displacement of the magnetic trap along the optical lattice. The phase coherence in the presence of oscillating neutral current across an array of Josephson junctions manifests in an interference pattern formed upon free expansion of the BEC. The numerical response of the system to a large displacement of the magnetic trap is a classical transition from a coherent superfluid to an insulator regime and a subsequent destruction of the interference pattern in agreement With the more recent experiment by Cataliotti et al. [New J. Phys. 5, 71 (2003)].
We investigate dynamical effects of a bright soliton in Bose-Einstein condensed (BEC) systems with local and smooth space variations of the two-body atomic scattering length. It includes a discussion about the possible observation of a new type of standing nonlinear atomic matter wave in cigar-type traps. A rich dynamics is observed in the interaction between the soliton and an inhomogeneity. By considering an analytical time-dependent variational approach and also full numerical simulation of one-dimensional and three-dimensional Gross-Pitaevskii equations, we study processes such as trapping, reflection and transmission of the bright matter soliton due to the impurity. We also derive conditions for the collapse of the bright solitary wave, considering a quasi-one-dimensional BEC with attractive local inhomogeneity.
We suggest a time-dependent dynamical mean-field-hydrodynamic model for the collapse of a trapped boson-fermion condensate and perform numerical simulation based on it to understand some aspects of the experiment by Modugno et al. [Science 297, 2240 (2002)] on the collapse of the fermionic condensate in the K-40-Rb-87 mixture. We show that the mean-field model explains the formation of a stationary boson-fermion condensate at zero temperature with relative sizes compatible with experiment. This model is also found to yield a faithful representation of the collapse dynamics in qualitative agreement with experiment. In particular we consider the collapse of the fermionic condensate associated with (a) an increase of the number of bosonic atoms as in the experiment and (b) an increase of the attractive boson-fermion interaction using a Feshbach resonance. Suggestion for experiments of fermionic collapse using a Feshbach resonance is made.
Employing a time dependent mean-field-hydrodynamic model we study the generation of black solitons in a degenerate fermion-fermion mixture in a cigar-shaped geometry using variational and numerical solutions. The black soliton is found to be the first stationary vibrational excitation of the system and is considered to be a nonlinear continuation of the vibrational excitation of the harmonic oscillator state. We illustrate the stationary nature of the black soliton, by studying different perturbations on it after its formation.
We study the phase diagram for a dilute Bardeen-Cooper-Schrieffer superfluid Fermi-Fermi mixture (of distinct mass) at zero temperature using energy densities for the superfluid fermions in one (1D), two (2D), and three (3D) dimensions. We also derive the dynamical time-dependent nonlinear Euler-Lagrange equation satisfied by the mixture in one dimension using this energy density. We obtain the linear stability conditions for the mixture in terms of fermion densities of the components and the interspecies Fermi-Fermi interaction. In equilibrium there are two possibilities. The first is that of a uniform mixture of the two components, the second is that of two pure phases of two components without any overlap between them. In addition, a mixed and a pure phase, impossible in 1D and 2D, can be created in 3D. We also obtain the conditions under which the uniform mixture is stable from an energetic consideration. The same conditions are obtained from a modulational instability analysis of the dynamical equations in 1D. Finally, the 1D dynamical equations for the system are solved numerically and by variational approximation (VA) to study the bright solitons of the system for attractive interspecies Fermi-Fermi interaction in 1D. The VA is found to yield good agreement to the numerical result for the density profile and chemical potential of the bright solitons. The bright solitons are demonstrated to be dynamically stable. The experimental realization of these Fermi-Fermi bright solitons seems possible with present setups.
The stability of an attractive Bose-Einstein condensate on a joint one-dimensional optical lattice and an axially symmetrical harmonic trap is studied using the numerical solution of the time-dependent mean-field Gross-Pitaevskii equation and the critical number of atoms for a stable condensate is calculated. We also calculate this critical number of atoms in a double-well potential which is always greater than that in an axially symmetrical harmonic trap. The critical number of atoms in an optical trap can be made smaller or larger than the corresponding number in the absence of the optical trap by moving a node of the optical lattice potential in the axial direction of the harmonic trap. This variation of the critical number of atoms can be observed experimentally and compared with the present calculations.
Using the axially symmetric time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation we study the Josephson oscillation of an attractive Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC) in a one-dimensional periodic optical-lattice potential. We find that the Josephson frequency is virtually independent of the number of atoms in the BEC and of the interatomic interaction (attractive or repulsive). We study the dependence of the Josephson frequency on the laser wave length and the strength of the optical-lattice potential. For a fixed laser wave length (795 nm), the Josephson frequency decreases with increasing strength as found in the experiment of Cataliotti [Science 293, 843 (2001)]. For a fixed strength, the Josephson frequency remains essentially unchanged for a reasonable variation of laser wave length around 800 nm. However, the Josephson oscillation is disrupted with the increase of laser wave length beyond 2000 nm leading to a collapse of a sufficiently attractive BEC. These features of a Josephson oscillation can be tested experimentally with present setups.
We use the time-dependent mean-field Cross-Pitaevskii equation to study the formation of a dynamically-stabilized dissipation managed bright soliton in a quasi-one dimensional Bose-Einstein condensate (BEC). Because of three-body recombination of bosonic atoms to molecules, atoms are lost (dissipated) from a BEC. Such dissipation leads to the decay of a BEC soliton. We demonstrate by a perturbation procedure that an alimentation of atoms from an external source to the BEC may compensate for the dissipation loss and lead to a dynamically-stabilized soliton. The result of the analytical perturbation method is in excellent agreement with mean-field numerics. It seems possible to obtain such a dynamically stabilized BEC soliton without dissipation in laboratory.
We employ a time- dependent mean- field- hydrodynamic model to study the generation of bright solitons in a degenerate fermion - fermion mixture in a cigar- shaped geometry using variational and numerical methods. Due to a strong Pauli- blocking repulsion among identical spin- polarized fermions at short distances there cannot be bright solitons for repulsive interspecies interactions. Employing a linear stability analysis we demonstrate the formation of stable solitons due to modulational instability of a constant-amplitude solution of the model equations for a sufficiently attractive interspecies interaction. We perform a numerical stability analysis of these solitons and also demonstrate the formation of soliton trains by jumping the effective interspecies interaction from repulsive to attractive. These fermionic solitons can be formed and studied in laboratory with present technology.
Nonlinear oscillations of a 3D radial symmetric Bose-Einstein condensate under periodic variation in time of the atomic scattering length have been studied. The time-dependent variational approach is used for the analysis of the characteristics of nonlinear resonances in the oscillations of the condensate. The bistability in oscillations of the BEC width is investigated. The dependence of the BEC collapse threshold on the drive amplitude and parameters of the condensate and trap is found. Predictions of the theory are confirmed by numerical simulations of the full Gross-Pitaevskii equation.
Based on the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation we study the evolution of a collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensate in different trap symmetries to see the effect of confinement on collapse and subsequent explosion, which can be verified in future experiments. We make a prediction for the evolution of the shape of the condensate and the number of atoms in it for different trap symmetries (cigar to pancake) as well as in the presence of an optical lattice potential. We also make a prediction for the jet formation in different cases when the collapse is suddenly terminated by changing the scattering length to zero via a Feshbach resonance. In addition to the usual global collapse to the center of the condensate, in the presence of an optical-lattice potential one could also have in certain cases independent collapse of parts of the condensate to local centers, which could be verified in experiments.
The dynamics of a coupled Bose-Einstein condensate involving trapped atoms in two quantum states is studied using the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation including an interaction which can transform atoms from one state to the other. We find interesting oscillation of the number of atoms in each of the states. For all repulsive interactions, stable condensates are formed. When some of the atomic interactions are attractive, the possibility of collapse is studied by including an absorptive contact interaction and a quartic three-body recombination term. One or both components of the condensate may undergo collapse when one or more of the nonlinear terms are attractive in nature. (C) 2001 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.
We use a time-dependent dynamical mean-field-hydrodynamic model to study the formation of fermionic bright solitons in a trapped degenerate Fermi gas mixed with a Bose-Einstein condensate in a quasi-one-dimensional cigar-shaped geometry. Due to a strong Pauli-blocking repulsion among spin-polarized fermions at short distances there cannot be bright fermionic solitons in the case of repulsive boson-fermion interactions. However, we demonstrate that stable bright fermionic solitons can be formed for a sufficiently attractive boson-fermion interaction in a boson-fermion mixture. We also consider the formation of fermionic solitons in the presence of a periodic axial optical-lattice potential. These solitons can be formed and studied in the laboratory with present technology.
Recently, Donley et al. performed an experiment on the dynamics of collapsing and exploding Bose-Einstein condensates by suddenly changing the scattering length of atomic interaction to a large negative value on a preformed repulsive condensate of Rb-85 atoms in an axially symmetric trap. Consequently, the condensate collapses and ejects atoms via explosions, We show that the accurate numerical solution of the time-dependent Gross-Pitaevskii equation with axial symmetry can explain some aspects of the dynamics of the collapsing condensate. (C) 2002 Published by Elsevier B.V. B.V.