842 resultados para speaker diarization


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This hardcover modern binding contains a twenty-page manuscript copy of the salutatory address given by Elisha Cooke at the 1697 Harvard College Commencement. The text includes edits and struck-through words. A one-page copy of the first page of the oration signed by Thomas Banister and William Phips is at the end of the volume.


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Four-page manuscript copy of the valedictory Commencement oration composed by Jonathan Trumbull for the 1762 Harvard College Commencement.


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Benjamin Colman wrote this letter to Edward Wigglesworth on March 4, 1728; it was sent from Colman, in Boston, to Wigglesworth, in Cambridge. The letter concerns their mutual friend, John Leverett, who had died several years before. It appears that Wigglesworth was charged with writing an epitaph for Leverett and had solicited input from Colman. Colman writes of his great admiration for Leverett, praising his "virtue & piety, wisdom & gravity [...] majesty & authority [...] eye & voice, goodness & courtesie."


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Tese de doutoramento, Linguística (Linguística Aplicada), Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Letras, 2016


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L’obiettivo del presente elaborato è esplorare un ulteriore possibile impiego delle competenze dell’interprete di conferenza in un ambito ancora poco conosciuto ai più: la produzione di audiolibri e l’attività, a sfondo sociale, dei donatori di voce. Partendo da una panoramica generale sull’oralità e la valenza della voce in termini metafisico-antropologici, seguita dall’iniziazione del lettore al mondo degli audiolibri per non vedenti e ipovedenti e all’attività del Centro Internazionale del Libro Parlato di Feltre (oggetto del secondo capitolo), nel terzo capitolo il lavoro si concentra sul valore del gesto vocale nella comunicazione orale e, in modo specifico, per l’interprete di conferenza, riflessione che assume particolare interesse alla luce del percorso di studi di chi scrive. Quindi, si giunge, nel quarto capitolo, all’affermazione dell’importanza della pedagogia vocale e dei suoi strumenti regolatori del gesto vocale in relazione agli obiettivi espressivo-comunicativi di un “interprete”, sia esso attore, cantante, speaker radiofonico, audiodescrittore, donatore di voce o interprete interlinguistico e interculturale. Nel quinto capitolo il gesto vocale è descritto in una prospettiva anatomo-fisiologica, con un’analisi dei vari sistemi che costituiscono l’apparato pneumofonoarticolatorio preposto all’atto della fonazione. Infine, l’elaborato si chiude con i punti di vista di un’ex donatrice di voce, della professoressa di Tecniche di Presentazione Orale della Scuola di Lingue e Letterature, Traduzione e Interpretazione di Forlì, e di un utente non vedente di audiolibri, raccolti dalla loro viva voce attraverso delle interviste che hanno l’obiettivo di dare un riscontro reale a quanto affermato teoricamente nel corso della disamina.


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The human turn-taking system regulates the smooth and precise exchange of speaking turns during face-to-face interaction. Recent studies investigated the processing of ongoing turns during conversation by measuring the eye movements of noninvolved observers. The findings suggest that humans shift their gaze in anticipation to the next speaker before the start of the next turn. Moreover, there is evidence that the ability to timely detect turn transitions mainly relies on the lexico-syntactic content provided by the conversation. Consequently, patients with aphasia, who often experience deficits in both semantic and syntactic processing, might encounter difficulties to detect and timely shift their gaze at turn transitions. To test this assumption, we presented video vignettes of natural conversations to aphasic patients and healthy controls, while their eye movements were measured. The frequency and latency of event-related gaze shifts, with respect to the end of the current turn in the videos, were compared between the two groups. Our results suggest that, compared with healthy controls, aphasic patients have a reduced probability to shift their gaze at turn transitions but do not show significantly increased gaze shift latencies. In healthy controls, but not in aphasic patients, the probability to shift the gaze at turn transition was increased when the video content of the current turn had a higher lexico-syntactic complexity. Furthermore, the results from voxel-based lesion symptom mapping indicate that the association between lexico-syntactic complexity and gaze shift latency in aphasic patients is predicted by brain lesions located in the posterior branch of the left arcuate fasciculus. Higher lexico-syntactic processing demands seem to lead to a reduced gaze shift probability in aphasic patients. This finding may represent missed opportunities for patients to place their contributions during everyday conversation.


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Published by: The Nation Publishing Co., Feb. 22, 1908-May 22, 1920; British Periodicals Ltd., May 29, 1920-Feb. 12, 1921.


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"The first paper appeared in the "Outlook," New York, the one on Mr. Bradlaugh in the "Nineteenth Century" and some of the others at different times in the "Speaker."


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v. 1. Organization, apportionment, qualifications, prima facie title, elections.--v. 2. Elections, members, speaker, prerogatives, contempts.--v. 3. Investigations, inquiries, electoral count, impeachments, privilege.-- v. 4. Quorurm, order of business, appropriation bills, committees, committee of the whole.--v. 5. Debate, motions, amendments, voting, conference.--v. 6-8. Index-digest ( A to G; H to P; Q-Z)


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Report year for 1960-64 ends June 30; 1964-<65>, Dec. 31.


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Mode of access: Internet.


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"Works ... referred to": New Testament, vol. I, p. lxvi-lxvii: "The principal works consulted": vol. IV, p. 493-494.


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Architectural acoustics : the effect of a speaker's voice in different directions / by Hugh Tallant, 1913 ([4] leaves : ill. ; 37 cm.) bound at end.


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Published also under title: The speaker's garland.


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Prepared by the House Democratic staff?