932 resultados para simple defecation


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We present an unsophisticated and prompt software for the study of the spectroscopic properties of natural products. The main program searches substructures into the data set, selects the matching substructures and tests the selectivity of its chemical shifts for each skeleton. Some applications are presented. © 1990.


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Immunohistochemical analysis of the expression of simple mucin-type carbohydrate antigens (Tn, sialyl-Tn and T) was performed in a series of 43 cases of intraductal hyperplasia without atypia, 9 cases of intraductal hyperplasia with atypia, 54 cases of ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) and 26 cases of invasive breast carcinoma. We also studied 36 cases of isolated breast normal epithelium, 20 cases of 'normal' breast epithelium adjacent to neoplasms and 14 cases of apocrine metaplasia. All antigens were detected in different frequencies in normal, hyperplastic, metaplastic and neoplastic breast epithelium. Tn and sialyl-Tn are expressed more frequently in malignant than in benign breast epithelium; while Tn expression increases from normal to invasive carcinomas, sialyl-Tn increases until DCIS and drops in invasive carcinomas, suggesting that either there is a failure of a proportion of DCIS to progress to invasive carcinoma or loss of expression of sialyl-Tn when some carcinomas become invasive. The high frequency of Tn and sialyl-Tn expression in breast intraductal proliferations probably reflects incomplete glycosylation in these lesions, which is a well-known tumour-associated phenomenon and supports the assumption that such lesions are putative precursors of breast cancer. T antigen was expressed in all groups studied, but its prevalence differed significantly between normal and neoplastic epithelium. The expression of these antigens in epithelium adjacent to carcinomas is similar to that found in isolated normal breast epithelium, whereas apocrine metaplasia has a pattern of simple mucin-type glycosylation that is specific and distinct from that of the normal breast epithelium, with a high frequency of marked expression of Tn and sialyl-Tn. The similarity of the pattern of expression of simple mucin-type antigens in metaplasia and malignant neoplasia reduces the usefulness of these markers from a diagnostic standpoint.


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We consider a simple way of solving the flavor question by embedding the three-family standard model in a semisimple gauge group extending minimally the weak isospin factor. Quantum chiral anomalies between families of fermions cancel with a matching of the number of families and the number of color degrees of freedom. Our demonstration shows how the theory leads to determination of families structure when the standard model is the input at low energies. The new physics is limited to start below a few TeVs within the reach of the next generation colliders.


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By studying classical realizations of the sl(2, R-fraktur sign) algebra in a two dimensional phase space (q,π), we have derived a continuous family of new actions for free fractional spin particles in 2 + 1 dimensions. For the case of light-like spin vector (SμSμ = 0), the action is remarkably simple. We show the appearence of the Zitterbewegung in the solutions of the equations of motion, and relate the actions to others in the literature at classical level. © 1997 Elsevier Science B.V.


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We present a theoretical description of ligand field effects in the di-μ-azido- bis[{azido(N,N-diethylethylenediamine)} copper(II)] compound by the Simple Overlap Model. The ligand field Hamiltonian is expressed in terms of irreducible tensor operators for an assumed D3h site symmetry occupied by the copper ion. The ligand field parameters, calculated from the available structural data, indicate that the copper ion is under the influence of a very strong ligand field. The energy of the d-d absorption band is well reproduced phenomenologically by the model.


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Cold-formed steel shapes have been widely employed in steel construction, where they frequently offer a lower cost solution than do traditional laminated shapes. A classic application of cold-formed steel shapes is purlins in the roof panel of industrial buildings, connected to the roof panel by means of screws. The combined effect of these two elements has been the subject of investigations in some countries. Design criteria were included in the AISI Code in 1991 and 1996. This paper presents and discusses the results obtained from bending tests carried out on shapes commonly used in Brazil, i.e., the channel and the simple lipped channel, Tests were carried out on double shapes with 4.5 and 6.0 meter spans, which were subjected to concentrated loads and braced against each other on the supports and at intermediary points in three different load situations. The panel shape was also analyzed experimentally, simulating the action of wind by means of a vacuum box designed specifically for this purpose. The test results were then compared to those obtained through the theoretical analysis, enabling us to extract important information upon which to base proposed design criteria for the new Brazilian code.


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A simple constant-current electrocutaneous stimulator for high-impedance loads using low-cost, standard high-voltage components is presented. A voltage-regulator powers an oscillator built across the primary of a transformer whose secondary delivers, after rectification, the high-voltage supply to switched current-mirrors in the driving stage. Since the compliance high-voltage is proportional to the stimulation current, overall power consumption is minimized. By adjusting the regulated voltage, control of the pulsed-current amplitude is achieved. A prototype with readily available components features stimulation currents of amplitude and pulsewidth in the range 0≤Iskin≤20mA and 50μs ≤Tpulse≤1ms, respectively. Pulse-repetition spans from 1 Hz to 10Hz. Worst-case ripple is 3.7% @Iskin=1mA. Measured pulse fall-time is shorter than 32μs. Overall consumption is 4.4W @Iskin=20mA. Subject isolation from line is 4KV.


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A rapid and efficient method is described for the determination of thiabendazole and imazalil residues in lemons (peel and pulp). The procedure is based on the extraction with an hexane:ethyl acetate mixture (1:1, v/v) and gas chromatographic analysis using thermionic specific detection (TSD). The possibility of matrix effect was also studied. Mean recoveries from 8 replicates of fortified samples ranged from 79% to 109%, with relative standard deviation values between 2.4% to 12.8%. The detection and quantification limits of the method were 0.2 mg kg-1 and 0.5 mg kg-1, respectively.


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Objective: To evaluate the health-related quality of life in children with functional defecation disorders. Methods: One hundred children seen consecutively were enrolled and subdivided into three subsets according to the Roma II classification criteria: functional constipation (n = 57), functional fecal retention (n = 29) and nonretentive functional soiling (n = 14). The generic instrument Child Health Questionnaire - Parent Form 50 (CHQ-PF50®), was used to measure quality of life and to assess the impact of these disorders from the point of view of parents. The instrument measures physical and psychosocial wellbeing in 15 health domains, each of which is graded on a scale from 0 to 100, with higher values indicating better health and greater wellbeing. Ten of these are then used to obtain two aggregated and summary scores: the physical and psychosocial scores. Results: No statistically significant differences were detected between subsets in terms of demographic or anthropometric characteristics. In 14 domains, children with defecation disorders scored lower than healthy children. When subsets were compared, statistically significant differences were detected between children with nonretentive functional soiling (lower scores) and those with functional constipation. Physical and psychosocial scores for the entire sample were lower than those for the group of healthy children used as controls. Conclusions: The CHQ-PF50® was considered adequate for demonstrating compromised quality of life in children with functional defecation disorders, as has been reported for other diseases, being a useful tool for making treatment decisions and for patient follow-up. Copyright © 2006 by Sociedade Brasileira de Pediatria.


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We present general explicit expressions for a shell-model calculation of the vector hypernuclear parameter in nonmesonic weak decay. We use a widely accepted effective coupling Hamiltonian involving the exchange of the complete pseudoscalar and vector meson octets (π, η, K, ρ, ω, K*). In contrast to the approximated formula widely used in the literature, we correctly treat the contribution of transitions originated from single-proton states beyond the s-shell. Exact and simple analytical expressions are obtained for the particular cases of Λ 5He and Λ 12C, within the one-pion-exchange model. Numerical computations of the asymmetry parameter, aΛ, are presented. Our results show a qualitative agreement with other theoretical estimates but also a contradiction with recent experimental determinations. Our simple analytical formulas provide a guide in searching the origin of such discrepancies, and they will be useful for helping to solve the hypernuclear weak decay puzzle.


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Cold-formed steel members are subject to failure caused by buckling, normally under loads smaller than those corresponding to partial or total yielding of the cross section. The buckling of members in bending can be classified as local or global, and the occurrence of one or the other type is expected by the members' geometric characteristics and by the constraints and load conditions. One of the local instability modes that can characterize a member's failure is distortional buckling of the cross section occurring on its own plane and involving lateral displacements and rotations. This paper presents and discusses the procedures and results obtained from experimental tests of cold-formed steel members under bending. Forty-eight beams were carried out on members in simple lipped channel, in pairs, with 6-meter spans and loads applied by concentrated forces at every 1/3 of the span. The thickness, width and dimensions, of the stiffeners were chosen so that the instability by distortion buckling of the cross section was the principal failure mode expected. The experimental results are compared with the obtained results by using the direct strength method.


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The most significant studies about the spinner dolphin (Stenella longirostris) in the Southwestern Atlantic Ocean were conducted in Fernando de Noronha Archipelago, off Northeastern Brazil. The continuity of these studies depends upon the development of non-invasive methods. In this work, we present results from the skin swabbing sampling procedure for this species. We tested the performance of this method for nuclear and mitochondrial DNA analysis, unknown for this population. A total of skin 161 samples were collected during two expeditions. After the contacts the most of the dolphins remained close to the boat. Microsatellites markers and cytochrome b region primers were evaluated and the respective fragments were successfully amplified. Thus, skin swabbing may be considered an efficient strategy to obtain tissue samples for spinner dolphin genetic analysis in Fernando de Noronha Archipelago.


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A simple, rapid and sensitive spectrophotometric method has been developed for the determination of methyldopa in pharmaceutical formulations. The method is based on the reaction between tetrachloro-p-benzoquinone (p-chloranil) and methyldopa, accelerated by hydrogen peroxide (H 2O 2), producing a violet-red compound (λmax = 535 nm) at ambient temperature (25.0 ± 0.2°C). Experimental design methodologies were used to optimize the measurement conditions. Beer's law is obeyed in a concentration range from 2.10 × 10 -4 to 2.48 × 10 -3 mol L -1 (r = 0.9997). The limit of detection was 7.55 × 10 -6 mol L -1 and the limit of quantification was 2.52 × 10 -5 mol L -1. The intraday precision and interday precision were studied for 10 replicate analyses of 1.59 × 10 -3 mol L -1 methyldopa solution and the respective coefficients of variation were 0.7 and 1.1%. The proposed method was successfully applied to the determination of methyldopa in commercial brands of pharmaceuticals. No interferences were observed from the common excipients in the formulations. The results obtained by the proposed method were favorably compared with those given by the Brazilian Pharmacopoeia procedure at 95% confidence level.


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A previous work showed that viscosity values measured high frequency by ultrasound agreed with the values at low frequency by the rotational viscometer when conditions are met, such as relatively low frequency viscosity. However, these conditions strongly reduce the range of the measurement cell. In order to obtain a measurement range and sensitivity high frequency must used, but it causes a frequency-dependent decrease on the viscosity values. This work introduces a new simple in order to represent this frequency-dependent behavior.model is based on the Maxwell model for viscoelastic , but using a variable parameter. This parameter has physical meaning because it represents the linear behavior the apparent elasticity measured along with the viscosity by .Automotive oils SAE 90 and SAE 250 at 22.5±0.5oC viscosities at low frequency of 0.6 and 6.7 Pa.s, respectively,tested in the range of 1-5 MHz. The model was used in to fit the obtained data using an algorithm of non-linear in Matlab. By including the viscosity at low frequency an unknown fitting parameter, it is possible to extrapolate its . Relative deviations between the values measured by the and extrapolated using the model for the SAE 90 and SAE 250 oils were 5.0% and 15.7%, respectively.©2008 IEEE.