953 resultados para season of birth


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Este trabalho, desenvolvido ao nível de campo, na Fazenda Experimental Edgárdia, da Faculdade de Ciências Agronômicas da UNESP, Botucatu, no ano agrícola 1990/91, objetivou avaliar os efeitos do momento de admissão da água e da altura da lâmina de água sobre o desenvolvimento das plantas daninhas e os reflexos sobre as de arroz. O delineamento experimental usado foi de blocos ao acaso com parcelas subsubdivididas. Às parcelas, corresponderam os momentos de admissão de água M1, M2 e M3, respectivamente, 15, 42 e 74 dias após a emergência das plantas de arroz. As subparcelas corresponderam às alturas das lâminas de água L5, L10 e L15, respectivamente, 5, 10 e 15 cm e as subsubparcelas, a dois sistemas de condução: com capina (cc) e sem capina (sc). Verificou-se que o desenvolvimento das plantas daninhas foi afetado tanto pelo momento de admissão de água como pela altura da lâmina de água sendo a produção de grãos reduzida 61,5% devido à competição das plantas daninhas com a cultura.


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A eficiência da calagem superficial pode ser melhorada por meio de compostos orgânicos hidrossolúveis liberados por resíduos vegetais. No entanto, não se sabe se os teores desses compostos nos resíduos das culturas podem ser modificados pela aplicação de calcário e gesso em superfície. O presente trabalho objetivou avaliar os efeitos das aplicações de calcário e gesso em superfície sobre os teores de cátions solúveis nos resíduos vegetais das culturas de arroz, feijão e aveia-preta. O experimento foi realizado em um Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico de Botucatu (SP). O delineamento foi de blocos casualizados com parcelas subdivididas e quatro repetições. As parcelas foram constituídas por quatro doses de calcário dolomítico (0, 1.100, 2.700 e 4.300 kg ha-1) e as subparcelas, pela aplicação ou não de 2.100 kg ha-1 de gesso agrícola. Para as culturas de verão foi utilizado esquema de parcela subsubdividida. As subsubparcelas foram constituídas por dois cultivares de arroz de terras altas (Caiapó e IAC 202), no ano agrícola 2002/03, e dois cultivares de feijão (Pérola e Carioca), em 2003/04. A aveia-preta foi cultivada no inverno dos dois anos, utilizando apenas o cultivar Comum. Os teores de cátions solúveis na parte aérea das culturas de arroz, feijão e aveia-preta foram alterados pela aplicação de calcário e gesso em superfície. A gessagem em superfície aumentou os teores solúveis de Ca e reduziu o de Mg na parte aérea das culturas, principalmente nas primeiras safras após a aplicação. A calagem aumentou os teores de cátions solúveis na parte aérea de todas as culturas. As culturas do feijão e da aveia-preta apresentaram maiores teores de cátions solúveis nos resíduos da parte aérea, avaliados no florescimento.


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Low height castor bean hybrids and highly productive possibly need larger quantity of macronutients during its development cycle. However, in Brazil there is little information on extraction and exportation of macronutrients by low height castor bean hybrids, as on season as out-of-season growing. This study aimed to evaluate the nutrients extraction and exportation by Savana hybrid castor bean on season and out-of-season growing. The experiments were conducted during the season of 2005/2006 and out-of-season of 2006 in an Oxisol. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications. The plots were consisted by harvest times of plants, which were composed by six plant rows to 5 m, spaced 0.45 m between rows. Samples were collected at 17, 31, 45, 59, 73, 97 and 120 days after emergence (DAE) during the season and at 17, 31, 45, 59, 80; 100 and 120 DAE in the out-of-season. The nutrients accumulation by Savana hybrid was small until the flowering (30 DAE), but intensified after this period. The period of greatest nutrient absorption occurred at 65 and 90 DAE for N, 70 and 80 DAE for P, 60 DAE for K and Mg, 55 and 60 DAE for Ca and S. The amounts absorbed per hectare by hybrid Savana ranged 155 to 31 kg of N, 17 to 3 kg of P, 71 to 13 kg of K, 56 to 12 kg of Ca, 28 to 4 kg of Mg and 29,5 to 7 kg of S in season and out-of-season, respectively. The yield was higher in growing season, but the nutrients extraction and exportation per ton of grain were similar among the seasons. Among 40% and 50% of N and S and most part of Mg, K and Ca accumulated in the plants returned to soil with crop residues, but less than 35% of P remained in the residues.


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Information about micronutrients extraction and exportation by castor bean hybrids of short stature, and the periods of highest demand for each micronutrient, are most importance for correct management to fertilization. This study aimed to evaluate the micronutrients extraction and exportation by Savana hybrid castor bean, on season and out-of-season growing. The experiments were conducted during season of 2005/2006 and out-of-season of 2006 in an Oxisol. The experimental design was a randomized block with four replications. The plots were consisted by harvest times of plants, which were carried out at 17, 31, 45, 59, 73, 97 and 120 days after emergence (DAE) during the season and at 17, 31, 45, 59, 80; 100 and 120 DAE in the out-of-season. In both seasons the order of micronutrients extraction by hybrid Savanna is: Fe> Mn> Zn> B> Cu> Mo, but with larger amounts of season cultivation. The time of greatest Zn and Mo absorption during the season and the Fe in out-of-season occurs at 80 DAE, although the other micronutrients are absorbed at higher rates between 50 and 65 DAE. In season the yield, nutrients extraction and exportation from soil are higher than out-of-season, but the nutrients extraction and exportation per ton show less variation between growing seasons. Fifty percent of zinc and 60% of Cu uptaken, on average, in out-of-season is exported with grains, but for the other micronutrients the proportion exported with grains is less than 40%.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Eutrophication has been listed as one of the main problems of water pollution on a global level. In the Brazilian semi-arid areas this problem takes even greater proportions due to characteristical water scarcity of the region. It is extremely important to the predictive eutrophication models development and to the reservoirs management in the semi-arid region, studies that promotes understanding of the mechanisms responsible for the expansion and control of algae blooms, essential for improving the water quality of these environments. The present study had as its main aims, evaluate the temporal pattern of trophic state, considering the influence of nutrients (N and P) and the light availability in the water column in the development of phytoplankton biomass, and perform the mathematical modelling of changes in phosphorus and chlorophyll a concentrations in the Cruzeta man-made lake located on Seridó, a typical semi-arid region of Rio Grande do Norte. To this, a fortnightly monitoring was performed in the reservoir in 05 stations over the months of March 2007 to May 2008. Were measured the concentrations of total phosphorus, total organic nitrogen, chlorophyll a, total, fixed and volatile suspended solids, as well as the measure of transparency (Secchi) and the profiles of photosynthetic active radiation (PAR), temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and electrical conductivity in the water column. Measurements of vertical profiles have shown some periods of chemical and thermal stratification, especially in the rainy season, due to increased water column depth, however, the reservoir can be classified as warm polimitic. During the study period the reservoir was characterized as eutrophic considering the concentrations of phosphorus and most of the time as mesotrophic, based on the concentrations of chlorophyll a, according to the Thornton & Rast (1993) classification. The N:P relations suggest N limitation, conversely, significant linear relationship between the algae biomass and nutrients (N and P) were not observed in our study. However, a relevant event was the negative and significant correlation presented by Kt and chlorophyll a (r ² = 0.83) at the end of the drought of 2007 and the rainy season of 2008, and the algal biomass collapse observed at the end of the drought season (Dec/07). The equation used to simulate the change in the total phosphorus was not satisfactory, being necessary inclusion of parameters able to increase the power of the model prediction. The chlorophyll a simulation presented a good adjustment trend, however there is a need to check the calibrated model parameters and subsequent equation validation


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Os processos de quantificação e associação das lesões do esporte aos seus possíveis fatores causais são importantes para melhor entendimento sobre assunto. Assim constituiu-se como objetivo do presente estudo a observação das lesões desportivas (LD) em atletas da elite brasileira do atletismo, associando-as aos seus mecanismos de instalação e características da modalidade. Foram entrevistados 86 atletas (47 homens e 39 mulheres) convocados para representar o Brasil durante o ano de 2003. Utilizou-se um inquérito de morbidade referida, validado anteriormente, para obtenção dos dados referentes aos atletas e suas lesões. Para a análise dos resultados adotou-se o teste de Goodman para contrastes entre e dentro de proporções binomiais, sendo todas as conclusões discutidas para 5% de significância estatística. Os resultados mostraram que há maior taxa de lesão por atleta (l/a), nas provas combinadas (3,5 l/a), seguidas por eventos de velocidade (2,6 l/a), resistência (1,9 l/a) e saltos (1,9 l/a) respectivamente. O principal mecanismo causal é a alta intensidade acometendo preferencialmente velocistas e fundistas. Outra forte associação foi observada entre lesões musculares e provas de velocidade, que também apresentam preferência para ocorrência de lesão na região da coxa. As atividades com elevada intensidade foram o principal responsável por lesões musculares, enquanto as osteoarticulares e tendinopatias ocorrem com excesso de repetições. Concluiu-se, a partir dos achados, que existem associações entre lesões e fatores causais, como entre provas e lesões, mecanismos de lesão e local anatômico.


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Human cooperation is fundamentally affected by reciprocal exchange, but it is also remarkably common on the context of large and symbolically marked in-groups, which promote cooperation through the feeling of belonging to a group. In this thesis, two empirical articles were produced in order to investigate how human cooperation is affected by factors such as reciprocity, in-group behavior, in-group markers and gender. We investigated this subject through the administration of online games consisting of token donations, on which the subjects faced virtual players controlled by the experiment. We found that cooperative behavior is strongly influenced by reciprocity, and it is also affected by the in-group behavior, observed on the context of the social variables place of birth, ethnicity, and religions, once all of them acted as in-group markers. The subjects´ in-group behavior was enhanced when they played with generous in-group opponents, but weakened when their in-group opponents were non-generous. It was also found that cooperation is not affected by gender, but men and women cooperated in different ways under the influence of reciprocity and in-group behavior. Women are much more reciprocal on their cooperative behavior and men are less willing to cooperate with outgroupers, even when they act generously. The overall results contribute to a better understanding of the adaptive value of cooperation, reciprocity and in-group behavior on the solution of important challenges through the human evolutionary history


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O aumento significativo da produção de milho na segunda safra no Brasil, principalmente no centro-sul do país, têm estimulado os programas de melhoramento da cultura a selecionar genótipos que sejam adaptáveis às condições climáticas das diferentes épocas de semeadura. Nesse sentido, o objetivo do presente trabalho foi quantificar a interação progênies x épocas de semeadura e verificar seus reflexos no progresso genético com o uso de índice de seleção multivariado para seleção de progênies do Composto Isanão VF-1 de milho. As semeaduras foram realizadas na segunda safra em 2004 e na primeira safra do ano agrícola 2004/05. Foram utilizadas 71 progênies de meios irmãos avaliadas em blocos ao acaso, com três repetições. Os caracteres avaliados foram: altura de plantas, altura de espigas, tombamento, prolificidade e rendimento de grãos. Realizaram-se a decomposição da interação progênies x épocas e foram estimados os ganhos pelo índice de seleção descrito por Mulamba e Mock. Houve predomínio da interação do tipo simples para maioria dos caracteres, exceto para prolificidade, que revelou 86% de interação do tipo complexa. Pelo índice de Mulamba e Mock, os ganhos proporcionais mais adequados para o conjunto de caracteres avaliados foi obtido pelos pesos econômicos atribuídos por tentativas. Os ganhos preditos foram de 1,41, 0,86, -13,03, 9,54 e 16,12% para altura de planta, altura de espiga, tombamento, prolificidade e rendimento de grãos, respectivamente.


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Social support is an important factor throughout one s life, especially in times of crisis. Premature delivery can be considered a crisis, followed by neonatal hospitalization. This type of birth is associated with elevated anxiety, representing risks to maternal mental health and mother-infant relationship. This research aims to investigate whether a relationship exists between perceived social support and the expression of anxiety in mothers of premature, hospitalized newborns. This is a cross-sectional, correlational study, conducted during the period of April to October 2011, using a convenience sample. The sample consisted of seventy mothers with preterm, hospitalized newborns and seventy mothers of full-term newborns. The instruments used were the State-Trait Anxiety Inventory and the Social Support Scale. The results demonstrated a weak negative relationship between intensity-State Anxiety and emotional support as well as a negative relationship in intensity between low to moderate-Trait Anxiety, social support and its dimensions (material support, emotional, information, interaction positive social and emotional). These suggest that the better the perception of social support, the less severe anxiogenic symptoms will be, and the converse is also true. It is noteworthy, therefore, the importance of social support, as well as the importance of health professionals to be aware not only of the physical health of the newborn, but also the psychosocial aspects that pervade the context of preterm birth followed by hospitalization


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The chores and the daily physical and social demands make us feel more and more the need to be in a familiar and restoring environment, with which we frequently establish emotional bonds. The interaction with places for resting and leisure, exemplified in the Environmental Psychology literature as recreational and home environments, allow us to exercise our potentials and to strengthen our (personal and collective) identity. Bearing this in mind, this dissertation has as aim to study the relation of affection between the place and the inhabitants of the community of Pipa-RN, which has turned from fishermen s village into tourist destination, bringing with it many changes to the local population. To accomplish that, we made use of behavioral observations, interviews, and graphic and photographic documentation with 30 subjects selected through a network of indications, attending to the criterion loving Pipa . After analysis and systematization of the answers, we identified three super-categories: 1) Love, characterized by the strong representation that an environment has upon an individual without, necessarily, there being an affective link, allowing it to be nurtured from a distance and dissociated from the desire to be present; 2) Attachment, demonstrated by the difficulty in leaving the place, a bond that can be mediated by personal financial investments or expectation of future benefits; 3) Affiliation, which refers to the feeling of belonging to the place and its community, sharing its history, culture, habits, etc., independent from the place of birth. These super-categories are not exclusive, on the contrary, they can form combinations which we denominate as situations, that could vary from 01 (individual involved with none of the three) to 07 (individual involved with the three); there wasn t the combination between Attachment and Affiliation. These results showed that within the framework of relations of affection with the place, there are countless possibilities of interaction individual-environment, determined by the physicalenvironmental characteristics and by the assessment that each individual makes of it. With this small contribution to the theme, we hope to enlighten the perspectives for future research, especially involving the relation of affection for places and the adoption of proenvironmental conducts, as a question of preservation of the ecosystems and of the quality of life of the inhabitants


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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The perfect spatial intervention to manage the cultivation of the land, deriving from specific regions of the soil mapping, increases the agricultural productivity, as well as its clear gain. The relationships, spatial and Pearson, between eucalyptus data plant with some physical and chemical attributes of soil, in the growing season of 2011, in Selviria County, Mato Grosso do Sul State, Brazil (20 degrees 20' S lat.; 51 degrees 24' W long.), were studied in order to obtain the one that could have the best relationship in order to improve the wood productivity. Thus, a geostatistical grid was installed for the soil and plant data collection, it contained 120 sample points, in plantation of Eucalyptus camaldulensis of 2 years old. The soil was a Dystrophic Red Latosol (Haplic Acrustox) whit slope of 0.025m m(-1). Due to their excellent relationship with wood productivity, the basis diameter of the crown and the bulk density showed management specific regions of soil whit high relation to eucalyptus wood productivity.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)