999 resultados para síndrome de imunodeficiência adquirida (AIDS)
Opportunistic diseases in HIV-infected patients have changed since the introduction of highly active anti-retroviral therapy (HAART). This study aims at evaluating the frequency of associated diseases in patients with AIDS admitted to an university hospital of Brazil, before and after HAART. The medical records of 342 HIV-infected patients were reviewed and divided into two groups: group 1 comprised 247 patients before HAART and, group 2, 95 patients after HAART. The male-to-female rate dropped from 5:1 to 2:1for HIV infection. There was an increase in the prevalence of tuberculosis and toxoplasmosis, with a decrease in Kaposi's sarcoma, histoplasmosis and cryptococcosis. A reduction of in-hospital mortality (42.0% vs. 16.9%; p = 0.00002) has also occurred. An agreement between the main clinical diagnoses and autopsy findings was observed in 10 out of 20 cases (50%). Two patients with disseminated schistosomiasis and 2 with paracoccidioidomycosis are reported. Overall, except for cerebral toxoplasmosis, it has been noticed a smaller proportion of opportunistic conditions related to severe immunosuppression in the post HAART group. There was also a significant reduction in the in-hospital mortality, possibly reflecting improvement in the treatment of the HIV infection.
Tuberculous brain abscesses in AIDS patients are considered rare with only eight cases reported in the literature. We describe the case of a 34-year-old woman with AIDS and previous toxoplasmic encephalitis who was admitted due to headache and seizures. A brain computed tomography scan disclosed a frontal hypodense lesion with a contrast ring enhancement. Brain abscess was suspected and she underwent a lesion puncture through a trepanation. The material extracted was purulent and the acid-fast smear was markedly positive. Timely medical and surgical approaches allowed a good outcome. Tuberculous abscesses should be considered in the differential diagnosis of focal brain lesions in AIDS patients. Surgical excision or stereotactic aspiration, and antituberculous treatment are the mainstay in the management of these uncommon lesions.
Cytomegalovirus (CMV) disease in acquired immunodeficiency syndrome (AIDS) patients most commonly presents as chorioretinitis and gastro-intestinal infection. Neurological involvement due to CMV may cause several clinical presentations: polyradiculitis, myelitis, encephalitis, ventriculo-encephalitis, and mononeuritis multiplex. Rarely, cerebral mass lesion is described. We report a 39 year-old woman with AIDS and previous cerebral toxoplasmosis. She presented with fever, seizures, and vulval ulcers. Her chest X-ray showed multiple lung nodules, and a large frontal lobe lesion was seen in a brain computed tomography scan. She underwent a brain biopsy through a frontal craniotomy, but her condition deteriorated and she died in the first postoperative day. Histopathological studies and immunohistochemistry disclosed CMV disease, and there was no evidence of cerebral toxoplasmosis, bacterial, mycobacterial or fungal infection. CMV disease should be considered in the differential diagnosis of cerebral mass lesion in AIDS patients. High suspicion index, timely diagnostic procedures (surgical or minimally invasive), and proper utilization of prophylactic and therapeutic medication could improve outcome of these patients.
Paracoccidioidomycosis is one of the most frequent systemic and endemic mycoses of Latin America caused by a dimorphic fungus. In AIDS patients, paracoccidioidomycosis appears as a severe and disseminated disease with a wide spectrum of clinical findings. The CD4 counts are usually less than 200 cell/mu L. We present a case of disseminated paracoccidioidomycosis with peripleuritis and subcutaneous abscesses on the chest wall as initial manifestation of AIDS. In endemic countries, paracoccidioidomycosis should be included as an opportunistic infection in AIDS.
A síndrome de Churg-Strauss (SCS) ou angeíte granulomatosa alérgica é uma doença rara caracterizada pela presença de asma, eosinofilia e vasculite dos pequenos e, por vezes, dos médios vasos. O pulmão, coração, pele e nervos periféricos são frequentemente atingidos. Os autores descrevem o caso clínico de uma doente do sexo feminino de 47 anos de idade, internada por lesões purpúricas dolorosas com uma semana de evolução, localizadas nas superfícies extensoras dos membros inferiores. Nos antecedentes pessoais destacava-se asma brônquica com 7 anos de evolução, rinite alérgica e sinusite. A avaliação laboratorial revelou leucocitose com eosinofilia e elevação dos parâmetros de inflamação. Os anticorpos citoplasmáticos anti-neutrófilos eram negativos. A avaliação neurológica e o estudo electroneuromiográfico mostraram uma polineuropatia periférica assimétrica. A biopsia cutânea revelou uma vasculite necrotizante com infiltrado perivascular rico em eosinófilos. O diagnóstico de SCS foi apoiado pelos achados clínicos e histopatológicos, pelo que se iniciou corticoterapia sistémica que resultou numa melhoria clínica marcada. As manifestações cutâneas podem ser uma forma de apresentação clínica do SCS, sendo o seu reconhecimento essencial para a instituição precoce de terapêutica e para a prevenção de lesões irreversíveis em órgãos vitais.
O aumento do risco cardiovascular é considerada uma importante complicação da infecção Infecção por Vírus da Imunodeficiência Humana (VIH) e da terapêutica anti-retroviral (TARV). À disfunção endotelial característica do processo inflamatório crónico desencadeado pela infecção retroviral, associa-se a disfunção metabólica induzida pela terapêutica, predispondo, em conjunto, para a aterogénese precoce. O reconhecimento deste aumento de risco cardiovascular permite-nos elaborar estratégias de prevenção e optimização terapêutica que passam pelo uso criterioso de hipolipemiantes e modificação da TARV, consoante a avaliação do risco cardiovascular global de cada doente.
In the last years, new techniques of neuroimages and histopathological methods have been added to the management of cerebral mass lesions in patients with AIDS. Stereotactic biopsy is necessary when after 14 days of empirical treatment for Toxoplasma gondii encephalitis there is no clinical or neuroradiologic improvement. We report a woman with AIDS who developed a single focal brain lesion on the right frontal lobe. She presented a long history of headache and seizures. After two weeks of empirical treatment for toxoplasma encephalitis without response, a magnetic resonance image with spectroscopy was performed and showed a tumoral pattern with a choline peak, diminished of N-acetyl-aspartate and presence of lactate. A stereotactic biopsy was performed. Histopathological diagnosis was a diffuse oligodendroglioma type A. A microsurgical resection of the tumor was carried out and antiretroviral treatment was started. To date she is in good clinical condition, with undetectable plasma viral load and CD4 T cell count > 200 cell/uL.
Recently, reactivation of Chagas disease (meningoencephalitis and/or myocarditis) was included in the list of AIDS-defining illnesses in Brazil. We report a case of a 52-year-old patient with no history of previous disease who presented acute meningoencephalitis. Direct examination of blood and cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) showed Trypanosoma cruzi. CSF culture confirmed the diagnosis. Serological assays for T. cruzi and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) were positive. Despite treatment with benznidazol and supportive measures, the patient died 24 hours after hospital admission. In endemic areas, reactivation of Chagas disease should always be considered in the differential diagnosis of meningoencephalitis among HIV-infected patients, and its presence is indicative of AIDS.
Apresentam-se seis casos de síndrome da veia cava superior causado por neoplasia do pulmão e que foram tratados por endopróteses colocadas por via percutânea. Descreve-se a técnica e avaliam-se os resultados. Num caso ocorreu trombose aguda da endoprótese que foi tratada por uroquinase. Não se registaram outras complicações. Um doente faleceu 1 mês depois por progressão da doença. Os restantes mantinham-se sem queixas de síndrome da veia cava superior durante mais do que 6 meses. Conclui-se que a colocação de endopróteses é uma técnica pouco invasiva, eficaz e com melhoria imediata no síndrome da veia cava superior.
Na infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana (VIH) estão descritas alterações cardiovasculares, tanto estruturais como funcionais. Com o objectivo de fazer o rastreio das referidas alterações no propósito de uma intervenção terapêutica precoce, foi efectuada uma avaliação clínica e laboratorial prospectiva em 32 crianças com infecção pelo VIH, com idades compreendidas entre três meses e 13 anos (média = 3.11 +/- 3.51 anos). Em 90% dos doentes identificou-se transmissão perinatal. Vinte e duas crianças (69%) estavam sintomáticas, sendo a sintomatologia moderada em nove e grave em oito. Catorze doentes tinham alterações imunológicas e oito delas apresentavam imunosupressão grave. Vinte e oito crianças (88%)tinham infecção pelo VIH 1 e seis tinham infecção recente pelo Vírus de Ebstein-Barr. Dezanove doentes receberam tratamento com zidovudina e 14 com imunoglobulinas por via endovenosa. Foram detectadas 19 alterações cardiovasculares em 15 doentes (47%), nomeadamente: 11 casos de hipertensão pulmonar por critérios ecocardiográficos, (oito delas tinham infiltrados intersticiais na radiografia do tórax) e quatro casos de disfunção ventricular esquerda que, por isso, iniciaram terapêutica anticongestiva. As restantes anomalias estruturais ou funcionais foram: persistência de canal arterial; hipertrofia do septo interventricular; prolapso da válvula mitral e derrame pericárdico cada uma delas em um caso. No electrocardiograma de superfície quatro crianças apresentaram critérios de hipertrofia ventricular direita, uma tinha hipertrofia ventricular esquerda e duas tinham alterações inespecíficas de repolarização ventricular. Em 14 doentes (44%) verificou-se no ECG de 24 horas taquicardia sinusal com uma frequência cardíaca média superior ao percentil 95. As anomalias cardiovasculares foram mais frequentes nas crianças com estadios mais avançados de doença. Conclusões: As anomalias cardiovasculares são frequentes em crianças com infecção pelo VIH em estadios avançados; a hipertensão pulmonar é a anomalia cardiovascular mais frequentemente detectada e está associada a patologia respiratória crónica ou recorrente; o acompanhamento cardiológico está indicado nas crianças com infecção pelo vírus da imunodeficiência humana.
Os autores descrevem um caso de síndrome de Sheehan surgido na sequência de complicação hemorrágica grave por interrupção voluntária tardia de gravidez sublinhando a infrequência de alterações lipídicas no contexto desta afecção. A pretexto deste exemplo particular de hipopituitarismo sublinham conceitos fundamentais sobre a fisiopatogenia, diagnóstico, terapêutica e complicações decorrentes de uma entidade nosológica cada vez mais rara nos tempos actuais.
The thoracic outlet syndrome is a changeable clinical syndrome caused by compression of the neurovascular bundle of the upper extremity, within the cervicoaxillary channel. From April 1980 through May 1995, 24 patients with clinical thoracic outlet syndrome were evaluated by selective arteriography. The diagnosis was confirmed in seven patients, in 14 the exam was normal and in the last three cases another arterial pathology was detected--subclavian artery occlusion, subclavian artery kinking and vertebral steal syndrome. The authors' aim is to emphasize arteriography as a diagnostic exam for thoracic outlet syndrome, very useful in the detection and localization of arterial compression. It also allows the diagnosis of other arterial entities.
INTRODUCTION: Conventional risk stratification after acute myocardial infarction is usually based on the extent of myocardial damage and its clinical consequences. However, nowadays, more aggressive therapeutic strategies are used, both pharmacological and invasive, with the aim of changing the course of the disease. OBJECTIVES: To evaluate whether the number of drugs administered can influence survival of these patients, based on recent clinical trials that demonstrated the benefit of each drug for survival after acute coronary events. METHODS: This was a retrospective analysis of 368 consecutive patients admitted to our ICU during 2002 for acute coronary syndrome. A score from 1 to 4 was attributed to each patient according to the number of secondary prevention drugs administered--antiplatelets, beta blockers, angiotensin-converting enzyme inhibitors and statins--independently of the type of association. We evaluated mortality at 30-day follow-up. RESULTS: Mean age was 65 +/- 13 years, 68% were male, and 43% had ST-segment elevation acute myocardial infarction. Thirty-day mortality for score 1 to 4 was 36.8%, 15.6%, 7.8% and 2.5% respectively (p < 0.001). The use of only one or two drugs resulted in a significant increase in the risk of death at 30 days (OR 4.10, 95% CI 1.69-9.93, p = 0.002), when corrected for other variables. There was a 77% risk reduction associated with the use of three or four vs. one or two drugs. The other independent predictors of death were diabetes, Killip class on admission and renal insufficiency. CONCLUSIONS: The use of a greater number of secondary prevention drugs in patients with acute coronary syndromes was associated with improved survival. A score of 4 was a powerful predictor of mortality at 30-day follow-up