971 resultados para reaction mechanism(Chemistry)


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Vapour phase oxidation of anthracene over cobalt molybdate catalyst was investigated in an isothermal flow reactor in the temperature range of 280—340°C. Fifteen different models based on redox, Langmuir—Hinshelwood and Rideal mechanisms were tested in order to elucidate the mechanism of the above reaction. These models were compared on the basis of three criteria and were finally discriminated employing the non-intrinsic parameter method. Two-stage redox mechanism was found to explain the data satisfactorily.


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Pressurised hot water extraction (PHWE) exploits the unique temperature-dependent solvent properties of water minimising the use of harmful organic solvents. Water is environmentally friendly, cheap and easily available extraction medium. The effects of temperature, pressure and extraction time in PHWE have often been studied, but here the emphasis was on other parameters important for the extraction, most notably the dimensions of the extraction vessel and the stability and solubility of the analytes to be extracted. Non-linear data analysis and self-organising maps were employed in the data analysis to obtain correlations between the parameters studied, recoveries and relative errors. First, pressurised hot water extraction (PHWE) was combined on-line with liquid chromatography-gas chromatography (LC-GC), and the system was applied to the extraction and analysis of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons (PAHs) in sediment. The method is of superior sensitivity compared with the traditional methods, and only a small 10 mg sample was required for analysis. The commercial extraction vessels were replaced by laboratory-made stainless steel vessels because of some problems that arose. The performance of the laboratory-made vessels was comparable to that of the commercial ones. In an investigation of the effect of thermal desorption in PHWE, it was found that at lower temperatures (200ºC and 250ºC) the effect of thermal desorption is smaller than the effect of the solvating property of hot water. At 300ºC, however, thermal desorption is the main mechanism. The effect of the geometry of the extraction vessel on recoveries was studied with five specially constructed extraction vessels. In addition to the extraction vessel geometry, the sediment packing style and the direction of water flow through the vessel were investigated. The geometry of the vessel was found to have only minor effect on the recoveries, and the same was true of the sediment packing style and the direction of water flow through the vessel. These are good results because these parameters do not have to be carefully optimised before the start of extractions. Liquid-liquid extraction (LLE) and solid-phase extraction (SPE) were compared as trapping techniques for PHWE. LLE was more robust than SPE and it provided better recoveries and repeatabilities than did SPE. Problems related to blocking of the Tenax trap and unrepeatable trapping of the analytes were encountered in SPE. Thus, although LLE is more labour intensive, it can be recommended over SPE. The stabilities of the PAHs in aqueous solutions were measured using a batch-type reaction vessel. Degradation was observed at 300ºC even with the shortest heating time. Ketones and quinones and other oxidation products were observed. Although the conditions of the stability studies differed considerably from the extraction conditions in PHWE, the results indicate that the risk of analyte degradation must be taken into account in PHWE. The aqueous solubilities of acenaphthene, anthracene and pyrene were measured, first below and then above the melting point of the analytes. Measurements below the melting point were made to check that the equipment was working, and the results were compared with those obtained earlier. Good agreement was found between the measured and literature values. A new saturation cell was constructed for the solubility measurements above the melting point of the analytes because the flow-through saturation cell could not be used above the melting point. An exponential relationship was found between the solubilities measured for pyrene and anthracene and temperature.


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Vapour phase oxidation of anthracene over cobalt molybdate catalyst was investigated in an isothermal flow reactor in the temperature range of 280—340°C. Fifteen different models based on redox, Langmuir—Hinshelwood and Rideal mechanisms were tested in order to elucidate the mechanism of the above reaction. These models were compared on the basis of three criteria and were finally discriminated employing the non-intrinsic parameter method. Two-stage redox mechanism was found to explain the data satisfactorily.


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Four possible reaction paths may be envisaged when a chlorocyclophosphazene reacts with a bifunctional reagent (FIGURE). He have shown recently that 1,2-diaminoethane and ethanolamine react initially with N3P3CI 6 to give the spirocyclic derivatives, N3P3CI4(HNCH2CH2X) X = NH, 0 (I). Further reaction with these bifunctional reagents leads to the formation of non-crystalline resins [reaction (iii)] albeit two isomeric bls(spirocyclic)- ethanolamino derivatives were isolated in low yields (vSZ).


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Recently established moderate size free piston driven hypersonic shock tunnel HST3 along with its calibration is described here. The extreme thermodynamic conditions prevalent behind the reflected shock wave have been utilized to study the catalytic and non-catalytic reactions of shock heated test gases like Ar, N2 or O2 with different material like C60 carbon, zirconia and ceria substituted zirconia. The exposed test samples are investigated using different experimental methods. These studies show the formation of carbon nitride due to the non-catalytic interaction of shock heated nitrogen gas with C60 carbon film. On the other hand, the ZrO2 undergoes only phase transformation from cubic to monoclinic structure and Ce0.5Zr0.5O2 in fluorite cubic phase changes to pyrochlore (Ce2Zr2O7±δ) phase by releasing oxygen from the lattice due to heterogeneous catalytic surface reaction.


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5,10-Methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase (EC was purified from the cytosolic fraction of sheep liver by (NH4)2 SO4 fractionation, acid precipitation, DEAE-Sephacel chromatography and Blue Sepharose affinity chromatography. The homogeneity of the enzyme was established by sodium dodecyl sulphate-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, ultracentrifugation and Ouchterlony immunodiffusion test. The enzyme was a dimer of molecular weight 1,66,000 ± 5,000 with a subunit molecular weight of 87,000 ±5,000. The enzyme showed hyperbolic saturation pattern with 5-methyltetrahydrofolate.K 0.5 values for 5-methyltetrahydrofolate menadione and NADPH were determined to be 132 ΜM, 2.45 ΜM and 16 ΜM. The parallel set of lines in the Lineweaver-Burk plot, when either NADPH or menadione was varied at different fixed concentrations of the other substrate; non-competitive inhibition, when NADPH was varied at different fixed concentrations of NADP; competitive inhibition, when menadione was varied at different fixed concentrations of NADP and the absence of inhibition by NADP at saturating concentration of menadione, clearly established that the kinetic mechanism of the reaction catalyzed by this enzyme was ping-pong.


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Sulphuryl chlorofluoride has no observable reaction with metals and metal oxides at room temperature. Metals like copper, silver, iron, and zinc react with the chlorofluoride in the temperature range 200–400°C. Metal chlorides, metal fluorides and sulphur dioxide are the main products of these reactions. With the corresponding metal oxides, on the other hand, the respective metal sulphates are formed in addition to the metal chlorides and fluorides. In the case of lead and lead oxide, lead chlorofluoride is formed instead of lead chloride and lead fluoride. Sulphuryl fluoride is formed in small quantities in all these reactions by the decomposition of the chlorofluoride. Glass is not attacked by sulphuryl chlorofluoride below 500°C.


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Silicon tetrahalides, SiX4 (X=F, Cl, Br) and the fluorosilicates of sodium and potassium react with phosphorus pentoxide above 300°C. The tetrahalides give rise to the corresponding phosphoryl halides and silica, while the fluorosilicates form the corresponding metal fluorophosphates and silicon tetrafluoride. The reaction of the fluorosilicates of sodium and potassium with sulphur trioxide occurs at room temperature to give rise to the corresponding metal fluorosulphates and silicon tetrafluoride.


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The control of shapes of nanocrystals is crucial for using them as building blocks for various applications. In this paper, we present a critical overview of the issues involved in shape-controlled synthesis of nanostructures. In particular, we focus on the mechanisms by which anisotropic structures of high-symmetry materials (fcc crystals, for instance) could be realized. Such structures require a symmetry-breaking mechanism to be operative that typically leads to selection of one of the facets/directions for growth over all the other symmetry-equivalent crystallographic facets. We show how this selection could arise for the growth of one-dimensional structures leading to ultrafine metal nanowires and for the case of two-dimensional nanostructures where the layer-by-layer growth takes place at low driving forces leading to plate-shaped structures. We illustrate morphology diagrams to predict the formation of two-dimensional structures during wet chemical synthesis. We show the generality of the method by extending it to predict the growth of plate-shaped inorganics produced by a precipitation reaction. Finally, we present the growth of crystals under high driving forces that can lead to the formation of porous structures with large surface areas.


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The kinetics of the polymorphic transformation in antimony trioxide from metastable orthorhombic valentinite to cubic senarmontite has been studied in polycrystalline material between 490 and 530°C. Quantitative analysis of the mixtures was done using infrared spectrophotometry. The kinetic data was analyzed and the activation energy for the process was obtained: (i) On the basis of Avrami's equation, which is derived on the basis of a nucleation and growth mechanism; and (ii) from the time required for a constant fraction of the transformation to take place. The values obtained were 50.8 and 46.0 kcal/mole. Observations have also been made on partly transformed single crystals of valentinite using a polarizing microscope. The latter studies and the value of the activation energy suggest that a better understanding of the transformation could be obtained on the basis of a vapor phase mechanism.


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Abstract is not available.


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Peroxidase from Mycobacterium tuberculosis H37Rv was purified to homogeneity. The homogeneous protein exhibits catalase and Y (Youatt's)-enzyme activities in addition to peroxidase activity. Further confirmation that the three activities are due to a single enzyme was accomplished by other criteria, such as differential thermal inactivation, sensitivity to different inhibitors, and co-purification. The Y enzyme (peroxidase) was separated from NADase (NAD+ glycohydrolase) inhibitor by gel filtration on Sephadex G-200. The molecular weights of peroxidase and NADase inhibitor, as determined by gel filtration, are 240000 and 98000 respectively. The Y enzyme shows two Km values for both isoniazid (isonicotinic acid hydrazide) and NAD at low and high concentrations. Analysis of the data by Hill plots revealed that the enzyme has one binding site at lower substrate concentrations and more than one at higher substrate concentration. The enzyme contains 6g-atoms of iron/mol. Highly purified preparations of peroxidases from different sources catalyse the Y-enzyme reaction, suggesting that the nature of the reaction may be a peroxidatic oxidation of isoniazid. Moreover, the Y-enzyme reaction is enhanced by O2. Isoniazid-resistant mutants do not exhibit Y-enzyme, peroxidase or catalase activities, and do not take up isoniazid. The Y-enzyme reaction is therefore implicated in the uptake of the drug.