965 resultados para queenless ant colonies


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Transplants of incipient colonies of the fire ant, Solenopsis invicta into areas in which mature colonies had been eliminated did not result in higher rates of success than in areas in which mature colonies were present. However for both types of sites, Pogonomyrmex (Ephebomyrmex) nagelli colonies were found in cleared sites used for transplants, with the number of translocated P. nagelli nests higher in areas which had not been treated with Mirex for S. invicta colony reduction. These results suggest that small colonies may be displaced by larger colonies of other species.


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The population status of the endemic leaf-cutting ant Atta robusta was assessed using extensive field surveys. In the coastal plain of the state of Rio de Janeiro, we found localized populations of A. robusta, bur no evidence of population recruitment. In disturbed habitats, A. robusta is apparently being displaced by Atta sexdens rubropilosa.


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We studied the responses of Solenopsis fire ants to Pseudacteon phorid fly attacks in southeastern Brazil. The presence of these phorid parasites triggered a suite of phorid-specific defense responses including reduced foraging, bait guarding, a curled defensive posture, and general colony immobility. The existence of these phorid-specific defenses indicates that Pseudacteon phorids exert substantial evolutionary pressure on South American fire ant populations.


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A total of 137 yeasts associated with the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa Forel, 1908 were characterized, being selected 93 for analysis. Twenty four species belonging to seven genera(Candida, Cryptococcus, Rhodotorula, Sporobolomyces, Tremella, Trichosporon, Pichia) were isolated from the different analysed material. The genus Candida was widely distributed, with C. homilentoma, C. colliculosa-like, C. famata and C. colliculosa being the most prevalent. A few isolates did not fit the standard descriptions and probably some of them could be new biotypes or even new species. Three strains of black yeasts were also isolated, and four others were identified as being Candida spp. The effective number of yeast species was higher in newer sponge. The origin, distribution and relative importance of these microorganisms for the ants are discussed.


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This study determined how many times alates of Paratrechina flavipes (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) can copulate in the field and laboratory. In the field, females preferred to mate once and the mating number of males is unknown. In the laboratory, females mated singly but males could inseminate two or three females. The duration of succeeding copulations was greater than the first copulation. Multiple mating males died sooner than single mating ones. The results suggest that male death is promoted by sperm consumption.


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Volume changes of the vitellarium components of the leaf-cutting ant Atta sexdens rubropilosa are reported. The oocyte grew to approximately 409 times of its initial volume and reached a maximum value of 1.2 x 10(7) mu m(3). The follicle increase in size at a more or less constant rate up to the 12(th), showing an elevated growth rate thereafter. The mean number of follicles per ovariole was 16.42 +/- 3.58.


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Respiratory rates of individual workers of Camponotus rufipes Fabricius (Hymenoptera: Formicidae) were measured at 25-degrees-C and LD 12:12 h (lights on 06.00 hours), DL 12:12 h (lights on 18.00 hours), LL (850 lux) and DD (red light, 20-30 lux), using the micro-Warburg technique. Worker ants were collected from natural nest during the winter of 1987 in a woodland park in the region of Rio Claro, São Paulo, Brazil. The respiration of ants showed a circadian rhythm with acrophase ranging from 20 h 41 min to 01 h 18 min and from 10 h 32 min to 12 h 22 min at LD and DD, respectively. In constant darkness the rhythmometric variables were similar to those presented by ants kept at LD 12:12 h. Under constant light no circadian rhythm in the respiration rates was found. A reduction in the amplitude was observed, indicating an inhibitory effect of this light regime on the respiration process.


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Twelve isolates of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis generated cerebriform colonies at room temperature on potato glucose agar slants (PDA). These isolates contained abundant chlamydospores and yeast-like cells and are a subset of the 65 isolates obtained from nine-banded armadillos (Dasypus novemcinctus). They grew as a yeast form with typical multiple buddings at 37 degreesC on brain heart infusion agar supplemented with 1% glucose. After replating on PDA and culturing at room temperature for 2 months, the mutants appeared as cottonous colonies, which indicated that the morphological characteristics were unstable.


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In many situations, it is difficult to evaluate the location of nests of ants, especially in tropical systems, or to determine which trail system corresponds with which nest, as in the case of high-density populations of leaf-cutting ants, Atta spp. Fragments of colored drinking straws coated with an attractant, generally vegetable oil and/or a starchy carbohydrate, are carried by ants and following removal of the attractant are deposited in middens, allowing determination of the origin of foraging workers.


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Aphantochilus rogersi is an ant-mimicking spider that preys exclusively on cephalotine ants. The spiders oviposit in close proximity to nests of the model ant Zacryptocerus pusillus, and emergent spiderlings tend to remain in the vicinity of natal egg sacs. Females of A. rogersi actively defend their egg sacs against approaching workers of Z. pusillus, but the latter may sometimes destroy the eggs. Feeding specialization on these ants is confirmed by more than 300 observations of young and adult A. rogersi carrying ant corpses in the held. Although A. rogersi possesses several behavioural traits which may reduce the risk of being injured by ants during subjugation, field and laboratory observations showed that social defence by Z. pusillus may cause mutilation to the spiders. Tests in captivity revealed an ontogenetic change in the prey-capture techniques employed by A. rogersi. Early-instar spiderlings can apparently only seize the ant's petiole tightly if they are able to approach the ant from the front. As the ant is paralysed, the spiderling positions itself vertically in relation to the substratum. Larger spiders, on the other hand, attack ants most frequently from behind, and seem better equipped to seize the ant's petiole firmly with their larger chelicerae. Owing to their greater strength, late-instar spiders are able to Lift the struggling ant aloft. The selection of a suitable oviposition site, the mother's ability to defend herself and the eggs from nearby ants, and the capacity to capture and subdue ants safely from emergence to maturity, are regarded as crucial traits inherent in the mimetic and feeding specialization by A. rogersi.


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Literature data about the female reproductive system of some species in the subfamily Ponerinae are presented. Our project objective to compile a report containing the largest possible number of data about the reproductive system in Ponerinae for a better understanding of the reproductive biology of these Insects, was completed.


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An earlier model underlying the foraging strategy of a pachycodyla apicalis ant is modified. The proposed algorithm incorporates key features of the tabu-search method in the development of a relatively simple but robust global ant colony optimization algorithm. Numerical results are reported to validate and demonstrate the feasibility and effectiveness of the proposed algorithm in solving electromagnetic (EM) design problems.


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Mapping and collection of ants in cocoa trees in a 1 ha plot in the south of Bahia, Brazil, revealed three dominant species of the ant mosaic: Wasmannia auropunctata, Ectatomma tuberculatum and Azteca chartifex spiriti. A. chartifex demonstrated a larger influence in the cocoa plantation due to its spatial and temporal (1 y) stability in the same cocoa trees, and its capacity for territorial expansion. The management of A. chartifex for controlling insect pests of cocoa is strongly recommended. Considerations of temporal permanence of mosaic dominant ants should be a necessary criteria for ant management in tropical tree crops.