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The effects of temperature and light integral on fruit growth and development of five cacao genotypes (Amelonado, AMAZ 15/15, SCA 6, SPEC 54/1 and UF 676) were studied in semi-controlled environment glasshouses in which the thermal regimes of cacao-growing regions of Brazil, Ghana and Malaysia were simulated. Fruit losses because of physiological will (cherelle will) were greater at higher temperatures and also differed significantly between genotypes, reflecting genetic differences in competition for assimilates between vegetative and reproductive components. Short-term measurements of fruit growth indicated faster growth rates at higher temperatures. In addition, a significant negative linear relationship between temperature and development time was observed. There was an effect of genotype on this relationship, such that time to fruit maturation at a given temperature was greatest for the clone UF 676 and least for AMAZ 15/15. Analysis of base temperatures, derived from these relationships indicated genetic variability in sensitivity of cacao fruit growth to temperature (base temperatures ranged from 7.5 degrees C for Amelonado and AMAZ 15/15 to 12.9 for SPEC 54/1). Final fruit size was a positive function of beam number for all genotypes and a positive function of light integral for Amelonado in the Malaysia simulated environment (where the temperature was almost constant). In simulated environments where temperature was the main variable (Brazil and Ghana) increases in temperature resulted in a significant decrease in final pod size for one genotype (Amelonado) in Brazil and for two genotypes (SPEC 54/1 and UF 676) in Ghana. It was hypothesised that pod growth duration (mediated by temperature), assimilation and beam number are all determinants of final pod size but that under specific conditions one of these factors may override the others. There was variability between genotypes in the response of beam size and beam lipid content to temperature. Negative relationships between temperature and bean size were found for Amelonado and UF 676. Lipid concentration was a curvilinear function of temperature for Amelonado and UF 676, with optimal temperatures of 23 degrees C and 24 degrees C, respectively. The variability observed here of different cacao genotypes to temperature highlights the need and opportunities for appropriate matching of planting material with local environments.
Many nations are experiencing rapid rises in the life expectancy of their citizens. The implications of this major demographic shift are considerable offering opportunities as well as challenges to reconsider how people should spend their later years. A key task is enhancing the quality of life of older people through enabling them to continue to live independently even though illness, accident or frailty may have severely reduced their physical and sensory abilities and, possibly, mental health. Yet the needs of older people and disabled people have been largely ignored in the design of everyday consumer products, the home, transport systems and the built environment in general. Whilst the need for designers, engineers and technologists to provide products, environments and systems which are inclusive of all members of society is widely accepted, there is little understanding of how this can be achieved. In 1998 the UK Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council established its EQUAL Initiative. This has encouraged design, engineering and technology researchers in universities to join with their colleagues from the social, medical and health sciences to investigate a wide range of issues experienced by older and disabled people and to propose solutions. Their research, which directly involves older and disabled people and, for example, social housing providers, social services departments, charities, engineering and architectural consultants, and transport firms, has been extremely successful. In a very short time it has influenced government policy on housing, long-term care, and building standards, and findings have been taken up by architects, designers, health-care professionals and bodies which represent older and disabled people.
Effect of internal partitioning on indoor air quality of rooms with mixing ventilation - basic study
The internal partitioning, which is frequently introduced in open-space planning due to its flexibility, was tested to study its effects on the room air quality as well as ventilation performance. For the study, physical tests using a small model room and numerical modeling using CFD computation were utilized to evaluate different test conditions employing mixing ventilation from the ceiling. The partition parameters, such as its location, height, and the gap underneath, as well as contaminant source location were tested under isothermal conditions. This paper summarizes the results from the study.
Field experiments were conducted over 3 years to study the effect of applying triazole and strobilurin fungicides on the bread-making quality of Malacca winter wheat. Averaged over all years the application of a fungicide programme increased yields, particularly when strobilurin fungicides were applied. Reductions in protein concentration, sulphur concentration, Hageberg failing number and loaf volumes also occurred as the amount of fungicide applied increased. However, there were no deleterious effects of fungicide application on sodium dodecyl sulphate (SDS) sedimentation volumes, N:S ratios or dough theology. Effects of fungicide application on bread-making quality were not product specific. Therefore, it appears that new mechanisms to explain strobilurin effects on bread-making quality do not need to be invoked. Where reductions in protein concentration did occur they could be compensated for by a late-season application of nitrogen either as granular ammonium nitrate at flag leaf emergence or foliar urea at anthesis. These applications, however, sometimes increased the N:S ratio of the extracted flour and failed to improve loaf volume. Multiple regression analysis revealed that main effects of year, flour protein concentration and N:S ratio could explain 93% of the variance in loaf volume caused by season, fungicide and nitrogen treatments. However, an equally good fit was achieved by just including sulphur concentration with year. (C) 2004 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Fractionation and reconstitution techniques were used to study the contribution of enclogenous flour lipids to the quality of semisweet (Rich Tea-type) biscuits. Biscuit flour was defatted with chloroform and baked with bakery fat but without enclogenous lipid addition. Semisweet biscuits baked from defatted flour were flatter, denser, and harder and showed collapse of gas cells during baking when compared with control biscuits. Defatted flour semisweet doughs exhibited a different rheological behavior from the control samples showing higher storage and loss moduli (G' and G" values), that is, high viscoelasticity. Functionality was restored when total nonstarch flour lipids were added back to defatted flour. Both the polar and nonpolar lipid fractions had positive effects in restoring flour quality, but the polar lipid fraction was of greatest benefit. Both fractions were needed for complete restoration of both biscuit quality and dough rheological characteristics.
Fractionation and reconstitution techniques were used to study the contribution of endogenous flour lipids to the quality of short-dough (shortcake type) biscuits. Biscuit flour was defatted with chloroform and baked with bakery fat, but without endogenous lipid. Short-dough biscuits baked from defatted flour had smaller diameters, and were flatter, denser and harder than control biscuits. Defatted flour shortcake doughs exhibited different rheological behaviour from the control samples, showing higher storage and loss moduli (G' and G" values), ie higher viscoelasticity. Functionality was restored when total non-starch flour lipids were added back to defatted flour. The polar lipid fraction had a positive effect in restoring flour quality whereas the non-polar lipid fraction had no effect. Both fractions were needed for complete restoration of both biscuit quality and dough rheological characteristics. A study of the microstructure of defatted biscuits revealed that their gluten protein was more hydrated and developed than the gluten of the control biscuits. This conclusion was supported by the higher water absorption of the defatted gluten. (C) 2004 Society of Chemical Industry.
The effects of milk protein fortification on the texture and microstructure of cottage cheese curd were evaluated. Protein powder (92.6% protein) was added to the skim milk at a level of 0.4% (w/w) to produce curds. Control curds with no protein powder addition were also produced. These curds were analysed for differences in yield, total solids, curd size, texture and structure. It was found that the addition of protein powder contributed to a significant yield increase, which can be attributed to increased water retention, with better curd size distribution. Control curds were firmer than the fortified curds and the structure showed less open-pore structure as revealed by electron microscopy. However, the addition of dressing masked the textural differences, and a sensory panel was unable to distinguish between cheeses produced from fortified milk and controls.
Experiments in controlled environments examined the effects of the timing and severity of drought, and increased temperature, on grain development of Hereward winter wheat. Environmental effects on grain specific weight, protein content, Hagberg Falling Number, SDS-sedimentation volume, and sulphur content were also studied. Drought and increased temperature applied before the end of grain filling shortened the grain filling period and reduced grain yield, mean grain weight and specific weight. Grain filling was most severely affected by drought between days 1-14 after anthesis. Protein content was increased by stresses before the end of grain growth, because nitrogen harvest index was less severely affected than was dry matter harvest index. Hagberg Falling Number was increased to the greatest extent by stresses applied 15-28 days after anthesis. Treatment effects on grain sulphur content were similar to those on protein content, such that N:S ratio was not significantly affected by drought nor temperature stresses. The effects of restricted water on grain yield and quality were linearly related to soil moisture between 44 and about 73% field capacity (FC) from days 15-28. Drought stress (but not temperature stress) before the end of grain filling decreased SDS-sedimentation volume relative to drought applied later. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The potentials of applying the lactoperoxidase system (LPS) in extending the shelf life of raw milk at ambient temperatures was investigated in the western highlands of Cameroon. Raw milk was LPS-activated by adding various concentrations (ppm) of thiocyanate and peroxide and denoted as 0:0, 7:10 ppm, 10:10 ppm and 20:20 ppm. The keeping quality of the activated milk samples was assessed by the alcohol stability and clot-on-boiling tests, pH changes and titratable acidity. The milk in all the treatments remained fresh during the first 12 hours but the control was spoiled by the 15th hour. There was a continuous drop in pH values matched by a steady rise in titratable acidity. For all parameters measured, 20:20ppm was the last treatment to spoil, suggesting that the shelf life of milk increases with increasing concentrations of thiocyanate and peroxide. With small amounts of thiocyanate (20 ppm) and peroxide (20 ppm) the shelf life of raw milk can effectively be extended under Cameroonian conditions by approximately 9 hours without refrigeration. Thus LPS-activated milk can be stored for as long 21 hours, allowing sufficient time for its appropriate disposal.