884 resultados para padrão racial


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The rise of China has been providing various effects on developed and developing countries, particularly its Asian neighbors which compete in third markets, such as the U.S., Europe and Japan this sense, the present study aimed to analyze the pattern of Chinese trade with two different groups of countries: the Asian neighbors (Asian Tigers and Dragons) and developed countries (United States, Europe and Japan) during the 2000s. To this end, this paper adopts the methodology of second breakdown of trade technological intensity proposed by Lall (2000). Furthermore, to analyze the intensity of trade between these economies as well as potential threats over their Chinese business partners close, we calculated the following indicators of trade: Trade Intensity Index (TII), Trade Orientation Index (TOI) , Intra-Industry Trade Index (ICII), Index Of Revealed Comparative Advantage (RCA), and, finally, the Contribution To The Balance Index (ICS). The main result achieved is the existence of China\'s trade patterns differ for each group of countries, according to the type of expertise of each partner.


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This work aim to show that the reach to the limits of capital accumulation, which is showing its first signs since the 60 s, has and still is exercising great importance in Brazilian economic policies. In the first chapter, we establish a reference to what is understood as the limit of capital accumulation after World War II and how the accumulation process drives itself to its own limits. In the following chapters, we detach the importance of the reached limit to the most relevant moments of Brazilian economic policy. Since the IIPND, when the first signs of influence raise in Brazilian economy, passing through the stabilizing attempts during the 80 s and 90 s and the emergence of the pro-market State in Brazil, until the 00 s, when macroeconomic prudence took shape and delimited the conduction of the country s economic policy, we will show how the limit of capital accumulation has played an important role.


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Nos últimos anos tem-se verificado que a população portuguesa está cada vez mais envelhecida. Este fator agrava-se em ambientes rurais, onde a desertificação populacional é mais frequente, derivado, entre outros, da migração da população mais jovem para os grandes centros urbanos, em busca de melhores condições de vida. Tendo como consequência a exclusão social da população residente nestas zonas. O reduzido foco populacional das zonas rurais não é um fator atrativo para as entidades que realizam investimentos em serviços e infraestruturas tecnológicas, devido ao retorno financeiro obtido não ser, à partida, rentável. Levando a uma exclusão tecnológica de quem reside nestas zonas. Este fator, agrava-se na população sénior dado que raramente são estimulados a interagir com a tecnologia. Com o objetivo de contribuir para a melhoria desta problemática, combatendo simultaneamente os dois tipos de exclusões, tecnológica e social, propõem-se através desta dissertação, um serviço de videochamada, baseado no conceito do padrão Hybrid Broadcast Broadband TV (HbbTV). Um dos fatores considerados, durante o estudo deste serviço, foi a barreira tecnológica existente entre os idosos e a tecnologia. De modo a aproximar ambos, optou-se por aproveitar os conhecimentos que os idosos já possuem na utilização de equipamentos do seu quotidiano. Sendo a televisão, o equipamento selecionado para integrar no serviço de videochamada, permitindo ao idoso contactar facilmente com outras pessoas e serviços. Através da implementação de um protótipo e dos resultados obtidos, conclui-se que o serviço desenvolvido é uma solução válida para combater a problemática apresentada, contribuindo positivamente para a redução da exclusão social e da iliteracia tecnológica


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VARELA, M. L. et al. Influência da adição de resíduo de caulim nas propriedades tecnológicas de uma massa padrão de porcelanato produzido em escala industrial. Cerâmica, v.55, n.334 p.209-215. 2009.ISSN 0366-6913.Disponível em: . Acesso em: 06 out. 2010.


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A grande diversidade na arquitetura de dispositivos de hardware, aliada aos seus diferentes protocolos de comunicação, tem dificultado a implementação de sistemas que necessitam realizar o acesso a esses dispositivos. Diante dessas diferenças, surge a necessidade de prover o acesso a esses dispositivos de forma transparente. Neste sentido, o presente trabalho propõe um middleware mult entrada e saída para acesso a dispositivos, como forma de abstrair o mecanismo de escrita e leitura de dados em dispositivos de hardware, contribuindo desta forma, para o aumento na produtividade dos sistemas, uma vez que os desenvolvedores estão focados apenas nos seus requisitos funcionais


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In late 2014, a series of highly publicized police killings of unarmed Black male civilians in the United States prompted large-scale social turmoil. In the current review, we dissect the psychological antecedents of these killings and explain how the nature of police work may attract officers with distinct characteristics that may make them especially well-primed for negative interactions with Black male civilians. We use media reports to contextualize the precipitating events of the social unrest as we ground our explanations in theory and empirical research from social psychology and industrial and organizational (I/O) psychology. To isolate some of the key mechanisms at play, we disentangle racial bias (e.g., stereotyping processes) from common characteristics of law enforcement agents (e.g., social dominance orientation), while also addressing the interaction between racial bias and policing. By separating the moving parts of the phenomenon, we provide a more fine-grained analysis of the factors that may have contributed to the killings. In doing so, we endeavor to more effectively identify and develop solutions to eradicate excessive use of force during interactions between “Black” (unarmed Black male civilians) and “Blue” (law enforcement).


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A partir de um conjunto de dados obtidos em pesquisa, o texto deseja salientar uma face pouco examinada pelos estudiosos do espiritismo no Brasil: aquela dos grupos espíritas que cultuam extraterrestres. Examina a narrativa Rebelião de Lúcifer, escrita pelo médium potiguar Jan Val Ellam. Sustenta que esta atualiza noções importantes em relação a narrativas de salvação anteriores construídas pelo espiritismo. Destaca em especial o aprimoramento racial e moral através da reencarnação em distintos corpos humanos e em diferentes planetas. Examina-os a partir das noções de exílio planetário e de evolução racializada. Argumenta que Jan Val Ellam as atualiza através da categoria nativa Povo de Alt’Lam e através de bricolagem com outros campos semânticos, notadamente a ufologia e a fi cção científica


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There is a rich history of social science research centering on racial inequalities that continue to be observed across various markets (e.g., labor, housing, and credit markets) and social milieus. Existing research on racial discrimination in consumer markets, however, is relatively scarce and that which has been done has disproportionately focused on consumers as the victims of race-based mistreatment. As such, we know relatively little about how consumers contribute to inequalities in their roles as perpetrators of racial discrimination. In response, in this paper we elaborate on a line of research that is only in its’ infancy stages of development and yet is ripe with opportunities to advance the literature on consumer racial discrimination and racial earnings inequities among tip dependent employees in the United States. Specifically, we analyze data derived from a large exit survey of restaurant consumers (n=378) in an attempt to replicate, extend, and further explore the recently documented effect of service providers’ race on restaurant consumers’ tipping decisions. Our results indicate that both White and Black restaurant customers discriminate against Black servers by tipping them less than their White coworkers. Importantly, we find no evidence that this Black tip penalty is the result of interracial differences in service skills possessed by Black and White servers. We conclude by delineating directions for future research in this neglected but salient area study.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2016-08


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Standardization and sustainability: these two apparently antagonistic words find the challenge of uniting in a flexible architectonic proposal. This was the idea that motivated the proposal of this assignment, whose appearing is bound up with the necessity of thinking about standardized spaces that attend on functional criterias and environmental sustainability, in reply to an existing real demand. The assignment consists of an architectonic proposal for a flexible standard of a Basic Unit of Health for the bioclimatic zone 7 of RN (UBS RN-7), with emphasis in the environmental sustainability. The project contemplates innumerable involved variables, such as: obedience to the current law of the Health Ministry for the UBSs; formal/aesthetic aspects; criterias of expansiveness of the UBS I for the UBS II; relative aspects to the constructive rationality and, mainly, sustainability aspects. With the intention to unite the variables and, also, glimpsing a proposal that could reach a good functional performance, aesthetic, of environment comfort and energetic efficiency, it was also necessary to consider concepts about the flexibility of the envelopment. The elaboration of the architecture first draft was based on bibliographical research, conceptual studies and references, elaboration of the architectonic program and the draft development for the UBS port I and the UBS port II. To the end, an implantation data sheet for the project is proposed for the UBS standard project, where strategies of thermal isolation, shadowing and thermal inertia are adopted and combined to three possible types of lot, resulting in 24 possibilities of implantation