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Pour répondre aux exigences du gouvernement fédéral quant aux temps d’attente pour les chirurgies de remplacement du genou et de la hanche, les établissements canadiens ont adopté des stratégies de gestion des listes d’attentes avec des niveaux de succès variables. Notre question de recherche visait à comprendre Quels facteurs ont permis de maintenir dans le temps un temps d’attente répondant aux exigences du gouvernement fédéral pendant au moins 6-12 mois? Nous avons développé un modèle possédant quatre facteurs, inspiré du modèle de Parsons (1977), afin d’analyser les facteurs comprenant la gouvernance, la culture, les ressources, et les outils. Trois études de cas ont été menées. En somme, le 1er cas a été capable d’obtenir les exigences pendant six mois mais incapable de les maintenir, le 2e cas a été capable de maintenir les exigences > 18 mois et le 3e cas a été incapable d’atteindre les objectifs. Des documents furent recueillis et des entrevues furent réalisées auprès des personnes impliquées dans la stratégie. Les résultats indiquent que l’hôpital qui a été en mesure de maintenir le temps d’attente possède certaines caractéristiques: réalisation exclusive de chirurgie de remplacement de la hanche et du genou, présence d’un personnel motivé, non distrait par d’autres préoccupations et un esprit d’équipe fort. Les deux autres cas ont eu à faire face à une culture médicale moins homogène et moins axés sur l’atteinte des cibles; des ressources dispersées et une politique intra-établissement imprécise. Le modèle d’hôpital factory est intéressant dans le cadre d’une chirurgie surspécialisée. Toutefois, les patients sont sélectionnés pour des chirurgies simples et dont le risque de complication est faible. Il ne peut donc pas être retenu comme le modèle durable par excellence.


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La vie commence par la fusion des gamètes pour générer un zygote, dans lequel les constituants à la fois de l'ovocyte et des spermatozoïdes sont partagés au sein d'un syncytium. Le syncytium consiste en des cellules ou tissus dans lesquels des cellules nucléées individuelles distinctes partagent un cytoplasme commun. Alors que l’avantage du syncytium durant la fécondation est tout à fait évident, les syncytia se produisent également dans de nombreux contextes de développement différents dans les plantes, les champignons et dans le règne animal, des insectes aux humains, pour des raisons qui ne sont pas immédiatement évidentes. Par exemple, la lignée germinale de nombreuses espèces de vertébrés et d'invertébrés, des insectes aux humains, présente une structure syncytiale, suggérant que les syncytia constituent des phases conservées de développement de la lignée germinale. Malgré la prévalence commune des syncytia, ces derniers ont cependant confondu les scientifiques depuis des décennies avec des questions telles que la façon dont ils sont formés et maintenus en concurrence avec leurs homologues diploïdes, et quels sont les avantages et les inconvénients qu'ils apportent. Cette thèse va décrire l'utilisation de la lignée germinale syncytiale de C. elegans afin d'approfondir notre compréhension de l'architecture, la fonction et le mode de formation des tissus syncytiaux. Les cellules germinales (CGs) dans la lignée germinale de C. elegans sont interconnectées les unes aux autres par l'intermédiaire de structures appelées des anneaux de CG. En utilisant l'imagerie des cellules vivantes, nous avons d'abord analysé l'architecture syncytiale de la lignée germinale au long du développement et démontré que la maturation de l'anneau de CG se produit progressivement au cours de la croissance des larves et que les anneaux de CG sont composés de myosine II, de l'anilline canonique ANI-1, et de la courte isoforme d’anilline ANI-2, qui n'a pas les domaines de liaison à l’actine et à la myosine, depuis le premier stade larvaire, L1. Parmi les composants de l'anneau de CG, ANI-2 est exprimé au cours du développement et exclusivement enrichi entre les deux CGs primordiales (CGPs) au cours de l'embryogenèse de C. elegans, indiquant qu’ANI-2 est un composant bona fide des anneaux de CG. Nous avons en outre montré que les anneaux de CG sont largement absents dans les animaux mutants pour ani-2, montrant que leur maintien repose sur l'activité d'ANI-2. Contrairement à cela, nous avons trouvé que la déplétion d’ANI-1 a augmenté à la fois le diamètre des anneaux de CG et la largeur du rachis. Fait intéressant, la déplétion d’ANI-1 dans les mutants d’ani-2 a sauvé les défauts d'anneaux de CG des gonades déficientes en ani-2, ce qui suggère que l'architecture syncytiale de la lignée germinale de C. elegans repose sur un équilibre de l'activité de ces deux protéines Anilline. En outre, nous avons montré que lors de leur entrée à l'âge adulte, les mutants ani-2 présentent de sévères défauts de multinucléation des CGs qui découlent de l'effondrement des membranes de séparation des CGs individuelles. Cette multinucléation a coïncidé avec le début de la diffusion cytoplasmique, dont le blocage réduit la multinucléation des gonades mutantes pour ani-2, suggérant que les anneaux de CG résistent au stress mécanique associé au processus de diffusion cytoplasmique. En accord avec cela, nous avons trouvé aussi que la gonade peut soutenir la déformation élastique en réponse au stress mécanique et que cette propriété repose sur la malléabilité des anneaux de CGs. Dans une étude séparée afin de comprendre le mécanisme de formation du syncytium, nous avons suivi la dynamique de division de la cellule précurseur de la lignée germinale, P4 en deux CGP dans l’embryon de C. elegans. Nous avons démontré que les CGPs commencent la cytocinèse de manière similaire aux cellules somatiques, en formant un sillon de clivage, qui migre correctement et transforme ainsi l'anneau contractile en anneau de « midbody ring » (MBR), une structure qui relie de manière transitoire les cellules en division. Malgré cela, les CGPs, contrairement à leurs homologues somatiques, ne parviennent pas à accomplir la dernière étape de la cytocinèse, qui est la libération abscission-dépendante du MBR. Au lieu de cela, le MBR persiste à la frontière entre les CGPs en division et subit une réorganisation et une maturation pour se transformer finalement en structures en forme d'anneau qui relient les cellules en division. Nous montrons en outre que les composants du MB/MBR; UNC-59Septin, CYK-7, ZEN-4Mklp1, RHO-1RhoA sont localisés à des anneaux de CG au long du développement de la lignée germinale du stade L1 à l'âge adulte, ce qui suggère que les anneaux de CG sont dérivés des MBR. Bien qu'il reste encore beaucoup à faire pour comprendre pleinement le mécanisme précis de la formation du syncytium, le maintien, ainsi que la fonction du syncytium, nos résultats appuient un modèle dans lequel la stabilisation du MBR et la cytocinèse incomplète pourraient être une option conservée dans l’évolution pour la formation du syncytium. En outre, notre travail démontre que les régulateurs de la contractilité peuvent jouer un rôle dans la maturation et l’élasticité de l'anneau de CG au cours du développement de la lignée germinale, fournissant un ajout précieux pour une plus ample compréhension de la syncytiogenèse et de sa fonction.


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Essai doctoral présenté à la Faculté des études supérieures en vue de l’obtention du grade de Docteur en psychologie (D.Psy.), option clinique


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Beta-glucosidases are critical enzymes in biomass hydrolysis process and is important in creating highly efficient enzyme cocktails for the bio-ethanol industry. Among the two strategies proposed for overcoming the glucose inhibition of commercial cellulases, one is to use heavy dose of BGL in the enzyme blends and the second is to do simultaneous saccharification and fermentation where glucose is converted to alcohol as soon as it is being generated. While the former needs extremely high quantities of enzyme, the latter is inefficient since the conditions for hydrolysis and fermentation are different. This makes the process technically challenging and also in this case, the alcohol generation is lesser, making its recovery difficult. A third option is to use glucose tolerant β-glucosidases which can work at elevated glucose concentrations. However, there are very few reports on such enzymes from microbial sources especially filamentous fungi which can be cultivated on cheap biomass as raw material. There has been very less number of studies directed at this, though there is every possibility that filamentous fungi that are efficient degraders of biomass may harbor such enzymes. The study therefore aimed at isolating a fungus capable of secreting glucose tolerant β- glucosidase enzyme. Production, characterization of β-glucosidases and application of BGL for bioethanol production were attempted.


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Low-lying coastal areas are more vulnerable to the impacts of climate change as they are highly prone for inundation to SLR (Sea-Level Rise). This study presents an appraisal of the impacts of SLR on the coastal natural resources and its dependent social communities in the low-lying area of VellareColeroon estuarine region of the Tamil Nadu coast, India. Digital Elevation Model (DEM) derived from SRTM 90M (Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission) data, along with GIS (Geographic Information System) techniques are used to identify an area of inundation in the study site. The vulnerability of coastal areas in Vellar-Coleroon estuarine region of Tamil Nadu coast to inundation was calculated based on the projected SLR scenarios of 0.5 m and 1 m. The results demonstrated that about 1570 ha of the LULC (Land use and Land cover) of the study area would be permanently inundated to 0.5 m and 2407 ha for 1 m SLR and has also resulted in the loss of three major coastal natural resources like coastal agriculture, mangroves and aquaculture. It has been identified that six hamlets of the social communities who depend on these resources are at high-risk and vulnerable to 0.5 m SLR and 12 hamlets for 1 m SLR. From the study, it has been emphasized that mainstreaming adaptation options to SLR should be embedded within a coastal zone management and planning effort, which includes all coastal natural resources (ecosystem-based adaptation), and its dependent social communities (community-based adaptation) involved through capacity building


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This paper discusses the properties of rice husk ash samples produced from different types of field ovens to compare the performance of the ovens and to identify the most feasible method to produce a reactive pozzolana as an alternative to cement for building applications requiring lower strengths. Different types of ashes are produced and long-term strength of rice husk ash pozzolanas with lime or cement is investigated to suggest a sustainable affordable option in rural building applications, especially for rural housing in Kerala, a southern state of India


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The inferences obtained from the study are presented in coherent area-specific levels so as to understand the ecotourism and its sub-sector areas for the researchers and policy makers about the issues, importances and potentialities of the sector. An analysis of the tourism sector in Kerala has shown tremendous growth both in terms of tourist arrivals and in terms of revenue generation from direct and indirect sources. The foreign tourist visitors in Kerala in 2014 was 9,23,336 which shows 7.60 percent increase from the last year and the domestic tourist visitors were 1,16,95,411 which again shows 7.71 percent increase, is a clear evidence of its potential. In 2014 the industry contributed revenue of 24885.44 crores from direct and indirect sources giving rise to an increase of 12.11 percent from the last year. A dichotomy of tourists and ecotourists shows that tourists in the ecotourism destinations come to 42.6 percent of the total, shows the scope, significance and its potential. Correlation of zone-wise tourist arrivals based on the ecotourism destinations highlights the fact that with only 19 of the 64 destinations that come in the central zone are the most preferred centres (around 54 percent) for the domestic as well as foreign tourists. The north zone encompassing 6 districts with rich biodiversity shows that the tourists‟ arrival patterns exhibit less promising results. Though the north zone has 31 ecotourism destinations of the state receives only 6.19 percent of the foreign visitors. The ecotourism activities in the state are primarily managed by the Eco-Development Committees (EDCs) and the Vana Samrakshana Samithies (VSS) under the Forest Development Agency of Kerala. Social class-wise categorization of membership shows that 13142 families have membership in 190 EDCs with SC (28 percent), ST (33 percent) and other marginalised communities (39 percent). But this in the VSS shows that 400 VSS have 59085 members actively engaged in ecotourism activities and social category of the VSS makes clear that majority are from the other marginalized fringe households with 62 percent where as the participation of SC is 12 percent and ST is 26 percent. An evaluation of the socio-economic and demographic matrix of the community members involved in ecotourism activities brings out region specific differences. About 75.70 percent of the respondents are males and the rest are females. Majority of the respondents (about 60 percent) are in the age group of 20 to 40 years, followed by the age group of 40-50 (20 percent). The average age of respondents in the three zones is between 35 and 37 years. The majority of the respondents are married, a few are unmarried. Average family size is 4-5 members and differences are identified among zones. Average number of adults per household is 3 and child per household is 2. Majority have an education of 10th class and below i.e. about 60 percent of the sample have only basic school education like primary, secondary and high school (i.e. up to SSLC but not passed) level. About 18 percent are SSLC passed, 10 percent are undergraduates whereas 6 percent constitute respondents having qualification of graduation and above. Majority of the „graduates and above‟ are from south and central zone. Inter-zone differences in educational profile are also identified with lesser number of „graduates and above‟ are identified in the north zone compared to the other two zones. Investigating into the income and livelihood options of the respondents gives insight about the prominence of ecotourism as an employment and livelihood option for the community members, as more than 90 percent of the respondents have cited tourism sector as their main employment option. Most (49.30 percent) of respondents get 100 percent income from tourism related activities, followed by 37.30 percent of community members have income between 75-99 percent from tourism whereas the rest (13 percent) have less than 74 percent of their income from tourism and there exists difference between zones and percentage of income. Financial habit shows that about 49.7 percent hold active bank accounts, 61 percent have savings behaviour and 73.8 percent have indebtedness. Analysis about the ownership of house brings to light that 37 percent of respondents live in their own house followed by 25.7 percent in government funded/provided house and 21 percent in their parent‟s house and 3.5 percent in rented house. About 12 percent of the respondents have other kinds of accommodation facilities such as staff quarters, etc. But in the case of north zone majority i.e. 52 percent primarily depend on the government funded house indicating the effectiveness of government housing programme. Standard of living measured in SLI frameworks shows that majority of the respondents have medium SLI values (42.3 percent); the remaining 47.7 percent have low SLI and 10 percent have high SLI. The community members have been benefitted immensely from forest and its resources. Since the ecotourism destinations are located amidst the wildlife settings, majority of them depend on forest for their livelihood. The information on the tourist‟s demographic characteristics like age, sex, educational qualification and annual income show that the age category of domestic and foreign tourists falls below the age group of less than 35 years (about 65 percent), whereas only 16 percent of tourists are aged above 46 years. The age group below 25 years consists of more international tourists (31.3 percent) compared to the proportion of domestic tourists (12.5 percent). Male-female ratio shows that the males constitute 56 percent of the sample and females with 44 percent. The factors determining the impact of ecotourism programmes in the community was evaluated with the aid of a factor analysis with 12 selected statements. The worries and concerns of the community members about the impact of ecotourism on the environment are well understood from this analysis. It can be drawn that environment protection and the role of ecotourism in improving the income and livelihood options of the local communities is the most important factor concerning the community members.


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The Kerala model of development mostly bypassed the fishing community, as the fishers form the main miserable groups with respect to many of the socio-economic and quality of life indicators. Modernization drive in the fishing sector paradoxically turns to marginalization drives as far as the traditional fishers in Kerala are concerned. Subsequent management and resource recuperation drives too seemed to be detrimental to the local fishing community. Though SHGs and cooperatives had helped in overcoming many of the maladies in most of the sectors in Kerala in terms of livelihood and employment in the 1980s, the fishing sector by that time had been moving ahead with mechanization and export euphoria and hence it bypassed the fishing sector. Though it has not helped the fishing sector in the initial stages, but because of necessity, it soon has become a vibrant livelihood and employment force in the coastal economy of Kerala. Initial success made it to link this with the governmental cooperative set up and soon SHGs and Cooperatives become reinforcing forces for the inclusive development of the real fishers.The fisheries sector in Kerala has undergone drastic changes with the advent of globalised economy. The traditional fisher folk are one of the most marginalized communities in the state and are left out of the overall development process mainly due to the marginalization of this community both in the sea and in the market due to modernization and mechanization of the sector. Mechanization opened up the sector a great deal as it began to attract people belonging to non-fishing community as moneylenders, boat owners, employers and middle men which often resulted in conflicts between traditional and mechanized fishermen. These factors, together with resource depletion resulted in the backwardness experienced by the traditional fishermen compared to other communities who were reaping the benefits of the overall development scenario.The studies detailing the activities and achievements of fisher folks via Self Help Groups (SHGs) and the cooperative movement in coastal Kerala are scant. The SHGs through cooperatives have been effective in livelihood security, poverty alleviation and inclusive development of the fisher folk (Rajasenan and Rajeev, 2012). The SHGs have a greater role to play as estimated fall in demand for marine products in international markets, which may result in reduction of employment opportunities in fish processing, peeling, etc. Also, technological advancement has made them unskilled to work in this sector making them outliers in the overall development process resulting in poor quality of physical and social infrastructure. Hence, it is all the more important to derive a strategy and best practice methods for the effective functioning of these SHGs so that the


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Der Name einer kleinen Internatsschule im Berner Oberland taucht zunehmend in den Diskussionen über die Gestaltung von selbst organisiertem Lernen auf: Institut Beatenberg. Der Direktor des Instituts, Andreas Müller, und seine Mitarbeiter sind gefragte Referenten auf Veranstaltungen über die Einführung einer Lehr-Lernkultur, die den Lernenden und seine Lernprozesse in den Mittelpunkt der pädagogischen Arbeit stellt. Zudem finden ihre Publikationen zunehmendes Interesse im gesamten deutschsprachigen Raum. Ein Schlüsselinstrument wurde dabei zum Schlagwort: Kompetenzraster. Doch die stellen nur eines der Instrumente dar, die den ‚Wirkungskreislauf des Lernerfolgs’ in Beatenberg stützen. Berufliche Schulen in Hessen und Hamburg haben im Rahmen von Modellprojekten mit der Erarbeitung von Kompetenzrastern nach den Vorbildern in Beatenberg begonnen und versprechen sich damit eine neue, auf selbst organisiertem Lernen aufbauende kompetenzorientierte berufliche Bildung. In dem Beitrag werden die Arbeit mit Kompetenzrastern und den dahinter liegenden ‚Lernlandschaften’ sowie der ‚Wirkungskreislauf den Lernerfolgs’ in Beatenberg kompetenzorientiert dargestellt. Die Dimensionen Definition, Beschreibung, Ordnung, Erwerb, Messung und Anerkennung von Kompetenzen werden herausgearbeitet und die Möglichkeiten von Kompetenzrastern in der beruflichen Bildung kritisch gewürdigt. Der Beitrag ist entlang der genannten Dimensionen gegliedert.


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We propose a nonparametric method for estimating derivative financial asset pricing formulae using learning networks. To demonstrate feasibility, we first simulate Black-Scholes option prices and show that learning networks can recover the Black-Scholes formula from a two-year training set of daily options prices, and that the resulting network formula can be used successfully to both price and delta-hedge options out-of-sample. For comparison, we estimate models using four popular methods: ordinary least squares, radial basis functions, multilayer perceptrons, and projection pursuit. To illustrate practical relevance, we also apply our approach to S&P 500 futures options data from 1987 to 1991.


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This presentation has been modified by a B.Sc final year project student to promote chemistry as a degree and a career option for youngsters. The original presentation was produced by the Biological and Medicinal Chemistry Sector or the Royal Society of Chemistry. The project student has polished the slides to make them more appealing to today's A-level students. She has also evaluated the impact of her work. A summary of her report will be added in due course.


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Adolescent pregnancy is a current problem which raises concern due to its individual, familiar and collective consequences. Fifteen million adolescents give birth each year in the world. Abortion is the preferred option used in unwanted pregnancies. Adolescent pregnancy is frequent in Nocaima, Cundinamarca and is a community concern in this small town initiating its process of becoming a healthy municipality. As such, the community has highlighted this problem to be studied and submitted to intervention to promote a free and responsible sexuality decreasing unwanted adolescent pregnancies. Objective: To find data on contraception, pregnancy and related factors in selected adolescents therefore, improving current incomplete information. Methods: Descriptive observational study with survey application on 226 female 14 to 19 year old students from three high school facilities in Nocaima including 8th to 11th graders. Results: 88.9% of the participants were between 14 and 17 years of age. 66.8% of the adolescents claim to use correctly contraceptive methods and 28.8% have had sexual intercourse with an average initiation at age 15. 11.1% have been pregnant once in their lives and of these 57.1 % ended in induced abortion and 66.8% were school dropouts. Conclusions: After having implemented an educational campaign on healthy sex and reproductive behaviors we view adolescent pregnancy as a public health problem which is preventable and related to the deficit of social and family support as well as weakness in individual decision making.


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Esta tesis está dividida en dos partes: en la primera parte se presentan y estudian los procesos telegráficos, los procesos de Poisson con compensador telegráfico y los procesos telegráficos con saltos. El estudio presentado en esta primera parte incluye el cálculo de las distribuciones de cada proceso, las medias y varianzas, así como las funciones generadoras de momentos entre otras propiedades. Utilizando estas propiedades en la segunda parte se estudian los modelos de valoración de opciones basados en procesos telegráficos con saltos. En esta parte se da una descripción de cómo calcular las medidas neutrales al riesgo, se encuentra la condición de no arbitraje en este tipo de modelos y por último se calcula el precio de las opciones Europeas de compra y venta.


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In this paper we introduce a financial market model based on continuos time random motions with alternanting constant velocities and with jumps ocurring when the velocity switches. if jump directions are in the certain corresondence with the velocity directions of the underlyng random motion with respect to the interest rate, the model is free of arbitrage. The replicating strategies for options are constructed in details. Closed form formulas for the opcion prices are obtained.


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En este documento está desarrollado un modelo de mercado financiero basado en movimientos aleatorios con tiempo continuo, con velocidades constantes alternantes y saltos cuando hay cambios en la velocidad. Si los saltos en la dirección tienen correspondencia con la dirección de la velocidad del comportamiento aleatorio subyacente, con respecto a la tasa de interés, el modelo no presenta arbitraje y es completo. Se construye en detalle las estrategias replicables para opciones, y se obtiene una presentación cerrada para el precio de las opciones. Las estrategias de cubrimiento quantile para opciones son construidas. Esta metodología es aplicada al control de riesgo y fijación de precios de instrumentos de seguros.