712 resultados para neurria lebesgue integragarritasuna edukia borel riemann


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A classical study about Klein and Riemann surfaces consists in determining their groups of automorphisms. This problem is very difficult in general,and it has been solved for particular families of surfaces or for fixed topological types. In this paper, we calculate the automorphism groups of non-orientable bordered elliptic-hyperelliptic Klein surfaces of algebraic genus p> 5.


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We present a parallel algorithm for calculating determinants of matrices in arbitrary precision arithmetic on computer clusters. This algorithm limits data movements between the nodes and computes not only the determinant but also all the minors corresponding to a particular row or column at a little extra cost, and also the determinants and minors of all the leading principal submatrices at no extra cost. We implemented the algorithm in arbitrary precision arithmetic, suitable for very ill conditioned matrices, and empirically estimated the loss of precision. In our scenario the cost of computation is bigger than that of data movement. The algorithm was applied to studies of Riemann’s zeta function.


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The finite Dirichlet series of the title are defined by the condition that they vanish at as many initial zeros of the zeta function as possible. It turns out that such series can produce extremely good approximations to the values of Riemanns zeta function inside the critical strip. In addition, the coefficients of these series have remarkable number-theoretical properties discovered in large-scale high-precision numerical experiments. So far, we have found no theoretical explanation for the observed phenomena.


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In this paper we: (1) introduce TensorPack, a software package for the algebraic manipulation of tensors in covariant index format in Maple; (2) briefly demonstrate the use of the package with an orthonormal tensor proof of the shearfree conjecture for dust. TensorPack is based on the Riemann and Canon tensor software packages and uses their functions to express tensors in an indexed covariant format. TensorPack uses a string representation as input and provides functions for output in index form. It extends the functionality to basic algebra of tensors, substitution, covariant differentiation, contraction, raising/lowering indices, symmetry functions and other accessory functions. The output can be merged with text in the Maple environment to create a full working document with embedded dynamic functionality. The package offers potential for manipulation of indexed algebraic tensor expressions in a flexible software environment.


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The use of the fast Fourier transform (FFT) accelerates Lanczos tridiagonalisation method for Hankel and Toeplitz matrices by reducing the complexity of matrix-vector multiplication. In multiprecision arithmetics, the FFT has overheads that make it less competitive compared with alternative methods when the accuracy is over 10000 decimal places. We studied two alternative Hankel matrix-vector multiplication methods based on multiprecision number decomposition and recursive Karatsuba-like multiplication, respectively. The first method was uncompetitive because of huge precision losses, while the second turned out to be five to 14 times faster than FFT in the ranges of matrix sizes up to n = 8192 and working precision of b = 32768 bits we were interested in. We successfully applied our approach to eigenvalues calculations to studies of spectra of matrices that arise in research on Riemann zeta function. The recursive matrix-vector multiplication significantly outperformed both the FFT and the traditional multiplication in these studies.


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Multivariate orthogonal polynomials in D real dimensions are considered from the perspective of the Cholesky factorization of a moment matrix. The approach allows for the construction of corresponding multivariate orthogonal polynomials, associated second kind functions, Jacobi type matrices and associated three term relations and also Christoffel-Darboux formulae. The multivariate orthogonal polynomials, their second kind functions and the corresponding Christoffel-Darboux kernels are shown to be quasi-determinants as well as Schur complements of bordered truncations of the moment matrix; quasi-tau functions are introduced. It is proven that the second kind functions are multivariate Cauchy transforms of the multivariate orthogonal polynomials. Discrete and continuous deformations of the measure lead to Toda type integrable hierarchy, being the corresponding flows described through Lax and Zakharov-Shabat equations; bilinear equations are found. Varying size matrix nonlinear partial difference and differential equations of the 2D Toda lattice type are shown to be solved by matrix coefficients of the multivariate orthogonal polynomials. The discrete flows, which are shown to be connected with a Gauss-Borel factorization of the Jacobi type matrices and its quasi-determinants, lead to expressions for the multivariate orthogonal polynomials and their second kind functions in terms of shifted quasi-tau matrices, which generalize to the multidimensional realm, those that relate the Baker and adjoint Baker functions to ratios of Miwa shifted tau-functions in the 1D scenario. In this context, the multivariate extension of the elementary Darboux transformation is given in terms of quasi-determinants of matrices built up by the evaluation, at a poised set of nodes lying in an appropriate hyperplane in R^D, of the multivariate orthogonal polynomials. The multivariate Christoffel formula for the iteration of m elementary Darboux transformations is given as a quasi-determinant. It is shown, using congruences in the space of semi-infinite matrices, that the discrete and continuous flows are intimately connected and determine nonlinear partial difference-differential equations that involve only one site in the integrable lattice behaving as a Kadomstev-Petviashvili type system. Finally, a brief discussion of measures with a particular linear isometry invariance and some of its consequences for the corresponding multivariate polynomials is given. In particular, it is shown that the Toda times that preserve the invariance condition lay in a secant variety of the Veronese variety of the fixed point set of the linear isometry.


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Notre travail se consacre à l’étude de l’existence de solution T-anti-périodique de l’équation de Liénard dans le cas impulsif. Dans notre thèse, cette équation sera appliquée à l’équation du pendule simple, de Josephson dans la super-conductivité et enfin à l’équation de Van der Pol pour modéliser un circuit de triode à tube vide. On considérera [florin] et J des actions extérieures sur le système où [florin] est une force Lebesgue intégrable (respectivement Henstock-Kurzweil intégrable au second chapitre) et J (parfois noté I) une stimulation impulsive. En appliquant le théorème du point fixe de Banach, on obtient des théorèmes d’existence de solution au sens de fonctions généralisées soumise à un ensemble de conditions données par les bornes à priori. Ensuite, par le même théorème, la suite d’itérations G[indice supérieur n] ([théta][indice inférieur 0]) converge uniformément vers la solution [théta] à la vitesse de convergence bornée avec la première dérivée […] est de variation totale finie sur [0; 2T] et la dérivée seconde généralisée […] Lebesgue intégrable sur [0; 2T] dans le cas non impulsif. Finalement, sous les mêmes hypothèses avec [florin] Henstock-Kurzweil (HK) intégrable, nous obtiendrons des conditions qui garantissent l’existence d’une solution T-antipériodique [théta] absolument continue sur R de l’équation de Liénard, qui admet à la fois une dérivée première […] de variation bornée et la seconde dérivée généralisée […] qui est HK--intégrable dans le cas non impulsif. Comme au premier chapitre nous considérerons également le cas des instants d’impulsion [gamma][indice inférieur kappa] indépendants d’état avec [florin] HK--intégrable. À chaque fois nous donnons quelques exemples d’illustration pour appuyer nos résultats. [Certains symboles non conformes]