944 resultados para modular flap


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There has been an increasing interest in applying biological principles to the design and control of robots. Unlike industrial robots that are programmed to execute a rather limited number of tasks, the new generation of bio-inspired robots is expected to display a wide range of behaviours in unpredictable environments, as well as to interact safely and smoothly with human co-workers. In this article, we put forward some of the properties that will characterize these new robots: soft materials, flexible and stretchable sensors, modular and efficient actuators, self-organization and distributed control. We introduce a number of design principles; in particular, we try to comprehend the novel design space that now includes soft materials and requires a completely different way of thinking about control. We also introduce a recent case study of developing a complex humanoid robot, discuss the lessons learned and speculate about future challenges and perspectives.


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Modular self-reconfigurable robots have previously demonstrated that automatic control of their own body shapes enriches their behavioural functions. However, having predefined rigid modules technically limits real-world systems from being hyper-redundant and compliant. Encouraged by recent progress using elastically deformable material for robots, we propose the concept of soft self-reconfigurable robots which may become hyper-flexible during interaction with the environment. As the first attempt towards this goal, the paper proposes a novel approach using viscoelastic material Hot-Melt Adhesives (HMAs): for physical connection and disconnection control between bodies that are not necessarily predefined rigid modules. We present a model that characterizes the temperature dependency of the strength of HMA bonds, which is then validated and used in a feedback controller for automatic connection and disconnection. Using a minimalistic robot platform that is equipped with two devices handling HMAs, the performance of this method is evaluated in a pick-and-place experiment with aluminium and wooden parts. © 2012 IEEE.


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We present a layered architecture for secure e-commerce applications and protocols with fully automated dispute-resolution process, robust to communication failures and malicious faults. Our design is modular, with precise yet general-purpose interfaces and functionalities, and allows usage as an underlying secure service to different e-commerce, e-banking and other distributed systems. The interfaces support diverse, flexible and extensible payment scenarios and instruments, including direct buyer-seller payments as well as (the more common) indirect payments via payment service providers (e.g. banks). Our design is practical, efficient, and ensures reliability and security under realistic failure and delay conditions.


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Web services can be seen as a newly emerging research area for Service-oriented Computing and their implementation in Service-oriented Architectures. Web services are self-contained, self-describing modular applications or components providing services. Web services may be dynamically aggregated, composed, and enacted as Web services Workflows. This requires frameworks and interaction protocols for their co-ordination and transaction support. In a Service-oriented Computing setting, transactions are more complex, involve multiple parties (roles), span many organizations, and may be long-running, consisting of a highly decentralized service partner and performed by autonomous entities. A Service-oriented Transaction Model has to provide comprehensive support for long-running propositions including negotiations, conversations, commitments, contracts, tracking, payments, and exception handling. Current transaction models and mechanisms including their protocols and primitives do not sufficiently cater for quality-aware and long running transactions comprising loosely-coupled (federated) service partners and resources. Web services transactions require co-ordination behavior provided by a traditional transaction mechanism to control the operations and outcome of an application. Furthermore, Web services transactions require the capability to handle the co-ordination of processing outcomes or results from multiple services in a more flexible manner. This requires more relaxed forms of transactions—those that do not strictly have to abide by the ACID properties—such as loosely-coupled collaboration and workflows. Furthermore, there is a need to group Web services into applications that require some form of correlation, but do not necessarily require transactional behavior. The purpose of this paper is to provide a state-of-the-art review and overview of some proposed standards surrounding Web services composition, co-ordination, and transaction. In particular the Business Process Execution Language for Web services (BPEL4WS), its co-ordination, and transaction frameworks (WS-Co-ordination and WS-Transaction) are discussed.


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新的计算模式,普适计算和全局计算,正在作为高度分布式和移动计算的计算模式展现出来。这篇论文探讨了在抽象层面上支持这些新型计算模式的适合的形式化基础,关注在进程移动单位上的控制, 以便在分布式与移动计算环境下更好地协调进程的移动性。 论文的第一部分概述了针对分布式、移动计算的现有进程演算模型中的进程移动单元,并且设计了一种在此方面更优、更具弹性的进程框架。为了表示这种进程框架,我们提出了一种新的、针对移动和分布式系统的进程演算,这种进程演算的优点是动态、弹性的控制进程的移动单元;具体的思路就是扩展π- calculus以及其支持分布式和移动性的变体。我们把这种新的演算叫做Modular π-calculus。我们通过这种演算的提出来说明进程框架提供了一种针对移动进程更为合适的协调机制以及编程模型,例如移动的代理和动态组件载入的支持。之后,我们通过讨论互模拟的几种提法来具体说明能够反映演算设计的进程描述的关键,之后我们讨论了它们的具体性质。 本文的第二部分提出了一个对进程模型的行为和性质进行推理的规约框架。首先,提出了一个对Modularπ-calculus中进程的系统性质进行规约的模态逻辑。为了更好的理解该逻辑,文中对由这个逻辑推出的进程等价的特征进行了研究,并且证明了该逻辑的区分能力介于互模拟和结构一致之间。接下来关于这个规约框架的自动化,本文针对该逻辑和Modular π-calculus的有限控制子集,提出了模型检测算法,并且给出了算法正确性的证明。同时文中贯穿了一些实际且直观的例子,以展现本文提出的一组框架即演算、逻辑和模型算法的有效性。


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植物生长和生产力受到自然界各种形式的生物和非生物胁迫因子的影响。这些胁迫包括低温、高温、盐碱、干旱、洪水、重金属、虫害、病害和紫外线辐射等等。而人类活动大大加剧了这些胁迫所带来的影响。由于人类污染而导致臭氧层衰减以及由此产生的地球表面紫外辐射增强已经成为全球气候变化的一个主要方面。UV-B胁迫,甚至当前的辐射水平,所带来的影响已经引起科学工作者的广泛关注。 为了生存和繁殖,植物不得不面临环境中各种潜在胁迫所带来的负面影响。然而,植物生活型的不可移动性决定了其逃避胁迫的局限性。因此,绝大多数植物都是通过对胁迫作出反应,通过修复或者更新组织来降低伤害。而植物应对环境变化的能力则是由其生长模式的种属特异性和本身的遗传组成所决定。在自然界,植物常常同时面临多种胁迫,这些胁迫所引发的植物反应可能具有叠加、协同或者拮抗作用。沙棘是一种具刺、具有固氮功能的多年生雌雄异株灌木,广泛分布于亚欧大陆的温带地区和亚洲亚热带的高海拔地区。在中国,沙棘常常被用作植被恢复中的先锋树种而大量栽培。本文采用沙棘作为模式植物,试图探索木本植物对低温,UV-B辐射增强以及其与干旱的复合胁迫的响应以及沙棘对这些胁迫响应是否具有种群差异性。 对来自南北两个种群的沙棘进行短日照和低温处理,检测了其在抗寒锻炼和抗寒性发育过程中存在的性别差异。结果表明,短日照和低温都分别能够诱导抗寒锻炼的发生,而两者同时存在对所有实验植株抗寒性的大小具有叠加效应。然而,短日照和低温所诱导的抗寒性在两个种群中都具有性别差异性,雄性植株比雌雄植株对短日照和低温更为敏感。同时,南北种群间也存在差异性,北方种群的植物比南方种群的植物对短日照和低温敏感,从而在短日照下抗寒锻炼的发生时间更早,低温诱导的抗寒性更大。短日照和低温诱导植物增加抗寒性的同时伴随着脱落酸的变化。脱落酸的变化因处理,种群和性别的不同而不同。这些生理反应表明不同的沙棘种群,不同的植株性别对同一环境胁迫可能存在不同的生存策略。 比较了来自高低两个海拔的沙棘种群对于干旱和UV-B辐射增强以及两者复合胁迫条件下的生理生态反应。干旱使两个种群中植株总的生物量,总叶面积,比叶面积,叶片含碳量,含磷量,木质素含量和碳氮比显著降低,使根冠比,粗根细根比和叶片脱落酸含量显著增加。干旱而非UV-B使得δ13C 值显著增加。但是,比较而言,来自高海拔的种群对干旱反应更为强烈,而来自低海拔的种群对UV-B更敏感。在UV-B辐射增强的处理下,干旱所诱导的脱落酸的积累被显著抑制。而且我们检测到在一些指标上存在显著的干旱×UV-B交互作用,如两个种群中在总生物量上,低海拔种群中在总叶面积,粗根细根比上,高海拔种群中在比叶面积,δ13C值,木质素含量上都存在明显的交互作用。这些结果表明这两个种群对胁迫具有不同的适应性反应,来自高海拔的种群比来自低海拔的种群更能够抵御干旱和UV-B胁迫。 室外实验表明,UV-B 去除/增补对沙棘高低两个海拔种群的影响都不大。对生物量的积累,植株高度以及一些常见的胁迫反应生理指标比如丙二醛、ABA 和游离脯氨酸都没有显著影响。UV-B 的效应比UV-A 大,植物反应在无UV 和仅有UV-A 的处理间没有什么区别。然而,UV-B 去除的两个处理和UV-B 存在的两个处理间存在显著区别。UV-B 使得两个种群都显著降低了比叶面积(SLA),但却使长期用水效率增加。但UV-B对光合色素和光合系统II 的影响不大。总体看来,来自低海拔的种群对UV-B 更为敏感。 Plant is adversely affected by various abiotic and biotic stress factors. These stressors includelow temperature, heat, salt, drought, flooding, heavy metal toxicity, wounding by herbivores,infecting by pathogenic microorganisms, ultraviolet (UV) radiation and so on. Variousanthropogenic activities have accentuated the existing stress factors. One of the mostimportant aspects of global change is that of stratospheric ozone depletion caused by seriousanthropogenic pollution and the resulting increase in UV radiation reaching the surface of theEarth. Scientists have become concerned about the effects that considerable UV-B stress, evenat current levels. In order to survive and reproduce, plants have to be able to cope with lots of potentiallyharmful stress factors that are almost constantly present in their environment. Most plants’responses under stress are to neutralize the stress, repairing the damage or regrowing newtissue rather than to avoid it due to their sessile life style. The plant defense capacity dependson plant-specific modular growth patterns and genetic make-up that allows for flexibleresponses to changing environments. Plants usually encounter several stresses simultaneouslyunder field conditions, and the stresses may cause a variety of plant responses, which can beadditive, synergistic or antagonistic. Sea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.), a thorny nitrogen fixing deciduously perennialshrub, which is widely distributed throughout the temperate zones of Asia and Europe and thesubtropical zones of Asia at high altitudes. It has been widely used in forest restoration as thepioneer species in China. In this paper, we used sea buckthorn as a model, tried to get some understand of how plants fight low temperature, enhanced UV-B radiation level and thatcombination of drought. And also, want to know whether does there exist some populationspecific responses to such stressors. Sexual differences in cold acclimation and freezing tolerance development of two contrastingsea buckthorn (Hippophae rhamnoides L.) ecotypes from northern and southern regions inChina were recorded after exposure to short day photoperiod (SD) and low temperature (LT).The results demonstrated that cold acclimation could be triggered by exposing the plants toSD or LT alone, and that a combination of both treatments had an additive effect on freezingtolerance in all plants tested. However, development of freezing tolerance was dependent onthe sex of plants under SD and LT, the males were clearly more responsive to SD and LT thanthe females in both ecotypes studied. On the other hand, development of freezing tolerancewas also ecotype-dependent, the northern ecotype was more responsive to SD and LT than thesouthern ecotype, resulting in earlier cold acclimation under SD and higher freezing toleranceunder LT. Moreover, development of freezing tolerance induced by SD and LT wasaccompanied by changes in ABA levels. These alterations in ABA levels were different indifferent treatments, ecotypes and sexes. Therefore, the differences in SD and LT-inducedphysiological responses showed that the different ecotypes and the different sexes mightemploy different survival strategies under environmental stress. Two contrasting populations from the low and high altitudinal regions were employed toinvestigate the effects of drought, UV-B and their combination on sea buckthorn. Droughtsignificantly decreased total biomass, total leaf area, specific leaf area,leaf carbon (C),phophous (P), lignin content and the ratio of C: N in both populations, and increasedroot/shoot ratio, fine root/coarse root ratio and abscisic acid content (ABA), in bothpopulations. Drought but not UV-B resulted in significantly greater carbon isotopecomposition (δ13C) values in both populations. However, the high altitudinal population wasmore responsive to drought than the low altitudinal population. The drought-inducedenhancement of ABA in the high altitudinal population was significantly suppressed in thecombination of drought and elevated UV-B. Moreover, significant drought × UV-B interactionwas detected on total biomass in both populations, total leaf area and fine root/coarse root inthe low altitudinal population, specific leaf area, δ13C value and leaf lignin content in the high altitudinal population. These results demonstrated that there were different adaptive responsesbetween two contrasting populations, the high altitudinal population exhibited highertolerance to drought and UV-B than the low altitudinal population. A field experiment was conducted to investigate effects of UV-B exclusion/supplementationon two altitudinal populations of sea buckthorn. UV-B exclusion or supplementation had littleeffects on both populations investigated. For instance, the total biomass, plant height andsome physiological index such as Malondialdehyde (MDA), ABA and free proline were notchanged significantly. The UV-B effects are more significant than that of UV-A, nodifferences were found between treatments of excluded UV and excluded UV-B. However,compared with treatments of UV-B exclusion (including absent of UV-B and all UV band),the present of UV-B (including near ambient environment and enhanced UV-B) significantdecreased specific leaf area, and increased long time water use efficiency as evaluated by δ13Cvalue. UV-B had little effects on photosynthetic pigments and Photosystem II (PSII). The lowaltitude population is more sensitive to UV-B than that of the high altitude population.


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A dynamic measurement system was developed by the Institute of Modern Physics (IMP) for the dipole prototype of Rapid Cycle Synchrotron (RCS) of China Spallation Neutron Source (CSNS). The repetition frequency of RCS is 25 Hz. The probe is a moving arc searching-coil, and the data acquisition system is based on the dynamic analysis modular of National Instrument. To get the error of high order harmonics of the field at basic frequency, the hardware integrator is replaced by a high speed ADC with software filter and integrator. A series of harmonic coefficients of field are used to express the varieties of dynamic fields in space and time simultaneously. The measurement system has been tested in Institute of High Energy Physics (IHEP), and the property of the dipole prototype of RCS has been measured. Some measurement results and the repeatability of system are illustrated in this paper.


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The avermectin (Av) polyketide synthase (PKS) and erythromycin (Er) PKS are encoded by modular repeats of DNA, but the genetic organization of the modules encoding Av PKS is more complex than Er PKS. Sequencing of several related DNA fragments from Streptomyces avermitilis that are part of the Av biosynthetic gene cluster, revealed that they encode parts of large multifunctional PKS proteins. The Av PKS proteins show strong similarity to each other, as well as similarity to Er PKS proteins [Donadio et al., Science 252 (1991) 675–679] and fatty acid synthases. Partial DNA sequencing of the 65-kb region containing all the related sequence elements in the avr genes provides evidence for twelve modular repeats encoding FAS-like domains. The genes encoding the Av PKS are organized as two sets of six modular repeats which are convergently transcribed.


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栉孔扇贝是我国北方一种重要的贝类养殖品种。自1997年以来爆发的栉孔扇贝大规模死亡,给地区经济造成了重大损失并且已经严重威胁着扇贝养殖业的健康发展。然而,到目前为止,对扇贝免疫防御分子机理的了解还很少,深入研究扇贝免疫应答的分子机制是认识和了解病害发生和实现病害控制的重要途径。本研究采用了EST大规模测序和3’RACE的方法,从栉孔扇贝cDNA文库中克隆到一个凝集素基因CfLec-2,并对功能进行了研究。 CfLec-2 cDNA全长708bp,5’非翻译区(Untranslated Region, UTR)含有59bp,3’非翻译区含有163bp,具有典型的多聚腺苷酸加尾信号序列AATAAA和多聚腺苷酸尾巴,开放阅读框(Open Reading Frame, ORF )含有486bp,编码162个氨基酸残基,该多肽的理论分子量为16.8 kDa,等电点为4.54。利用SignalP分析,发现其信号肽的剪切位置在VEA-QSL之间。经BLASTP比对分析可知,CfLec-2基因编码的蛋白与人的Brevican,Anguilla japonica的C-type lectin-1和C-type lectin-2, Rattus norvegicus的CD23有较高的相似性,其中与Brevican的一致性有37%。Clustal W多序列比对发现该多肽具有标准长型C型凝集素所必须的6个保守半胱氨酸和相对保守的糖识别位点。用SMART(Small Modular Architecture Research Tool)软件分析发现其具有一个保守的糖识别结构域(Carbohydrate-recognition Domain, CRD),氨基酸序列上第49、125、141、149位置上的半胱氨酸参与形成糖识别结构域,而位于N末端的第21和32位上的两个半胱胺酸形成额外的一个二硫键,位于115、116和117上的Glu、Pro、Asp则构成了糖识别位点。 将编码CfLec-2成熟肽段的cDNA序列克隆进pET32a(+)载体中,并在大肠杆菌Rosetta-gami(DE3)中重组表达CfLec-2。重组蛋白利用其具有的His tag纯化并复性后发现CfLec-2可以凝集溶血葡萄球菌,且凝集过程不需要钙离子的参与。并且,CfLec-2对大肠杆菌TOP10F’有微弱的抑菌活性,对溶壁微球菌、溶血葡萄球菌和鳗弧菌则没有抑菌活性。这一结果说明,CfLec-2可能不仅参与对入侵微生物的识别过程,而且可能作为效应分子起到了直接杀灭入侵微生物的作用。 本研究发现CfLec-2具有和以前在栉孔扇贝报道的CFLec-1完全不同的功 能,说明栉孔扇贝利用不同的凝集素来识别不同的病原,同时也暗示栉孔扇贝中可能有更多不同功能的凝集素有待发现。研究结果丰富和发展了海水无脊椎动物免疫学的内容,对进一步了解扇贝固有免疫的机制,实现养殖扇贝疾病防治具有重要参考价值。


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扇贝是我国海水养殖的重要品种,但自1994年以来,养殖扇贝陆续爆发的大规模死亡,不但造成了巨大的经济损失,而且直接威胁到现有产业的生存和发展。引起扇贝大规模死亡原因是多方面的,其主要原因是养殖环境恶化、扇贝种质衰退和抗病力下降。因此,深入研究扇贝免疫防御机制,探讨提高机体抗病力的有效途径和方法,改良种质和培育抗病品系,无疑是解决目前困扰扇贝养殖业健康可持续发展的必经之路。 Toll样受体(TLRs)家族是新近发现的模式识别受体(PRRs),参与识别病原体相关的分子模式(PAMPs),在天然免疫系统中起着非常重要的作用。哺乳动物中Toll样受体信号通路还参与诱导树枝状细胞成熟、参与免疫耐受、参与凋亡发生发展、介导非感染性因素的识别等,被视为联系天然免疫和获得性免疫的桥梁。同时果蝇的Toll信号通路也是不具备获得性免疫的果蝇赖以抵御病毒、细菌和真菌感染,介导天然免疫反应的重要信号通路。 本研究采用大规模EST测序方法,结合Genome Walker库的构建和cDNA末端快速扩增技术,从栉孔扇贝克隆得到CfToll-1、CfMyd88、CfTRAF6和CfCactus这四个Toll样受体信号通路基因的全长cDNA,同时用荧光实时定量PCR技术检测了这些基因的组织分布及在脂多糖(LPS)和肽聚糖(PGN)刺激下的表达规律。 栉孔扇贝Toll样受体(CfToll-1)的cDNA序列全长4308 bp,包含5’非翻译区(UTR)211 bp,3597 bp的开放阅读框,500 bp的3’UTR,最后为18个腺嘌呤的ploy A 尾巴。开放阅读框编码1198个氨基酸的多肽,该多肽的估计分子量为137.41kd,估计的等电点为5.62,该多肽有信号肽,具有一个预测的跨膜区,因此是一种跨膜蛋白。经BLAST比对,CfToll-1基因与节肢动物多种Toll蛋白高度的相似性。SMART(Simple Modular Architecture Research Tool)软件分析,CfToll-1包含典型的Toll样受体的结构:富含亮氨酸的重复序列的胞外区(leucine-rich repeats, LRR),一段跨膜结构域,以及胞内区的TIR结构域(Toll/IL-1 receptor homologous region)。利用Real-time RT-PCR发现CfToll-1mRNA在扇贝体内普遍存在于血细胞、肌肉、外套膜、心、性腺和鳃组织中。利用体外培养的原代血细胞系研究不同浓度LPS刺激后CfToll-1的表达变化,结果显示低剂量(100ng.mL-1 )LPS 使CfToll-1 mRNA表达量减小,该变化在1.5h、3h 和9h组差异显著,虽然在6h组表达量稍有恢复,但尚未达到对照水平;用1μg.mL-1LPS处理细胞时, 6h组CfToll-1表达量明显上调,约为对照水平的2倍。证实细菌结构脂多糖对CfToll-1基因的表达有影响,且这种影响有剂量依赖效应。 栉孔扇贝Myd88同源基因(CfMyd88)的cDNA序列全长1554bp,包含5’UTR 427 bp,1101bp的开放阅读框,最后为18个腺嘌呤的ploy A 尾。CfMyd88的开放阅读框可编码367个氨基酸的多肽,该多肽的估计分子量为42.37kD,估计的等电点为5.71。利用SMART程序分析发现CfMyd88编码了Death和TIR结构域, 这两个结构域是Myd88特征结构。BLAST程序发现扇贝的序列与数据库哺乳动物的Myd88基因高度同源。原代培养的扇贝血细胞在受到PGN刺激后,CfMyd88 mRNA表达在1.5小时开始下调,直到9小时下调至对照表达量的1/10,证实肽聚糖结构对CfMyd88基因的表达有影响。 栉孔扇贝TRAF6同源基因(CfTRAF6)的cDNA序列全长2510bp,包含5’UTR 337 bp,1965bp的开放阅读框,3’UTR 208bp,最后为21 个腺嘌呤的ploy A 尾巴。CfTRAF6开放阅读框编码655个氨基酸的多肽,该多肽的估计分子量为74.09kD,估计的等电点为6.01。InterPro Scan在线分析发现CfTRAF6有典型的TRAF蛋白家族的特征结构,包括的一个指环结构,两个锌指结构,一个MATH (the meprin and TRAF homology)结构域以及Coiled-coil区域。CfTRAF6的序列与数据库多物种的TRAF6高度同源,同源性最高的是乌贼序列(Identity=68)和鼠类(Identity=45%)。利用Real-time RT-PCR,发现CfTRAF6在各组织普遍存在,在性腺中的表达最高。原代培养的扇贝血细胞在受到不同浓度PGN刺激后,与CfMyd88的情况一样,CfTRAF6的表达量变化减少,且这种变化随剂量的增加更加明显。 栉孔扇贝Cactus同源基因(CfCactus)的cDNA序列全长2488bp,包含5’UTR 181 bp,840bp的开放阅读框, 3’UTR 1467bp,最后为19个腺嘌呤的ploy A 尾巴。CfCactus的开放阅读框编码279个氨基酸的多肽,该多肽的估计分子量为31.37 kD;估计的等电点为4.74,与果蝇的Cactus基因的等电点相近(4.5)。利用SMART程序分析发现CfCactus主要编码了ANK结构域(ankyrin repeats)。Cactus基因为哺乳动物NF-κB抑制蛋白IκB的同源分子,BLAST 程序发现扇贝的序列与数据库多物种的Cactus或IκB基因高度同源。同源性最高的是太平洋牡蛎(Identity=35%)和圆尾鲎(Identities = 44%)。对CfTCactus mRNA在扇贝的血细胞、性腺、 肠的组织表达进行分析,并同时与CfTRAF6和CfMyd88的表达量进行了对比,发现CfCactus的表达水平明显高于这两个基因,而且CfTRAF6的基因表达量也高于CfMyd88,表现出级联放大效应。正常情况下,三个基因在性腺的表达量最高,推测这条通路可能和发育等功能密切相关。 通过本研究我们首次在双壳类软体动物找得到与果蝇Toll蛋白家族高度同源的CfToll-1基因,同时发现其他三个在Toll样受体信号传递过程中起重要作用的基因,其中包括在软体动物中获得的第一个Toll样受体的接头分子-CfMyd88基因,该结果直接证明软体动物具有与哺乳动物和节肢动物高度类似Myd88依赖的Toll样受体信号通路。同时通过这些基因组织分布的研究以及细菌结构LPS和PGN对这条通路上基因表达的影响,证明扇贝Toll信号通路可能与在果蝇中一样,参与扇贝的发育和免疫防御等多种功能。


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可重构模块星球机器人系统由母体和多个子机器人模块组成,单个模块可以独立运动和操作,多个模块可以重构组合成不同构形,模块采用非对称式轮手一体机构,具有姿态方位性和运动方向性,重构目的是组成在某种环境下更好地完成有向性运动的构形。基于此,提出矢量构形概念,将运动趋势方向和方位性融合到构形拓扑结构中。在模块矢量分析模型基础上,提出并构建状态构形矢量(State configuration vector,SCV)和状态构形矩阵(State configuration matrix,SCM),对非对称式单模块和整体构形的状态信息进行描述,同时支持预定义的数学变换操作,可以表达并触发模块的基础动作、构形重构。提出离散模块组合重构成目标构形的优化分析算法,通过实例仿真计算获得优化分析的选择结果。