999 resultados para metodologia de detecção
The plating process generates solid waste rich in heavy metals and aiming to reduce environmental impact of such waste, this work suggests a methodology for zinc reduction, through a 2(4) factorial planning, studying the influence of the following variables: acid concentration (15, 20 or 30% v/v), acid type (sulfuric or hydrochloric), acid volume (15, 20 or 25 mL) and extraction time (12, 24 or 36 h). Through this methodology it is possible to establish the optimal conditions (15 mL of a 30% hydrochloric acid concentration during 12 h) to get a 100% efficiency in zinc extraction.
The aim of this work was to develop and validate a method of analysis of biodiesel:diesel blends using HRGC-MS in SIM mode. The proposed method is applicable to biodiesel from linoleic oils, such as soybean oil. The following results were obtained: linearity over the methyl linoleate concentration range of 250-2500 mg L-1 (R² > 0.999); limits of detection and quantification of 2 and 5 mg L-1, respectively; recovery from 82 to 96% of biodiesel in diesel and repeatability < 2% (RSD). Comparison between two operators showed that it is not necessary the same operator to do the analysis.
The difference between the actual ECN 42 triacylglyceride content in vegetable oils, obtained by HPLC analysis, and the theoretical value calculated from the fatty acid composition was applied to detect the addition of seed oils with high contents of linoleic acid to olive oils commercialized in Brazil. The results indicate that samples analyzed were probably adulterated with low commercial value seed oils, rich in linoleic acid, like soybean, sunflower or corn.
L’organització de la producció és sempre un factor clau en qualsevol empresa. No hi ha cap fórmula magistral que pugui servir per a tothom, perquè aquesta és molt depenent del sector i de la mida. Softvic S.A., l’empresa on treballo, em va demanar que implantés un sistema d’organització adequat a una empresa de desenvolupament de Software. Les empreses d’aquesta tipologia tenen dues característiques diferenciadores respecte una empresa de fabricació: les feines es fan una única vegada i es redefineixen freqüentment els projectes a fer al futur. És a dir, els requisits són inestables i requereixen rapidesa i flexibilitat. Actualment, Softvic S.A. ja té la ISO 9001:2008 al departament de programació. Aquesta ISO contempla com es creen les ordres de programació (OP) i ordres d’incidència (OI) i com es registra i avalua la feina realitzada. L’objectiu és implantar una metodologia que s’encarregui de la part anterior a aquesta, és a dir, definir les feines a fer en un període. Això s’ha d’integrar perfectament amb la part ja recolzada per la ISO. Per aquest fet es va escollir la metodologia Scrum que complia tots els requisits esmentats i estava contrastada per diferents empreses del món del Software. Primerament es van fer proves en les quals es guardava la informació en un Excel i s’imprimien manualment les feines a realitzar. Un cop es va haver decidit quina informació era útil i quina no en el cas de Softvic, es va crear una base de dades amb les taules i camps necessaris. Per treballar de forma més còmoda es va fer posteriorment un programa per a mantenir les dades i un formulari per imprimir etiquetes. A mesura que hem anat utilitzant la metodologia Scrum, hem anat ajustant aspectes cap on hem cregut convenient pel nostre cas en particular.
The objective of this work was to optimize the derivatization reaction for determining deoxynivalenol (DON) by gas chromatography employing an experimental planning procedure. The factors were: temperature, reaction time, catalyst and trifluoroacetic anhydride concentration. The relative peak areas were used to evaluated the effects. The best conditions for DON derivatization were 200 µL TFAA and 18 mg sodium bicarbonate for 6 min at 74 ºC for 7 to 21 µg of DON. Under these conditions, the detection limit was 1.4 µg of DON.
Nutritional therapy with enteral diets became highly specialized in the last years. This work aims to study the effect of the components of a formulation, namely fiber, calcium and medium-chain triglycerides, for dialysability of minerals. Analysis of multiple variables was done using response surface methodology. The level curve showed that the tertiary interaction MCT-fiber-calcium was the one that presented the highest synergism in the formulation. The proportion of 33% MCT, 25% fiber and 42% calcium, gave the best formulation for availability of magnesium.
Considered the best substitute for diesel, biodiesel can be blended with diesel in any ratio, bringing lots of environmental, economic and social advantages. Brazilian law Nº 11097/2005, proposes the introduction of biodiesel in to the Brazilian energy matrix, mixed with diesel at a minimum percentage of 2%. For consumers and sellers to be sure that the commercialized mixture of biodiesel:diesel contains the correct percentage, it is necessary to develop analytical methodologies to quantify the amount of biodiesel added. This work presents a fast, low-cost and simple methodology to determine the biodiesel proportion in mixtures of biodiesel:diesel, based on infrared spectroscopy.
Nutritional therapy with enteral diets became substantially specialized over the last years. This work's aim was to study the effect of the components of a formulation: fiber, calcium and medium-chain triglycerides for dialysability of minerals. Analysis of multiple variables was carried out using response surface methodology. The level curve showed an antagonic effect of interaction between iron and zinc. TCM was the variable responsible for characterizing competition between the two minerals in the formulation. More studies on foods are needed for knowing the effecs of minerals in formulations.
The chlorination of activated aromatic rings is efficiently achieved under mild conditions by reaction of aromatic compounds with trichloroisocyanuric acid in acetonitrile, at room temperature, leading to products in 60-95% isolated yields and good regioselectivity.
In the present work, the influence of the amount of nitrogen and phosphorus and degrees Brix on the yield and productivity of alcoholic fermentation has been evaluated. The methodology used was factorial design and response surface analysis. Within the range studied only for phosphorus a statistically significant effect was observed. The broth of sugar cane of the CB 453 variety already possessed enough nitrogen for the fermentation. The mathematical and empirical model was validated for productivity and not for yield. The concentration of alcohol produced in the fermentation was not enough to cause cellular growth inhibition.
A chromatographic method was developed for cholesterol determination in feed for ruminants using response surface methodology. Among the five approaches of sample preparation methods tested, the saponification of the sample without heating presented less interference in the gas chromatography. The method presented a relative standard deviation (RSD) of 4.3%, recoveries between 84 and 87% and detection limit of 0.001 mg of cholesterol per g of feed.
Detecção de contaminantes em espécie bioindicadora (Corbicula fluminea) - Rio Ribeira de Iguape - SP
The study assessed heavy metal concentrations in the tissue samples of Corbiculafluminea, by ICP-OES. In the tissues, average levels of 23.99 µg/g of Cu, 144.21 µg/g of Zn, 0.71 µg/g of Cd, 7.10 µg/g of Cr and 2.41 µg/g of Pb were detected ahowing that this last value is high and above the ANVISA reference (2.00 µg/g) for fish and other products. The results suggest that natural processes occuring in the Ribeira de Iguape River are not sufficient for purification so that metals remain in the water and can accumulate in the trophic chain.
The aim of this work was to verify the effects of initial medium moisture content (U), addition of ammonium sulphate (N) and of potassium phosphate (P) in the production of the polygalacturonase through the solid-state fermentation, using cashew apple husk as substrate and Aspergillus niger CCT0916 as transformation agent. We also studied the best extraction conditions of the produced enzyme. The best condition of production was with U of 40%, 1% of N and 0% of P being reached an activity of the poligalacturonase of 10.1 U/g. The best extraction condition is an agitation system with a time of 100 min and a solvent-fermented medium volume ratio of 5 mL/g.
The detection of anionic species is a field which is currently attracting increasing interest. Research is carried out not only to gain a better understanding of biological events that anions participate in, but also to ascertain the potential contribution of the anionic chemosensors to the qualitative and quantitative analysis of species of interest in the areas of industry, medicine, the environment, and chemistry. This review summarizes several aspects related to the main strategies used in anion sensing. Each strategy discussed is illustrated with its potential applications citing recent examples. The prospects for their use in several areas are also described.