1000 resultados para marcadores dominantes e co-dominantes


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In this study, we evaluated the hepatitis B virus (HBV) genotype distribution and HBV genomic mutations among a group of human immunodeficiency virus-HBV co-infected patients from an AIDS outpatient clinic in São Paulo. HBV serological markers were detected by commercially available enzyme immunoassay kits. HBV DNA was detected using in-house nested polymerase chain reaction and quantified by Cobas Amplicor. HBV genotypes and mutations in the basal core promoter (BCP)/pre-core/core regions and surface/polymerase genes were determined by sequencing. Among the 59 patients included in this study, 55 reported prior use of lamivudine (LAM) or tenofovir. HBV DNA was detected in 16/22 patients, with a genotype distribution of A (n = 12,75%), G (n = 2,13%), D (n = 1,6%) and F (n = 1,6%). The sequence data of the two patients infected with genotype G strongly suggested co-infection with genotype A. In 10 patients with viremia, LAM-resistance mutations in the polymerase gene (rtL180M + rtM204V and rtV173L + rtL180M + rtM204V) were found, accompanied by changes in the envelope gene (sI195M, sW196L and sI195M/sE164D). Mutations in the BCP and pre-core regions were identified in four patients. In conclusion, genotype G, which is rarely seen in Brazil, was observed in the group of patients included in our study. A high prevalence of mutations associated with LAM-resistance and mutations associated with anti-HBs resistance were also found among these patients.


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This study was designed to assess the effect of GB virus (GBV)-C on the immune response to human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) in chronically HIV-infected and HIV- hepatitis C virus (HCV)-co-infected patients undergoing antiretroviral therapy. A cohort of 159 HIV-seropositive patients, of whom 52 were HCV-co-infected, was included. Epidemiological data were collected and virological and immunological markers, including the production of interferon gamma (IFN-γ) and interleukin (IL)-2 by CD4, CD8 and Tγδ cells and the expression of the activation marker, CD38, were assessed. A total of 65 patients (40.8%) presented markers of GBV-C infection. The presence of GBV-C did not influence HIV and HCV replication or TCD4 and TCD8 cell counts. Immune responses, defined by IFN-γ and IL-2 production and CD38 expression did not differ among the groups. Our results suggest that neither GBV-C viremia nor the presence of E2 antibodies influence HIV and HCV viral replication or CD4 T cell counts in chronically infected patients. Furthermore, GBV-C did not influence cytokine production or CD38-driven immune activation among these patients. Although our results do not exclude a protective effect of GBV-C in early HIV disease, they demonstrate that this effect may not be present in chronically infected patients, who represent the majority of patients in outpatient clinics.


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Background: Over the last two decades, mortality from coronary heart disease (CHD) and cerebrovascular disease (CVD) declined by about 30% in the European Union (EU). Design: We analyzed trends in CHD (X ICD codes: I20-I25) and CVD (X ICD codes: I60-I69) mortality in young adults (age 35-44 years) in the EU as a whole and in 12 selected European countries, over the period 1980-2007. Methods: Data were derived from the World Health Organization mortality database. With joinpoint regression analysis, we identified significant changes in trends and estimated average annual percent changes (AAPC). Results: CHD mortality rates at ages 35-44 years have decreased in both sexes since the 1980s for most countries, except for Russia (130/100,000 men and 24/100,000 women, in 2005-7). The lowest rates (around 9/100,000 men, 2/100,000 women) were in France, Italy and Sweden. In men, the steepest declines in mortality were in the Czech Republic (AAPC = -6.1%), the Netherlands (-5.2%), Poland (-4.5%), and England and Wales (-4.5%). Patterns were similar in women, though with appreciably lower rates. The AAPC in the EU was -3.3% for men (rate = 16.6/100,000 in 2005-7) and -2.1% for women (rate = 3.5/100,000). For CVD, Russian rates in 2005-7 were 40/100,000 men and 16/100,000 women, 5 to 10-fold higher than in most western European countries. The steepest declines were in the Czech Republic and Italy for men, in Sweden and the Czech Republic for women. The AAPC in the EU was -2.5% in both sexes, with steeper declines after the mid-late 1990s (rates = 6.4/100,000 men and 4.3/100,000 women in 2005-7). Conclusions: CHD and CVD mortality steadily declined in Europe, except in Russia, whose rates were 10 to 15-fold higher than those of France, Italy or Sweden. Hungary and Poland, and also Scotland, where CHD trends were less favourable than in other western European countries, also emerge as priorities for preventive interventions.


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Cette étude porte sur la recherche biomédicale en Suisse dans une perspective interprétative. Elle s'intéresse à l'usage que font les acteurs scientifiques et institutionnels de la catégorie «biomédical», à la signification qu'ils en donnent et aux processus de structuration de la recherche biomédicale autour de ces enjeux de catégorisation. Nous avons formulé l'hypothèse que le «biomédical» pouvait être considéré comme un label, à savoir une stratégie discursive de positionnement des acteurs, ou pouvait constituer un champ, à savoir un espace social de recherche fortement structuré. Pour pouvoir vérifier la validité de ces hypothèses, trois perspectives analytiques ont été retenues: topographie, discours et pratiques. Dans un premier temps, nous avons établi une topographie de la recherche biomédicale en repérant les acteurs (et leur appartenance disciplinaire) et les institutions qui s'associent au terme «biomédical», que ce soit pour décrire des institutions ou des projets de recherche. Les résultats de cette analyse offrent une première approximation d'un espace de la recherche en donnant une image d'un domaine peu unifié. Ainsi, l'usage de la catégorie «biomédical» dans les projets des chercheurs n'est pas le fait des seuls médecins et biologistes, mais également de représentants d'autres disciplines. La physique, la chimie et les sciences de l'ingénieur occupent ainsi également une place très importante dans cet espace de recherche. Puis, dans une perspective discursive, nous avons analysé le «biomédical» non seulement comme un label, mais également comme un objet-frontière permettant d'articuler différentes significations, de produire du sens là où des univers de recherche pourraient s'opposer, ou à coordonner des politiques qui ne l'étaient pas. L'analyse des différentes définitions du «biomédical» nous a confirmé l'existence d'un espace social marqué par une grande diversité disciplinaire, toutefois articulé autour d'un coeur médical et, plus particulièrement, d'une application médicale (potentielle ou actuelle). De plus, il ne semble pas y avoir de profondes luttes pour l'établissement de limites claires au «biomédical». Finalement, nous avons étudié les différentes activités de la production des savoirs (carrières, financement, collaboration, publication, etc.). Cette analyse a permis de comprendre que la diversité des définitions et des significations que les acteurs attribuent à la catégorie «biomédical» a aussi un ancrage dans la matérialité des réseaux sociotechniques dans lesquels les chercheurs s'inscrivent. Ces éléments confirment l'idée d'une fragmentation et d'une hétérogénéité de l'espace de la recherche biomédicale. En dépit de cette fragmentation, nous avons également montré que différentes mesures et instruments d'action publique visant à organiser et réguler les pratiques des chercheurs sont mis en oeuvre. Néanmoins et paradoxalement, la recherche biomédicale ne constitue pas pour autant un objet de politique scientifique abordé par les autorités politiques, en tous les cas pas sous l'angle de la catégorie «biomédical». Ces différents niveaux d'analyse ont permis d'arriver à la conclusion que la catégorie «biomédical» n'est pas suffisamment institutionnalisée et que le degré d'interaction entre l'ensemble des chercheurs qui en font usage est trop faible pour que l'on puisse considérer le «biomédical» comme un espace social fortement organisé et structuré, à savoir un champ de la recherche biomédicale. Cela est principalement lié au fait que les acteurs ne partagent pas les mêmes définitions de ce qu'est (ou devrait être) le «biomédical», que leurs pratiques de recherche s'inscrivent dans des univers relativement séparés, et que cette diversité ne donne pas lieu à de fortes luttes pour l'imposition d'une définition légitime ou de normes d'excellence scientifiques dominantes. Par contre, les analyses ont permis de confirmer la validité du «biomédical» comme label, puisque les acteurs se servent de cette catégorie pour valoriser leurs pratiques de recherche et se positionner, même si d'autres notions ont émergé ces dernières années («translationnel», «biotech», «medtech», médecine personnalisée, etc.). On peut, in fine, considérer le «biomédical» comme un probable langage commun («objet-frontière») reposant tant sur la scientificisation du médical que sur la médicalisation des sciences («de base» et «techniques »), visant à améliorer les conditions de possibilité d'un dialogue fructueux entre chercheurs fondamentaux et cliniciens.


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Inhibitory receptors mediate CD8 T-cell hyporesponsiveness against cancer and infectious diseases. PD-1 and CTLA-4 have been extensively studied, and blocking antibodies have already shown clinical benefit for cancer patients. Only little is known on extended co-expression of inhibitory receptors and their ligands. Here we analyzed the expression of eight inhibitory receptors by tumor-antigen specific CD8 T-cells. We found that the majority of effector T-cells simultaneously expressed four or more of the inhibitory receptors BTLA, TIM-3, LAG-3, KRLG-1, 2B4, CD160, PD-1 and CTLA-4. There were major differences depending on antigen-specificity, differentiation and anatomical localization of T-cells. On the other hand, naive T-cells were only single or double positive for BTLA and TIM-3. Extended co-expression is likely relevant for effector T-cells, as we found expression of multiple ligands in metastatic lesions of melanoma patients. Together, our data suggest that naive T-cells are primarily regulated by BTLA and TIM-3, whereas effector cells interact via larger numbers of inhibitory receptors. Blocking multiple inhibitory receptors simultaneously or sequentially may improve T-cell based therapies, but further studies are necessary to clarify the role of each receptor-ligand pair.


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Human immunodeficiency virus type 1 (HIV-positive) pregnant women require specific prophylactic and therapeutic approaches. The efficacy of established approaches is further challenged by co-infection with other sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). The objective of this study was to determine the prevalence of co-infections in pregnant women infected with different HIV-1 subtypes and to relate these findings, together with additional demographic and clinical parameters, to maternal and infant outcomes. Blood samples from pregnant women were collected and tested for syphilis, hepatitis B virus (HBV) and hepatitis C virus (HCV). Human papillomavirus (HPV) diagnosis was evaluated by the presence of alterations in the cervical epithelium detected through a cytopathological exam. Medical charts provided patient data for the mothers and children. Statistical analyses were conducted with STATA 9.0. We found a prevalence of 10.8% for HCV, 2.3% for chronic HBV, 3.1% for syphilis and 40.8% for HPV. Of those co-infected with HPV, 52.9% presented high-grade intraepithelial lesions or in situ carcinoma. Prematurity, birth weight, Apgar 1' and 5' and Capurro scores were similar between co-infected and non-co-infected women. The presence of other STDs did not impact maternal and concept outcomes. More than half of the patients presenting cervical cytology abnormalities suggestive of HPV had high-grade squamous intraepithelial lesions or cervical cancer, evidencing an alarming rate of these lesions.


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La tecnología actual ha permitido que en los últimos años la nanociencia y la nanotecnología sean puntos críticos en el desarrollo del conocimiento. En estos momentos se desarrollan sistemas de dimensiones nanométricas que son interesantes debido a sus potenciales aplicaciones en diferentes ámbitos como en química, física, biología, materiales, medicina, cosmética... Dentro de estos sistemas nanoscópicos se encuentran las nanopartículas, estructuras con un tamaño inferior a los 100nm de longitud. En esta clasificación existen a su vez diferentes categorías, como las nanopartículas metálicas, semiconductoras, magnéticas, etc. y es exactamente en esta última tipoogía donde se centra este estudio. Este proyecto de investigación desarrolla la síntesis de magnetita (Fe3O4), ferrita de cobalto (CoFe2O4) y ferrita de cobre (CuFe2O4) con la finalidad de utilizarlas como dopante en superconductores. El método sintético utilizado es del tipo solvotérmico y se lleva a cabo en trietilenglicol, el cual actúa a la vez como disolvente y como estabilizante de las nanopartículas. Las partículas así obtenidas son dispersables en medios polares como el etanol absoluto. Los precursores de este método sintético son los respectivos acetilacetonatos metálicos debido a que el ligando orgánico descompone en productos volátiles. Existen diferentes factores que afectan a la síntesis, tales como la velocidad de ascenso de la temperatura, la agitación, la presencia de agua, la temperatura de descomposición de los precursores, etc. Algunos de estos factores han sido estudiados con detalle y aplicados con tal de optimizar el método experimental. Las nanopartículas sintetizadas han sido analizadas mediante diversas técnicas físicas con tal de establecer diferentes parámetros, tales como su composición fnal, su pureza, su estructura, sus propiedades magnéticas, etc. Estas técnicas son diversas: desde la espectroscopia infrarroja hasta medidas mediante SQUID, pasando por rayos X, microscopía electrónica y termogravimetría. Los resultados han sido favorables en la síntesis de la magnetita y también en la ferrita de cobalto, ya que las nanopartículas obtenidas son homogéneas, fácilmente dispersables en algoholes, estables por largos períodos de teimpo, rápidas de sintetizar, etc. El único problema observado ha sido la síntesis de ferrita de cobre la cual se ha de optimizar, ya que el producto final ha resultado ser una mezcla de tres compuesto diferentes.


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Esta memoria de investigación es producto del trabajo experimental que se realizó con resinas de intercambio iónico para la síntesis intermatricial de nanopartículas metálicas de Co y Pd. Los estudios que se realizaron correspondieron a la iniciación en esta modalidad de síntesis de nanopartículas. En ellos se contemplaron las propiedades intrínsecas de la resina como: la capacidad de intercambio iónico, y funcionalidad química, tanto antes como después de la síntesis. Uno de los objetivos es que la resina no pierda ninguna de sus propiedades originales, sino que gane más versatilidad. La importancia que tienen en la actualidad los materiales nanométricos inspira a su modificación y nuevas formas de producción. Con esta investigación se inicia el trabajo de cara a los estudios doctorales. Aquí se estudia la aplicación de las nanopartículas de paladio y cobalto soportadas en resinas de intercambio iónico. Las nanopartículas de paladio tienen aplicación en el área de catálisis, y en su síntesis intermatricial, se consigue un catalizador heterogéneo, que brinda gran facilidad de recuperarlo y proceder con varios ciclos catalíticos. Así mismo, con el cobalto se pretendió otorgar propiedades ferromagnéticas, de manera que el proceso de separación de la resina de los medios de reacción, sea tan fácil como la aplicación de un campo magnético o pasar un imán sobre el lugar en cuestión.


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In this cross-sectional study, mycobacteria specimens from 189 tuberculosis (TB) patients living in an urban area in Brazil were characterised from 2008-2010 using phenotypic and molecular speciation methods (pncA gene and oxyR pseudogene analysis). Of these samples, 174 isolates simultaneously grew on Löwenstein-Jensen (LJ) and Stonebrink (SB)-containing media and presented phenotypic and molecular profiles of Mycobacterium tuberculosis, whereas 12 had molecular profiles of M. tuberculosis based on the DNA analysis of formalin-fixed paraffin wax-embedded tissue samples (paraffin blocks). One patient produced two sputum isolates, the first of which simultaneously grew on LJ and SB media and presented phenotypic and molecular profiles of M. tuberculosis, and the second of which only grew on SB media and presented phenotypic profiles of Mycobacterium bovis. One patient provided a bronchial lavage isolate, which simultaneously grew on LJ and SB media and presented phenotypic and molecular profiles of M. tuberculosis, but had molecular profiles of M. bovis from paraffin block DNA analysis, and one sample had molecular profiles of M. tuberculosis and M. bovis identified from two distinct paraffin blocks. Moreover, we found a low prevalence (1.6%) of M. bovis among these isolates, which suggests that local health service procedures likely underestimate its real frequency and that it deserves more attention from public health officials.


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To evaluate whether environmental heterogeneity contributes to the genetic heterogeneity in Anopheles triannulatus, larval habitat characteristics across the Brazilian states of Roraima and Pará and genetic sequences were examined. A comparison with Anopheles goeldii was utilised to determine whether high genetic diversity was unique to An. triannulatus. Student t test and analysis of variance found no differences in habitat characteristics between the species. Analysis of population structure of An. triannulatus and An. goeldii revealed distinct demographic histories in a largely overlapping geographic range. Cytochrome oxidase I sequence parsimony networks found geographic clustering for both species; however nuclear marker networks depicted An. triannulatus with a more complex history of fragmentation, secondary contact and recent divergence. Evidence of Pleistocene expansions suggests both species are more likely to be genetically structured by geographic and ecological barriers than demography. We hypothesise that niche partitioning is a driving force for diversity, particularly in An. triannulatus.


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Background: The interaction between lipid disturbances and inflammatory markers is not well known in patients on antiretroviral therapy (ART). As nevirapine (NVP) is associated with a better lipid profile than efavirenz (EFV), we investigated the relationships between lipid profiles, lipoprotein subclasses and inflammatory biomarkers in patients with prolonged viral suppression with either NVP or EFV and no obvious clinical inflammation. Methods: 122 clinically stable HIV-infected patients with HIV-1 RNA <20 copies longer than 6 months on NNRTI therapy were studied. 72 (59%) were on EFV and 50 (41%) on NVP. Any potentially inflammatory co-morbid diseases (concurrent viral hepatitis, diabetes, hypertension, chronic liver or renal diseases), or statin treatment, were exclusion criteria. Inflammatory biomarkers included hsCRP, LpPLA2, sCD40L, IL-6, IL-8, t-PA, MCP-1, p-selectin and VCAM-1. Lipoprotein subclass measures (VLDL, LDL, IDL and HDL particle number and size) were obtained by the use of proton nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy. Results: 82% were male; median age 45 years. Median CD4 count 550/μL (IQR 324). Median time since HIV diagnosis 96 months (IQR 102) and accumulated time on ART 50 months (IQR 101). Patients on NVP had higher time since HIV diagnosis (126.9 [66.7] vs 91.3 [6.6] months, p=0.008) a prolonged time on ART (89.6 [54.6] vs 62.3 [52.2] months, p=0.01) and were older (47.7 vs 40.7 years, p=0.001) than those on EFV. NVP-treated patients presented increased HDL-c (55.8 [16] vs 48.8 [10.7] mg/dL, p=0.007) and apoA1 levels (153.4 [31.9] vs 141.5 [20.5] mg/dL, p=0.02), and reduced apoB/apoA1 ratio (0.68 [0.1] vs 0.61 [0.1], p=0.003) than EFV-treated patients. No differences in inflammatory markers or lipoprotein subclasses were found between NVP and EFV. In patients with extreme lipid values (less favorable: 75th percentiles of LDL, small/dense LDLp and small HDLp, or more favorable: HDL p75 and apoB/apoA1 ratio p25), no consistent differences in inflammatory biomarkers were found. Conclusions: Patients with prolonged viral suppression on NVP present significantly higher HDL and apoA1 levels and reduced apoB/apoA1 ratios than those on EFV, but no differences were found in lipoprotein particles nor inflammatory biomarkers. Relationships between lipid parameters and inflammatory biomarkers in NNRTItreated patients are complex and do not show a linear relationship in this study.


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ABSTRACTThe Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man database (OMIM) reports about 3000 Mendelian diseases of known causal gene and about 2000 that remain to be mapped. These cases are often difficult to solve because of the rareness of the disease, the structure of the family (too big or too small) or the heterogeneity of the phenotype. The goal of this thesis is to explore the current genetic tools, before the advent of ultra high throughput sequencing, and integrate them in the attempt to map the genes behind the four studied cases. In this framework we have studied a small family with a recessive disease, a modifier gene for the penetrance of a dominant mutation, a large extended family with a cardiac phenotype and clinical and/or allelic heterogeneity and we have molecularly analyzed a balanced chromosomal translocation.RESUMELa base de données des maladies à transmission mendélienne, Online Mendelian Inheritance in Man (OMIM), contient environ 3000 affections à caractère mendélien pour lesquelles le gène responsable est connu et environ 2000 qui restent à élucider.Les cas restant à résoudre sont souvent difficiles soit par le caractère intrinsèquement rare de ces maladies soit à cause de difficultés structurelles (famille trop petite ou trop étendue) ou hétérogénéité du phénotype ou génétique. Cette thèse s'inscrit avant l'arrivée des nouveaux outils de séquençage à haut débit. Son but est d'explorer les outils génétiques actuels, et de les intégrer pour trouver les gènes impliqués dans quatre cas représentant chacun une situation génétique différente : nous avons étudié une famille de quatre individus avec une transmission récessive, recherché un gène modificateur de la pénétrance de mutations dominantes, étudié une famille étendue présentant un phénotype cardiaque cliniquement et/ou allèliquement hétérogène et nous avons fait l'analyse moléculaire d'une translocation chromosomique balancée.


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BACKGROUND AND AIMS Several studies have reported that a significant number of HIV patients not co-infected with HCV/HBV develop liver damage of uncertain origin (LDUO). The objective of our study was to evaluate the incidence of and risk factors for the development of LDUO in HIV infected patients not co-infected with HCV/HBV. METHODS Prospective longitudinal study that included HIV-infected patients free of previous liver damage and viral hepatitis B or C co-infections. Patients were followed up at 6-monthly intervals. Liver stiffness was measured at each visit. Abnormal liver stiffness (ALS) was defined as a liver stiffness value greater than 7.2 kPa at two consecutive measurements. For patients who developed ALS, a protocol was followed to diagnose the cause of liver damage. Those patients who could not be diagnosed with any specific cause of liver disease were diagnosed as LDUO and liver biopsy was proposed. RESULTS 210 patients matched the inclusion criteria and were included. 198 patients completed the study. After a median (Q1-Q3) follow-up of 18 (IQR 12-26) months, 21 patients (10.6%) developed ALS. Of these, fifteen patients were diagnosed as LDUO. The incidence of LDUO was 7.64 cases/100 patient-years. Histological studies were performed on ten (66.6%) patients and all showed liver steatosis. A higher HOMA-IR value and body mass index were independently associated with the development of LDUO. CONCLUSION We found a high incidence of LDUO in HIV-infected patients associated with metabolic risk factors. The leading cause of LDUO in our study was non-alcoholic fatty liver disease.