887 resultados para maladie de Parkinson
Parkinson's disease is a complex heterogeneous disorder with urgent need for disease-modifying therapies. Progress in successful therapeutic approaches for PD will require an unprecedented level of collaboration. At a workshop hosted by Parkinson's UK and co-organized by Critical Path Institute's (C-Path) Coalition Against Major Diseases (CAMD) Consortiums, investigators from industry, academia, government and regulatory agencies agreed on the need for sharing of data to enable future success. Government agencies included EMA, FDA, NINDS/NIH and IMI (Innovative Medicines Initiative). Emerging discoveries in new biomarkers and genetic endophenotypes are contributing to our understanding of the underlying pathophysiology of PD. In parallel there is growing recognition that early intervention will be key for successful treatments aimed at disease modification. At present, there is a lack of a comprehensive understanding of disease progression and the many factors that contribute to disease progression heterogeneity. Novel therapeutic targets and trial designs that incorporate existing and new biomarkers to evaluate drug effects independently and in combination are required. The integration of robust clinical data sets is viewed as a powerful approach to hasten medical discovery and therapies, as is being realized across diverse disease conditions employing big data analytics for healthcare. The application of lessons learned from parallel efforts is critical to identify barriers and enable a viable path forward. A roadmap is presented for a regulatory, academic, industry and advocacy driven integrated initiative that aims to facilitate and streamline new drug trials and registrations in Parkinson's disease.
For the treatment and monitoring of Parkinson's disease (PD) to be scientific, a key requirement is that measurement of disease stages and severity is quantitative, reliable, and repeatable. The last 50 years in PD research have been dominated by qualitative, subjective ratings obtained by human interpretation of the presentation of disease signs and symptoms at clinical visits. More recently, “wearable,” sensor-based, quantitative, objective, and easy-to-use systems for quantifying PD signs for large numbers of participants over extended durations have been developed. This technology has the potential to significantly improve both clinical diagnosis and management in PD and the conduct of clinical studies. However, the large-scale, high-dimensional character of the data captured by these wearable sensors requires sophisticated signal processing and machine-learning algorithms to transform it into scientifically and clinically meaningful information. Such algorithms that “learn” from data have shown remarkable success in making accurate predictions for complex problems in which human skill has been required to date, but they are challenging to evaluate and apply without a basic understanding of the underlying logic on which they are based. This article contains a nontechnical tutorial review of relevant machine-learning algorithms, also describing their limitations and how these can be overcome. It discusses implications of this technology and a practical road map for realizing the full potential of this technology in PD research and practice. © 2016 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.
The miniaturization, sophistication, proliferation, and accessibility of technologies are enabling the capture of more and previously inaccessible phenomena in Parkinson's disease (PD). However, more information has not translated into a greater understanding of disease complexity to satisfy diagnostic and therapeutic needs. Challenges include noncompatible technology platforms, the need for wide-scale and long-term deployment of sensor technology (among vulnerable elderly patients in particular), and the gap between the "big data" acquired with sensitive measurement technologies and their limited clinical application. Major opportunities could be realized if new technologies are developed as part of open-source and/or open-hardware platforms that enable multichannel data capture sensitive to the broad range of motor and nonmotor problems that characterize PD and are adaptable into self-adjusting, individualized treatment delivery systems. The International Parkinson and Movement Disorders Society Task Force on Technology is entrusted to convene engineers, clinicians, researchers, and patients to promote the development of integrated measurement and closed-loop therapeutic systems with high patient adherence that also serve to (1) encourage the adoption of clinico-pathophysiologic phenotyping and early detection of critical disease milestones, (2) enhance the tailoring of symptomatic therapy, (3) improve subgroup targeting of patients for future testing of disease-modifying treatments, and (4) identify objective biomarkers to improve the longitudinal tracking of impairments in clinical care and research. This article summarizes the work carried out by the task force toward identifying challenges and opportunities in the development of technologies with potential for improving the clinical management and the quality of life of individuals with PD. © 2016 International Parkinson and Movement Disorder Society.
Szerte Európában az öregedő társadalom problémájával nézünk szembe. Ezzel függ össze a növekvő Parkinson-esetszám (Magyarországon megközelítőleg 20 000 beteg él ezzel a betegséggel), és az egyre nagyobb igény az idősödéssel összefüggő egészségügyi kiadásokra. Egyre fontosabb szerephez jut a költségtudatos egészségügyi gondoskodás. A betegségteher felmérések ezt igyekszenek alátámasztani. Keresztmetszeti kérdőíves vizsgálatot végeztünk a SE Neurológiai Klinika Parkinson-kórral élő betegein, életminőséget (EQ-5D és PDQ-39 kérdőívekkel) és a betegség költségeit (indirekt és direkt) vizsgálva. Az eredmények szerint a betegséggel összefüggő költségek jelentősek, 3 509 310 Ft/beteg/év, és a betegség jelentős életminőség csökkenést okoz. Tanulmányunkban a 2008 őszén elkezdett kutatást szeretnénk bemutatni, ismertetni a módszertant és az eredményeket, összevetve nemzetközi adatokkal.
Parkinson disease (PD) is associated with motor symptoms and dopaminergic cell loss in the nigrostriatal pathway. Alpha-synuclein is the major component of the Lewy bodies, the biological hallmarks of disease, and has been associated with familial cases of PD. Recently, the spinal cord stimulation (SCS) showed to be effective to alleviate the Parkinson symptoms in animal models and human patients. In this project, we characterized the motor and electrophysiological effects of alpha-synuclein overexpression in the substantia nigra of rats. We further investigated the effects of spinal electrical stimulation, AMPT and L-dopa administration in this model. Method: Sprague-Dawley rats were injected with empty viral vector or the vector carrying the gene for alpha-synuclein in the substantia nigra, and were tested weekly for 10 weeks in the open field and cylinder tests. A separated group of animals implanted with bilateral electrode arrays in the motor cortex and the striatum were recorded in the open field, during the SCS sessions and the pharmacological experiments. Results: Alpha-synuclein expression resulted in motor asymmetry, observed as the reduction in use of contralateral forepaw in the cylinder test. Animals showed an increase of local field potential activity in beta band three and four weeks after the virus injection, that was not evident after the 5th week. AMPT resulted in a sever parkinsonian state, with reduction in the locomotor activity and significant peak of oscillatory activity in cortex and striatum. SCS was effective to alleviate the motor asymmetry at long term, but did not reduce the corticostriatal low frequency oscillations observed 24 hs after the AMPT administration. These oscillations were attenuated by L-dopa that, even as SCS, was not effective to restore the locomotor activity during the severe dopaminergic depletion period. Discussion: The alpha-synuclein model reproduces the motor impairment and the progressive neurodegenerative process of PD. We demonstrated, by the first time, that this model also presents the increase in low frequency oscillatory activity in the corticostriatal circuit, compatible with parkinsonian condition; and that SCS has a therapeutic effect on motor symptom of this model.
Neurodegenerative diseases are frequently studied due to the increasing number of cases associated with the populational ageing and to the impact on the conditions on the quality of life. Parkinson’s disease (DP) is the second most frequent neurodegenerative disease. Despite the fact that its etiology is not completely understood, it is known that DP is caused by environmental and genetic factors. Thus, the investigation of etiologic factors and mechanisms responsible for the changes that lead to DP may help early diagnostic and prevention. A possible association between DP and the common polymorphism of Brain Derived Neurotrophic Factor (BDNF) G196A (Val66Met) has been suggested by different studies with contrasting results. For this reason, the aim of this study is to investigate if the BDNF Val66Met polymorphism is related to susceptibility to DP in a cohort of Brazilian patients. Additionaly, we verify if the presence of the polymorphism implies in alterations in the BDNF whole blood concentrations, as well as variations in symptomatology. The sample comprised Brazilian patients accompanied by the neurology service of the Onofre Lopes University Hospital (HUOL) and healthy controls (CTRL). The motor aspects of DP were evaluated by Hoehn e Yahr Scale (HY), Unified Parkinson’s Disease Rating Scale (UPDRS) and Schwab & England Scale (SE). For the evaluation of non-motor symptoms were used the following instruments: Frontal Assessment Battery (BAF), Mini-Mental State Examination (MEEM), Beck Depression Inventory (IDB) and the Beck Anxiety Inventory (IAB). Blood samples were collected for BDNF Val66Met polymorphism genotyping and BDNF whole blood measurement. As expected, DP patients performed worse in motor, cognitive and emotional battery of questionnaires. Alleles distribution between DP and CTRL was not significantly different, but the A/G genotype was significantly associated with a protector factor for DP. In contrast, the G/G genotype was significantly associated with depression and anxiety development in DP patients. However, BDNF concentrations were not different between genotypes or groups. This is the first study of genetic association of this polymorphism with DP in Brazilian subjects and the first one that associate A/G genotype with protection against DP.
La enfermedad de Parkinson (EP) es una enfermedad progresiva, crónica e incapacitante cuyos síntomas principales son el temblor de reposo, la rigidez y la bradicinesia, apareciendo en el transcurso del tiempo la inestabilidad postural. Las alteraciones cognitivas y del estado de ánimo son otra de las características de esta enfermedad, pudiendo constituir una de sus complicaciones más incapacitantes. Ni el deterioro cognitivo leve (DCL) ni la demencia (D-EP) son fáciles de definir ni de evaluar. Algunos autores describen el DCL como una fase premórbida de la demencia (Pigott et al, 2015) aunque no todos los pacientes evolucionan a D-EP. La prevalencia de la D-EP es de 20-40% (Aarsland, Anderson et al, 2001), siendo algunos de los factores de riesgo la edad avanzada al diagnóstico, los síntomas motores más graves, sobre todo los relacionados con el trastorno de la marcha y la inestabilidad postural, el deterioro cognitivo leve, la depresión, el déficit temprano en fluidez verbal, la aparición de alucinaciones o la escasa respuesta al tratamiento con levodopa (Emre, 2003). El perfil de demencia en la EP es de tipo frontosubcortical, con déficits en las funciones atencionales y ejecutivas, mnésicas, visoespaciales, la fluidez verbal y las praxias...
Acknowledgments We thank Dr Daan Velseboer for providing additional unpublished data for this review. We thank Dr Lorna Aucott for her comments on a draft of this paper. We are grateful for funding for this study from the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government (Clinical Academic Fellowship CAF/12/05) and from Parkinson’s UK (Grant Number G-1302).
Acknowledgments We thank Dr Daan Velseboer for providing additional unpublished data for this review. We thank Dr Lorna Aucott for her comments on a draft of this paper. We are grateful for funding for this study from the Chief Scientist Office of the Scottish Government (Clinical Academic Fellowship CAF/12/05) and from Parkinson’s UK (Grant Number G-1302).
Acknowledgements We thank all the participants who took part, the research fellows (Kate Taylor, Robert Caslake, David McGhee, Angus Macleod) and nurses (Clare Harris, Joanna Gordon, Anne Hayman, Hazel Forbes) who helped assess the participants, and the study secretaries (Susan Kilpatrick, Pam Rebecca) and data management team (Katie Wilde, David Ritchie). The PINE study was funded by the BMA Doris Hillier award, Parkinson's UK, the RS McDonald Trust, NHS Grampian Endowments, SPRING and the BUPA Foundation. None of the funders had any influence in the study design, the collection, analysis and interpretation of the data, the writing of the report or the decision to submit the article for publication.
Diverses publications soulignent l'augmentation de l'espérance de vie et avec elle, le vieillissement mondial de la population. Ce processus se poursuivra à l'avenir, ainsi que son influence sur l’incidence et la prévalence de l'incapacité. Chez les personnes âgées, l’incapacité, les maladies chroniques et leur association constituent un sujet important dans le domaine de la santé publique en raison de l'effet qu'ils ont sur la demande des services de santé. Le but de ce mémoire est d’examiner quelle est la contribution respective des maladies chroniques et de l'incapacité dans l'utilisation des services de santé chez les personnes âgées et de leur interaction. Il s’agit de savoir si l'association entre la maladie chronique et l'utilisation des services de santé est modifiée par l’incapacité prenant en compte les caractéristiques de l'individu et son environnement. Ce travail est basé sur le modèle comportemental proposé par Andersen et Newman et le modèle du processus d’incapacité de Verbrugge et Jette. Pour répondre à l’objectif, nous utilisons les données du projet de recherche “ FRéLE ” (Fragilité, une étude longitudinale de ses expressions), réalisé durant la période 2010 -2013 auprès d’un échantillon de 1643 personnes âgées vivant dans la communauté au Québec. L’incapacité est évaluée à l’aide de deux indicateurs : les AVQ et les AVD. Les maladies chroniques sont mesurées par l’indice fonctionnel de comorbidité (IFC). La dépression est évaluée selon les critères de l’échelle de dépression gériatrique (EDG). L’état cognitif est mesuré par l'évaluation cognitive de Montréal (MoCA). Les facteurs de prédisposition comportent l’âge, le sexe, l’ethnicité et le niveau scolaire. Les facteurs facilitateurs incluent le revenu et le réseau social, ce dernier étant mesure par la présence ou non d’une personne de soutien et son lien avec la personne âgée. Divers modèles de régression sont adoptés pour identifier les facteurs statistiquement significatifs du modèle comportemental d’Andersen et Newman et du modèle du processus d’incapacité de Verbrugge et Jette. Nos résultats ont montré que, si le rôle des prédicteurs de l’utilisation varie en fonction du type de services de santé utilisé, l’utilisation s’accroît principalement avec le nombre de maladies chroniques. En ce qui concerne l’interaction entre la maladie chronique et l’incapacité, nos résultats ont révélé que l’interaction n’est statistiquement significative pour aucun des services analysés. Compte tenu de la diversité et les besoins de la population âgée, caractérisée par une prévalence élevée de maladies chroniques et d'incapacités, l’étude des facteurs impliqués dans l'utilisation des services de santé sera utile pour la mise en œuvre d’une offre de services, plus conforme aux besoins de cette population
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