895 resultados para low-phonon-energy glasses
An interferometric technique was used to determine the temperature coefficient of the optical path length (dS/dT) as a function of the temperature in several optical glasses. The temperature range was between 25degreesC and 180degreesC. The studied samples included undoped and doped oxide glasses, such as low silica calcium aluminosilicate, phosphates, borates and also chalcogenides. The oxide glasses had dS/dT between 10 X 10(-6) K-1 and 20x10(-6) K-1, while for the chalcogenides, these were around 70 x 10(-6)K(-1). The results showed that dS/dTs increased with the temperature in all samples. For samples doped with Nd the dS/dT values were found to be independent of concentration. on the other hand, for the phosphate glass doped with Cr, dS/dT increased about 5% when compared with the Nd doped one. In conclusion, the used interferometric method, which is a considerably simpler and a lower cost technique, and is a useful tool to measure dS/dT in semi-transparent glasses as a function of the composition and temperature. (C) 2004 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Potassium aluminum phosphate (KAP) glasses in the system xKPO(3)-(100-x)AI(PO3)3 with x = 10, 30 and 50 mol% were prepared in the metaphosphate composition. The glasses were doped with MnO2 and their thermoluminescent (TL) response was investigated. Raman spectra showed that these glasses did not undergo structural changes with the substitution of manganese ions. The glass composition x = 50 mol% doped with 1.0 mol% of MnO2 presented the best TL response. The material displayed good sensitivity for gamma-rays, X-rays and UV light. The emission curves exhibited two TL peaks, one at a low temperature (similar to 150 degrees C) and the other at a high temperature (similar to 365 degrees C), whose positions were dependent on the type of exciting radiation applied. The results of the present study indicated that the high temperature peak is a good candidate for TL dosimetric investigations. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Nucleation process and crystal growth for three samples of the (20-x)Li(2)O-80TeO(2)-xWO(3) glass system were studied using X-ray diffraction and differential scanning calorimetry techniques. X-ray diffraction data confirmed the amorphous characteristic of the as-quenched samples and indicated the growth of crystalline phases formed due to the thermal treatment for annealed samples. These results reveal the presence of three distinct gamma-TeO(2), alpha-TeO(2) and alpha-Li(2)Te(2)O(5) crystalline phases in the TL sample, and two distinct alpha-TeO(2) and gamma-TeO(2) crystalline phases in the TLW5 and TLW10 samples. The activation energy and the Avrami exponent were determined from DSC measurements. The activation energy values X-ray diffraction data of the TLW10 glass sample suggest that gamma-TeO(2) phase occur before the alpha-TeO(2). The results obtained for the Avrami exponent point to that the nucleation process is volumetric and that the crystal growth is two or three-dimensional.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
OBJETIVO: Testar os efeitos de uma dieta com baixo teor de gordura comparada a uma dieta com gordura de babaçu sobre o estado nutricional em ratos jovens com colestase obstrutiva. MÉTODOS: Submetemos 40 ratos divididos em quatro grupos de 10 animais a partir do P21 (21º dia pós-natal) até o P49 a dois dos seguintes tratamentos: ligadura e ressecção do ducto biliar comum ou operação simulada e dieta com baixo teor de gordura (óleo de milho fornecendo 4,5% da quantidade total de calorias) ou dieta com gordura de babaçu (essa gordura fornecendo 32,7% e óleo de milho fornecendo 1,7% da quantidade total de calorias). Foi mensurado o ganho de peso a cada 4 dias do P25 ao P49. A função de crescimento de Verhulst foi ajustada aos valores de ganho de peso. A velocidade e a aceleração de crescimento nos mesmos momentos foram estimadas usando a mesma equação. Foram mensurados: quantidade de ração ingerida e ingestão energética total do P21 ao P49, utilização de energia do P25 ao P49, gordura absorvida e balanço de nitrogênio (BN) do P42 ao P49. A ANOVA com dois fatores e o método de S.N.K para comparações pareadas foram utilizados para estudar os efeitos, sobre as variáveis, da colestase e das dietas e sua interação (p<0,05). RESULTADOS: em ratos com colestase e dieta com baixo teor de gordura, houve maior velocidade de crescimento no P45, maior aceleração de crescimento no P41 e P45, maior utilização de energia, maior percentual de gordura absorvida e maior BN do que em ratos com colestase e dieta com gordura de babaçu. CONCLUSÃO: A dieta com baixo teor de gordura atenua a restrição de crescimento provocada pela colestase e proporciona melhor aproveitamento da dieta e maior incorporação da proteína ingerida do que a dieta com gordura de babaçu.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)
The interaction between dietary energy restriction and low dose of the fungicide hexachlorobenzene (HCB) was evaluated in a rat liver medium-term bioassay for carcinogenesis. Male Wistar rats were fed a control or a 50% energy-restricted diet, both added or not with 50 ppm HCB, for 6 weeks. HCB exposure or energy restriction separately did not exert any influence on the development of glutathione S-transferase placental form (GST-P+) foci of hepatocytes. Simultaneous HCB exposure and energy restriction induced a significant increase in liver centrilobular hypertrophy and GST-P+ foci development. Our findings suggest that energy restriction increases liver response to low dose of HCB, unmasking the promoting potential of this fungicide. (C) 2000 Elsevier B.V. Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
This study evaluated the effects of strain, stocking density and dietary energy level on the feathering of broiler chickens. Four trials were carried out between September 2000 and April 2002. There were 10,685 broiler chicks from the strains Ross 308, Cobb 500, Hybro PG, Hubbard, MPK, and Isa Vedette. The bids were reared at stocking densities varying between 10 and 16 birds/m² and were given diets containing different metabolizable energy levels. Broiler feathering was evaluated either by atrributing scores from 1 to 10 to feather covering along the thigh and back (visual inspection), or by determining the percentage weight of the feathers at 28 and 42 days of age. Increasing rearing densities resulted in poorer feathering, mainly if 12 or 13 birds/m² were compared with 16 birds/m². The strains showed different feathering; it was better in Cobb 500 and MPK birds, whereas Hubbard birds showed poorer feathering, mostly along the back. The energy level in the diet has also affected feathering scores. Medium energy level resulted in better feathering along the back at 28 days, and the low level, in better feathering along the thigh at 35 days of age. Finally, feather scores were better in females than in males.
Objective: The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of low-level laser therapy (LLLT) on wound healing process and pain levels after premolar extraction in adolescents. Background data: The advantage of using LLLT in oral surgeries is the reduction of inflammation and postoperative discomfort; however, the optimal dosing parameters and treatment effects in surgical procedures are inconclusive. Methods: A double-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial was conducted with 14 patients who were to undergo surgical removal of premolars. Patients were randomly allocated to the LLLT (test) group and placebo (control) group. Patients in the test group received 5.1 J (60 J/cm(2)) of energy density of a gallium-aluminum-arsenide (GaAlAs) diode laser (wavelength, 830 nm; output power, 0.1 W) at three different points intraorally, 1 cm from the target tissue immediately and at 48 and 72 h after the surgical procedure. For patients in the placebo group, the laser device was applied to the same points without activating the hand piece. The wound healing process was evaluated by an independent examiner by visual inspection with the support of digital photographs at baseline and 2, 7, and 15 days postoperatively. Patients recorded the degree of pain using the visual analogue scale (VAS). Results: Compared with the placebo group, the test group showed a lower intensity of pain, but this difference was not statistically significant at any time point. The wound healing process was similar in both groups. Conclusions: Within the limitations of this study, the LLLT parameters used neither increased the wound healing process nor significantly decreased pain intensity after premolar extraction in adolescents.
The influence of daily energy doses of 0.03, 0.3 and 0.9 J of He-Ne laser irradiation on the repair of surgically produced tibia damage was investigated in Wistar rats. Laser treatment was initiated 24 h after the trauma and continued daily for 7 or 14 days in two groups of nine rats (n=3 per laser dose and period). Two control groups (n=9 each) with injured tibiae were used. The course of healing was monitored using morphometrical analysis of the trabecular area. The organization of collagen fibers in the bone matrix and the histology of the tissue were evaluated using Picrosirius-polarization method and Masson's trichrome. After 7 days, there was a significant increase in the area of neoformed trabeculae in tibiae irradiated with 0.3 and 0.9 J compared to the controls. At a daily dose of 0.9 J (15 min of irradiation per day) the 7-day group showed a significant increase in trabecular bone growth compared to the 14-day group. However, the laser irradiation at the daily dose of 0.3 J produced no significant decrease in the trabecular area of the 14-day group compared to the 7-day group, but there was significant increase in the trabecular area of the 15-day controls compared to the 8-day controls. Irradiation increased the number of hypertrophic osteoclasts compared to non-irradiated injured tibiae (controls) on days 8 and 15. The Picrosirius-polarization method revealed bands of parallel collagen fibers (parallel-fibered bone) at the repair site of 14-day-irradiated tibiae, regardless of the dose. This organization improved when compared to 7-day-irradiated tibiae and control tibiae. These results show that low-level laser therapy stimulated the growth of the trabecular area and the concomitant invasion of osteoclasts during the first week, and hastened the organization of matrix collagen (parallel alignment of the fibers) in a second phase not seen in control, non-irradiated tibiae at the same period. The active osteoclasts that invaded the regenerating site were probably responsible for the decrease in trabecular area by the fourteenth day of irradiation. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
OBJETIVO: Determinar a influência do Laser Terapêutico de Baixa Potência sobre a placa de crescimento de ratos. MÉTODOS: Trinta ratos Wistar machos com 40 dias de idade foram divididos em dois grupos, G1 e G2. O grupo G1 foi submetido à irradiação com laser GaAlAs 830 nm, potência de saída de 40 mW, e densidade de energia de 10 J/cm2. A irradiação foi aplicada diariamente por um período máximo de 21 dias. O mesmo procedimento foi realizado no grupo G2, com a probe desativada. Cinco animais em cada grupo foram sacrificados nos dias 7, 14 e 21 e submetidas à análise histomorfométrica. RESULTADOS: em ambos os grupos, o disco fisário esteve radiograficamente visível em todos os momentos nas incidências craniocaudal e médio-lateral. No 21º dia a porcentagem de comprimento longitudinal do fêmur foi maior em G1 que em G2 em relação ao valor basal, e o número de condrócitos da zona hipertrófica foi maior em G1 que em G2. A zona de cartilagem calcificada estava maior em G1 em relação a G2 em todos os momentos de avaliação. A angiogênese foi maior em G1 que em G2 nos 14º e 21º dias. CONCLUSÃO: A terapia com laser terapêutico de baixa potência influenciou negativamente o disco fisário distal do fêmur de ratos.
Anuran amphibians exhibit different patterns of energy substrate utilization that correlate with the intensity of vocal and locomotor activities. Given the remarkable differences among species in breeding and feeding strategies, and the different ways energy is used in the whole animal, the suggested correlations between calling and locomotor behavior and the level of energy substrates in the muscles responsible for such activities are more complex than previously reported. We explored the relationships between calling and locomotor behavior and energy supply to trunk and hindlimb muscles, respectively, within the ecologically diverse tree-frog genus Scinax. Specifically, we measured the relative amount of carbohydrates and lipids in these two groups of muscles, and in the liver of three species of Scinax that differ in vocal and locomotor performance, and compared our results with those of two other species for which comparable data are available. We also compared the contents of lipids and carbohydrates of conspecific males collected at the beginning and after 4 h of calling activity. The stomach content to potential feeding opportunities across species was also assessed in both groups of males. Scinax hiemalis and S. rizibilis exhibit comparatively low and episodic calling during long periods of activity whereas S. crospedospilus calls at higher rates over shorter periods. Male S. hiemalis had highest levels of trunk muscle glycogen followed by those of S. rizilbilis and S. crospedospilus, respectively. There was no correlation between total lipid content in trunk muscle and calling rate among different species, suggesting that other metabolic aspects may be responsible for the energetic support for vocal activity. The levels of lipids and carbohydrates in trunk and hindlimb muscles and liver of males collected at the beginning and 4 h into the calling period were similar across species, so the extent of energetic reserves does not appear to constrain vocal or locomotor activity. Finally, we found exceptionally high levels of carbohydrates and lipids in the liver of S. rizibilis, a trait perhaps related to a long and demanding breeding period.
Jararhagin is a metalloproteinase from Bothrops jararaca responsible for hemorrhage, inflammation, necrosis and edema. Effects of low doses of the toxin were analyzed on the energy metabolism of mice as well as its physiological implications. Measures of O-2 consumption (VO2) were quantified after 4 and 24 h of the jarathagin administration during four weeks. Hematocrit and histology of the lungs were also analyzed after the end of the treatment. Results showed that animals that received subcutaneous doses of jararhagin had significant increase in VO2 from second (120 ng) and third weeks (60 ng) after 4 and 24 h, comparing to control, as well as in the number of erythrocytes after four weeks. Histology of the lungs showed interstitial edema within the alveolar septum. Results suggest that the jararhagin toxin caused an increase in VO2 and edema of intra-alveolar septum. The increase of the erythrocytes could be a physiological response to adjust the higher necessity of oxygen, due to diffusional abnormalities caused by the edema. Thus, low doses of jararhagin promote endothelial edema which lead to changes in several physiological conditions. (c) 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
INTRODUÇÃO: A solução cardioplégica farmacológica busca eliminar as conseqüências do dano isquêmico, que é o resultado do desbalanço entre a oferta e o consumo de energia durante a parada dos batimentos cardíacos, nas cirurgias cardíacas com circulação extracorpórea. OBJETIVO: Este trabalho avalia experimentalmente as alterações estruturais e ultra-estruturais em coração isolado de coelhos submetidos à parada protegida pela Solução para Cardioplegia de Baixo Volume (SCBV). MÉTODO: O estudo compreendeu um grupo controle e dois grupos experimentais. No grupo I, a parada cardíaca foi obtida pela infusão da SCBV por 2 horas. No grupo II, o experimento foi conduzido da mesma forma até a parada protegida pela SCBV por duas horas, imediatamente procedeu-se à reperfusão com solução oxigenada de Ringer Locke (RL) por uma hora. No grupo controle os corações foram perfundidos com solução oxigenada de RL por duas horas. Após os experimentos, oito amostras de parede lateral do ventrículo esquerdo foram fixadas em formaldeído 10% e glutaraldeído 2,5% para análises histológica e ultra-estrutural. RESULTADOS: As células do miocárdio, fibroblastos e células endoteliais, observadas nos grupos experimentais I e II, apresentaram marginalização da heterocromatina, compactação do nucléolo, alteração na forma das mitocôndrias, compactação das cristas e aumento da densidade da matriz mitocondrial, indicando que tanto a estrutura nuclear quanto a das organelas citoplasmáticas foram alteradas em relação às células do grupo controle. CONCLUSÃO: As modificações estruturais foram decorrentes de uma adaptação fisiológica da célula, não sendo indicativas de oncose ou apoptose, sugerindo, portanto, que a solução cardioplégica utilizada foi eficiente para a preservação das células.