744 resultados para longitudinal zones
A água subterrânea é um importante recurso ao abastecimento público, principalmente para comunidades periféricas em grandes cidades ou pequenos municípios, onde a instalação ou prolongamento de sistemas de distribuição são economicamente inviáveis. Estudos voltados à análise da vulnerabilidade de aquíferos são relevantes para subsídio a políticas públicas em saneamento básico e preservação ambiental. Este estudo contou com o cadastro de 23 poços rasos localizados no município de Caçapava do Sul (RS), onde foram realizadas medidas de resistividade elétrica e cargabilidade por meio de geofísica, e medidas diretas de condutividade hidráulica e sólidos totais dissolvidos. A análise estatística dos dados demonstrou diversos graus de correlação entre parâmetros, basicamente condicionados a fatores geológicos como porosidade, permeabilidade e sólidos totais dissolvidos.
The objective of this work was to evaluate the Nelore beef cattle, growth curve parameters using the Von Bertalanffy function in a nested Bayesian procedure that allowed estimation of the joint posterior distribution of growth curve parameters, their (co)variance components, and the environmental and additive genetic components affecting them. A hierarchical model was applied; each individual had a growth trajectory described by the nonlinear function, and each parameter of this function was considered to be affected by genetic and environmental effects that were described by an animal model. Random samples of the posterior distributions were drawn using Gibbs sampling and Metropolis-Hastings algorithms. The data set consisted of a total of 145,961 BW recorded from 15,386 animals. Even though the curve parameters were estimated for animals with few records, given that the information from related animals and the structure of systematic effects were considered in the curve fitting, all mature BW predicted were suitable. A large additive genetic variance for mature BW was observed. The parameter a of growth curves, which represents asymptotic adult BW, could be used as a selection criterion to control increases in adult BW when selecting for growth rate. The effect of maternal environment on growth was carried through to maturity and should be considered when evaluating adult BW. Other growth curve parameters showed small additive genetic and maternal effects. Mature BW and parameter k, related to the slope of the curve, presented a large, positive genetic correlation. The results indicated that selection for growth rate would increase adult BW without substantially changing the shape of the growth curve. Selection to change the slope of the growth curve without modifying adult BW would be inefficient because their genetic correlation is large. However, adult BW could be considered in a selection index with its corresponding economic weight to improve the overall efficiency of beef cattle production.
Macroalgal species richness and diversity were analysed along a longitudinal profile in small and large scales during Spring, Fall and Winter, respectively in a small stream and a mid size river in the northwest region of São Paulo State, southeastern Brazil (20 degrees 23'-20 degrees 49'S, 49 degrees 26'-51 degrees 19'W). Longitudinal variation in species richness and diversity in small scale was strongly associated with incident light. Microhabitat distribution (from data taken by quadrat technique) revealed no significant correlations. Principal coordinates analysis (PCO) indicated no consistent groupings among sampling sites in distinct seasons (Spring, Fall and Winter). Longitudinal analysis in large scale revealed different patterns in the two seasons sampled (Spring and Winter), whereas species diversity presented a consistent tl end: high upstream, low in mid reaches and higher downstream. It was associated with type of substratum in Spring, rocky substrata presenting the highest values for species richness and diversity. Weak correlations were observed in Winter. Microhabitat distribution showed significant correlations between species abundance and the following variables: positive for rocky substrata and current velocity and negative for sandyclayish substratum and macrophyte-dominated substratum. PCO delineated only one consistent grouping formed by the two headwater sites. Small scale macroalgal distribution corroborated the longitudinal pattern predicted by the River Continuum Concept, whereas the large scale approach showed a distribution more associated with substratum type than to light availability. These results showed an opposite trend in relation to the expected distributional pattern. Longitudinal distribution in macroalgal community structure has yet to be better documented, particularly for tropical streams and no generalization is possible at this stage.
Background: the clinical benefits of minocycline in combination with thorough scaling and root planing (SRP) have been examined in multicenter studies. The aim of this longitudinal investigation was to evaluate the clinical response to scaling and root planing combined with the use of locally delivered minocycline microspheres for 720 days in individuals with advanced chronic periodontitis.Methods: A total of 26 individuals aged 26 to 69 years (mean: 46.8 +/- 12.1 years) were included in this double-blind randomized clinical trial. After randomization, 13 individuals were selected for the test group (TG) and treated with SRP plus subgingival minocycline at baseline and 90, 180, and 270 days, and 13 individuals were selected for the control group (CG) and received SRP plus vehicle at the same time-points. Two homologous sites with probing depth (PD) >= 6 mm were chosen in each subject. To evaluate the clinical response after treatment, PD, plaque index (PI), and gingival index (GI) were assessed at baseline and 90, 180, 270, 360, and 720 days.Results: No statistical differences were found between test and control groups in relation to PD at the different timepoints. The mean values of PD demonstrated a higher reduction in the test group at 270 and 360 days. No statistical differences were observed at 90, 180, and 720 days between TG and CG (P < 0.05; Wilcoxon test). There were no statistically significant differences between TG and CG concerning PI and GI (P < 0.05; analysis of variance and t test) at all evaluated timepoints.Conclusion: Our findings demonstrated that both therapies reduced mean PD from 90 to 360 days; however, SRP combined with the use of subgingival minocycline showed a higher reduction at 270 and 360 days following therapy.
A method has been developed for the direct and simultaneous determination of As, Cu, Mn, Sb, and Se in drinking water by electrothermal atomic absorption spectrometry (ETAAS) using a transversely heated graphite tube atomizer (THGA) with longitudinal Zeeman-effect back- ground correction. The thermal behavior of analytes during the pyrolysis and atomization stages was investigated in 0.028 mol L-1 HNO3, 0.14 mol L-1 HNO3 and 1 + 1 (v/v) diluted water using mixtures of Pd(NO3)(2) + Mg(NO3)(2) as the chemical modifier, With 5 mug Pd + 3 mug Mg as the modifier, the pyrolysis and atomization temperatures of the heating program of the atomizer were fixed at 1400degreesC and 2100degreesC, respectively, and 20 muL of the water sample (sample + 0.28 mol L-1 HNO3, 1 + 1, v/v), dispensed into the graphite tube, analytical curves were established ranging from 5.00 - 50.0 mug L-1 for As, Sb, Se; 10.0 - 100 mug L-1 for Cu; and 20.0 - 200 mug L-1 for Mn. The characteristic masses were around 39 pg As, 17 pg Cu, 60 pg Mn, 43 pg Sb, and 45 pg Se, and the lifetime of the tube was around 500 firings. The limits of detection (LOD) based on integrated absorbance (0.7 mug L-1 As, 0.2 mug L-1 Cu, 0.6 mug L-1 Mn, 0.3 mug L-1 Sb, 0.9 mug L-1 Se) exceeded the requirements of the Brazilian Food Regulations (decree # 310-ANVS from the Health Department), which established the maximum permissible level for As, Cu, Mn, Sb, and Se at 50 mug L-1, 1000 mug L-1, 2000 mug L-1, 5 mug L-1, and 50 mug L-1, respectively. The relative standard deviations (n = 12) were typically < 5.3% for As, < 0.5% for Cu, < 2.1% for Mn, < 11.7% for Sb, and < 9.2% for Se. The recoveries of As, Cu, Mn, Sb, and Se added to the mineral water samples varied from 102-111%, 91-107%, 92-109%, 89-97%, and 101-109%, respectively. Accuracy for the determination of As, Cu, Mu Sb and Se was checked using standard reference materials NIST SRM 1640 - Trace Elements in Natural Water, NIST SRM 1643d - Trace Elements in Water, and 10 mineral water samples. A paired t-test showed that the results were in agreement with the certified values of the standard reference materials at the 95% confidence level.
A method has been developed for the direct determination of As in sugar by graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometry with a transversely heated graphite atomizer (end-capped THGA) and longitudinal Zeeman-effect background correction. The thermal behavior of As during the pyrolysis and atomization steps was investigated in sugar solutions containing 0.2% (v/v) HNO3 using Pd, Ni, and a mixture of Pd + Mg as the chemical modifiers. For a 60-muL sugar solution, an aliquot of 8% (m/v) in 0.2% (v/v)HNO3 was dispensed into a pre-heated graphite tube at 70 degreesC. Linear analytical curves were obtained in the 0.25 - 1.50-mug L-1 As range. Using 5 mug Pd and a first pyrolysis step at 600 degreesC assisted by air during 40 s, the formation of a large amount of carbonaceous residue inside the atomizer was avoided. The characteristic mass was calculated as 24 pg As and the lifetime of the graphite tube was around 280 firings. The limit of detection (L.O.D.) based on integrated absorbance was 0.08 mug L-1 (4.8 pg As) and the typical relative standard deviation (n = 12) was 7% for a sugar solution containing 0.5 mug L-1. Recoveries of As added to sugar samples varied from 86 to 98%. The accuracy was checked in the direct analysis of eight sugar samples. A paired t-test showed that the results were in agreement at the 95% confidence level with those obtained for acid-digested sugar samples by GFAAS.
Four. male Wistar rats were housed in pairs of siblings, on LD 12:12h and 22 degrees C + 2 degrees C. Food and water were provided ad libitum. Behavior was videotaped from the 1st to the 3rd month of life. In each age-bracket the spectral composition of rhythmic expressions of the following behavioral categories was analyzed: rest, eat, drink, cage exploration, self-grooming, and social interaction. Rats maintained a stable rank order of time engaged in different behaviors through development, despite modification of time spent in grooming, drinking and social interaction as they got older. Spectral composition of behaviors followed a general ontogenetic pattern: ultradian frequencies of 12-h and 8-h were the strongest in the 1st month and circadian periodicity was predominant in the 3rd month. The increase of circadian power compared with ultradian power components agrees with literature findings. To our knowledge, self-grooming and social interaction have not been investigated before in this context. The similarities between siblings suggest the mutual influence of partners and/ or the existence of genetic factors. Ongoing studies are examining the importance of the social surroundings in which animals develop to the acquisition of adult rhythmic pattern.
Zones of mixing between shallow groundwaters of different composition were unravelled by two-way regionalized classification, a technique based on correspondence analysis (CA), cluster analysis (ClA) and discriminant analysis (DA), aided by gridding, map-overlay and contouring tools. The shallow groundwaters are from a granitoid plutonite in the Funda o region (central Portugal). Correspondence analysis detected three natural clusters in the working dataset: 1, weathering; 2, domestic effluents; 3, fertilizers. Cluster analysis set an alternative distribution of the samples by the three clusters. Group memberships obtained by correspondence analysis and by cluster analysis were optimized by discriminant analysis, gridded memberships as follows: codes 1, 2 or 3 were used when classification by correspondence analysis and cluster analysis produced the same results; code 0 when the grid node was first assigned to cluster 1 and then to cluster 2 or vice versa (mixing between weathering and effluents); code 4 in the other cases (mixing between agriculture and the other influences). Code-3 areas were systematically surrounded by code-4 areas, an observation attributed to hydrodynamic dispersion. Accordingly, the extent of code-4 areas in two orthogonal directions was assumed proportional to the longitudinal and transverse dispersivities of local soils. The results (0.7-16.8 and 0.4-4.3 m, respectively) are acceptable at the macroscopic scale. The ratios between longitudinal and transverse dispersivities (1.2-11.1) are also in agreement with results obtained by other studies.
Linear mixed effects models are frequently used to analyse longitudinal data, due to their flexibility in modelling the covariance structure between and within observations. Further, it is easy to deal with unbalanced data, either with respect to the number of observations per subject or per time period, and with varying time intervals between observations. In most applications of mixed models to biological sciences, a normal distribution is assumed both for the random effects and for the residuals. This, however, makes inferences vulnerable to the presence of outliers. Here, linear mixed models employing thick-tailed distributions for robust inferences in longitudinal data analysis are described. Specific distributions discussed include the Student-t, the slash and the contaminated normal. A Bayesian framework is adopted, and the Gibbs sampler and the Metropolis-Hastings algorithms are used to carry out the posterior analyses. An example with data on orthodontic distance growth in children is discussed to illustrate the methodology. Analyses based on either the Student-t distribution or on the usual Gaussian assumption are contrasted. The thick-tailed distributions provide an appealing robust alternative to the Gaussian process for modelling distributions of the random effects and of residuals in linear mixed models, and the MCMC implementation allows the computations to be performed in a flexible manner.
Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)