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The aim of this paper is to present McHale's coparenting scale,a self-administered questionnaire enabling assessment of the quality of coparenting, and first steps in structural and construct validation of the French version. A total of 41 French speaking Swiss families and 84 US families completed this questionnaire and the Dyadic Adjustment Scale, a measure of marital satisfaction. The results of the Swiss families correspond to those of US families: first, items distributed into four factors (family integrity, conflict, affection and disparagement) and second, a partial link was found between quality of coparenting and marital adjustment. This finding supports the construct validity of the questionnaire, reflecting the established link between these two family sub-systems. Given that coparenting quality has a major influence on children's socio-affective development, the questionnaire will find great use in assessing not just negative features of coparenting, such as conflicts and disparagement, but also positive components such as warmth and support. This will be an important asset for research as well as clinical purposes.
El projecte ha estat realitzat en la Unitat de Farmàcia Clínica i Farmacoteràpia de la Facultat de Farmàcia de la Universitat de Barcelona i ha estat a desenvolupar en dos anys. La finalitat del projecte ha estat oferir a l'alumne un material docent en suport digital, adaptat a una metodologia més creativa i de treball en grup, orientat a la millora de la seva formació, autonomia i rendiment acadèmic, en els aspectes relacionats amb la Farmàcia Clínica i Farmacoteràpia i l'Atenció Farmacèutica, i que consistirà en una primera aproximació a les directrius europees. Aquest material docent en suport digital són WebQuest (WQ) estructurades per temes i via Internet, la qual cosa possibilita un sistema dinàmic de fàcil retroalimentació i en constant actualització. Mitjançant la utilització d'aquest material docent es treballen aspectes com l'ús de metodologies docents centrades en l'alumne, autoaprenentatge a distància, aprenentatge seqüencial, treball en grup, participació activa i responsabilitat de l'alumne en el procés d'ensenyament aprenentatge i l'aproximació del mateix a la realitat professional entre altres, i tot això encaminat a promoure l'adaptació dels plans docents a l'Espai Europeu d'Educació Superior (EEES). En aquest sentit podem indicar que s'han elaborat cinc WQs, els títols del qual són Sistemes Personalitzats de Dosificació, Compliment terapèutic: el gran repte actual: informació al pacient, Compliment terapèutic: el gran repte actual: informació al professional sanitari, Dispensació activa en Diabetis mellitus tipus 2 i Dispensació activa en Hipertensión arterial. Cadascuna de les WQs elaborades consta dels apartats Introducció, Tasca, Procés, Recursos, Avaluació, Conclusió, Guia Didàctica i Crèdits. Les WQs estan allotjades en la pàgina web de la Unitat de Farmàcia Clínica i Farmacoteràpia, i a elles s'accedeix a través de l'adreça web http://www.ub.és/farcli/wp0.htm
Amb aquest projecte s'ha treballat en la direcció de: 1) Implementar un nou recurs en un projecte global de millora de la qualitat docent i d’aplicació de les TIC a l’ensenyament de les diferents assignatures de la matèria d’Història de la Música a la UdL en curs des de fa alguns anys. Concretament, diverses eines per a l’autoavaluació de l’alumnat a través d’un banc de preguntes segons el format de les proves psicomètriques (proves objectives en l’avaluació del rendiment acadèmic dels estudiants o d’elecció múltiple). 2) Arribar a disposar d’un extens banc de preguntes d’elecció múltiple i correcció objectiva en diferents formats, ordenades per blocs, temes, nivells de dificultat, etc., que reuneixin els criteris mínims de fiabilitat, objectivitat i validesa necessaris per a una correcta avaluació del rendiment acadèmic. Entenem que l’avaluació ha de tenir utilitats diferents que van més enllà de la simple puntuació de l’alumnat. Ha de servir també per millorar la docència, per facilitar l’aprenentatge de l’alumne, per assegurar un nivell de competència mínim, per discriminar entre estudiants o per informar la pròpia institució. 3) Aconseguir que l’alumne, a través de l’autoavaluació, entengui que aquest tipus de proves són instruments per continuar aprenent. En aquest sentit les proves d’elecció múltiple permeten tot un seguit d’opcions que ho afavoreixen. 4) Elaborar una eina amb capacitat de generar estadístiques, índex de discriminació i de fer l’anàlisi d’items, tot permetent anar redefinint i millorant els ítems.
OBJECTIVE: Reported survival after cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) in children varies considerably. We aimed to identify predictors of 1-year survival and to assess long-term neurological status after in- or outpatient CPR. DESIGN: Retrospective review of the medical records and prospective follow-up of CPR survivors. SETTING: Tertiary care pediatric university hospital. PATIENTS AND METHODS: During a 30-month period, 89 in- and outpatients received advanced CPR. Survivors of CPR were prospectively followed-up for 1 year. Neurological outcome was assessed by the Pediatric Cerebral Performance Category scale (PCPC). Variables predicting 1-year survival were identified by multivariable logistic regression analysis. INTERVENTIONS: None. RESULTS: Seventy-one of the 89 patients were successfully resuscitated. During subsequent hospitalization do-not-resuscitate orders were issued in 25 patients. At 1 year, 48 (54%) were alive, including two of the 25 patients with out-of-hospital CPR. All patients died, who required CPR after trauma or near drowning, when CPR began >10 min after arrest or with CPR duration >60 min. Prolonged CPR (21-60 min) was compatible with survival (five of 19). At 1 year, 77% of the survivors had the same PCPC score as prior to CPR. Predictors of survival were location of resuscitation, CPR during peri- or postoperative care, and duration of resuscitation. A clinical score (0-15 points) based on these three items yielded an area under the ROC of 0.93. CONCLUSIONS: Independent determinants of long-term survival of pediatric resuscitation are location of arrest, underlying cause, and duration of CPR. Long-term survivors have little or no change in neurological status.
Objective: Although initially developed to assess spiritual well-being,the FACIT-Sp is increasingly used to assess the other end of the spectrum,i.e. spiritual distress. This study intends to investigate whether theFACIT-Sp could really contribute to this aim in older patients. Method:Patients (N=135, 81.47.1 years, 68.3% women) aged 65 years and over,with MMSE score>19, admitted consecutively in post-acute rehabilitationwere enrolled. The FACIT-Sp (12 items, score 0 to 48, high spiritualwell-being defined as score_36) was administered and commentswere systematically retrieved. Results: Overall, 32(23.7%) patients hadhigh spiritual well-being. FACIT-Sp internal consistency was good(Cronbach's 0.85) and a confirmatory factorial analysis was consistentwith Meaning and Faith proposed subscales. Qualitative analysisshowed that negative answers (score=0) to "My illness has strengthenedmy faith or spiritual beliefs" (N=76/135) could equally reflect theabsence of impact (49/76, 64.5%) or a negative impact (religious struggle,27/76, 35.5%) of illness on faith. However, former patients had significantlyhigher FACIT-Sp scores than the latter (30.35.6 vs 20.97.9,P<.001). Similarly, among patients (N=73/135) with negative answers(score<3) to "I feel a sense of purpose in my life" those mentioning their"old age" to explain their answer (N=34/73, 46.6%) had higher FACITSpscores than those who did not (26.47.7 vs 22.58.1,P=.02). Conclusion:The FACIT-Sp identifies older people with high spiritual wellbeingbut could underestimate well-being in some older patients. Lowscores on some items could have very different meanings and interpretationof FACIT-Sp global scores below the usual cut-off should becautious.
The way supervisors acknowledge specific contribution and efforts of their employees has an impact on occupational health and wellbeing. Acknowledgement is a protective factor when it is sufficiently provided. We carried out a study about occupational health in police officers with special emphasis on acknowledgment and reward. A questionnaire was sent to 1000 police officers and inspectors working for a cantonal administration in Switzerland. In total, 695 participants answered the questionnaire. We used the TST questionnaire (French version of the Langner's questionnaire on psychiatric symptoms) to identify cases characterized by potential mental health problems. Multiple choice items (5 modalities ranging from "not at all" to "tremendously") were used to measure acknowledgment. The score for psychiatric symptoms was high (TST score >or= 9) for 86 police officers and inspectors for whom health might be at risk. Compared with police officers having low or medium scores for psychiatric symptoms (TST score < 9), police officers with high TST scores were more likely to report the lack of support and attention from the supervisors (odds ratio [OR] 3.2, 95% confidence interval [CI] 2.0 to 5.1) and the lack of acknowledgment by the hierarchy (OR 3.0, 95% CI 1.9 to 4.8). They were also more likely to mention that judicial authorities have a low consideration for police officers (OR 2.7, 95% CI 1.7 to 4.3) and that the public in general have a low appreciation of police officers (OR 1.8, 95% CI 1.2 to 2.9). Preserving mental health in occupations characterized by high emotional demand is challenging. Our results show that acknowledgment and mental health are associated. Further research should address a potential causal relation of acknowledgment on mental health in police officers and inspectors.
S’ha elaborat una anàlisi del sistema agroecològic del municipi de Vila-seca (Tarragonès) per tal de realitzar en segon lloc, una proposta de guia per a la descoberta del medi per a infants d’entre 8 i 10 anys. A partir del treball de camp realitzat a la zona d’estudi s’han inventariat diferents elements del patrimoni socioecològic que es consideren de rellevada importància al terme. Entre ells destaquen oliveres, garrofers, avellaners, arbres singulars, masos, basses, marges de pedra seca i trones, els quals s’integren en el medi formant un veritable sistema agroecològic, fruit de la interacció entre vectors biofísics i socioeconòmics. D’altra banda, per tal de donar a conèixer aquest sistema s’ha realitzat una proposta de descoberta del medi agrícola a partir d’un itinerari d’educació ambiental per la zona estudiada, on s’engloben tots aquells elements d’especial interès en un recorregut de 2,9 quilòmetres. La guia disposa a més d’una sèrie d’activitats a realitzar a l’entorn per tal de motivar el sentiment de descoberta d’aquest sistema. D’aquesta manera, considerant les fortes pressions que aquest territori pateix per part de les infraestructures i les urbanitzacions és destriable la necessitat de conservació i l’addició dels elements inventariats al catàleg del Patrimoni del municipi.
The reported prevalence of late-life depressive symptoms varies widely between studies, a finding that might be attributed to cultural as well as methodological factors. The EURO-D scale was developed to allow valid comparison of prevalence and risk associations between European countries. This study used Confirmatory Factor Analysis (CFA) and Rasch models to assess whether the goal of measurement invariance had been achieved; using EURO-D scale data collected in 10 European countries as part of the Survey of Health, Ageing and Retirement in Europe (SHARE) (n = 22,777). The results suggested a two-factor solution (Affective Suffering and Motivation) after Principal Component Analysis (PCA) in 9 of the 10 countries. With CFA, in all countries, the two-factor solution had better overall goodness-of-fit than the one-factor solution. However, only the Affective Suffering subscale was equivalent across countries, while the Motivation subscale was not. The Rasch model indicated that the EURO-D was a hierarchical scale. While the calibration pattern was similar across countries, between countries agreement in item calibrations was stronger for the items loading on the affective suffering than the motivation factor. In conclusion, there is evidence to support the EURO-D as either a uni-dimensional or bi-dimensional scale measure of depressive symptoms in late-life across European countries. The Affective Suffering sub-component had more robust cross-cultural validity than the Motivation sub-component.
Per definition, alcohol expectancies (after alcohol I expect X), and drinking motives (I drink to achieve X) are conceptually distinct constructs. Theorists have argued that motives mediate the association between expectancies and drinking outcomes. Yet, given the use of different instruments, do these constructs remain distinct when assessment items are matched? The present study tested to what extent motives mediated the link between expectancies and alcohol outcomes when identical items were used, first as expectancies and then as motives. A linear structural equation model was estimated based on a national representative sample of 5,779 alcohol-using students in Switzerland (mean age = 15.2 years). The results showed that expectancies explained up to 38% of the variance in motives. Together with motives, they explained up to 48% of the variance in alcohol outcomes (volume, 5+ drinking, and problems). In 10 of 12 outcomes, there was a significant mediated effect that was often higher than the direct expectancy effect. For coping, the expectancy effect was close to zero, indicating the strongest form of mediation. In only one case (conformity and 5+ drinking), there was a direct expectancy effect but no mediation. To conclude, the study demonstrates that motives are distinct from expectancies even when identical items are used. Motives are more proximally related to different alcohol outcomes, often mediating the effects of expectancies. Consequently, the effectiveness of interventions, particularly those aimed at coping drinkers, should be improved through a shift in focus from expectancies to drinking motives.
The Digital Memory of Catalonia, Consortium of Academic Libraries of Catalonia, contains open-access digitized collections of photographs, drawings, maps, posters, pamphlets, incunabula, ancient Catalan periodicals and many other items with a total of over two million documents related to Catalonia from 18 different institutions (universities, specialized libraries, institutes, archives, etc.).
To date, there is no widely accepted clinical scale to monitor the evolution of depressive symptoms in demented patients. We assessed the sensitivity to treatment of a validated French version of the Health of the Nation Outcome Scale (HoNOS) 65+ compared to five routinely used scales. Thirty elderly inpatients with ICD-10 diagnosis of dementia and depression were evaluated at admission and discharge using paired t-test. Using the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS) "depressive mood" item as gold standard, a receiver operating characteristic curve (ROC) analysis assessed the validity of HoNOS65+F "depressive symptoms" item score changes. Unlike Geriatric Depression Scale, Mini Mental State Examination and Activities of Daily Living scores, BPRS scores decreased and Global Assessment Functioning Scale score increased significantly from admission to discharge. Amongst HoNOS65+F items, "behavioural disturbance", "depressive symptoms", "activities of daily life" and "drug management" items showed highly significant changes between the first and last day of hospitalization. The ROC analysis revealed that changes in the HoNOS65+F "depressive symptoms" item correctly classified 93% of the cases with good sensitivity (0.95) and specificity (0.88) values. These data suggest that the HoNOS65+F "depressive symptoms" item may provide a valid assessment of the evolution of depressive symptoms in demented patients.
Aim: In Western Europe, HIV/AIDS prevention has been based on the provision of information intended to lead the public to voluntarily adapt their behaviour so as to avoid the risk of virus transmission. Whether conveyed in a written or oral form, the messages of prevention are essentially verbal. Sociolinguistic research confirms that, even within a given culture, the meaning attributed to lexical items varies. It was hypothesised that understandings of the terms used in HIV/AIDS prevention in French-speaking Switzerland would vary, and research was undertaken to identify the level and nature of this variation both between and among those who transmit (prevention providers) and those who receive (the public) the messages. Method/issue: All HIV/AIDS prevention material available in French-speaking Switzerland in 2004 was assembled and a corpus of 50 key documents identified. Two series of lexical items were generated from this corpus: one composed of technical terms potentially difficult to understand, and the other, of terms used in everyday language with implicit, and therefore potentially variable, meaning. The two lists of terms were investigated in qualitative interviews in stratified purposive samples of the general public (n=60) and prevention providers (n=30), using standard socio-linguistic methodology. A further quantitative study (CATI) in the general population (17 - 49 yrs.; n=500) investigated understandings of 15 key prevention terms found in the qualitative research to have been associated with high levels of dissension. Results/comments: Selected aspects of the results will be presented. In illustration: meanings attributed to the different terms in both the public and the providers varied. For example, when a relationship is described as "stable", this may be understood as implying exclusive sexual relations or long duration, with an interaction between the two traits; the term "sexual intercourse" may or may not be used to refer to oral sex; "making love" may or may not necessarily include an act of penetration; the pre-ejaculate is qualified by some as sperm, and by others not... Understanding of frequently used "technical" terms in prevention was far from universal; for example, around only a half of respondents understood the meaning of "safer sex". Degree of understanding of these terms was linked to education, whereas variability in meaning in everyday language was not linked to socio-economic variables. Discussion: Findings indicate the need for more awareness regarding the heterogeneity of meaning around the terms regularly used in prevention. Greater attention should be paid to the formulation of prevention messages, and providers should take precautions to ensure that the meanings they wish to convey are those perceived by the receivers of their messages. Wherever possible, terms used should be defined and meanings rendered explicit.
Vertebrates show different tendencies in regard to their preference for seeds or fruits infested by insects compared to non-infested ones. Behaviour may include rejection of one type, preferential consumption of one type or no differentiation among them. When comparing infested versus non-infested fruits, most studies have focused on energy content and nutritional components of the food items; but the energy input provided to the consumer is a better measure for the comparison of the value of each type of food. In this study, I calculated the energy assimilated by rodents for the seeds of the palm Attalea butyracea contained in non-infested endocarps and from bruchid beetle larvae contained in infested endocarps. Using the energy assimilation and time of handling by rodents for both types of endocarps, I quantitatively demonstrated that both infested and non-infested endocarps produce a similar energy input. This finding is consistent with the previous hypothesis that there is a trade-off between the energy content and the time required to extract the insect larvae compared with the seeds in endocarps of Attalea butyracea.
Social organisms can surmount many ecological challenges by working collectively. An impressive example of such collective behavior occurs when ants physically link together into floating 'rafts' to escape from flooded habitat. However, raft formation may represent a social dilemma, with some positions posing greater individual risks than others. Here, we investigate the position and function of different colony members, and the costs and benefits of this functional geometry in rafts of the floodplain-dwelling ant Formica selysi. By causing groups of ants to raft in the laboratory, we observe that workers are distributed throughout the raft, queens are always in the center, and 100% of brood items are placed on the base. Through a series of experiments, we show that workers and brood are extremely resistant to submersion. Both workers and brood exhibit high survival rates after they have rafted, suggesting that occupying the base of the raft is not as costly as expected. The placement of all brood on the base of one cohesive raft confers several benefits: it preserves colony integrity, takes advantage of brood buoyancy, and increases the proportion of workers that immediately recover after rafting.
Impaired visual search is a hallmark of spatial neglect. When searching for an unique feature (e.g., color) neglect patients often show only slight visual field asymmetries. In contrast, when the target is defined by a combination of features (e.g., color and form) they exhibit a severe deficit of contralesional search. This finding suggests a selective impairment of the serial deployment of spatial attention. Here, we examined this deficit with a preview paradigm. Neglect patients searched for a target defined by the conjunction of shape and color, presented together with varying numbers of distracters. The presentation time was varied such that on some trials participants previewed the target together with same-shape/different-color distracters, for 300 or 600 ms prior to the appearance of additional different-shape/same-color distracters. On the remaining trials the target and all distracters were shown simultaneously. Healthy participants exhibited a serial search strategy only when all items were presented simultaneously, whereas in both preview conditions a pop-out effect was observed. Neglect patients showed a similar pattern when the target was presented in the right hemifield. In contrast, when searching for a target in the left hemifield they showed serial search in the no-preview condition, as well as with a preview of 300 ms, and partly even at 600 ms. A control experiment suggested that the failure to fully benefit from item preview was probably independent of accurate perception of time. Our results, when viewed in the context of existing literature, lead us to conclude that the visual search deficit in neglect reflects two additive factors: a biased representation of attentional priority in favor of ipsilesional information and exaggerated capture of attention by ipsilesional abrupt onsets.