966 resultados para internal capital markets
Estudou-se o estado nutricional, em relação à vitamina A, de crianças de 2 a 6 anos de idade, internadas em uma instituição para menores. Foram realizados exames clínicos e bioquímicos. Os exames clínicos revelaram alta prevalência de xerose cutânea (75,8%) e prevalência moderada de hiperceratose folicular (18,3%). Exames oftalmológicos realizados sem o auxílio de corante vital revelaram uma prevalência de 20,7% de xerose conjuntival, enquanto que aqueles realizados com auxílio de colírio de Rosa Bengala a 1%, nas mesmas crianças, revelaram 31,7% de xerose conjuntival. Os exames bioquímicos mostraram que 39,4% dos examinados apresentaram níveis plasmáticos de vitamina A de 10mig/100ml ou menos, e 73,9% de 20mig/ 100ml ou menos.
The main purpose of this research is to identify the hidden knowledge and learning mechanisms in the organization in order to disclosure the tacit knowledge and transform it into explicit knowledge. Most firms usually tend to duplicate their efforts acquiring extra knowledge and new learning skills while forgetting to exploit the existing ones thus wasting one life time resources that could be applied to increase added value within the firm overall competitive advantage. This unique value in the shape of creation, acquisition, transformation and application of learning and knowledge is not disseminated throughout the individual, group and, ultimately, the company itself. This work is based on three variables that explain the behaviour of learning as the process of construction and acquisition of knowledge, namely internal social capital, technology and external social capital, which include the main attributes of learning and knowledge that help us to capture the essence of this symbiosis. Absorptive Capacity provides the right tool to explore this uncertainty within the firm it is possible to achieve the perfect match between learning skills and knowledge needed to support the overall strategy of the firm. This study has taken in to account a sample of the Portuguese textile industry and it is based on a multisectorial analysis that makes it possible a crossfunctional analysis to check on the validity of results in order to better understand and capture the dynamics of organizational behavior.
The main purpose of this research is to identify the hidden knowledge and learning mechanisms in the organization in order to disclosure the tacit knowledge and transform it into explicit knowledge. Most firms usually tend to duplicate their efforts acquiring extra knowledge and new learning skills while forgetting to exploit the existing ones thus wasting one life time resources that could be applied to increase added value within the firm overall competitive advantage. This unique value in the shape of creation, acquisition, transformation and application of learning and knowledge is not disseminated throughout the individual, group and, ultimately, the company itself. This work is based on three variables that explain the behaviour of learning as the process of construction and acquisition of knowledge, namely internal social capital, technology and external social capital, which include the main attributes of learning and knowledge that help us to capture the essence of this symbiosis. Absorptive Capacity provides the right tool to explore this uncertainty within the firm it is possible to achieve the perfect match between learning skills and knowledge needed to support the overall strategy of the firm. This study has taken in to account a sample of the Portuguese textile industry and it is based on a multisectorial analysis that makes it possible a crossfunctional analysis to check on the validity of results in order to better understand and capture the dynamics of organizational behavior.
This paper describes a multi-agent based simulation (MABS) framework to construct an artificial electric power market populated with learning agents. The artificial market, named TEMMAS (The Electricity Market Multi-Agent Simulator), explores the integration of two design constructs: (i) the specification of the environmental physical market properties and (ii) the specification of the decision-making (deliberative) and reactive agents. TEMMAS is materialized in an experimental setup involving distinct power generator companies that operate in the market and search for the trading strategies that best exploit their generating units' resources. The experimental results show a coherent market behavior that emerges from the overall simulated environment.
Implementing monolithic DC-DC converters for low power portable applications with a standard low voltage CMOS technology leads to lower production costs and higher reliability. Moreover, it allows miniaturization by the integration of two units in the same die: the power management unit that regulates the supply voltage for the second unit, a dedicated signal processor, that performs the functions required. This paper presents original techniques that limit spikes in the internal supply voltage on a monolithic DC-DC converter, extending the use of the same technology for both units. These spikes are mainly caused by fast current variations in the path connecting the external power supply to the internal pads of the converter power block. This path includes two parasitic inductances inbuilt in bond wires and in package pins. Although these parasitic inductances present relative low values when compared with the typical external inductances of DC-DC converters, their effects can not be neglected when switching high currents at high switching frequency. The associated overvoltage frequently causes destruction, reliability problems and/or control malfunction. Different spike reduction techniques are presented and compared. The proposed techniques were used in the design of the gate driver of a DC-DC converter included in a power management unit implemented in a standard 0.35 mu m CMOS technology.
Knowledge on forced magma injection and magma flow in dykes is crucial for the understanding of how magmas migrate through the crust to the Earth's surface. Because many questions still persist, we used the long, thick, and deep-seated Foum Zguid dyke (Morocco) to investigate dyke emplacement and internal flow by means of magnetic methods, structural analysis, petrography, and scanning electron microscopy. We also investigated how the host rocks accommodated the intrusion. Regarding internal flow: 1. Important variations of the rock magnetic properties and magnetic fabric occur with distance from dyke wall; 2. anisotropy of anhysteretic remanent magnetization reveals that anisotropy of magnetic susceptibility (AMS) results mainly from the superposition of subfabrics with distinct coercivities and that the imbrication between magnetic foliation and dyke plane is more reliable to deduce flow than the orientation of the AMS maximum principal axis; and 3. a dominant upward flow near the margins can be inferred. The magnetic fabric closest to the dyke wall likely records magma flow best due to fast cooling, whereas in the core the magnetic properties have been affected by high-temperature exsolution and metasomatic effects due to slow cooling. Regarding dyke emplacement, this study shows that the thick forceful intrusion induced deformation by homogeneous flattening and/or folding of the host sedimentary strata. Dewatering related to heat, as recorded by thick quartz veins bordering the dyke in some localities, may have also helped accommodating dyke intrusion. The spatial arrangement of quartz veins and their geometrical relationship with the dyke indicate a preintrusive to synintrusive sinistral component of strike slip.
A visible/near-infrared optical sensor based on an ITO/SiOx/n-Si structure with internal gain is presented. This surface-barrier structure was fabricated by a low-temperature processing technique. The interface properties and carder transport were investigated from dark current-voltage and capacitance-voltage characteristics. Examination of the multiplication properties was performed under different light excitation and reverse bias conditions. The spectral and pulse response characteristics are analysed. The current amplification mechanism is interpreted by the control of electron current by the space charge of photogenerated holes near the SiOx/Si interface. The optical sensor output characteristics and some possible device applications are presented.
This paper studies a portfolio choice problem such that the pricing rule may incorporate transaction costs and the risk measure is coherent and expectation bounded. We will prove the necessity of dealing with pricing rules such that there exists an essentially bounded stochastic discount factor, which must be also bounded from below by a strictly positive value. Otherwise good deals will be available to traders, i.e., depending on the selected risk measure, investors can build portfolios whose (risk, return) will be as close as desired to (−infinity, infinity) or (0, infinity). This pathologic property still holds for vector risk measures (i.e., if we minimize a vector valued function whose components are risk measures). It is worthwhile to point out that essentially bounded stochastic discount factors are not usual in financial literature. In particular, the most famous frictionless, complete and arbitrage free pricing models imply the existence of good deals for every coherent and expectation bounded (scalar or vector) measure of risk, and the incorporation of transaction costs will not guarantee the solution of this caveat.
Longevity risk is one of the major risks that an insurance company or a pension fund has to deal with and it is expected that its importance will grow in the near future. In agreement with these considerations, in Solvency II regulation the Standard formula furnished for calculating the Solvency Capital Requirement explicitly considers this kind of risk. According to the new European rules in our paper we suggest a multiperiod approach to evaluate the SCR for longevity risk. We propose a backtesting framework for measuring the consistency of SCR calculations for life insurance policies.
The relative contribution of European Union Allowances (EUAs) and Certified Emission Reductions (CERs) to the price discovery of their common true value has been empirically studied using daily data with inconclusive results. In this paper, we study the short-run and long-run price dynamics between EUAs and CERs future contracts using intraday data. We report a bidirectional feedback causality relationship both in the short-run and in the long-run, with the EUA's market being the leader.
O artigo aborda o capital intelectual na perspectiva da tridimensionalidade da linguagem contábil. Para tanto, foi realizada pesquisa exploratória em fontes secundárias, com abordagem lógica dedutiva. O trabalho busca preencher uma lacuna existente na literatura quanto à necessidade de se considerar os elementos intangíveis, em particular, os relacionados ao capital intelectual, no processo de mensuração dos ativos das organizações. Inicialmente, faz uma incursão na conceituação e características de ativos, bem como na sua mensuração. Após, aborda os aspectos conceituais do capital intelectual, centrando maior atenção nas alternativas relacionadas à sua avaliação. Na seqüência, mostra o capital intelectual na perspectiva da tridimensionalidade da linguagem contábil e apresenta considerações finais ao estudo. Com base na pesquisa realizada, observou-se que os ativos possuem diversos atributos passíveis de mensuração.
A contabilidade financeira tradicional está perdendo relevância frente a nova economia. O valor contábil das empresas se distanciam cada vez mais do seu valor de mercado, principalmente nas organizações de alta tecnologia e serviços. Perante essa conjuntura, surge a polêmica, defendida por alguns pesquisadores, de que as demonstrações contábeis não estão mais retratando o verdadeiro valor da empresa, uma vez que o valor dos livros das empresas estão muito aquém do seu corresponente valor de mercado (Lev, 2003, p. 21-24). Esta diferença vem sendo explicada, por uma infinidade de autores como: Capital Intelectual o Ativo Intangível. Diante do que foi exposto, inegavelmente os intangíveis, nos últimos anos, ganharam mais importância para as organizações. O desafio, portanto, consiste em identificar, medir, gerir e informar o capital intelectual. Este artigo tem a finalidade de verificar, através do estudo empírico, qual a relação existente entre os modelos de capital intelectual propostos na literatura, e analisados neste trabalho, com os informes divulgados pelos bancos espanhóis. Para isto, em primeiro lugar tratamos de definir o termo Capital Intelectual (CI); em seguida apresentaremos algumas agrupações existentes de modelos de CI, para assim podermos selecionar os mais apropriados para a informação externa (reporting). Em um terceiro momento analisamos a divulgação de informes das Contas Anuais destas instituições. Por fim evidenciamos as conclusões a que chegamos, onde podemos observar que há um distanciamento entre os modelos utilizados na prática pelos bancos e os modelos teóricos.
Com a denominação de Capital Intelectual pretende-se reconhecer o conjunto de activos intangíveis de que dispõe uma organização. Os administradores das entidades públicas gerem activos intangíveis, tanto ou mais que os seus colegas das empresas privadas, o que justifica o seu crescente interesse nos progressos do Capital Intelectual. É, de qualquer modo, um tanto difícil aplicar ao sector público modelos desenhados para as empresas, tanto mais que os objectivos das administrações públicas diferem das empresas privadas, como a maximização do resultado ou a criação de valor para o accionista. Os recursos humanos, com os seus conhecimentos, habilidades e atitudes são fundamentais para que a entidade atinja os seus objectivos. A determinação do Capital Intelectual permite o estabelecimento de objectivos realistas assim como a pronta resolução dos problemas. Este trabalho é de duplo objectivo: analisar os distintos critérios propostos na literatura para diferenciar entre tipos de Capital Intelectual e propor um modelo de Capital Intelectual adaptado às características especiais do sector público. Apresentam-se também alguns indicadores de gestão do Capital Intelectual destinados ao sector público, agrupados em várias categorias.
Orientadora: Prof. Doutora Ana Maria Alves Bandeira Co-orientadora: Prof. Doutora Patrícia Alexandra Gregório Ramos
Mestrado em Intervenção Sócio-Organizacional na Saúde - Área de especialização: Políticas de Administração e Gestão de Serviços de Saúde.