998 resultados para indication


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Introduction. - Le traitement de la polymyosite et de l'atteinte pulmonaireassociées au syndrome des anti-synthétases peut serévéler difficile. Le tacrolimus est proposé en cas d'échec aux autresimmunosuppresseurs. Néanmoins, contrairement aux patientsgreffés, son utilisation dans cette indication est mal codifiée. Nousrapportons les cas de 2 patients traités efficacement par tacrolimus.Cas Clinique. - Cas 1. Il s'agit d'un homme de 44 ans originaire deMadagascar, chez qui le diagnostic de syndrome des anti-synthétasesest posé devant l'association mains de mécanicien, polymyosite,manifestation de raynaud et présence d'anticorps anti Jo1fortement positifs à 281U (norme < 50U). Les différents traitementsproposés (prednisone 1 mg/kg, méthotrexate, azathioprine,rituximab et Immunoglobulines IV) ne permettent pas de contrôlerla situation avec un pic des CK à 24 000 U/l au décours des Ig IV.Une IRM réalisée alors retrouve une activité inflammatoire intensedes compartiments antérieurs et postérieurs des cuisses des 2 côtés.Finalement un traitement de tacrolimus est proposé en augmentationprogressive. L'efficacité du traitement est mesurée par l'évolutiondes CK qui passent en quelques mois de 24 000 U/l à 300 U/lsous une dose de 6 mg/j de tacrolimus et d'une amélioration parIRM spectaculaire. Malheureusement, suite à un épisode de déshydratation,le patient développe une insuffisance rénale aigüemodérée (créatinine à 124 _mol/l contre 89 auparavant) non réversibleaprès réhydratation. Pour stabiliser la fonction rénale le tacrolimusest baissé à 4 mg/jour au prix d'une réapparition des douleursmusculaires et d'une ré-ascension des CK à 1 000 U/l. Cas 2. Il s'agitd'une patiente de 61 ans chez qui le diagnostic de syndrome desanti-synthétases est posé devant l'association atteinte articulaire,mains de mécanicien, atteinte musculaire, pneumopathie interstitiellediffuse et forte positivité des Ac anti JO1 à 252 U. Une associationtacrolimus et prednisone est rapidement proposée en raison del'atteinte pulmonaire. Malheureusement la patiente développe uneinsuffisance rénale progressive sous 9 mg/j de tacrolimus et malgréune réponse favorable sur le plan pulmonaire, le traitement estinterrompu avec amélioration de la fonction rénale.Discussion. - Le tacrolimus est un traitement immunosuppresseuranalogue à la ciclosporine, avec une action 100 fois supérieure. Ilinhibe l'activation et la prolifération des cellules T et sa principaletoxicité est rénale. Traitement puissant, il a montré son efficacitédans les atteintes pulmonaires sévères liées à un syndrome desanti-synthétases1.2. Les pneumologues le connaissent bien et chezles patients greffés, la surveillance de l'efficacité et de la toxicité dutraitement se fait grâce à des mesures du taux résiduel. Néanmoinsdans le cadre du syndrome des anti-synthétases les mesures de surveillancesont moins bien codifiées. Même si l'efficacité du tacrolimussemble excellente dans les formes musculaires etpulmonaires sévères, nos 2 cas nous rendent attentifs sur l'importanced'une surveillance rapprochée de la fonction rénale.Conclusion. - Le tacrolimus est un puissant immunosuppresseur quipeut être proposé aux patients souffrant de manifestations sévèresd'un syndrome des anti-synthétases. Une dose standard n'existe paset il faut être attentif à sa toxicité rénale.


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BACKGROUND: The potential effects of ionizing radiation are of particular concern in children. The model-based iterative reconstruction VEO(TM) is a technique commercialized to improve image quality and reduce noise compared with the filtered back-projection (FBP) method. OBJECTIVE: To evaluate the potential of VEO(TM) on diagnostic image quality and dose reduction in pediatric chest CT examinations. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Twenty children (mean 11.4 years) with cystic fibrosis underwent either a standard CT or a moderately reduced-dose CT plus a minimum-dose CT performed at 100 kVp. Reduced-dose CT examinations consisted of two consecutive acquisitions: one moderately reduced-dose CT with increased noise index (NI = 70) and one minimum-dose CT at CTDIvol 0.14 mGy. Standard CTs were reconstructed using the FBP method while low-dose CTs were reconstructed using FBP and VEO. Two senior radiologists evaluated diagnostic image quality independently by scoring anatomical structures using a four-point scale (1 = excellent, 2 = clear, 3 = diminished, 4 = non-diagnostic). Standard deviation (SD) and signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) were also computed. RESULTS: At moderately reduced doses, VEO images had significantly lower SD (P < 0.001) and higher SNR (P < 0.05) in comparison to filtered back-projection images. Further improvements were obtained at minimum-dose CT. The best diagnostic image quality was obtained with VEO at minimum-dose CT for the small structures (subpleural vessels and lung fissures) (P < 0.001). The potential for dose reduction was dependent on the diagnostic task because of the modification of the image texture produced by this reconstruction. CONCLUSIONS: At minimum-dose CT, VEO enables important dose reduction depending on the clinical indication and makes visible certain small structures that were not perceptible with filtered back-projection.


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We investigate the variation in quantitative and molecular traits in the freshwater snail Galba truncatula, from permanent and temporary water habitats. Using a common garden experiment, we measured 20 quantitative traits and molecular variation using seven microsatellites in 17 populations belonging to these two habitats. We estimated trait means in each habitat. We also estimated the distributions of overall genetic quantitative variation (QST), and of molecular variation (FST), within and between habitats. Overall, we observed a lack of association between molecular and quantitative variance. Among habitats, we found QST>FST, an indication of selection for different optima. Individuals from temporary water habitat matured older, at a larger size and were less fecund than individuals from permanent water habitat. We discuss these findings in the light of several theories for life-history traits evolution.


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Transplant glomerulopathy (TG) has received much attention in recent years as a symptom of chronic humoral rejection; however, many cases lack C4d deposition and/or circulating donor-specific antibodies (DSAs). To determine the contribution of other causes, we studied 209 consecutive renal allograft indication biopsies for chronic allograft dysfunction, of which 25 met the pathological criteria of TG. Three partially overlapping etiologies accounted for 21 (84%) cases: C4d-positive (48%), hepatitis C-positive (36%), and thrombotic microangiopathy (TMA)-positive (32%) TG. The majority of patients with confirmed TMA were also hepatitis C positive, and the majority of hepatitis C-positive patients had TMA. DSAs were significantly associated with C4d-positive but not with hepatitis C-positive TG. The prevalence of hepatitis C was significantly higher in the TG group than in 29 control patients. Within the TG cohort, those who were hepatitis C-positive developed allograft failure significantly earlier than hepatitis C-negative patients. Thus, TG is not a specific diagnosis but a pattern of pathological injury involving three major overlapping pathways. It is important to distinguish these mechanisms, as they may have different prognostic and therapeutic implications.


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From August 91 to December 94, 20 external fixators were used for severely injured patients (avg. ISS 25.2). The fractures were essentially open book with or without lateral compression and vertical lesions. The indication for fixation was treatment of shock and stabilization in 8 cases, stabilization alone in 9 cases, and in 3 cases as complementary fixation after internal fixation of posterior lesions. The fixation of the pelvis was effective on the amount of blood loss. One acetabulum fracture required surgery, two patients had internal fixation for loss of reduction and two others for late pubic and posterior pain. The clinical results are good; they are more related to the severity of the initial lesion than to the mode of fixation or the quality of the reduction. No superficial sepsis or osteitis was observed in relation to the pins.


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BACKGROUND: Chronic post-lobectomy empyema is rare but may require space obliteration for infection control. We report our experience by using a tailored thoracomyoplasty for this specific indication with respect to infection control and functional outcome. METHODS: We retrospectively analyzed 17 patients (11 men, 6 women) with chronic postlobectomy empyema who were treated by thoracomyoplasty in our institution between 2000 and 2011. All patients underwent an initial treatment attempt by use of chest tube drainage and antibiotics except those with suspicion of pleural aspergillosis (n = 6). In 5 patients, bronchus stump insufficiency was identified at preoperative bronchoscopy. A tailored thoracoplasty was combined with a serratus anterior-rhomboid myoplasty, which also served to close a bronchopleural fistula, if present. The first rib was resected in 11 of 17 patients. RESULTS: The 90-day mortality was 11.7%. Thoracomyoplasty was successful in all surviving patients with respect to infection control, space obliteration, and definitive closure of bronchopleural fistula, irrespective of the type of infection, the presence of a bronchopleural fistula, or whether a first rib resection was performed. Postlobectomy pulmonary function testing before and after thoracoplasty revealed a mean predicted FEV(1) of 63.0% ± 8.5% and 51.5% ± 4.2% (p = 0.01) and a mean predicted DLCO of 59.8% ± 11.6% and 54.5% ± 12.5%, respectively. Postoperative shoulder girdle dysfunction and scoliosis were prevented in patients willing to undergo intense physiotherapy. CONCLUSIONS: Tailored thoracomyoplasty represents a valid option for patients with chronic postlobectomy empyema without requiring a preceding open window thoracostomy. Space obliteration and infection control were equally obtained with and without first rib resection.


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« Notices sur quelques manuscrits arabes, par M. Woepke (fol. 1) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. sanscrits, par M. Fauriel (fol. 6) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. sanscrits (fol. 40) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. sanscrits en caractère bengali, par M. Loiseleur Deslongchamps (fol. 58) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. arabes, par M. Hassler (fol. 94) ; — Notices sur quelques mss. arabes, par M. Reinaud (fol. 99) ; — Catalogue des mss. orientaux de l'ancienne maison de la Sorbonne, par M. Reinaud (fol. 126) ; — Catalogue des mss. orientaux de l'ancien couvent de l'Oratoire, par M. Reinaud (fol. 136) ; — Catalogue des mss. orientaux des différentes bibliothèques publiques de Paris (fol. 146) ; — Liste des livres et des mss. orientaux venus d'Alger et adressés à la Bibliothèque royale, le 30 nov. 1832 (fol. 152) ; — Note de quelques mss. orientaux appartenant à M. Wahl (fol. 156) ; — Mss. orientaux provenant de feu M. Schultz (fol. 157 et 159) ; — Mss., papiers et autres objets provenant de feu M. Schultz (fol. 163) ; — Collection Asselin (fol. 165 et 270) ; — Lettres et pièces relatives au fonds Asselin (fol. 263) ; — Mss. arabes, persans, samskrits et hindous tanys, cédés à la Bibliothèque du Roi par M. de Polier (fol. 291 et 293) ; — Évaluation de 47 mss. arabes, persans, maures, bengalis, etc., provenant de feu Ouessant, interprète de la Compagnie de Pondichéry (fol. 295) ; — Mss. arabes, turcs et persans de M. Ducaurroy (fol. 298) ; — Collection des mss. orientaux appartenant à la succession de feu M. le baron Rousseau, consul général à Tripoly de Barbarie (fol. 303) ; — Liste des mss. tamouls cédés à la Bibliothèque du Roi par M. Ducler (fol. 309) ; — Liste des mss. tamouls donnés à la Bibliothèque du Roi par M. Reydelet (fol. 311) ; — Mss, arabes et berbères de M. Delaporte père, 4848 (fol. 314) ; — État sommaire de quelques mss. réputés venir de feu M. Huet,... trouvés dans la maison Kerboeuf (fol. 323) ; — Mss. orientaux distraits du fonds Renaudot (fol. 324) ; — Mss. arabes rapportés d'Égypte par le citoyen Raiye (fol. 325) ; — Cinq volumes arabes mss. offerts à la Bibliothèque royale par S. A. R. Mgr le duc de Nemours (fol. 326) ; — Liste des livres qu'on a envoyés à Mrs de la Compagnie, en tamoul, 14 déc. 1729 (fol. 327) ; — Catalogue des mss. indiens de la Bibliothèque du Roi (fol. 328) ; — « Mémoire concernant l'acquisition des mss. persiens qu'il conviendroit de faire aux Indes pour la Bibliothèque du Roy » (fol. 362) ; — Mémoire de livres à rechercher dans le Levant pour la Bibliothèque du Roy (fol. 366) ; — État des mss. à rechercher à Constantinople pour la Bibliothèque impériale (fol. 384) ; — Catalogue des mss. orientaux appartenant à M. R. Johnson, 1806 (fol. 386) ; — Liste des mss. orientaux de la bibliothèque de sir Thomas Phillipps à Middlehill, 1829 (fol. 396) ; — Indication des mss. arabes les plus importants de la bibliothèque d'Alger (fol. 398) ; — Liste des livres et mss. venus d'Alger (fol. 402) ; — Liste des bibliothèques turques de Constantinople, 1854 (fol. 404) ; — Bibliothèque du sultan Ahmet III, au vieux sérail : catalogue des livres d'histoire, 1854 (fol. 408) ; — Note des mss. orientaux extraits de la bibliothèque de Vienne, que le conservatoire de la Bibliothèque impériale juge entièrement inutiles (fol. 416) ; — Notice par Ascari de l'ancien ms. syriaque 13 (fol. 418) ; — Manuscrits persans historiques de l'Indoustan, et livres en langue samscretam, apportés à la Bibliothèque du Roi en 1778 » (fol. 420).


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RÉSUMÉ: Le génome de toute cellule est susceptible d'être attaqué par des agents endogènes et exogènes. Afin de préserver l'intégrité génomique, les cellules ont développé des multitudes de mécanismes. La réplication de l'ADN, une étape importante durant le cycle cellulaire, constitue un stress et présente un danger important pour l'intégrité du génome. L'anémie de Fanconi est une maladie héréditaire rare dont les protéines impliquées semblent jouer un rôle crucial dans la réponse au stress réplicatif. La maladie est associée à une instabilité chromosomique ainsi qu'à une forte probabilité de développer des cancers. Les cellules des patients souffrant de l'anémie de Fanconi sont sensibles à des agents interférant avec la réplication de l'ADN, et plus particulièrement àdes agents qui fient les deux brins d'ADN d'une manière covalente. L'anémie de Fanconi est une maladie génétiquement hétérogène. Treize protéines ont pu être identifiées. Elles semblent figurer dans une même voie de signalisation qui est aussi connue sous le nom de « FA/BRCA pathway », car un des gènes est identique au gène BRCA2 (breast cancer susceptibility gene 2). Huit protéines forment un complexe nucléaire dont l'intégrité est nécessaire à la monoubiquitination de deux autres protéines, FANCD2 et FANCI, en réponse à un stress réplicatif. A ce jour, la fonction moléculaire des protéines du « FA/BRCA pathway »reste encore mal décrite. Au début de mon travail de thèse, nous avons donc décidé de purifier les protéines du complexe nucléaire et d'étudier leurs propriétés biochimiques. Nous avons tout d'abord étudié les cinq protéines connues à l'époque qui sont FANCA, FANCC, FANCE, FANCF et FANCG. Par la suite, nous avons étendu notre étude à des protéines découvertes plus récemment, FANCL, FANCM et FAAP24, en concentrant finalement notre travail sur la caractérisation de FANCM. FANCM, contrairement aux autres protéines du complexe, est constituée de deux domaines conservés suggérant un rôle important dans le métabolisme de l'ADN. Il s'agit d'un domaine « DEAH box hélicase »situé dans la partie N-terminale et d'un domaine « ERCC4 nuclease »situé dans la partie C-terminale de la protéine. Dans cette étude, nous avons purifié avec succès la protéine FANCM entière à partir d'un système hétérologue. Nous montrons que FANCM s'attache de manière spécifique à des jonctions de Holliday et des fourches de réplication. De plus, nous démontrons que FANCM peut déplacer le point de jonction de ces structures via son domaine hélicase de manière dépendante de l'ATP. FANCM est aussi capable de dissocier de grands intermédiaires de la recombinaison, via la migration de jonctions de Holliday à travers une région d'homologie de 2.6 kb. Tous ces résultats suggèrent que FANCM peut s'attacher spécifiquement à des fourches de réplication et à des jonctions de Holliday in vitro et que son domaine hélicase est associé à une activité migratoire efficace. Nous pensons que FANCM peut avoir un rôle direct sur les intermédiaires de réplication. Ceci est en accord avec l'idée que les protéines de l'anémie de Fanconi coordonnent la réparation de l'ADN au niveau des fourches de réplication arrêtées. Nos résultats donnent une première indication quant au rôle de FANCM dans la cellule et peuvent contribuer à élucider la fonction de cette voie de signalisation peu comprise jusqu'à présent. SUMMARY: The genome of every cell is subject to a constant offence by endogenous and exogenous agents. Not surprisingly; cells have evolved a multitude of mechanisms which aim at preserving genomic integrity. A key step during the life cycle of a cell, DNA replication itself, constitutes a special danger to the integrity of the genome. The proteins defective in the rare hereditary disease Fanconi anemia (FA) are suspected to play a crucial role in the cellular response to DNA replication stress. The disease is associated with chromosomal instability and pronounced cancer susceptibility. Cells from Fanconi anemia patients are sensitive to a variety of agents which interfere with DNA replication, DNA interstrand cross-linking agents being particularly threatening to their survival. Fanconi anemia is a genetically heterogeneous disease with 13 different proteins identified, which seem to work together in a common pathway. Since one of the FA genes is identical to the breast cancer susceptibility gene BRCA2, it is also referred to as the FA/BRCA pathway. Eight proteins form a nuclear complex, whose integriry is required for the monoubiquitination of two other FA proteins, FANCD2 and FANCI, in response to DNA replication stress. Despite intensive research, the function of the FA/BRCA pathway at a molecular level has remained largely elusive so far. At the beginning of my thesis, we therefore decided to purify the proteins of the FA core complex and to investigate their biochemical properties. We started with the five proteins which were known at that time, FANCA, FANCC, FANCE, FANCF, and FACG. Later on, we extended our studies to the newly discovered proteins FANCL, FANCM, and FAAP24, and eventually focused our work on the characterisation of FANCM. In contrast to the other core complex proteins, FANCM contains two conserved domains, which point to a role in DNA metabolism: an N-terminal DEAH box helicase domain and a C-terminal ERCC4 nuclease domain. In this study, we have successfully purified full-length FANCM from a recombinant source. We show that purified FANCM binds to branched DNA molecules, such as Holliday junctions and replication forks, with high specificity and affinity. In addition, we demonstrate that FANCM can translocate the junction point of branched DNA molecules due to its helicase domain in an ATPase-dependent manner. FANCM can even dissociate large recombination intermediates, via branch migration of Holliday junctions through a 2.6 kb region of homology. Taken together, our data suggest that FANCM can specifically bind to replication forks and Holliday junctions in vitro, and that its DEAH box helicase domain is associated with a potent branch migration activity. We propose that FANCM might have a direct role in the processing of DNA replication intermediates. This is consistent with the current view that FA proteins coordinate DNA repair at stalled replication forks. Our findings provide a first hint as to the context in which FANCM might play a role in the cell. We are optimistic that they might be key to further elucidate the function of a pathway which is far from being understood.


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This work aimed at assessing the doses delivered in Switzerland to paediatric patients during computed tomography (CT) examinations of the brain, chest and abdomen, and at establishing diagnostic reference levels (DRLs) for various age groups. Forms were sent to the ten centres performing CT on children, addressing the demographics, the indication and the scanning parameters: number of series, kilovoltage, tube current, rotation time, reconstruction slice thickness and pitch, volume CT dose index (CTDI(vol)) and dose length product (DLP). Per age group, the proposed DRLs for brain, chest and abdomen are, respectively, in terms of CTDI(vol): 20, 30, 40, 60 mGy; 5, 8, 10, 12 mGy; 7, 9, 13, 16 mGy; and in terms of DLP: 270, 420, 560, 1,000 mGy cm; 110, 200, 220, 460 mGy cm; 130, 300, 380, 500 mGy cm. An optimisation process should be initiated to reduce the spread in dose recorded in this study. A major element of this process should be the use of DRLs.


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La résection par voie endoscopique transnasale de tumeurs envahissant la base du crâne antérieure a été récemment décrite. Cette chirurgie requiert une connaissance précise des repères anatomiques endoscopiques afin réduire le risque de complications vasculaires et neurologiques.¦Nous avons réalisé une étude anatomique endoscopique sur 6 têtes dont 3 injectées avec du silicone coloré. Les repères anatomiques pour les abords de 3 régions d'importance clinique ont été étudiés. Les repères pour l'abord de l'apex orbitaire sont le recessus carotidien latéral, l'empreinte du nerf optique, « l'optic strut » et le V2. Leurs rapports avec le canal optique, l'artère carotide interne et les fentes orbitaires supérieures et inférieures sont décrits. Les repères pour l'abord de l'apex pétreux sont le V2 et le nerf vidien qui permettent repérer la portion intrapétreuse de l'artère carotide interne. Les repères pour l'abord de la fosse ptérygomaxillaire sont le V2 et le foramen rotundum, l'artère et le trou sphénopalatins et l'artère maxillaire interne.¦Cette nouvelle approche permettant d'aborder des lésions médianes et paramédianes ouvre de nouvelles perspectives pour des équipes de neurochirurgiens et d'ORL. Ces voies d'abords s'appliquent aussi bien à des résections décompressives à but palliatif qu'à l'exérèse de tumeurs benignes et malignes, bien que les résultats à long terme doivent encore être validés pour cette dernière indication.


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INTRODUCTION: Osteoset(®) T is a calcium sulphate void filler containing 4% tobramycin sulphate, used to treat bone and soft tissue infections. Despite systemic exposure to the antibiotic, there are no pharmacokinetic studies in humans published so far. Based on the observations made in our patients, a model predicting tobramycin serum levels and evaluating their toxicity potential is presented. METHODS: Following implantation of Osteoset(®) T, tobramycin serum concentrations were monitored systematically. A pharmacokinetic analysis was performed using a non-linear mixed effects model based on a one compartment model with first-degree absorption. RESULTS: Data from 12 patients treated between October 2006 and March 2008 were analysed. Concentration profiles were consistent with the first-order slow release and single-compartment kinetics, whilst showing important variability. Predicted tobramycin serum concentrations depended clearly on both implanted drug amount and renal function. DISCUSSION AND CONCLUSION: Despite the popularity of aminoglycosides for local antibiotic therapy, pharmacokinetic data for this indication are scarce, and not available for calcium sulphate as carrier material. Systemic exposure to tobramycin after implantation of Osteoset(®) T appears reassuring regarding toxicity potential, except in case of markedly impaired renal function. We recommend in adapting the dosage to the estimated creatinine clearance rather than solely to the patient's weight.


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During the harvest season in Iowa, it is common to have single axle loads on secondary roads and bridges that are excessive (typical examples are grain carts) and well beyond normal load limits. Even though these excessive loads occur only during a short time of the year, they may do significant damage to pavements and bridges. In addition, the safety of some bridges may be compromised because of the excessive loads, and sometimes there may be little indication to the users that damage may be imminent. At this time there are no Iowa laws regulating axle loads allowed for agricultural equipment. This study looks at the potential problems this may cause on secondary roads and timber stringer bridges. Both highway pavement and timber bridges are evaluated in this report. A section (panel) of Iowa PCC paved county road was chosen to study the effects of heavy agricultural loads on pavements. Instrumentation was applied to the panel and a heavily loaded grain cart was rolled across. The collected data were analyzed for any indication of excessive stresses of the concrete. The second study, concerning excessive loads on timber stringer bridges, was conducted in the laboratory. Four bridge sections were constructed and tested. Two of the sections contained five stringers and two sections had three stringers. Timber for the bridges came from a dismantled bridge, and deck panels were cut from new stock. All timber was treated with creosote. A hydraulic load was applied at the deck mid-span using a foot print representing a tire from a typical grain cart. Force was applied until failure of the system resulted. The collected data were evaluated to provide indications of load distribution and for comparison with expected wheel loads for a typical heavily loaded single axle grain cart. Results of the pavement tests showed that the potential of over-stressing the pavement is a possibility. Even though most of the tension stress levels recorded were below the rupture strength of the concrete, there were a few instances where the indicated tension stress level exceeded the concrete rupture strength. Results of the bridge tests showed that when the static ultimate load capacity of the timber stringer bridge sections was reached, there was sudden loss of capacity. Prior to reaching this ultimate capacity, the load sharing between the stringers was very uniform. The failure was characterized by loss of flexural capacity of the stringers. In all tests, the ultimate test load exceeded the wheel load that would be applied by an 875 bushel single axle grain cart.


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The objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of drought and nitrogen (N) stresses on stomatal conductance of three maize cultivars grown in the field. The stomatal conductance of Sol da Manhã variety (BRS 4157) and Pioneer 6875 hybrid, under drought and high N, was lower than under drought and low N, which indicates drought tolerance, since these cultivars did not exhibit reduction in grain yield by drought, as observed for Amarelão variety, which flowered under more severe drought. 'Sol da Manhã' exhibited shorter anthesis-silking interval under high N than under low N, an additional indication of tolerance.


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OBJECTIVES: Studies of small area variations of health care utilization are more and more frequent. Such variations are often considered to be an indication of variations in the quality of medical care. The variations in the rate of operations for hip fractures are among the lowest studied to date, due to the fact that a consensus exists concerning this surgery. Our objective is to examine these variations within the context of relatively small and heterogeneous districts. METHOD: Based on anonymous computerized data on public hospital stays, this study describes the variations in population rates (crude and standardized) of operations for hip fracture among the health districts of the Canton of Vaud for the period from 1986 to 1991. District populations vary from 22,000 to 164,000. Using the extremal quotient (EQ), the importance of these variations was determined. RESULTS: The study population consists of 2363 cases, of which 78% are women. Mean age is 80.4 for women and 70.6 for men. Standardized rates of operation for hip fracture per 100,000 in the Canton Vaud for the years 1986 to 1991 are, respectively: 56; 67; 86; 91; 89 and 94. The EQ for the years 1986 to 1991 are respectively: 8.2; 4.0; 3.5; 2.7; 1.9 and 1.9. The high EQ, especially for the earlier years, are contrary to the initial premise of absence of variation. The progressive implementation in the Canton Vaud of VESKA medical statistics could play a role, as could the small size of many of the districts, with resultant instability of rates. CONCLUSIONS: Considering the wide variations shown here for an operation hardly regarded as subject to variations, it is important to exercise caution in interpreting published data of small area variations.


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Recombinant human TNF (rhTNF) has a selective effect on endothelial cells in tumour angiogenic vessels. Its clinical use has been limited because of its property to induce vascular collapsus. TNF administration through isolated limb perfusion (ILP) for regionally advanced melanomas and soft tissue sarcomas of the limbs was shown to be safe and efficient. When combined to the alkylating agent melphalan, a single ILP produces a very high objective response rate. ILP with TNF and melphalan provided the proof of concept that a vasculotoxic strategy combined to chemotherapy may produce a strong anti-tumour effect. The registered indication of TNF-based ILP is a regional therapy for regionally spread tumours. In soft tissue sarcomas, it is a limb sparing neoadjuvant treatment and, in melanoma in-transit metastases, a curative treatment. Despite its demonstrated regional efficiency TNF-based ILP is unlikely to have any impact on survival. High TNF dosages induce endothelial cells apoptosis, leading to vascular destruction. However, lower TNF dosage produces a very strong effect that is to increase the drug penetration into the tumour, presumably by decreasing the intratumoural hypertension resulting in better tumour uptake. TNF-ILP allowed the identification of the role of alphaVbeta3 integrin deactivation as an important mechanism of antiangiogenesis. Several recent studies have shown that TNF targeting is possible, paving the way to a new opportunity to administer TNF systemically for improving cancer drug penetration. TNF was the first agent registered for the treatment of cancer that improves drug penetration in tumours and selectively destroys angiogenic vessels.