920 resultados para in situ transesterification
The liquid–vapor interface is difficult to access experimentally but is of interest from a theoretical and applied point of view and has particular importance in atmospheric aerosol chemistry. Here we examine the liquid–vapor interface for mixtures of water, sodium chloride, and formic acid, an abundant chemical in the atmosphere. We compare the results of surface tension and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) measurements over a wide range of formic acid concentrations. Surface tension measurements provide a macroscopic characterization of solutions ranging from 0 to 3 M sodium chloride and from 0 to over 0.5 mole fraction formic acid. Sodium chloride was found to be a weak salting out agent for formic acid with surface excess depending only slightly on salt concentration. In situ XPS provides a complementary molecular level description about the liquid–vapor interface. XPS measurements over an experimental probe depth of 51 Å gave the C 1s to O 1s ratio for both total oxygen and oxygen from water. XPS also provides detailed electronic structure information that is inaccessible by surface tension. Density functional theory calculations were performed to understand the observed shift in C 1s binding energies to lower values with increasing formic acid concentration. Part of the experimental −0.2 eV shift can be assigned to the solution composition changing from predominantly monomers of formic acid to a combination of monomers and dimers; however, the lack of an appropriate reference to calibrate the absolute BE scale at high formic acid mole fraction complicates the interpretation. Our data are consistent with surface tension measurements yielding a significantly more surface sensitive measurement than XPS due to the relatively weak propensity of formic acid for the interface. A simple model allowed us to replicate the XPS results under the assumption that the surface excess was contained in the top four angstroms of solution.
Atmospheric soluble organic aerosol material can become solid or semi-solid. Due to increasing viscosity and decreasing diffusivity, this can impact important processes such as gas uptake and reactivity within aerosols containing such substances. This work explores the dependence of shikimic acid ozonolysis on humidity and thereby viscosity. Shikimic acid, a proxy for oxygenated reactive organic material, reacts with O3 in a Criegee-type reaction. We used an environmental microreactor embedded in a scanning transmission X-ray microscope (STXM) to probe this oxidation process. This technique facilitates in situ measurements with single micron-sized particles and allows to obtain near-edge X-ray absorption fine structure (NEXAFS) spectra with high spatial resolution. Thus, the chemical evolution of the interior of the particles can be followed under reaction conditions. The experiments show that the overall degradation rate of shikimic acid is depending on the relative humidity in a way that is controlled by the decreasing diffusivity of ozone with decreasing humidity. This decreasing diffusivity is most likely linked to the increasing viscosity of the shikimic acid–water mixture. The degradation rate was also depending on particle size, most congruent with a reacto-diffusion limited kinetic case where the reaction progresses only in a shallow layer within the bulk. No gradient in the shikimic acid concentration was observed within the bulk material at any humidity indicating that the diffusivity of shikimic acid is still high enough to allow its equilibration throughout the particles on the timescale of hours at higher humidity and that the thickness of the oxidized layer under dry conditions, where the particles are solid, is beyond the resolution of STXM.
We used electrochemical scanning tunneling microscopy to study the intercalation of hydrogen into a Cu(111) model electrode under reactive (in operando) conditions. Hydrogen evolution causes hydrogen intermediates to migrate into the copper lattice as function of the applied potential and the resulting current density. This H-inclusion is demonstrated to be reversible. The presence of subsurface hydrogen leads to a significant surface relaxation/reconstruction affecting both the geometric and electronic structure of the electrode surface.
A direct electron transfer process between bacterial cells of electrogenic species Geobacter sulfurreducens (Gs) and electrified electrode surfaces was studied to exploit the reactivity of Gs submonolayers on gold and silver surfaces. A submonolayer of Gs was prepared and studied to explore specifically the heterogeneous electron transfer properties at the bacteria/electrode interface. In situ microscopic techniques characterised the morphology of the Gs submonolayers under the operating conditions. In addition, complementary in situ spectroscopic techniques that allowed us to access in situ molecular information of the Gs with high surface selectivity and sensitivity were employed. The results provided clear evidence that the outermost cytochrome C in Gs is responsible for the heterogeneous electron transfer, which is in direct contact with the metal electrode. Feasibility of single cell in situ studies under operating conditions was demonstrated where the combination of surface-electrochemical tools at the nano- and micro-scale with microbiological approaches can offer unique opportunities for the emerging field of electro-microbiology to explore processes and interactions between microorganisms and electrical devices.
The sensitivity of the gas flow field to changes in different initial conditions has been studied for the case of a highly simplified cometary nucleus model. The nucleus model simulated a homogeneously outgassing sphere with a more active ring around an axis of symmetry. The varied initial conditions were the number density of the homogeneous region, the surface temperature, and the composition of the flow (varying amounts of H2O and CO2) from the active ring. The sensitivity analysis was performed using the Polynomial Chaos Expansion (PCE) method. Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) was used for the flow, thereby allowing strong deviations from local thermal equilibrium. The PCE approach can be used to produce a sensitivity analysis with only four runs per modified input parameter and allows one to study and quantify non-linear responses of measurable parameters to linear changes in the input over a wide range. Hence the PCE allows one to obtain a functional relationship between the flow field properties at every point in the inner coma and the input conditions. It is for example shown that the velocity and the temperature of the background gas are not simply linear functions of the initial number density at the source. As probably expected, the main influence on the resulting flow field parameter is the corresponding initial parameter (i.e. the initial number density determines the background number density, the temperature of the surface determines the flow field temperature, etc.). However, the velocity of the flow field is also influenced by the surface temperature while the number density is not sensitive to the surface temperature at all in our model set-up. Another example is the change in the composition of the flow over the active area. Such changes can be seen in the velocity but again not in the number density. Although this study uses only a simple test case, we suggest that the approach, when applied to a real case in 3D, should assist in identifying the sensitivity of gas parameters measured in situ by, for example, the Rosetta spacecraft to the surface boundary conditions and vice versa.
Remote sensing observations meet some limitations when used to study the bulk atmospheric composition of the giant planets of our solar system. A remarkable example of the superiority of in situ probe measurements is illustrated by the exploration of Jupiter, where key measurements such as the determination of the noble gases׳ abundances and the precise measurement of the helium mixing ratio have only been made available through in situ measurements by the Galileo probe. This paper describes the main scientific goals to be addressed by the future in situ exploration of Saturn placing the Galileo probe exploration of Jupiter in a broader context and before the future probe exploration of the more remote ice giants. In situ exploration of Saturn׳s atmosphere addresses two broad themes that are discussed throughout this paper: first, the formation history of our solar system and second, the processes at play in planetary atmospheres. In this context, we detail the reasons why measurements of Saturn׳s bulk elemental and isotopic composition would place important constraints on the volatile reservoirs in the protosolar nebula. We also show that the in situ measurement of CO (or any other disequilibrium species that is depleted by reaction with water) in Saturn׳s upper troposphere may help constraining its bulk O/H ratio. We compare predictions of Jupiter and Saturn׳s bulk compositions from different formation scenarios, and highlight the key measurements required to distinguish competing theories to shed light on giant planet formation as a common process in planetary systems with potential applications to most extrasolar systems. In situ measurements of Saturn׳s stratospheric and tropospheric dynamics, chemistry and cloud-forming processes will provide access to phenomena unreachable to remote sensing studies. Different mission architectures are envisaged, which would benefit from strong international collaborations, all based on an entry probe that would descend through Saturn׳s stratosphere and troposphere under parachute down to a minimum of 10 bar of atmospheric pressure. We finally discuss the science payload required on a Saturn probe to match the measurement requirements.
The distribution of trivalent and tetravalent cerium, Ce(III) and Ce(IV) respectively, in a lateritic profile from Madagascar, has been characterized by X-ray-absorption near-edge structure (XANES) spectroscopy at the Ce LIII-edge on the LUCIA beamline (SOLEIL synchrotron, France). XANES spectra were acquired on bulk-rock samples as well as on specific lateritic minerals or polymineral zones (in-situ measurements) of the tonalite bedrock and the three overlying weathered horizons (C-, B- and A-horizons). Geochemically, the bedrock, and the A- and C-horizons show similar rare earth element content (REE = 363–405 mg/kg). They also display the same positive Ce-anomaly (CeCN/Ce∗ = 1.12–1.45), which is therefore likely to be inherited from the bedrock. In the B-horizon, the higher REE content (REE = 2194 mg/kg) and the larger Ce-anomaly (CeCN/Ce∗ = 4.26) are consistent with an accumulation zone caused by the evaporation of groundwater during the dry season. There is a good agreement between the Ce(III)/Cetotal ratio (XCe(III)) deduced from the positive Ce-anomaly (bulk-rock geochemical data) and that derived from XANES spectroscopy on the same bulk-rock samples (BR-XCe(III)-XANES) in the bedrock, and the C- and B-horizons. In the A-horizon, XANES measurements on bulk rock and minerals revealed a higher BR-XCe(III)-XANES (up to 100%) compared to the XCe(III) deduced from geochemical data (XCe(III) = 79%). The preservation of a positive Ce-anomaly in the A-horizon suggests that the Ce mobilization and redistribution during weathering occurred with no significant Ce fractionation from other trivalent REE. Remarkably, the only investigated sample where cerianite is observed belongs to the B-horizon. Within this horizon, Ce oxidation state varies depending on the microstructural position (porosity, cracks, clay-rich groundmass). The highest Ce(IV) concentrations are measured in cerianite (and aluminophosphates) localized in pores at the vicinity of Mn-rich domains (XCe(III)-XANES = 30–51%). Therefore, Ce fractionation from other REE is attributed to a Ce oxidation and precipitation potentially assisted by oxyhydroxide scavenging. In the C-horizon, Ce(III) and Ce(IV) are mainly distributed in REE-minerals of the rhabdophane group found in pores and cracks. The similarity between the Ce(III) proportion of rhabdophane grains (XCe(III)-XANES = 74–89%) with that of the bedrock (BR-XCe(III)-XANES = 79%) suggests no significant fractionation of Ce(III) and Ce(IV) between solution and mineral during the successive stages of primary REE-mineral alteration, transport in solution and secondary precipitation in the incipient stages of weathering. Overall, our novel spectroscopic approach shows that Ce is not necessarily oxidized nor fractionated from other REE during weathering in lateritic conditions. This implies that like Ce(III), Ce(IV) can be mobilized in aqueous fluids during weathering, possibly thanks to complexation with organic molecules, and can precipitate together with Ce(III) in secondary REE-bearing minerals. The corollary is that (paleo)redox reconstructions in soils and/or sediments based on Ce-anomaly in weathered rocks or minerals must be interpreted with caution.
Dehydration behaviour of the zeolite merlinoite, NaK11[Al12Si20O64]·15H2O, from the Khibiny massif (Russia) was studied by means of single-crystal X-ray diffraction conjoined with step-wise heating to 225 C. At room temperature merlinoite has the space group Immm with a = 14.0312(5), b = 14.2675(6), c = 10.0874(4) Å, and V = 2019.40(14) Å3. At 75 °C the merlinoite structure undergoes pronounced dehydration accompanied by a phase transition to a structure that has the space group P42/nmc and remains consistent at elevated temperature. A fully dehydrated phase occurs at 200 °C (at 225 °C: a = 13.341(4), b = 13.341(4), c = 9.707(4) Å, V = 1727.7(12) Å3). Dehydration-induced framework distortion and symmetry were found to be different from those observed for synthetic potassium merlinoite with the K11.5[Al11.5Si20.5O64]·15H2O composition.
We have cloned the complete coding region of the porcine TNFSF10 gene. The porcine TNFSF10 cDNA has an ORF of 870 nucleotides and shares 85% identity with human TNFSF10, and 75% and 72% identity with rat and mouse Tnfsf10 coding sequences, respectively. The deduced porcine TNFSF10 protein consists of 289 amino acids with the calculated molecular mass of 33.5 kDa and a predicted pI of 8.15. The amino acid sequence similarities correspond to 86, 72 and 70% when compared with human, rat and mouse sequences, respectively. Northern blot analysis detected TNFSF10-specific transcripts (approximately 1.7 kb) in various organs of a 10-week-old pig, suggesting ubiquitous expression. Real-time RT-PCR studies of various organs from fetal (days 73 and 98) and postnatal stages (two weeks, eight months) demonstrated developmental and tissue-specific regulation of TNFSF10 mRNA abundance. The chromosomal location of the porcine TNFSF10 gene was determined by FISH of a specific BAC clone to metaphase chromosomes. This TNFSF10 BAC clone has been assigned to SSC13q34-->q36. Additionally, the localization of the TNFSF10 gene was verified by RH mapping on the porcine IMpRH panel.
We reconstruct the timing of ice flow reconfiguration and deglaciation of the Central Alpine Gotthard Pass, Switzerland, using cosmogenic 10Be and in situ14C surface exposure dating. Combined with mapping of glacial erosional markers, exposure ages of bedrock surfaces reveal progressive glacier downwasting from the maximum LGM ice volume and a gradual reorganization of the paleoflow pattern with a southward migration of the ice divide. Exposure ages of ∼16–14 ka (snow corrected) give evidence for continuous early Lateglacial ice cover and indicate that the first deglaciation was contemporaneous with the decay of the large Gschnitz glacier system. In agreement with published ages from other Alpine passes, these data support the concept of large transection glaciers that persisted in the high Alps after the breakdown of the LGM ice masses in the foreland and possibly decayed as late as the onset of the Bølling warming. A younger group of ages around ∼12–13 ka records the timing of deglaciation following local glacier readvance during the Egesen stadial. Glacial erosional features and the distribution of exposure ages consistently imply that Egesen glaciers were of comparatively small volume and were following a topographically controlled paleoflow pattern. Dating of a boulder close to the pass elevation gives a minimum age of 11.1 ± 0.4 ka for final deglaciation by the end of the Younger Dryas. In situ14C data are overall in good agreement with the 10Be ages and confirm continuous exposure throughout the Holocene. However, in situ14C demonstrates that partial surface shielding, e.g. by snow, has to be incorporated in the exposure age calculations and the model of deglaciation.
A detailed characterization of air quality in the megacity of Paris (France) during two 1-month intensive campaigns and from additional 1-year observations revealed that about 70% of the urban background fine particulate matter (PM) is transported on average into the megacity from upwind regions. This dominant influence of regional sources was confirmed by in situ measurements during short intensive and longer-term campaigns, aerosol optical depth (AOD) measurements from ENVISAT, and modeling results from PMCAMx and CHIMERE chemistry transport models. While advection of sulfate is well documented for other megacities, there was surprisingly high contribution from long-range transport for both nitrate and organic aerosol. The origin of organic PM was investigated by comprehensive analysis of aerosol mass spectrometer (AMS), radiocarbon and tracer measurements during two intensive campaigns. Primary fossil fuel combustion emissions constituted less than 20%in winter and 40%in summer of carbonaceous fine PM, unexpectedly small for a megacity. Cooking activities and, during winter, residential wood burning are the major primary organic PM sources. This analysis suggests that the major part of secondary organic aerosol is of modern origin, i.e., from biogenic precursors and from wood burning. Black carbon concentrations are on the lower end of values encountered in megacities worldwide, but still represent an issue for air quality. These comparatively low air pollution levels are due to a combination of low emissions per inhabitant, flat terrain, and a meteorology that is in general not conducive to local pollution build-up. This revised picture of a megacity only being partially responsible for its own average and peak PM levels has important implications for air pollution regulation policies.