972 resultados para herbivore-induced plant volatile organic compounds
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A novel laponite RD clay-based Fe nanocomposite (Fe-Lap-RD) has been successfully synthesized through a reaction between a solution of iron salt and an aqueous dispersion of laponite RD clay. The X-ray diffraction (XRD) results reveal that the Fe-Lap-RD mainly consists of Fe2O3 (maghemite) and Fe2Si4O10(OH)2 (iron silicate hydroxide), which have tetragonal and monoclinic structures, respectively, and has a high specific surface area as well as a high pore volume. The photo-catalytic activity of the Fe-Lap-RD was examined in the photo-assisted degradation of an organic azo dye Orange II. It was found that the mineralization of Orange 11 undergoes a slower kinetics than discoloration, and 70% total organic carbon (TOC) of 0.2 mM Orange 11 can be removed in 90 min, implying that the Fe-Lap-RD exhibited a high photo-catalytic activity in the presence of H2O2 and UV light (254 nm) in the photo-assisted degradation of Orange II. In addition, our experiments also illustrate that the Fe-Lap-RD has a long-term stability but is of low cost. This study illustrates the possibility of photo-assisted degradation of organic compounds without the requirements to remove the Fe ions after reaction. Two possible catalytic reaction mechanisms are also proposed. (C) 2003 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
A mathematical model that describes the operation of a sequential leach bed process for anaerobic digestion of organic fraction of municipal solid waste (MSW) is developed and validated. This model assumes that ultimate mineralisation of the organic component of the waste occurs in three steps, namely solubilisation of particulate matter, fermentation to volatile organic acids (modelled as acetic acid) along with liberation of carbon dioxide and hydrogen, and methanogenesis from acetate and hydrogen. The model incorporates the ionic equilibrium equations arising due to dissolution of carbon dioxide, generation of alkalinity from breakdown of solids and dissociation of acetic acid. Rather than a charge balance, a mass balance on the hydronium and hydroxide ions is used to calculate pH. The flow of liquid through the bed is modelled as occurring through two zones-a permeable zone with high flushing rates and the other more stagnant. Some of the kinetic parameters for the biological processes were obtained from batch MSW digestion experiments. The parameters for flow model were obtained from residence time distribution studies conducted using tritium as a tracer. The model was validated using data from leach bed digestion experiments in which a leachate volume equal to 10% of the fresh waste bed volume was sequenced. The model was then tested, without altering any kinetic or flow parameters, by varying volume of leachate that is sequenced between the beds. Simulations for sequencing/recirculating 5 and 30% of the bed volume are presented and compared with experimental results. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
Many studies have shown a reduction in P sorption in highly weathered soils when organic matter (OM) is applied, suggesting competition between OM decomposition products and P for sorption sites. However, such studies seldom consider the P released from the added OM. To delineate the effects of OM addition on P availability through sorption competition and P addition, water leachate from incubated soybean (SB) [Glycine mar (L.) Merr.] and Rhodes grass (RG) (Chloris gayana Knuth cv. Callide) was used in competitive P sorption studies both undiluted and after acidification (i.e., the fulvic acid [FA] component). Addition of two rates (0.2 and 2 mL) of SB leachate to an Oxisol significantly increased P sorption at the higher rate, while a similar trend was observed following RG leachate addition at the same rates. Extending the range of highly weathered soils examined (two Oxisols, an Ultisol, and an acidic Vertisol) resulted in no observed decrease in P sorption following addition of OM leachate. Surprisingly, SB leachate transiently increased P sorption in the two Oxisol soils. Addition of the FA component of the leachates resulted in a transient (< 6 d) decrease in P sorption in three of the four soils examined and constituted the only evidence in this study that decomposing OM residues reduced P sorption. This research provides further evidence contradicting the long held assumption that inhibition of P sorption by dissolved organic compounds, derived from decomposing OM, is responsible for increased P phytoavailability when P fertilizer and OM are applied together.
Ionic liquids based on 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium tetrafluoroborate (BmimBF4) and 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium hexafluorophosphate (BmimPF6) were used as reusable alternatives to volatile organic solvents (VOCs) for ethylenediammonium diacetate (EDDA) catalyzed Gewald synthesis of 2-aminothiophenes. Significant rate enhancement and improvement of the yield were observed. The ionic liquids containing catalyst EDDA were recycled several times with no decreases in yields and reaction rates.
The treatment of effluents produced during the manufacture of metallurgical coke is normally carried out using the activated sludge process. The efficiency of activated sludges in purifying coke oven effluent depends largely on the maintenance of species of micro-organisms which destroy thiocyanate. The composition, production, toxicity and treatment of coke oven effluent at Corby steelworks are described. A review is presented which follows the progress made towards identifying and monitoring the species of bacteria which destroy thiocyanate in biological treatment plants purifying coke oven effluents. In the present study a search for bacteria capable of destroying thiocyanate led to the isolation of a species of bacteria, identified as Pseudomonas putida, which destroyed thiocyanate in the presence of succinate; this species had not previously been reported to use thiocyanate. Washed cell suspensions of P. putida destroyed phenol and thiocyanate simultaneously and thiocyanate destruction was not suppressed by pyridine, aniline or catechol at the highest concentrations normally encountered in coke oven effluent. The isolate has been included, as N.C.I.B. 11198, in the National Collection of Industrial Bacteria, Torrey Research Station, Aberdeen. Three other isolates, identified as Achromobacter sp., Thiobacillus thioparus and T. denitrificans, were also confirmed to destroy thi.ocyanate. A technique has been developed for monitoring populations of different species of bacteria in activated sludges. Application of this technique to laboratory scale and full scale treatment plants at Corby showed that thiobacilli were usually not detected; thiobacilli were el~inated during the commissioning period of the full scale plant. However experiments using a laboratory scale plant indicated that during a period of three weeks an increase in the numbers of thiobacilli might have contributed to an improvement in plant performance. Factors which might have facilitated the development of thiobacilli are discussed. Large numbers of fluorescent pseudomonads capable of using thiocyanate were sometimes detected in the laboratory scale plant. The possibility is considered that catechol or other organic compounds in the feed-liquor might have stimulated fluorescent pseudmonads. Experiments using the laboratory scale plant confirmed that deteriorations in the efficiency of thiocyanate destruction were sometimes caused by bulking sludges, due to the excessive growth of fungal floes. Increased dilution of the coke oven effluent was a successful remedy to this difficulty. The optimum operating conditions recommended by the manufacturer of the full scale activated sludge plant at Corby are assessed and the role of bacterial monitoring in a programme of regular monitoring tests is discussed in relation to the operation of activated sludge plants treating coke oven effluents.
De-inking sludge is a waste product generated from secondary fibre paper mills who manufacture recycled paper into new paper sheets; it refers directly to the solid residues which evolve during the de-inking stage of the paper pulping process. The current practice for the disposal of this waste is either by land-spreading, land-filling or incineration which are unsustainable. This work has explored the intermediate pyrolysis of pre-conditioned de-inking sludge pellets in a recently patented 20 kg/h intermediate pyrolysis reactor (The Pyroformer). The reactor is essentially two co-axial screws which are configured in such a way as to circulate solids within the reactor and thus facilitate in the cracking of tars. The potential application of using the volatile organic vapours and permanent gases evolved would be to generate both combined heat and power (CHP) located at paper making sites. The results show that de-inking sludge could be successfully pyrolysed and the organic vapours produced were composed of a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds and some fatty acid methyl esters as detected by liquid GC-MS. The calorific value of the oil after condensing was between 36 and 37 MJ/kg and the liquid fuel properties were also determined, permanent gases were detected by a GC-TCD and were composed of approximately 24% CO, 6% CH and 70% CO (v/v%). The solid residue from pyrolysis also contained a small residual calorific value, and was largely composed of mainly calcium based inert metal oxides. The application of applying intermediate pyrolysis to de-inking sludge for both CHP production and waste reduction is in principle a feasible technology which could be applied at secondary fibre paper mills. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
De-inking sludge is a waste product generated from secondary fibre paper mills who manufacture recycled paper into new paper sheets; it refers directly to the solid residues which evolve during the de-inking stage of the paper pulping process. The current practice for the disposal of this waste is either by land-spreading, land-filling or incineration which are unsustainable. This work has explored the intermediate pyrolysis of pre-conditioned de-inking sludge pellets in a recently patented 20 kg/h intermediate pyrolysis reactor (The Pyroformer). The reactor is essentially two co-axial screws which are configured in such a way as to circulate solids within the reactor and thus facilitate in the cracking of tars. The potential application of using the volatile organic vapours and permanent gases evolved would be to generate both combined heat and power (CHP) located at paper making sites. The results show that de-inking sludge could be successfully pyrolysed and the organic vapours produced were composed of a mixture of aromatic hydrocarbons, phenolic compounds and some fatty acid methyl esters as detected by liquid GC-MS. The calorific value of the oil after condensing was between 36 and 37 MJ/kg and the liquid fuel properties were also determined, permanent gases were detected by a GC-TCD and were composed of approximately 24% CO, 6% CH and 70% CO (v/v%). The solid residue from pyrolysis also contained a small residual calorific value, and was largely composed of mainly calcium based inert metal oxides. The application of applying intermediate pyrolysis to de-inking sludge for both CHP production and waste reduction is in principle a feasible technology which could be applied at secondary fibre paper mills. © 2013 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Many organic compounds cause an irreversible damage to human health and the ecosystem and are present in water resources. Among these hazard substances, phenolic compounds play an important role on the actual contamination. Utilization of membrane technology is increasing exponentially in drinking water production and waste water treatment. The removal of organic compounds by nanofiltration membranes is characterized not only by molecular sieving effects but also by membrane-solute interactions. Influence of the sieving parameters (molecular weight and molecular diameter) and the physicochemical interactions (dissociation constant and molecular hydrophobicity) on the membrane rejection of the organic solutes were studied. The molecular hydrophobicity is expressed as logarithm of octanol-water partition coefficient. This paper proposes a method used that can be used for symbolic knowledge extraction from a trained neural network, once they have been trained with the desired performance and is based on detect the more important variables in problems where exist multicolineality among the input variables.
Airborne particulate matter (PM) is of environmental concern not only in urban but also rural areas that are easily inhalable and have been considered responsible, together with gaseous pollutants, for possible health effects. The objectives of this research study is to generate an extensive data set for ambient PM collected at Belle Glade and Delray Beach that ultimately was used together with published source profiles to predict the contributions of major sources to the overall airborne particle burden in Belle Glade and Delray Beach. ^ The size segregated particle sampling was conducted for one entire year. The samples collected during the months of January and May were further subjected to chemical analysis for organic compounds by Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry. Additional, PM10 sampling was conducted simultaneously with size segregated particle sampling during January and May to analyze for trace elements using Instrumental Neutron Activation Analysis technique. Elements and organic marker compounds were used in Chemical Mass Balance modeling to determine the major source contribution to the ambient fine particle matter burden. ^ Size segregated particle distribution results show bimodal in both sampling sites. Sugarcane pre-harvest burning in the rural site elevated PM10 concentration by about 30% during the sugarcane harvest season compared to sugarcane growing season. Sea salt particles and Saharan dust particles accounted for the external sources. ^ The results of trace element analysis show that Al, Ca, Cs, Eu, Lu, Nd, Sc, Sm, Th, and Yb are more abundant at the rural sampling site. The trace elements Ba, Br, Ce, Cl, Cr, Fe, Gd, Hf, Na, Sb, Ta, V, and W show high abundance at the urban site due to anthropogenic activities except for Na and Cl, which are from sea salt spray. On the other hand, size segregated trace organic compounds measurements show that organic compounds mainly from combustion process were accumulated in PM0.95. ^ In conclusion, major particle sources were determined by the CMB8.2 software as follows: road dust, sugarcane leaf burning, diesel-powered and gasoline powered vehicle exhaust, leaf surface abrasion particles, and a very small fraction of meat cooking. ^
The detailed organic composition of atmospheric fine particles with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than or equal to 2.5 micrometers (PM2.5) is an integral part of the knowledge needed in order to fully characterize its sources and transformation in the environment. For the study presented here, samples were collected at 3-hour intervals. This high time resolution allows gaining unique insights on the influence of short- and long-range transport phenomena, and dynamic atmospheric processes. A specially designed sequential sampler was deployed at the 2002-2003 Baltimore PM-Supersite to collect PM2.5 samples at a 3-hourly resolution for extended periods of consecutive days, during both summer and winter seasons. Established solvent-extraction and GC-MS techniques were used to extract and analyze the organic compounds in 119 samples from each season. Over 100 individual compounds were quantified in each sample. For primary organics, averaging the diurnal ambient concentrations over the sampled periods revealed ambient patterns that relate to diurnal emission patterns of major source classes. Several short-term releases of pollutants from local sources were detected, and local meteorological data was used to pinpoint possible source regions. Biogenic secondary organic compounds were detected as well, and possible mechanisms of formation were evaluated. The relationships between the observed continuous variations of the concentrations of selected organic markers and both the on-site meteorological measurements conducted parallel to the PM2.5 sampling, and the synoptic patterns of weather and wind conditions were also examined. Several one-to-two days episodes were identified from the sequential variation of the concentration observed for specific marker compounds and markers ratios. The influence of the meteorological events on the concentrations of the organic compounds during selected episodes was discussed. It was observed that during the summer, under conditions of pervasive influence of air masses originated from the west/northwest, some organic species displayed characteristics consistent with the measured PM2.5 being strongly influenced by the aged nature of these long-traveling background parcels. During the winter, intrusions from more regional air masses originating from the south and the southwest were more important.
Dissolved organic matter (DOM) is one of the largest carbon reservoirs on this planet and is present in aquatic environments as a highly complex mixture of organic compounds. The Florida coastal Everglades (FCE) is one of the largest wetlands in the world. DOM in this system is an important biogeochemical component as most of the nitrogen (N) and phosphorous (P) are in organic forms. Achieving a better understanding of DOM dynamics in large coastal wetlands is critical, and a particularly important issue in the context of Everglades restoration. In this work, the environmental dynamics of surface water DOM on spatial and temporal scales was investigated. In addition, photo- and bio-reactivity of this DOM was determined, surface-to-groundwater exchange of DOM was investigated, and the size distribution of freshwater DOM in Everglades was assessed. The data show that DOM dynamics in this ecosystem are controlled by both hydrological and ecological drivers and are clearly different on spatial scales and variable seasonally. The DOM reactivity data, modeled with a multi-pool first order degradation kinetics model, found that fluorescent DOM in FCE is generally photo-reactive and bio-refractory. Yet the sequential degradation proved a “priming effect” of sunlight on the bacterial uptake and reworking of this subtropical wetland DOM. Interestingly, specific PARAFAC components were found to have different photo- and bio-degradation rates, suggesting a highly heterogeneous nature of fluorophores associated with the DOM. Surface-to-groundwater exchange of DOM was observed in different regions of the system, and compositional differences were associated with source and photo-reactivity. Lastly, the high degree of heterogeneity of DOM associated fluorophores suggested based on the degradation studies was confirmed through the EEM-PARAFAC analysis of DOM along a molecular size continuum, suggesting that the fluorescence characteristics of DOM are highly controlled by different size fractions and as such can exhibit significant differences in reactivity.
The goal of this project was to develop a rapid separation and detection method for analyzing organic compounds in smokeless powders and then test its applicability on gunshot residue (GSR) samples. In this project, a total of 20 common smokeless powder additives and their decomposition products were separated by ultra performance liquid chromatography (UPLC) and confirmed by tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) using multiple reaction monitoring mode (MRM). Some of the targeted compounds included diphenylamines, centralites, nitrotoluenes, nitroglycerin, and various phthalates. The compounds were ionized in the MS source using simultaneous positive and negative electrospray ionization (ESI) with negative atmospheric pressure chemical ionization (APCI) in order to detect all compounds in a single analysis. The developed UPLC/MS/MS method was applied to commercially available smokeless powders and gunshot residue samples recovered from the hands of shooters, spent cartridges, and smokeless powder retrieved from unfired cartridges. Distinct compositions were identified for smokeless powders from different manufacturers and from separate manufacturing lots. The procedure also produced specific chemical profiles when tested on gunshot residues from different manufacturers. Overall, this thesis represents the development of a rapid and reproducible procedure capable of simultaneously detecting the widest possible range of components present in organic gunshot residue.^
The detailed organic composition of atmospheric fine particles with an aerodynamic diameter smaller than or equal to 2.5 micrometers (PM 2.5) is an integral part of the knowledge needed in order to fully characterize its sources and transformation in the environment. For the study presented here, samples were collected at 3-hour intervals. This high time resolution allows gaining unique insights on the influence of short- and long-range transport phenomena, and dynamic atmospheric processes. A specially designed sequential sampler was deployed at the 2002-2003 Baltimore PM Supersite to collect PM2.5 samples at a 3-hourly resolution for extended periods of consecutive days, during both summer and winter seasons. Established solvent-extraction and GC-MS techniques were used to extract and analyze the organic compounds in 119 samples from each season. Over 100 individual compounds were quantified in each sample. For primary organics, averaging the diurnal ambient concentrations over the sampled periods revealed ambient patterns that relate to diurnal emission patterns of major source classes. Several short-term releases of pollutants from local sources were detected, and local meteorological data was used to pinpoint possible source regions. Biogenic secondary organic compounds were detected as well, and possible mechanisms of formation were evaluated. The relationships between the observed continuous variations of the concentrations of selected organic markers and both the on-site meteorological measurements conducted parallel to the PM2.5 sampling, and the synoptic patterns of weather and wind conditions were also examined. Several one-to-two days episodes were identified from the sequential variation of the concentration observed for specific marker compounds and markers ratios. The influence of the meteorological events on the concentrations of the organic compounds during selected episodes was discussed. It was observed that during the summer, under conditions of pervasive influence of air masses originated from the west/northwest, some organic species displayed characteristics consistent with the measured PM2.5 being strongly influenced by the aged nature of these long-traveling background parcels. During the winter, intrusions from more regional air masses originating from the south and the southwest were more important.
The plant metabolism consists of a complex network of physical and chemical events resulting in photosynthesis, respiration, synthesis and degradation of organic compounds. This is only possible due to the different kinds of responses to many environmental variations that a plant could be subject through evolution, leading also to conquering new surroundings. The glyoxylate cycle is a metabolic pathway found in glyoxysomes plant, which has unique role in the seedling establishment. Considered as a variation of the citric acid cycle, it uses an acetyl coenzyme A molecule, derived from lipids beta-oxidation to synthesize compounds which are used in carbohydrate synthesis. The Malate synthase (MLS) and Isocitrate lyase (ICL) enzyme of this cycle are unique and essential in regulating the biosynthesis of carbohydrates. Because of the absence of decarboxylation steps as rate-limiting steps, detailed studies of molecular phylogeny and evolution of these proteins enables the elucidation of the effects of this route presence in the evolutionary processes involved in their distribution across the genome from different plant species. Therefore, the aim of this study was to establish a relationship between the molecular evolution of the characteristics of enzymes from the glyoxylate cycle (isocitrate lyase and malate synthase) and their molecular phylogeny, among green plants (Viridiplantae). For this, amino acid and nucleotide sequences were used, from online repositories as UniProt and Genbank. Sequences were aligned and then subjected to an analysis of the best-fit substitution models. The phylogeny was rebuilt by distance methods (neighbor-joining) and discrete methods (maximum likelihood, maximum parsimony and Bayesian analysis). The identification of structural patterns in the evolution of the enzymes was made through homology modeling and structure prediction from protein sequences. Based on comparative analyzes of in silico models and from the results of phylogenetic inferences, both enzymes show significant structure conservation and their topologies in agreement with two processes of selection and specialization of the genes. Thus, confirming the relevance of new studies to elucidate the plant metabolism from an evolutionary perspective