959 resultados para health leadership competencies


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This paper focuses on understanding distributed leadership and professional learning communities (PLCs). Through an Australian Government grant, the Teacher Education Done Differently (TEDD) project, data were analysed from 25 school executives about distributed leadership as a potential for influencing educational change through forums such as PLCs. Findings will be discussed in relation to: (1) Understanding the nature of a PLC, (2) Leadership within PLCs, (3) Advancing PLCs, and (4) PLCs as forums for capacity building a profession. A cyclic model for facilitating PLCs is presented, where information such as issues and problems are brought to the collective, discussed and analysed openly to provide further feedback. There are implications for leaders to up-skill staff on distributed leadership practices and further research required to determine which practices facilitate successful PLCs.


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Cyberbullying is a threat to student mental health and wellbeing. As predicted the consequences of cyberbullying have been shown to be more detrimental to students than traditional bullying because of the wider audience and the 24/7 nature of this form of bullying. It is becoming an increasingly vexatious problem for victims, students who bully, educators and parents. Parents and the community are turning to schools to provide preventative strategies and to manage incidents of cyberbullying. Some sections of the community believe there is a technological solution to the problem, or that the law should be overhauled to address the problem more effectively. However, bullying is a deeply embedded social relationship problem, of which cyberbullying is one form. Therefore, planned prevention and intervention strategies need to be considered in the context of the social relationships in the whole school community.


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In the past, training in clinical psychology in Australia and overseas has been dominated by definitions of input— hours of classes or supervision and of specific components. While prospective practitioners have been required to demonstrate the acquisition of generic competencies, satisfaction of these input driven criteria has been required for both accreditation and registration. Ironically, for a discipline that prides itself on requiring empirical bases for practice and communicating those to students (Calhoun, Moras, Pilkonis, & Rehm, 1998), training criteria have been primarily derived from accepted wisdom, rather than from a sound body of data. The situation has been remarkably like that of a treatment establishing standards of fidelity before its effective components are known—an action our profession has correctly criticised in the past (Herbert & Mueser, 1992).


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Aims and objectives: This study will describe the oral health status of critically ill children over time spent in the paediatric intensive care unit, examine influences on the development of poor oral health and explore the relationship between dysfunctional oral health and healthcare-associated infections. Background: The treatment modalities used to support children experiencing critical illness and the progression of critical illness may result in dysfunction in the oral cavity. In adults, oral health has been shown to worsen during critical illness as well as influence systemic health. Design: A prospective observational cohort design was used. Method: The study was undertaken at a single tertiary-referral Paediatric Intensive Care Unit. Oral health status was measured using the Oral Assessment Scale and culturing oropharyngeal flora. Information was also collected surrounding the use of supportive therapies, clinical characteristics of the children and the occurrence of healthcare-associated infections. Results: Of the 46 participants, 63% (n = 32) had oral dysfunction and 41% (n = 19) demonstrated pathogenic oropharyngeal colonisation during their critical illness. The potential systemic pathogens isolated from the oropharynx and included Candida sp., Staphylococcus aureus, Haemophilus influenzae, Enterococcus sp. and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. The severity of critical illness had a significant positive relationship (p < 0·05) with pathogenic and absent colonisation of the oropharynx. Sixty-three percent of healthcare-associated infections involved the preceding or simultaneous colonisation of the oropharynx by the causative pathogen. Conclusions: This study suggests paediatric oral health to be frequently dysfunctional and the oropharynx to repeatedly harbour potential systemic pathogens during childhood critical illness. Relevance to clinical practice: Given the frequency of poor oral health during childhood critical illness in this study and the subsequent potential systemic consequences, evidence based oral hygiene practices should be developed and validated to guide clinicians when nursing critically ill children.


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Throughout the twentieth century the economics of the Middle East rose and fell many times in response to the external environment, including European de-colonization and the US and former USSR competing to provide military and economic aid after World War II. Throughout these upheavals the Middle East has remained internationally significant politically and economically not least for the region's large reserves of oil and gas, as discussed in the Introduction to this volume. In recent decades, Western nations have moved to invest into the Middle East in the rapidly developing technology, tourism and education industries that have proliferated. For its part, Iran has been the world's fourth largest provider of petroleum and second largest provider of natural gas and, despite years of political unrest, has made rapid expansion into information technology and telecommunications. Increased involvement in the global economy has meant that Iran has invested heavily in education and training and moved to modernize its management practices. Hitherto there has been little academic research into management in either Western or local organizations in Iran. This chapter seeks to address that gap in knowledge by exploring business leadership in Iran, with particular reference to cultural and institutional impacts.


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This paper explores attempts to shape resilient personae through relations of self-government, and highlights the way that this features as part of advanced liberal forms of rule. As an example of this process, it focuses on the way that undergraduate law students are encouraged to fashion resilient personae throughout their legal studies, so as to avoid, or effectively respond to, experiences that may have a detrimental effect on their mental health. This paper argues that the production of such resilience relies on students being encouraged to take up psychologically- and biomedically-infused subject positions, becoming well-disciplined subjects, entrepreneurs of the self, and even virtuous persons. It highlights that the fashioning of resilient personae in this way involves extensions to the targets and practices of self-government and reinforces advanced liberal government. The paper then suggests how insights into fashioning resilience in this context can inform further research on resilience, particularly resilience produced within criminal justice professionals.


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- identify the terms policy, public policy and health policy, the stages of policy development and the role that values and politics play in policymaking - recognise contemporary international developments in public health and their impact on national policymaking and the health of Australians - describe the basic structure and financing of Australia’s health system and the role of public health within it - identify Australia’s national public health priorities, and be able to critique the development of the National Chronic Disease Strategy, as an example.


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• recognise that “ethics” is often defined and approached in different ways • describe the foundations and development of public health ethics • summarise some key ethical systems and their relevance to public health practice • outline and critique some codes of ethics, and discuss their application to public health practice • recognise, evaluate and communicate ethical concerns regarding public health, and apply ethical principles in your practice.


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- describe what is meant by socioeconomic differences in health, and the social and emotional determinants of health - understand how health inequalities are affected by the social and economic circumstances that people experience throughout their lives - discuss how factors such as living and working conditions, income, place and education can impact on health - identify actions for public health policy-makers that have the potential to make a difference in improving health outcomes within populations - appreciate the concept of social cohesion and social capital, and their role as potential protective factors in health - understand conceptual models that can assist in analysing these issues.


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The ‘promotion of health’ has become everybody’s business: from the marketers of ‘healthy’ products and lifestyles, and gym memberships; government media campaigns to ‘Go for 2&5®’ (fruit and vegetables every day), special ‘extra’ benefits for joining a private health insurance fund and workplace ‘wellness’ programs that include yoga and pilates. For consumers, the list is endless. Health professionals need to understand the background to this growth in the promotion of ‘health’ and the place health promotion plays in public health. We begin this chapter with a discussion on health education, we then trace the evolution of health promotion from health education, the strategies and settings for health promotion, and conclude with challenges for health promotion. Case studies, activities and reflections on the material are presented to assist you.


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- define health and public health - discuss how the concept of ‘health’ means different things to different individuals and be able to consider the range of factors that influence these definitions - identify and describe the principles of public health - recognise and describe how public health is defined and how each definition has shaped the development and implementation of public health approaches - describe the relationship between public health and other disciplines - discuss the nature and scope of public health - describe the varying roles of the public health workforce