882 resultados para formation of large scale structure


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A real-time large scale part-to-part video matching algorithm, based on the cross correlation of the intensity of motion curves, is proposed with a view to originality recognition, video database cleansing, copyright enforcement, video tagging or video result re-ranking. Moreover, it is suggested how the most representative hashes and distance functions - strada, discrete cosine transformation, Marr-Hildreth and radial - should be integrated in order for the matching algorithm to be invariant against blur, compression and rotation distortions: (R; _) 2 [1; 20]_[1; 8], from 512_512 to 32_32pixels2 and from 10 to 180_. The DCT hash is invariant against blur and compression up to 64x64 pixels2. Nevertheless, although its performance against rotation is the best, with a success up to 70%, it should be combined with the Marr-Hildreth distance function. With the latter, the image selected by the DCT hash should be at a distance lower than 1.15 times the Marr-Hildreth minimum distance.


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Between 2003 and 2007 an urban network of road tunnels with a total constructed tubes length of 45 km was built in the city of Madrid. This amazing engineering work, known as “Calle30 Project” counted with different kinds of tunnel typologies and ventilation systems. Due to the length of the tunnels and the impact of the work itself, the tunnels were endowed with a great variety of installations to provide the maximum levels of safety both for users and the infrastructure including,in some parts of the tunnel, fixed fire fighting system based on water mist. Within this framework a large-scale campaign of fire tests were planned to study different aspects related to fire safety in the tunnels including the phenomena of the interaction between ventilation and extinction system. In addition, this large scale fire tests allowed fire brigades of the city of Madrid an opportunity to define operational procedures for specific fire fighting in tunnels and evaluate the possibilities of fixed fire fighting systems. The tests were carried out in the Center of Experimentation "San Pedro of Anes" which counts with a 600 m tunnel with a removable false ceiling for reproducing different ceiling heights and ventilation conditions (transverse and longitudinal ones). Interesting conclusions on the interaction of ventilation and water mist systems were obtained but also on other aspects including performance of water mist system in terms of reduction of gas temperatures or visibility conditions. This paper presents a description of the test’s campaign carried out and some previous results obtained.


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The possibility of designing and manufacturing biomedical microdevices with multiple length-scale geometries can help to promote special interactions both with their environment and with surrounding biological systems. These interactions aim to enhance biocompatibility and overall performance by using biomimetic approaches. In this paper, we present a design and manufacturing procedure for obtaining multi-scale biomedical microsystems based on the combination of two additive manufacturing processes: a conventional laser writer to manufacture the overall device structure, and a direct-laser writer based on two-photon polymerization to yield finer details. The process excels for its versatility, accuracy and manufacturing speed and allows for the manufacture of microsystems and implants with overall sizes up to several millimeters and with details down to sub-micrometric structures. As an application example we have focused on manufacturing a biomedical microsystem to analyze the impact of microtextured surfaces on cell motility. This process yielded a relevant increase in precision and manufacturing speed when compared with more conventional rapid prototyping procedures.


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This is the final report on reproducibility@xsede, a one-day workshop held in conjunction with XSEDE14, the annual conference of the Extreme Science and Engineering Discovery Environment (XSEDE). The workshop's discussion-oriented agenda focused on reproducibility in large-scale computational research. Two important themes capture the spirit of the workshop submissions and discussions: (1) organizational stakeholders, especially supercomputer centers, are in a unique position to promote, enable, and support reproducible research; and (2) individual researchers should conduct each experiment as though someone will replicate that experiment. Participants documented numerous issues, questions, technologies, practices, and potentially promising initiatives emerging from the discussion, but also highlighted four areas of particular interest to XSEDE: (1) documentation and training that promotes reproducible research; (2) system-level tools that provide build- and run-time information at the level of the individual job; (3) the need to model best practices in research collaborations involving XSEDE staff; and (4) continued work on gateways and related technologies. In addition, an intriguing question emerged from the day's interactions: would there be value in establishing an annual award for excellence in reproducible research? Overview


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Secure access to patient data is becoming of increasing importance, as medical informatics grows in significance, to both assist with population health studies, and patient specific medicine in support of treatment. However, assembling the many different types of data emanating from the clinic is in itself a difficulty, and doing so across national borders compounds the problem. In this paper we present our solution: an easy to use distributed informatics platform embedding a state of the art data warehouse incorporating a secure pseudonymisation system protecting access to personal healthcare data. Using this system, a whole range of patient derived data, from genomics to imaging to clinical records, can be assembled and linked, and then connected with analytics tools that help us to understand the data. Research performed in this environment will have immediate clinical impact for personalised patient healthcare.


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Esta tesis se centra en la generación de ondas superficiales subarmónicas en fluidos sometidos a vibración forzada en el régimen gravitatorio capilar con líquidos de baja viscosidad. Tres problemas diferentes han sido estudiados: un contenedor rectangular con vibración horizontal, la misma geometría pero con una combinación de vibración vertical y horizontal y un obstáculo completamente sumergido vibrado verticalmente en un contenedor grande. Se deriva una ecuación de amplitud desde primeros principios para describir las ondas subarmónicas con forzamiento parámetrico inducido por la vibración. La ecuación es bidimensional mientras que el problema original es tridimensional y admite un forzamiento espacial no uniforme. Usando esta ecuación los tres sistemas han sido analizados, centrándose en calcular la amplitud crítica, la orientación de los patrones y el carácter temporal de los patrones espaciotemporales, que pueden ser estrictamente subarmónicos o cuasiperiodicos con una frecuencia de modulación temporal. La dependencia con los parámetros adimensionales también se considera. La teoría será comparada con los experimentos disponibles en la literatura. Abstract This thesis focus on the generation of subharmonic surface waves on fluids subject to forced vibration in the gravity-capillary regime with liquids of small viscosity. Three different problems have been considered: a rectangular container under horizontal vibration; the same geometry but under a combination of horizontal and vertical vibration; and a fully submerged vertically vibrated obstacle in a large container. An amplitude equation is derived from first principles that fairly precisely describes the subharmonic surfaces waves parametrically driven by vibration. That equation is two dimensional while the underlying problem is three-dimensional and permits spatially nonuniform forcing. Using this equation, the three systems have been analyzed, focusing on the calculation of the threshold amplitude, the pattern orientation, and the temporal character of the spatio-temporal patterns, which can be either strictly subharmonic or quasi-periodic, showing an additional modulation frequency. Dependence on the non-dimensional parameters is also considered. The theory is compared with the experiments available in the literature.


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We have been able to convert a small α/β protein, acylphosphatase, from its soluble and native form into insoluble amyloid fibrils of the type observed in a range of pathological conditions. This was achieved by allowing slow growth in a solution containing moderate concentrations of trifluoroethanol. When analyzed with electron microscopy, the protein aggregate present in the sample after long incubation times consisted of extended, unbranched filaments of 30–50 Å in width that assemble subsequently into higher order structures. This fibrillar material possesses extensive β-sheet structure as revealed by far-UV CD and IR spectroscopy. Furthermore, the fibrils exhibit Congo red birefringence, increased fluorescence with thioflavine T and cause a red-shift of the Congo red absorption spectrum. All of these characteristics are typical of amyloid fibrils. The results indicate that formation of amyloid occurs when the native fold of a protein is destabilized under conditions in which noncovalent interactions, and in particular hydrogen bonding, within the polypeptide chain remain favorable. We suggest that amyloid formation is not restricted to a small number of protein sequences but is a property common to many, if not all, natural polypeptide chains under appropriate conditions.


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Angiogenin (Ang), an inducer of neovascularization, is secreted by several types of human tumor cells and appears critical for their growth. The murine anti-Ang monoclonal antibody (mAb) 26–2F neutralizes the activities of Ang and dramatically prevents the establishment and metastatic dissemination of human tumor cell xenografts in athymic mice. However, for use clinically, the well-documented problem of the human anti-globulin antibody response known to occur with murine antibodies requires resolution. As a result, chimeric as well as totally humanized antibodies are currently being evaluated as therapeutic agents for the treatment of several pathological conditions, including malignancy. Therefore, we have constructed a chimeric mouse/human antibody based on the structure of mAb 26–2F. Complementary DNAs from the light and heavy chain variable regions of mAb 26–2F were cloned, sequenced, and genetically engineered by PCR for subcloning into expression vectors that contain human constant region sequences. Transfection of these vectors into nonproducing mouse myeloma cells resulted in the secretion of fully assembled tetrameric molecules. The chimeric antibody (cAb 26–2F) binds to Ang and inhibits its ribonucleolytic and angiogenic activities as potently as mAb 26–2F. Furthermore, the capacities of cAb 26–2F and its murine counterpart to suppress the formation of human breast cancer tumors in athymic mice are indistinguishable. Thus cAb 26–2F, with its retained neutralization capability and likely decreased immunogenicity, may be of use clinically for the treatment of human cancer and related disorders where pathological angiogenesis is a component.


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CS1 pili serve as the prototype of a class of filamentous appendages found on the surface of strains of enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli. The four genes needed to synthesize functional CS1 pili in E. coli K12 are: cooA, which encodes the major pilin protein; cooD, which encodes a minor pilin protein found at the tip of the structure; cooC, which encodes a protein found in the outer membrane of piliated bacteria; and cooB. We show here that CooB, which is required for pilus assembly but is not part of the final structure, stabilizes CooA, CooC, and CooD. We previously reported that CooB is complexed with CooA in the periplasm and show here that CooB also is found complexed with CooD in the periplasm. CooB is associated with the membrane fraction only in the presence of CooC, suggesting that these two proteins also interact. This suggests that although it has no homology to known chaperone proteins, CooB serves a chaperone-like role for assembly of CS1.


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Phospholipids when dispersed in excess water generally form vesicular membrane structures. Cryo-transmission and freeze-fracture electron microscopy are combined here with calorimetry and viscometry to demonstrate the reversible conversion of phosphatidylglycerol aqueous vesicle suspensions to a three-dimensional structure that consists of extended bilayer networks. Thermodynamic analysis indicates that the structural transitions arise from two effects: (i) the enhanced membrane elasticity accompanying the lipid state fluctuations on chain melting and (ii) solvent-associated interactions (including electrostatics) that favor a change in membrane curvature. The material properties of the hydrogels and their reversible formation offer the possibility of future applications, for example in drug delivery, the design of structural switches, or for understanding vesicle fusion or fission processes.


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Multiple-complete-digest mapping is a DNA mapping technique based on complete-restriction-digest fingerprints of a set of clones that provides highly redundant coverage of the mapping target. The maps assembled from these fingerprints order both the clones and the restriction fragments. Maps are coordinated across three enzymes in the examples presented. Starting with yeast artificial chromosome contigs from the 7q31.3 and 7p14 regions of the human genome, we have produced cosmid-based maps spanning more than one million base pairs. Each yeast artificial chromosome is first subcloned into cosmids at a redundancy of ×15–30. Complete-digest fragments are electrophoresed on agarose gels, poststained, and imaged on a fluorescent scanner. Aberrant clones that are not representative of the underlying genome are rejected in the map construction process. Almost every restriction fragment is ordered, allowing selection of minimal tiling paths with clone-to-clone overlaps of only a few thousand base pairs. These maps demonstrate the practicality of applying the experimental and software-based steps in multiple-complete-digest mapping to a target of significant size and complexity. We present evidence that the maps are sufficiently accurate to validate both the clones selected for sequencing and the sequence assemblies obtained once these clones have been sequenced by a “shotgun” method.


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The b locus encodes a transcription factor that regulates the expression of genes that produce purple anthocyanin pigment. Different b alleles are expressed in distinct tissues, causing tissue-specific anthocyanin production. Understanding how phenotypic diversity is produced and maintained at the b locus should provide models for how other regulatory genes, including those that influence morphological traits and development, evolve. We have investigated how different levels and patterns of pigmentation have evolved by determining the phenotypic and evolutionary relationships between 18 alleles that represent the diversity of b alleles in Zea mays. Although most of these alleles have few phenotypic differences, five alleles have very distinct tissue-specific patterns of pigmentation. Superimposing the phenotypes on the molecular phylogeny reveals that the alleles with strong and distinctive patterns of expression are closely related to alleles with weak expression, implying that the distinctive patterns have arisen recently. We have identified apparent insertions in three of the five phenotypically distinct alleles, and the fourth has unique upstream restriction fragment length polymorphisms relative to closely related alleles. The insertion in B-Peru has been shown to be responsible for its unique expression and, in the other two alleles, the presence of the insertion correlates with the phenotype. These results suggest that major changes in gene expression are probably the result of large-scale changes in DNA sequence and/or structure most likely mediated by transposable elements.


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Differentiating 3T3-L1 cells exhibit a dramatic increase in the rate of insulin-stimulated glucose transport during their conversion from proliferating fibroblasts to nonproliferating adipocytes. On day 3 of 3T3-L1 cell differentiation, basal glucose transport and cell surface transferrin binding are markedly diminished. This occurs concomitant with the formation of a distinct insulin-responsive vesicular pool of intracellular glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1) and transferrin receptors as assessed by sucrose velocity gradients. The intracellular distribution of the insulin-responsive aminopeptidase is first readily detectable on day 3, and its gradient profile and response to insulin at this time are identical to that of GLUT1. With further time of differentiation, GLUT4 is expressed and targeted to the same insulin-responsive vesicles as the other three proteins. Our data are consistent with the notion that a distinct insulin-sensitive vesicular cargo compartment forms early during fat call differentiation and its formation precedes GLUT4 expression. The development of this compartment may result from the differentiation-dependent inhibition of constitutive GLUT1 and transferrin receptor trafficking such that there is a large increase in, or the new formation of, a population of postendosomal, insulin-responsive vesicles.


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It has been proved that, during anaerobic biosynthesis of the corrin macrocycle, the two-carbon fragment excised from the precursor, precorrin-3, is acetaldehyde, which originates from C-20 and its attached methyl group. This apparently contradictory finding is rationalized in terms of the subsequent enzymatic oxidation of acetaldehyde to acetic acid, which was previously regarded as the volatile fragment released by the action of the biosynthetic enzymes of Propionibacterium shermanii. The observation that acetaldehyde (rather than acetic acid) is extruded during anaerobic B12 synthesis is in full accord with the structure of factor IV, a new intermediate on the pathway.


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During spermiogenesis in the water fern, Marsilea vestita, basal bodies are synthesized de novo in cells that lack preexisting centrioles, in a particle known as a blepharoplast. We have focused on basal body assembly in this organism, asking what components are required for blepharoplast formation. Spermiogenesis is a rapid process that is activated by placing dry microspores into water. Dry microspores contain large quantities of stored protein and stored mRNA, and inhibitors reveal that certain proteins are translated from stored transcripts at specific times during development. Centrin translation accompanies blepharoplast appearance, while β-tubulin translation occurs later, during axonemal formation. In asking whether centrin is an essential component of the blepharoplast, we used antisense, sense, and double-stranded RNA probes made from the Marsilea centrin cDNA, MvCen1, to block centrin translation. We employed a novel method to introduce these RNAs directly into the cells. Antisense and sense both arrest spermiogenesis when blepharoplasts should appear, and dsRNA made from the same cDNA is an effective inhibitor at concentrations at least 10 times lower than either of the single-stranded RNA used in these experiments. Blepharoplasts are undetectable and basal bodies fail to form. Antisense, sense, and dsRNA probes made from Marsilea β-tubulin permitted normal development until axonemes form. In controls, antisense, sense, and dsRNA, made from a segment of HIV, had no effect on spermiogenesis. Immunoblots suggest that translational blocks induced by centrin-based RNA are gene specific and concentration dependent, since neither β-tubulin- nor HIV-derived RNAs affects centrin translation. The disruption of centrin translation affects microtubule distributions in spermatids, since centrin appears to control formation of the cytoskeleton and motile apparatus. These results show that centrin plays an essential role in the formation of a motile apparatus during spermiogenesis of M. vestita.