992 resultados para fermented meat products
The use of hydrolysed meat in diets contributes to the improvement of protein, vitamin and mineral supply. This work aims at checking the acceptance pattern in meat hydrolysates. Four preparations have been developed with three types of hydrolysates in domestic-like conditions. Acceptance was verified by means of sensory analysis using the nine-point hedonic scale. Sensory tests have been carried out in three sessions (according to the kind of hydrolysates). In the evaluation file, information on age groups has been included. The statistical analysis has been made by ANOVA and Tukey test. The best accepted preparation have been the turkey and chicken hydrolysed balls. Hydrolysates can be used in many different kinds of preparations, but it is necessary to know both the age group it will be used to and its sensory and chemical-physical features to ensure the taste and the original appearance of the final product.
This work had as objective the development of gluten-free breads and muffins using rice flour and maize and cassava starches. From seven samples resulting from a Simplex-Centroid design, the sensory and instrumental analyses of specific volume, elasticity, and firmness were performed. For the sensory analysis, the optimized formulation contained 50% of rice flour and 50% of cassava starch, and for the instrumental evaluation, the optimal simultaneous point for the three conducted analyses were 20% of rice flour, 30% of cassava starch, and 50% of maize starch. A comparative analysis of specific volume, elasticity, firmness, and triangular test was performed with pre-baked, baked, and frozen bread. Physicochemical, nutritional, and microbiological analyses were performed for both bread and muffin according to the Brazilian legislation.
Probiotics are supplementary foods developed by microbial strains that improve animal health beyond basic nutrition. Probiotics are consumed orally, regardless of being considered as normal inhabitants of the intestines, able to survive in enzimatic and biliary secretions. Kefir is a probiotic originated from the old continent, fermented by several bacteria and yeasts, encapsulated in a polyssacharide matrix, and resembles jelly grains. Kefir is also presented as its sourish product both in sugary or milky suspensions containing vitamins, aminoacids, peptides, carbohydrates, ethanol, and volatile compounds. Kefir is known to have a diverse microbial content depending on the country and fermentative substrates, which cause distinct probiotic effects. In this sense, the purpose of this work was to isolate, identify, and quantify the microbial content of a native sugary kefir sample (fermented suspension and lyophilized natural grains). Serial dilutions were plated on Rogosa agar (AR) and De Man, Rogosa and Sharpe (MRS), for Lactobacillus; Brain Heart Infusion (BHI), for total bacteria; Sabouraud-Dextrose-Agar (SDA), for yeasts and filamentous fungi; Thioglycolate Agar (TA), for Streptococcus, Acetobacteria and Leuconostoc; and Coconut Water Agar (CWA), and CWA supplemented with yeast extract (CWAY), for various genera. Genera and species for all strains were identified through biochemical reactions and specific API systems. The microbial profile of kefir was different from other sources of grains despite the presence of similar microorganisms and others which have not been reported yet. The data obtained with the CWA and CWAE media suggest that both substrates are alternative and salutary media for culture of kefir strains.
The objective of this study is to evaluate the effect of the daily consumption of ostrich meat (lliofemuralis internus) and bovine meat (Psoas major) on the lipid metabolism in adult mice. The analyses of the centesimal composition of the meats and preparation of the diets were accomplished following the recommendations of the American Institute of Nutrition-AIN-93. Three groups of 150 day-old animals: group I (diet I, with casein), group II (diet II, with ostrich meat), and group III (diet III with bovine meat) were fed for 13 weeks with the respective diets and weight gain, food efficiency coefficient, total cholesterol, lipoprotein fractions, hepatic, transaminases and body fat percentage and hepatic fat content were evaluated. No difference (p < 0.05) it was found for weight gain and coefficients for feed efficiency among the groups. Total cholesterol, HDL-cholesterol, LDL-cholesterol, relationship of total cholesterol/HDL-cholesterol, VLDL, triglycerides and hepatic transaminases were also not different among the groups (p < 0.05). This research suggests that the consumption of ostrich meat or thin bovine meat on a daily basis does not raise concerns about weight gain, and an increase in the plasma concentrations of lipoprotein and levels of hepatic transaminase.
Sodium alginate needs the presence of calcium ions to gelify. For this reason, the contribution of the calcium source in a fish muscle mince added by sodium alginate, makes gelification possible, resulting a restructured fish product. The three different calcium sources considered were: Calcium Chloride (CC); Calcium Caseinate (CCa); and Calcium lactate (CLa). Several physical properties were analyzed, including mechanical properties, colour and cooking loss. Response Surface Methodology (RSM) was used to determine the contribution of different calcium sources to a restructured fish muscle. The calcium source that modifies the system the most is CC. A combination of CC and sodium alginate weakened mechanical properties as reflected in the negative linear contribution of sodium alginate. Moreover, CC by itself increased lightness and cooking loss. The mechanical properties of restructured fish muscle elaborated were enhanced by using CCa and sodium alginate, as reflected in the negative linear contribution of sodium alginate. Also, CCa increased cooking loss. The role of CLa combined with sodium alginate was not so pronounced in the system discussed here.
The objective of this study was to evaluate the carcass suspension method concerning quality of sheep meat. Ten discard ewes were used, with approximately 62 kg of body weight. After slaughtering, flaying, evisceration and removal of head and paws, carcasses were longitudinally divided into two parts. Alternated sides of half carcasses were hanged by the tendon of the gastrocnemius (Treatment 1 - T1) and by the pelvic bone (Treatment 2 - T2) in cold store for a 24-hour period. Subsequently, the Semimembranosus muscle was removed from all half carcasses for meat quality analyses. The Semimembranosus muscles from the carcasses hanged by the pelvis suspension method presented higher softness than the same muscles from the carcasses hanged by the tendon of the gastrocnemius, with values of 1.99 kgf.cm-2 and 3.15 kgf.cm-2, respectively. Treatment 2 presented lower meat cooking losses than Treatment 1, with average values of 32.14 and 33.44%, respectively. The remaining meat quality parameters evaluated were not influenced by the carcass suspension method. We concluded that the carcass suspension method influenced meat softness and losses by cooking, with better results for carcasses hanged by the pelvic bone.
Halotolerant or halophilic (Archaeabacteria) microorganisms can be found in salted and ripening fish products that are not affected by salt. They can be moderate or extremely halophilic bacteria. The extremely halophilic bacteria require between 15-30% of NaCl for growth. The extremely halophilic archaeobacteria may be selectively isolated in different media. The aim of this work was to determine the effectiveness of the Salt-Agar-Milk medium, a medium modified in our laboratory through the addition of MgSO4 and KCl - named SAMm, and its effect on the bacterial growth by means of comparison with other media, with and without milk, determining time of incubation and counting. Two samples of salted fish from local fish salting factories and two laboratory strains were used. The factory samples were matured anchovy and anchovy fillets in oil, and the laboratory strains were: Haloarcula spp. (proteolytic) and Halococcus spp. (non-proteolytic). The following media were alternatively used for the isolation of extremely halophilic bacteria: IRAM; Formulation of Gibbons and collaborators, Cod Milk agar, and SAMm. IRAM and Gibbons were also used enriched with milk. In the SAMm medium, there were obtained count values similar or higher than the ones of the traditional media; besides the simplicity of its elaboration, the possibility to obtain positive results two or three days earlier also added to its benefit. Consequently, it can be considered an alternative to the media traditionally used for the studied halophilic bacteria.
Lactic beverages containing probiotics were prepared with whole UHT milk, whey of Mozzarella cheese, soybean hydrosoluble extract and sugar. Three formulations were studied, each one containing a different combination of probiotic/starter bacteria, fermented at two different temperatures (37 and 45 °C). The aim of this work was to verify the influence of these variables on the viability of probiotic microorganisms and on the physicochemical stability of lactic beverages during storage under refrigeration (21 days at 7 °C). The results indicated that the fermentation temperature had a significant effect on the viability of probiotic bacteria. Counts for Lactobacillus acidophilus were affected by storage time, resulting appropriate after 21 days only for the beverage fermented at 37 °C. Physicochemical parameters did not exhibit drastic variations - proving the stability of formulations during storage. Cells of Bifidobacterium spp. showed high survival ability, probably due to the presence of growth promoters from soybean and cheese whey. The fermentation temperature of 37 °C allowed counts above the minimum limit for all the studied microorganisms, being preferred to the temperature of 45 °C. The inclusion of soybean hydrosoluble extract, a prebiotics source, resulted in a symbiotic product with more benefits to the health of consumers.
The main purpose of this study was to produce hamburgers with partial substitution of the meat with cashew apple residue powder. The powder residue was obtained after the extraction of the pulp and dehydration in stove with air circulation. Three formulations of hamburgers with increasing concentration of the residue as well as a control sample were prepared. The formulated products with cashew apple residue powder presented lower humidity and proteins and 35% lipid reduction. However, there was an increase in carbohydrates and pH with the addition of the powder from the cashew apple residue. Some formulations showed an improvement of the final product yield. The total dietary fiber value was between 0 and 7.66%, with higher content of insoluble dietary fiber. The addition of up to 10.70% of the residue did not cause significant sensory changes in the flavor of the samples. The production of hamburgers with a partial substitution of cow meat with the cashew apple residue could be a feasible option since it resulted in product with high nutritional quality that is rich or have high dietary fiber content and is low in fat.
Seventy-eight kids of both sexes and five genotypes were used: Alpine, ½ Boer + ½ Alpine (½ BA), ¾ Boer + ¼ Alpine, ½ Anglo-nubian + ½ Alpine and "tricross" (½ Anglo-nubian + ¼ Boer + ¼ Alpine) with initial average weight of 14.1 ± 2.5. The objective was to evaluate the effect of genotype, finishing system, and sex on the physiochemical characteristics of goat meat. Finishing systems were: ST1 - kid + dam in pasture and ST2 - weaned kid and feedlot. Kids in ST1 were kept in an area with Panicum maximum cv. Tanzania, and after grazing, water and mineral salt/mix were fed ad libitum to the animals. The animals in ST2 were confined in collective pens distributed according to genotypes and received diet with 16% CP and 73% TDN. The values of pH, a* (red content), Cooking Loss (CL), and Ether Extract (EE) percentage were influenced by genotype. Values for red content (a*) and L* (brightness), CL and percentages of moisture, protein, EE, and ash were influenced by the finishing system. Longissimus dorsi muscle from animals ½ BA exhibited better physiochemical characteristics. For greater tenderness and higher percentages of fat, consumers should choose female kid goat meat.
Whey protein samples (S-1 to S-5) were tested in vivo and in vitro for nutritional properties and selected bioactivities. Weanling male Wistar rats fed modified AIN-93G (12 g protein.100 g-1) diets for 21 days were used the in vivo studies. The nutritional parameters did not differ among the protein diets tested. Erythrocyte glutathione content was considered high and was higher for S-3, but liver glutathione was the same for all dietary groups. For S-3, cytokine secretion (IL-10 and TNF-α) by human peripheral blood mononuclear cells (in RPMI-1640 medium) was higher in the absence of antigen than in the presence of BCG antigen. Interleukin-4 secretion was repressed in all treatments. The IC50, whey protein concentration required to inhibit 50% of the melanoma cell proliferation, was 2.68 mg.mL-1 of culture medium for the S-3 sample and 3.66 mg.mL-1 for the S-2 sample. Based on these results, it was concluded that S-3 (whey protein concentrate enriched with TGF-β and lactoferrin) produced better nutritional and immunological responses than the other products tested.