906 resultados para feminism, reproduction, new reproductive technologies, body
Charmless charged two-body B decays are sensitive probes of the CKM matrix, that parameterize CP violation in the Standard Model (SM), and have the potential to reveal the presence of New Physics. The framework of CP violation within the SM, the role of the CKM matrix, with its basic formalism, and the current experimental status are presented. The theoretical tools commonly used to deal with hadronic B decays and an overview of the phenomenology of charmless two-body B decays are outlined. LHCb is one of the four main experiments operating at the Large Hadron Collider (LHC), devoted to the measurement of CP violation and rare decays of charm and beauty hadrons. The LHCb detector is described, focusing on the technologies adopted for each sub-detector and summarizing their performances. The status-of-the-art of the LHCb measurements with charmless two-body B decays is then presented. Using the 37/pb of integrated luminosity collected at sqrt(s) = 7 TeV by LHCb during 2010, the direct CP asymmetries ACP(B0 -> Kpi) = −0.074 +/- 0.033 +/- 0.008 and ACP(Bs -> piK) = 0.15 +/- 0.19 +/- 0.02 are measured. Using 320/pb of integrated luminosity collected during 2011 these measurements are updated to ACP(B0 -> Kpi) = −0.088 +/- 0.011 +/- 0.008 and ACP(Bs -> piK) = 0.27 +/- 0.08 +/- 0.02. In addition, the branching ratios BR(B0 -> K+K-) = (0.13+0.06-0.05 +/- 0.07) x 10^-6 and BR(Bs -> pi+pi-) = (0.98+0.23-0.19 +/- 0.11) x 10^-6 are measured. Finally, using a sample of 370/pb of integrated luminosity collected during 2011, the relative branching ratios BR(B0 -> pi+pi-)/BR(B0 -> Kpi) = 0.262 +/- 0.009 +/- 0.017, (fs/fd)BR(Bs -> K+K-)/BR(B0 -> Kpi)=0.316 +/- 0.009 +/- 0.019, (fs/fd)BR(Bs -> piK)/BR(B0 -> Kpi) = 0.074 +/- 0.006 +/- 0.006 and BR(Lambda_b -> ppi)/BR(Lambda_b -> pK)=0.86 +/- 0.08 +/- 0.05 are determined.
Questa ricerca, suddivisa in due parti, si concentra sulle problematiche connesse alla normazione della vita e dei corpi delle donne al tempo delle biotecnologie. La Parte I è una genealogia filosofico-politica che ripercorre le tappe analitico-concettuali del dibattito intorno a biopolitica e tecnoscienza, a partire dai contributi teorici di poststrutturalismo e femminismo neomaterialista, e risponde alle domande: Cosa sono diventati i corpi nell’attuale società bio-info-modificata? Qual'è il ruolo delle scienze nelle metamorfosi che interessano soggettività e rapporti di potere? La Parte II è una cartografia dei modi in cui le biotecnologie, riguardanti i corpi delle donne, si sono sviluppate e diffuse. Essa indaga in modo transdisciplinare come in Italia, e più in generale in Europa, sono state normate le tecniche di interruzione volontaria di gravidanza e fecondazione in vitro. Ampio spazio è dedicato ai modi in cui gli attori della bioetica, istituzionale e non, i medici, laici e cattolici, e le case farmaceutiche hanno affrontato questi temi e quello della contraccezione ormonale maschile. Medicina riproduttiva e rigenerativa sono tematizzate sempre in relazione al quadro normativo, per mostrare in che modo esso influenzi l’accesso ai diritti alla salute e all’autodeterminazione delle donne. Il quadro normativo è analizzato, a sua volta, alla luce dei fatti storici più rilevanti e delle culture più diffuse. L’obiettivo della ricerca è duplice: da un lato essa ha il fine di mostrare il modo in cui i corpi delle donne, e la relativa potenza generatrice, siano diventati uno snodo fondamentale nell’articolazione del biocontrollo e nell'apertura dei nuovi mercati legati a medicina riproduttiva e rigenerativa; dall’altro si propone di argomentare come un biodiritto flessibile, a contenuto storico variabile, condiviso e partecipato, sia un’ipotesi praticabile e virtuosa, utile all'eliminazione del gender gap ancora esistente in materia di diritti riproduttivi e sessuali.
Vertebroplasty and kyphoplasty are well-established minimally invasive treatment options for compression fractures of osteoporotic vertebral bodies. Possible procedural disadvantages, however, include incomplete fracture reduction or a significant loss of reduction after balloon tamp deflation, prior to cement injection. A new procedure called "vertebral body stenting" (VBS) was tested in vitro and compared to kyphoplasty. VBS uses a specially designed catheter-mounted stent which can be implanted and expanded inside the vertebral body. As much as 24 fresh frozen human cadaveric vertebral bodies (T11-L5) were utilized. After creating typical compression fractures, the vertebral bodies were reduced by kyphoplasty (n = 12) or by VBS (n = 12) and then stabilized with PMMA bone cement. Each step of the procedure was performed under fluoroscopic control and analysed quantitatively. Finally, static and dynamic biomechanical tests were performed. A complete initial reduction of the fractured vertebral body height was achieved by both systems. There was a significant loss of reduction after balloon deflation in kyphoplasty compared to VBS, and a significant total height gain by VBS (mean +/- SD in %, p < 0.05, demonstrated by: anterior height loss after deflation in relation to preoperative height [kyphoplasty: 11.7 +/- 6.2; VBS: 3.7 +/- 3.8], and total anterior height gain [kyphoplasty: 8.0 +/- 9.4; VBS: 13.3 +/- 7.6]). Biomechanical tests showed no significant stiffness and failure load differences between systems. VBS is an innovative technique which allows for the possibly complete reduction of vertebral compression fractures and helps maintain the restored height by means of a stent. The height loss after balloon deflation is significantly decreased by using VBS compared to kyphoplasty, thus offering a new promising option for vertebral augmentation.
Thrombophilia has been associated with pregnancy complications and recurrent miscarriage. The aim of this systematic review was to evaluate the controversial association between thrombophilia and failures of assisted reproduction technology (ART). A systematic search of the literature for studies reporting on thrombophilia in women undergoing ART up to April 2011 yielded 33 studies (23 evaluating anti-phospholipid antibodies, 5 inherited thrombophilia, and 5 both) involving 6092 patients. Overall, methodologic quality of the studies was poor. Combined results from case-control studies showed that factor V Leiden was significantly more prevalent among women with ART failure compared with fertile parous women or those achieving pregnancy after ART (odds ratio = 3.08; 95% confidence interval, 1.77-5.36). The prothrombin mutation, methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase mutation, deficiency of protein S, protein C, or anti-thrombin were all not associated with ART failure. Women with ART failure tested more frequently positive for anti-phospholipids antibodies (odds ratio = 3.33; 95% confidence interval, 1.77-6.26) with evidence of high degree of between-study heterogeneity (I(2) = 75%; P < .00001). Prospective cohort studies did not show significant associations between thrombophilia and ART outcomes. Although case-control studies suggest that women experiencing ART failures are more frequently positive for factor V Leiden and anti-phospholipid antibodies, the evidence is inconclusive and not supported by cohort studies.
In excisional body-contouring surgery the surgeon is often confronted with time-consuming closure of long wounds. Recently, a new combination of a self-adhering mesh together with a liquid 2-octyl cyanoacrylate adhesive (Prineo™; Ethicon, Inc., Somerville, NJ, USA) has been introduced to replace intracutaneous running suture.
Many natural and synthetic compounds present in the environment exert a number of adverse effects on the exposed organisms, leading to endocrine disruption, for which they were termed endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs). A decrease in reproduction success is one of the most well-documented signs of endocrine disruption in fish. Estrogens are steroid hormones involved in the control of important reproduction-related processes, including sexual differentiation, maturation and a variety of others. Careful spatial and temporal balance of estrogens in the body is crucial for proper functioning. At the final step of estrogen biosynthesis, cytochrome P450 aromatase, encoded by the cyp19 gene, converts androgens into estrogens. Modulation of aromatase CYP19 expression and function can dramatically alter the rate of estrogen production, disturbing the local and systemic levels of estrogens. In the present review, the current progress in CYP19 characterization in teleost fish is summarized and the potential of several classes of EDCs to interfere with CYP19 expression and activity is discussed. Two cyp19 genes are present in most teleosts, cyp19a and cyp19b, primarily expressed in the ovary and brain, respectively. Both aromatase CYP19 isoforms are involved in the sexual differentiation and regulation of the reproductive cycle and male reproductive behavior in diverse teleost species. Alteration of aromatase CYP19 expression and/or activity, be it upregulation or downregulation, may lead to diverse disturbances of the above mentioned processes. Prediction of multiple transcriptional regulatory elements in the promoters of teleost cyp19 genes suggests the possibility for several EDC classes to affect cyp19 expression on the transcriptional level. These sites include cAMP responsive elements, a steroidogenic factor 1/adrenal 4 binding protein site, an estrogen-responsive element (ERE), half-EREs, dioxin-responsive elements, and elements related to diverse other nuclear receptors (peroxisome proliferator activated receptor, retinoid X receptor, retinoic acid receptor). Certain compounds including phytoestrogens, xenoestrogens, fungicides and organotins may modulate aromatase CYP19 activity on the post-transcriptional level. As is shown in this review, diverse EDCs may affect the expression and/or activity of aromatase cyp19 genes through a variety of mechanisms, many of which need further characterization in order to improve the prediction of risks posed by a contaminated environment to teleost fish population.
Reproductive skew theory seeks to integrate social and ecological factors thought to influence the division of reproduction among group-living animals. However, most reproductive skew models only examine interactions between individuals of the same sex. Here, we suggest that females can influence group stability and conflict among males by modifying their clutch size and may do so if they benefit from the presence of subordinate male helpers or from reduced conflict. We develop 3 models, based on concessions-based, restraint, and tug-of-war models, in which female clutch size is variable and ask when females will increase their clutch size above that which would be optimal in the absence of male-male conflict. In concessions-based and restraint models, females should increase clutch size above their optima if the benefits of staying for subordinate males are relatively low. Relatedness between males has no effect on clutch size. When females do increase clutch size, the division of reproduction between males is not influenced by relatedness and does not differ between restraint and concessions-based models. Both of these predictions are in sharp contrast to previous models. In tug-of-war models, clutch size is strongly influenced by relatedness between males, with the largest clutches, but the fewest surviving offspring, produced when males are unrelated. These 3 models demonstrate the importance of considering third-party interests in the decisions of group-living organisms.
New technologies, in particular those stemming from digitisation, allow amongst other things the production of perfect copies, instantaneous and ubiquitous distribution of and easy access to information with no real location restrictions. The effects of these technological advances have largely been perceived as negative for the protection of traditional cultural expressions (TCE), both because of the peculiarities of the digital networked environment and because of the lack of appropriate intellectual property protection models for TCE. The purpose of this article is, while accounting for the diversity and complexity of issues related to TCE, to reveal a more positive side of digital technologies. It shows the potential of these to be proactively applied and the further reaching possibilities for designing an efficient multi-level and multi-faceted toolbox for the protection and promotion of TCE in the digital ecology.
This is a European Commission Leonardo da Vinci Reference Material project on the impact of new technology on distance learning students. It is known that all the Ministries of Education of the 27 European Union countries pay millions of Euros annually in the provision of educational technology for their schools, colleges and universities. A review of the literature of the impact of technology, however, showed that the research in this field was unacceptably fragile. What research there was focused on the impact of technology on children in American schools. The project set out, therefore, to measure the impact of technology on adult education, lifelong learning and distance education, with a particular focus on adult distance learning.
BACKGROUND Partner notification is essential to the comprehensive case management of sexually transmitted infections. Systematic reviews and mathematical modelling can be used to synthesise information about the effects of new interventions to enhance the outcomes of partner notification. OBJECTIVE To study the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of traditional and new partner notification technologies for curable sexually transmitted infections (STIs). DESIGN Secondary data analysis of clinical audit data; systematic reviews of randomised controlled trials (MEDLINE, EMBASE and Cochrane Central Register of Controlled Trials) published from 1 January 1966 to 31 August 2012 and of studies of health-related quality of life (HRQL) [MEDLINE, EMBASE, ISI Web of Knowledge, NHS Economic Evaluation Database (NHS EED), Database of Abstracts of Reviews of Effects (DARE) and Health Technology Assessment (HTA)] published from 1 January 1980 to 31 December 2011; static models of clinical effectiveness and cost-effectiveness; and dynamic modelling studies to improve parameter estimation and examine effectiveness. SETTING General population and genitourinary medicine clinic attenders. PARTICIPANTS Heterosexual women and men. INTERVENTIONS Traditional partner notification by patient or provider referral, and new partner notification by expedited partner therapy (EPT) or its UK equivalent, accelerated partner therapy (APT). MAIN OUTCOME MEASURES Population prevalence; index case reinfection; and partners treated per index case. RESULTS Enhanced partner therapy reduced reinfection in index cases with curable STIs more than simple patient referral [risk ratio (RR) 0.71; 95% confidence interval (CI) 0.56 to 0.89]. There are no randomised trials of APT. The median number of partners treated for chlamydia per index case in UK clinics was 0.60. The number of partners needed to treat to interrupt transmission of chlamydia was lower for casual than for regular partners. In dynamic model simulations, > 10% of partners are chlamydia positive with look-back periods of up to 18 months. In the presence of a chlamydia screening programme that reduces population prevalence, treatment of current partners achieves most of the additional reduction in prevalence attributable to partner notification. Dynamic model simulations show that cotesting and treatment for chlamydia and gonorrhoea reduce the prevalence of both STIs. APT has a limited additional effect on prevalence but reduces the rate of index case reinfection. Published quality-adjusted life-year (QALY) weights were of insufficient quality to be used in a cost-effectiveness study of partner notification in this project. Using an intermediate outcome of cost per infection diagnosed, doubling the efficacy of partner notification from 0.4 to 0.8 partners treated per index case was more cost-effective than increasing chlamydia screening coverage. CONCLUSIONS There is evidence to support the improved clinical effectiveness of EPT in reducing index case reinfection. In a general heterosexual population, partner notification identifies new infected cases but the impact on chlamydia prevalence is limited. Partner notification to notify casual partners might have a greater impact than for regular partners in genitourinary clinic populations. Recommendations for future research are (1) to conduct randomised controlled trials using biological outcomes of the effectiveness of APT and of methods to increase testing for human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and STIs after APT; (2) collection of HRQL data should be a priority to determine QALYs associated with the sequelae of curable STIs; and (3) standardised parameter sets for curable STIs should be developed for mathematical models of STI transmission that are used for policy-making. FUNDING The National Institute for Health Research Health Technology Assessment programme.
Tegrity Campus 2.0 is the first student achievement system that impacts learning across the entire institution, improving retention and student satisfaction. Tegrity makes class time available all the time by automatically capturing, storing and indexing every class on campus for replay by every student. With Tegrity, students quickly recall key moments or replay entire classes online, with digital notes, on their iPods and cell phones. [See PDF for complete abstract]