942 resultados para erotic-obscene lexicon
This article examines the architecture of the Nazi regime in two occupied cities of Czechoslovakia, Praha/Prag and Jihlava/Iglau (the latter being one of the traditionally German-speaking island in the bohemia country), and focuses specifically on the process by which Hitler youth organisations (Hitlerjugend) in case of ‘education’ and indoctrination of youth were or were not successfully established in these cities. As comparison, he takes the political-administrative centres of the Sudeten Reichsgau, Ústí/Aussig, Opava/Troppau, Karlovy Vary/Karlsbad and Liberec/Reichenberg. Drawing on Czech and German archive materials, the extensive body of modern analytical literature, and propagandist literature from the period studied, the author examines the extent to which architecture served as a projection screen for Fascist propaganda in the Occupied Eastern territories. He describes the role played by the Reichsstelle für Raumordnung and shows how the Reich’s propagandist objectives came to be reflected in a high specific typology and stylistic lexicon/configuration for the architecture of Hitler youth hostels and homes He examines the process by which these organisations were powerful implanted into the space of occupied Czechoslovakia (and Sudeten) too, a topic that has not yet been addressed in (art) history too. The building projects developed for the Protectorate (published here for the first time) and managed by the Reich’s Hitler Youth Leadership in Berlin (Kulturamt, Reichsjugendführung, RJF, Abteilung HJ) reveal the ties that existed between the construction authorities in the Reich and the Protectorate, including the Planning Committee for the City of Prague. The author asks how many German and Czech architects participated for their own profit in the Nazi system, and for future research raises the hitherto taboo question of guilt and collaboration with the Nazis and the perception of this phenomenon in art history, i.e. the measure of active cooperation of not just German but also Czech architects who contributed to the planning and implementation of projects and thereby unequivocally had a hand in consolidating the totalitarian regime and de facto in the forced „Germanification” of their own people under occupation.
This introductory chapter briefly introduces a few milestones in the voluminous previous literature on semantic roles, and charts the territory in which the papers of this volume aim to make a contribution. This territory is characterized by fairly disparate conceptualizations of semantic roles and their status in theories of grammar and the lexicon, as well as by diverse and probably complementary ways of deriving or identifying them based on linguistic data. Particular attention is given to the question of how selected roles appear to relate to each other, and we preliminarily address the issue of how roles, subroles, and role complexes are best thought of in general.
Recent studies have shown that vestibular stimulation can influence affective processes. In the present study, we examined whether emotional information can also modulate vestibular perception. Participants performed a vestibular discrimination task on a motion platform while viewing emotional pictures. Six different picture categories were taken from the International Affective Picture System: mutilation, threat, snakes, neutral objects, sports and erotic pictures. Using a Bayesian hierarchical approach we were able to show that vestibular discrimination improved when participants viewed emotionally negative pictures (mutilation, threat, snake) when compared to neutral objects. There was no difference in vestibular discrimination while viewing emotionally positive compared to neutral pictures. We conclude that some of the mechanisms involved in the processing of vestibular information are also sensitive to emotional content. Emotional information signals importance and mobilizes the body for action. In case of danger, a successful motor response requires precise vestibular processing. Therefore, negative emotional information improves processing of vestibular information.
Recent studies have shown that vestibular stimulation can influence affective processes. In the present study, we examined whether emotional information can also modulate vestibular perception. Participants performed a vestibular discrimination task on a motion platform while viewing emotional pictures. Six different picture categories were taken from the International Affective Picture System: mutilation, threat, snakes, neutral objects, sports and erotic pictures. Using a Bayesian hierarchical approach we were able to show that vestibular discrimination improved when participants viewed emotionally negative pictures (mutilation, threat, snake) when compared to neutral objects. There was no difference in vestibular discrimination while viewing emotionally positive compared to neutral pictures. We conclude that some of the mechanisms involved in the processing of vestibular information are also sensitive to emotional content. Emotional information signals importance and mobilizes the body for action. In case of danger, a successful motor response requires precise vestibular processing. Therefore, negative emotional information improves processing of vestibular information.
Recent studies have shown that vestibular stimulation can influence affective processes. In the present study, we examined whether emotional information can also modulate vestibular perception. Participants performed a vestibular discrimination task on a motion platform while viewing emotional pictures. Six different picture categories were taken from the International Affective Picture System: mutilation, threat, snakes, neutral objects, sports, and erotic pictures. Using a Bayesian hierarchical approach, we were able to show that vestibular discrimination improved when participants viewed emotionally negative pictures (mutilation, threat, snake) when compared to neutral/positive objects. We conclude that some of the mechanisms involved in the processing of vestibular information are also sensitive to emotional content. Emotional information signals importance and mobilizes the body for action. In case of danger, a successful motor response requires precise vestibular processing. Therefore, negative emotional information improves processing of vestibular information.
The precise phylogenetic propinquity of Dura within the Tibeto-Burman or Trans-Himalayan language family has hitherto been indeterminate. In the absence of compelling comparative evidence, the language has previously been assigned to a subgroup in its own right within the linguistic phylum as a whole. Meanwhile, the Dura language is effectively extinct, although attempts at revival may be undertaken by well-intentioned members of Dura ethnicity. On the basis of a comprehensive study and analysis of all of the extant Dura language material, the phylogenetic position of the language within the family will be clarified. Comparative evidence from the Dura lexicon, its nominal and verbal morphology as well as from syntactic and phonological properties is adduced to determine the phylogenetic position of Dura. Moreover, this result will help explain some of the sociocultural realities associated with the Dura language community in Lamjung, Nepal
The word 'palaver' is colloquially associated with useless verbiage and the nuisance of a tediously long, aimless and superfluous debate. At the same time, it insinuates an uncivilized culture of discourse beyond reason. Thus it appears to be of vaguely exotic origin but still firmly set in the European lexicon. Yet behind this contemporary meaning there lies a long history of linguistic and cultural transfers which is encased in a context of different usages of language and their intersections. By tracing the usage and semantics of 'palaver' in various encyclopaedias, glossaries and dictionaries of English, French, German, Portuguese and Spanish, the following article explores the rich history of this word. Moreover, it also regards the travelling semantics of the term 'palaver' as a process of cultural transfer that can be likened to the microcellular workings of a (retro)virus. Viral reproduction and evolution work through processes of transfer that enable the alteration of the host to adjust it to the replication and reproduction of the virus. In some cases, these processes also allow for the mutation or modification of the virus, making it suitable for transfer from one host to another. The virus is thus offered here as a vital model for cultural transfer: It not only encompasses the necessary adoption and adaption of contents or objects of cultural transfer in different contexts. It contributes to a conceptual understanding of the transferal residue that the transferred content is endowed with by its diversifying contexts. This model thereby surpasses an understanding of cultural transfer as literal translation or transmission: it conceptualizes cultural transfer as an agent of evolutionary processes, allowing for mutational effects of transfer as endowment.
El polvo de ajo (Allium sativum L.) es una alternativa para conservar en el tiempo sus propiedades sensoriales y prolongar su vida útil como alimento procesado. En la actualidad, no existe una definición clara de las propiedades sensoriales que caracterizan el ajo ni de las técnicas más adecuadas para su análisis. Los objetivos del presente trabajo fueron estudiar diferentes vehículos y determinar el más apropiado para el análisis sensorial del polvo de ajo, y generar y definir los descriptores para las propiedades sensoriales de olor y flavor de diferentes cultivares deshidratados a través de dos métodos: en estufa a 50°C y por liofilización a -50°C, bajo vacío. Se pretende contribuir a la caracterización de este producto aportando un vocabulario específico y sus definiciones, como así también una metodología sensorial propia. Ocho evaluadores, seleccionados y entrenados de acuerdo con las normas internacionales y con experiencia en análisis sensorial, probaron diferentes vehículos y una vez determinado el más adecuado, desarrollaron el lenguaje descriptivo para los ajos desecados y liofilizados seleccionando por consenso los descriptores que mejor caracterizaban las cultivares, y se definió cada término. Se generaron 31 descriptores simples. Si bien, algunos de los descriptores coincidieron con los publicados en la guía ASTM DS 66 (1996) para ajos frescos, con esta investigación se aportó un amplio número de términos nuevos para la descripción del olor y el flavor de los ajos desecados y liofilizados, los cuales contribuyen a una mejor caracterización sensorial de este producto.
First, the article distinguishes, in Schelling´s philosophy, successivity and extaticoriginary temporality, and contends that the latter can be conceived as co-temporalization. Secondly, an analysis of loveis advanced as an experience in which co-temporalization is consummated, and it is shown how in the erotic pathos, through an empathic movement of overdetermination, the ecstases are sublated as such and “condensed" in an instant of eternity. Finally, the author differentiates temporality and the real-actual time that Schelling conceives as the continuity of discontinuous temporalities. Special attention is payed to the importance of Schelling´s thought for the current discussion on time.
El encomio del trágico Agatón es un intermedio musical, una canción que detiene la avanzada conceptual del Banquete, pero con gravísimo poder proléptico. Se recupera todo lo dicho hasta allí, pero tergiversado por su enfoque de marcada impronta gorgiana. Cada comensal conlleva la concepción compuesta Amor-Belleza, donde todo amor es amor de cierta belleza. Distinguiendo el éros presentado por Agatón (erótica narcisista) intentaremos mostrar qué tipo de belleza nos presenta este comensal, y cuál es la poesía que le corresponde. Entonces se dará un agón paratextual, una referencia al gran combate que Platón sostuvo toda su vida: el conflicto entre filosofía y poesía. Mostraremos que Agatón, a la vez Narciso, poeta mimético, inspirado, poseso y cosmético, es la imagen del poeta que el filósofo ateniense detesta, que, como paradigma construido para este diálogo, tiene todos los defectos criticados a lo largo de la obra platónica y sirve para tematizar este enfrentamiento
Un análisis de las ediciones y comentarios acerca de Arquíloco (fr. 189-W) desde Liebel (1812) y la sugestión de un posible nuevo contexto (homoerótico), en el caso de que el poema no esté relacionado con la saga de Neobula y sus hermanas.
Dentro del género lírico, Horacio trata de diferenciar de su propia lírica amatoria la especie erótica elegíaca de un Tibulo o un Propercio; lo hace con dos recursos de raigambre calimaquea empleados con profusión por otros poetas augusteos: la recusatio y la excusatio presentes en Odas I, 33; II, 9 y I, 38
El presente trabajo propone una lectura de la primera novela de Edgardo Rodríguez Juliá -La renuncia del héroe Baltasar- a partir del concepto de los comienzos teorizado por Edward Said, en tanto es posible advertir en ella una condensación de sentidos que el autor retoma, explora y continúa en su obra posterior. Por otra parte la novela aborda también, desde la ficción, los orígenes de la nacionalidad puertorriqueña mediante metáforas eróticas que dan cuenta de las relaciones de tensión entre blancos, mulatos y negros en la sociedad colonial puertorriqueña del siglo XVIII. En los conflictos derivados del esclavismo convergen espacios tales como el palenque, revueltas de esclavos, acciones características del cimarronaje como las fugas, es decir, diferentes imágenes que vinculan estrechamente esta obra en particular y textos posteriores del autor con una dimensión mayor, que excede los límites nacionales de Puerto Rico para abarcar la historia antillana.
Una serie de hallazgos en torno a la obra de Nicolás Olivari pone en evidencia diversos problemas (históricos, críticos, filológicos y bibliotécnicos) no abordados por los estudios especializados. Para estudiar estas cuestiones, los textos localizados se agrupan en textos poco conocidos - el volumen de cuentos eróticos Carne al sol (1922)-; textos desconocidos - las novelas eróticas de 1922 y 1923- y textos conocidos - la versión corregida de La musa de la mala pata- .
Los debates antropológicos en torno del concepto de cultura han suscitado una serie de refinamientos que supusieron una revitalización y una reconstrucción de esta noción central para las ciencias sociales. Sin embargo, en virtud del peso sedimentado de una doble tradición de raigambre gramática y jurídica, varios de los atributos puestos en cuestión por la crítica antropológica persisten en la ubicua noción de "código", que reintroduce de contrabando una versión anacrónica del concepto de cultura con efectos deletéreos para la investigación en ciencias sociales. Sobre esa base, el presente texto busca mostrar en qué circunstancias, por qué causas y de qué manera esta pervivencia del concepto clásico de cultura subsiste en la antropología contemporánea, al tiempo que propone el reemplazo de esta atávica noción de código por medio de un aparato conceptual y un léxico analítico-descriptivo que busca hacer justicia a los resultados acumulados de tres décadas de debate