754 resultados para elementary science teaching
Poster for the Learning Societies Laboratory, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton Open Day, Wednesday 27 February 2008.
Poster for the Learning Societies Laboratory, School of Electronics and Computer Science, University of Southampton Open Day, Wednesday 27 February 2008.
Scitable is an open online teaching/learning portal combining high quality educational articles authored by editors at NPG with technology-based community features to fuel a global exchange of scientific insights, teaching practices, and study resources. Scitable currently contains articles in the field of genetics, and is intended for college undergraduate faculty and students. Future plans involve extension of Scitable to other fields within the life sciences, as well as to other audiences. Scitable brings together a library of scientific overviews with a worldwide community of scientists, researchers, teachers and students. Nature Education is a new division of Nature Publishing Group devoted to facilitating high quality, innovative, accessible science education in all countries of the world.
Tuesday 22nd April 2014 Speaker(s): Sue Sentance Organiser: Leslie Carr Time: 22/04/2014 15:00-16:00 Location: B32/3077 File size: 698 Mb Abstract Until recently, "computing" education in English schools mainly focused on developing general Digital Literacy and Microsoft Office skills. As of this September, a new curriculum comes into effect that provides a strong emphasis on computation and programming. This change has generated some controversy in the news media (4-year-olds being forced to learn coding! boss of the government’s coding education initiative cannot code shock horror!!!!) and also some concern in the teaching profession (how can we possibly teach programming when none of the teachers know how to program)? Dr Sue Sentance will explain the work of Computing At School, a part of the BCS Academy, in galvanising universities to help teachers learn programming and other computing skills. Come along and find out about the new English Computing Revolution - How will your children and your schools be affected? - How will our University intake change? How will our degrees have to change? - What is happening to the national perception of Computer Science?
En este trabajo se estima el efecto del género del profesor sobre la deserción y el rendimiento educativo de los estudiantes en Colombia durante el periodo 2009-2012. La estrategia empírica se fundamenta en un modelo de regresión lineal que establece la relación entre la proporción de profesoras interactuada con el género del estudiante. Los resultados sugieren que existe un sesgo de selección debido a que las profesoras aumentan la probabilidad de que las niñas finalicen la educación media, lo que implica que la composición de habilidades entre hombres y mujeres no es la misma. Luego de corregir este sesgo de selección, se encuentra un resultado significativo en el género del profesor. Un aumento de una desviación estándar en la proporción de profesoras incrementa en 0.01 desviaciones estándar el puntaje de los niños en la prueba de matemáticas y el puntaje de las niñas en la prueba de lenguaje. Este trabajo utiliza información proveniente de la prueba Saber 11, la Resolución 166 y el concurso docente.
Esta guía práctica tiene como objetivo facilitar recursos a los docentes de la etapa de secundaria en su objetivo de enseñar a los alumnos las bases para el estudio y comprensión de la química. Está escrito en colaboración con la Association for Science Education (ASE) con la finalidad de difundir las buenas prácticas y nuevas ideas entre los profesores de ciencias y contribuir, así, a la mejora de la enseñanza.
Esta guía práctica tiene como objetivo facilitar recursos a los docentes de la etapa de secundaria en su objetivo de enseñar a los alumnos las bases para el estudio y comprensión de la física. Está escrito en colaboración con la Association for Science Education (ASE)con la finalidad de difundir las buenas prácticas y nuevas ideas entre los profesores de ciencias y contribuir, asi, a mejorar la enseñanza.
Esta guía práctica tiene como objetivo facilitar recursos a los docentes de la etapa de secundaria en su objetivo de enseñar a los alumnos las bases para el estudio y comprensión de la biología. Está escrito en colaboración con la Association for Science Education (ASE)con la finalidad de difundir las buenas prácticas y nuevas ideas entre los profesores de ciencias y contribuir, asi, a mejorar la enseñanza.
This paper was written within the context of the research project “The development of teacher’ associative organizations and unionism (1889-1990)” funded by the Fundação para a Ciência e Tecnologia (Foundation for Science and Technology). Five important congresses about secondary education were organized in Portugal between 1927 and 1931. These congresses served to claim the rights of teachers and the consolidation of the class, as well as to promote the discussion of scientific and pedagogical problems. In these congresses, the presence of female teachers was residual. However, the few teachers who participated had a significant contribution to the definition of secondary education during the following decades. Among other issues, it contributed to the discussion of female education and to analyze the importance of Biology and Physical Education in high schools. This paper presents the analysis of the minutes of the 1927s and 1928s Congresses. This analysis allowed the assessment of the important role played by a group of teachers to define, at the end of the first third of the 20th century, the future guidelines of Portuguese secondary education. It also reported that these teachers were pioneers who opened the way for the increasing number of teachers in secondary education during the 20th century.
This paper is a collection of four theme-based units to be used to teach beginning science and social studies concepts.