834 resultados para distributed heating
Drilling penetrated pre-Mesozoic crystalline basement beneath abbreviated sedimentary sequences overlying fault blocks in the southeastern Gulf of Mexico. At Hole 538A, located on Catoche Knoll, a foliated, regional metamorphic association of variably mylonitic felsic gneisses and interlayered amphibolite is intruded by post-tectonic diabase dikes. Hornblende from the amphibolite displays internally discordant 40Ar/39Ar age spectra, suggesting initial post-metamorphic cooling at about 500 Ma followed by a mild thermal disturbance at about 200 Ma. Biotite from the gneiss yields a plateau age of 348 Ma, which is interpreted to result from incorporation of extraneous argon components when the biotite system was opened during the about 200 Ma thermal overprint. A whole-rich diabase sample from Hole 538A records a crystallization age of 190.4 ± 3.4 Ma. A lower grade phyllitic metasedimentary sequence was penetrated at Hole 537, drilled about 30 km northwest of Catoche Knoll. Whole-rock phyllite samples display internally discordant 40Ar/39Ar age spectra, but plateau segments clearly document an early Paleozoic metamorphism at about 500 Ma. The age and lithologic character of the basement terrane penetrated at Holes 537 and 538A suggest that the drilled fault blocks are underlain by attenuated fragments of continental crust of "Pan-African" affinity. This supports pre-Mesozoic tectonic reconstructions that locate Yucatan in the present Gulf recess during the amalgamation of Pangea.
From the experimental data on stepwise thermal release of neutron induced 39Ar (39K (n, p) 39Ar) from rocks and minerals, Arrhenius plots were constructed, which gave activation energies for the thermal release process. The activation energies for DSDP Leg 58 and Leg 60 submarine volcanic rocks range from 12 to 20 kcal/mol, whereas those for granodiorites and the K-feldspar separates have activation energies ranging from 37 to 48 kcal/mol. The smaller activation energies for the submarine volcanic rocks reflect the grain boundary diffusion process, while the thermal diffusion of 39Ar from granodiorites and K-feldspar is essentially controlled by a volume diffusion. The grain boundary diffusion for the submarine volcanic rocks suggests that K resides essentially in the grain boundaries.
The basalts in Holes 519A, 522B, and 524 were studied for intensity of natural remanent magnetization, magnetic hysteresis, magnetic susceptibility, stability of isothermal remanence, and thermomagnetic behavior. Some of these properties are sensitive to both the composition and the microstructure of the magnetic minerals, others to composition only. Thus it is possible to separate the two effects and to trace the variation of effective magnetic grain size and degree of alteration within a lithologic unit or over a yet larger distance or time interval. The flow in Hole 519A is highly maghemitized at the top, the degree of maghemitization decreasing with depth in the flow. Effective grain size increases with increasing depth. Electron microprobe analysis of the titanomaghemite grains in these samples provides no support for the leaching out of iron during alteration. The pillows and flows in Hole 522B are distributed among a number of cooling units, and no systematic downhole variations are apparent. The inferred magneto-petrology is consistent with the cooling and alteration history that might be expected within the units. The upper and lower sills in Hole 524 are more uniform and have a larger concentration of well-developed magnetic mineral grains than the pillows and flows in Holes 519A and 522B. Maghemitization appears to have developed from the boundaries of the sills that are in contact with the sediments between the sills.
Submarine basalts are difficult to date accurately by the potassium-argon method. Dalrymple and Moore (1968) and Dymond (1970), for example, showed that, when the conventional K-Ar method is used, pillow lavas may contain excess 40Ar. Use of the 40Ar/39Ar step-heating method has not overcome the problem, as had been hoped, and has produced some conflicting results. Ozima and Saito (1973) concluded that the excess 40Ar is retained only in high temperature sites, but Seidemann (1978) found that it could be released at all temperatures. Furthermore, addition of potassium, from seawater, to the rock after it has solidified can result in low ages (Seidemann, 1977), the opposite effect to that of excess 40Ar. Thus, apparent ages may be either greater or less than the age of extrusion. Because of this discouraging record, the present study was approached pragmatically, to investigate whether self-consistent results can be obtained by the 40Ar/39Ar step-heating method.