971 resultados para direttiva, 93, 42, CEE, s.m.i.


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The development of resistance to anthelmintics has prompted research into alternative methods of controlling intestinal nematodes in ruminants. This study aimed to assess the activity of Ananas comosus on Haemonchus contortus in Santa Inês sheep. The aqueous extract of pineapple skin (AEPS), bromelain from pineapple stems (B4882) and residue from pineapple processing was evaluated in in vitro and in vivo tests. The enzymatic activity of substances was analyzed by the azocasein method. The egg hatch test (EHT) and larval development test (LDT) were performed using the Embrapa2010 isolate of H. contortus. In the in vivo test, 36 sheep artificially infected with H. contortus were divided into six groups: G1: 2g/kg BW of the aqueous extract administered for three days; G2: 2g/kg BW of the industrial pineapple residue for 60 days; G3: 180mg/animal of bromelain in a single dose; G4: negative control I; G5: positive control (levamisole phosphate); and G6: negative control II. The eggs per gram (EPG) in the feces were counted till 28 days after treatment. LC50 and LC90 were obtained by the probit procedure, while the in vivo test results were analyzed by GLM. The aqueous extract in the in vitro and in vivo test, the bromelain and industrial residue presented 0.102, 0.157, 1.864 and 0.048 enzyme units/mL, respectively. In the egg hatch test, the LC50 and LC90 were respectively 31 and 81mg/mL for the aqueous extract and 0.50 and 2mg/mL for bromelain. In the larval development test, the LC50 and LC90 were respectively 1.7 and 7.3mg/mL for the aqueous extract and 0.019 and 0.086mg/mL for bromelain. In the in vivo test, the general efficacies of the treatments in relation to the negative control were 22.6%, 42.2%, 3.65% and 89% for the aqueous extract, industrial pineapple residue, bromelain and positive control respectively. The transformed EPG values were 3.19±0.59, 3.32±0.25, 2.85±0.66, 3.44±0.50, 2.28±0.93 and 2.75±0.94 for the aqueous extract, industrial residue, bromelain, negative control I, positive control and negative control II respectively. The results for all the treated groups differed significantly (p<0.05) from the positive control, and although the residue presented efficacy of 42.2%, there was no statistical difference (p>0.05) in relation to the negative control. Therefore, both the aqueous extract and bromelain were effective in vitro, but showed reduced anthelmintic efficacy in vivo. For the pineapple residue, the 42.2% in vivo efficacy in reducing the EPG and the possibility of reducing environmental contamination through reuse of industrial residue indicate it can also be useful for control of this parasite. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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ABSTRACT: The occurrence of HTLV-I/II and HIV-1 coinfections have been shown to be frequent, probably in consequence of their similar modes of transmission. This paper presents the prevalence of coinfection of HTLV among HIV-1 infected and AIDS patients in Belém, State of Pará, Brazil. A group of 149 patients attending the AIDS Reference Unit of the State Department of Health was tested for the presence of antibodies to HTLV-I/II using an enzyme immunoassay and the positive reactions were confirmed with a Western blot that discriminates between HTLV-I and HTLV-II infections. Four patients (2.7%) were positive to HTLV-I, seven (4.7%) to HTLV-II and one (0.7%) showed an indeterminate pattern of reaction. The present results show for the first time in Belém not only the occurrence of HTLV-II/HIV-1 coinfections but also a higher prevalence of HTLV-II in relation to HTLV-I. Furthermore, it also enlarges the geographical limits of the endemic area for HTLV-II in the Amazon region of Brazil.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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O SW do município de Presidente Figueiredo, localizado no Estado do Amazonas, Nordeste do Cráton Amazônico Central, Brasil, hospeda granitoides do tipo I de idade entre 1890 a 1898 Ma (Terra Preta Granito, Suíte Água Branca), hornblenda-sienogranitos do tipo A (Sienogranito Canoas da Suíte Mapuera), rochas vulcânicas ácidas à intermediárias (Grupo Iricoumé) e granitos rapakivi de idades entre 1883 a 1889 Ma (Granito São Gabriel da Suíte Mapuera), e rochas afins (quartzo-gabro-anortosito e diorito), além de quartzo-monzonito Castanhal, milonitos e hornfels. A fácies quartzo-diorito do granito Terra Preta foi formada por processos de mistura entre um dique quartzo-gabro sinplutônico e um granodiorito hornblenda. Glóbulos parcialmente assimilados de sienogranitos hornblenda Canoas e seus contatos com o granodiorito hornblenda Terra Preta sugerem que o sienogranito Canoas é um pouco mais jovem do que o Granito Terra Preta. Xenólitos do sienogranito Canoas no interior do Granito São Gabriel mostram que o granito é mais jovem do que o sienogranito Canoas. Novas evidências geológicas e petrográficas avançam na compreensão petrológica destas rochas e sugerem que, além de cristalização fracionada, assimilação e mistura de magma, desempenharam um papel importante, pelo menos em escala local, na evolução e variação composicionais dos plutons. Tal evidência é encontrada no Granito Terra Preta misturado com materiais quartzo-diorito, félsico associado ao sienogranito Canoas e nos enclaves microgranulares intermediários, que apresentam biotita e hornblenda primárias, além de dissolução plagioclásio, corrosão de feldspatos, mantos feldspatos alcalinos, segunda geração de apatita, e elevados teores xenocristais em enclaves intermediários formados a partir da fragmentação de intrusões máficas. Análises petrográficas mostram que um evento deformacional registrado na parte Ocidental da área de estudo (com deformação progressiva de E para W) é estimado entre o magmatismo pós-colisional de 1,90 Ga e as invasões do Granito São Gabriel e rochas afins máficas/intermediárias (intraplaca). No entanto, torna-se extremamente necessário obter idades absolutas para este evento metamórfico.


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We investigated the effects of swimming training (ST) on femoral mechanical and structural properties in ovariectomized female rats. Female Wistar rats [age = 20 weeks; body weight (BW) = 271,42 +/- 17,6 g] were subjected to ovariectomy (OVX) or laparotomy (SHAM) and allocated to one of the following groups: swimming OVX (SO, n=12), control OVX (CO, n=12), swimming SHAM (SS, n=12) and control SHAM (CS, n=12). Fifteen days after surgery SO and SS groups were subjected to a ST (60 min/day, 5 days/week, overload of 3% of BW) for 10 weeks. Alkalin phosfatase was reduced in OVX as compared to SHAM (18,87 pg/mL vs. 53,93 pg/mL, respectively), but not altered by ST. Animals SHAM showed more cancellous bone than OVX (255,50 +/- 38,27 vs 288,75 +/- 39,63 points, respectively). Exercised animals exhibited more cancellous bone than controls (292,00 +/- 33,54 vs 251,54 +/- 38,99 points, respectively) in this region and in the grater trochanter (281,50 +/- 34,42 vs 237,23 +/- 53,03 points; respectively). Bone mineral density and cortical bone in the femur midshaft were not altered either by OVX or ST. The maximum force and thoughness of the femoral neck and midshaft were not affected either by OVX or ST. It was concluded that ST benefits cancellous bone mass in the femoral proximal region (i.e. femoral neck and greater trochanter), independently of ovariectomy, which did not reflect in improved mechanical properties either in the femoral neck or midshaft.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)