865 resultados para dialogic reflections


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In an increasingly complex society, regulatory polices emerge as an important tool in public management. Nevertheless, regulation per se is no longer enough, and the agenda for a regulatory reform is increasing. Following this context, Brazil has implemented Regulatory Impact Analysis (RIA) in its regulatory agencies. Thus, Brazilian specificities have to be considered and, in this regard, a systematic approach provides a significant contribution. This article aims to address some critical reflections about which policy-makers should ask themselves before joining the implementation of a RIA system in the Brazilian context. Through a long-term perspective, the implementation of RIA must be seen as part of a permanent change in the administrative culture, understanding that RIA should be used as a further resource in the decision-making process, rather than a final solution.


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The crustal and lithospheric mantle structure at the south segment of the west Iberian margin was investigated along a 370 km long seismic transect. The transect goes from unthinned continental crust onshore to oceanic crust, crossing the ocean-continent transition (OCT) zone. The wide-angle data set includes recordings from 6 OBSs and 2 inland seismic stations. Kinematic and dynamic modeling provided a 2D velocity model that proved to be consistent with the modeled free-air anomaly data. The interpretation of coincident multi-channel near-vertical and wide-angle reflection data sets allowed the identification of four main crustal domains: (i) continental (east of 9.4 degrees W); (ii) continental thinning (9.4 degrees W-9.7 degrees W): (iii) transitional (9.7 degrees W-similar to 10.5 degrees W); and (iv) oceanic (west of similar to 10.5 degrees W). In the continental domain the complete crustal section of slightly thinned continental crust is present. The upper (UCC, 5.1-6.0 km/s) and the lower continental crust (LCC, 6.9-7.2 km/s) are seismically reflective and have intermediate to low P-wave velocity gradients. The middle continental crust (MCC, 6.35-6.45 km/s) is generally unreflective with low velocity gradient. The main thinning of the continental crust occurs in the thinning domain by attenuation of the UCC and the LCC. Major thinning of the MCC starts to the west of the LCC pinchout point, where it rests directly upon the mantle. In the thinning domain the Moho slope is at least 13 degrees and the continental crust thickness decreases seaward from 22 to 11 km over a similar to 35 km distance, stretched by a factor of 1.5 to 3. In the oceanic domain a two-layer high-gradient igneous crust (5.3-6.0 km/s; 6.5-7.4 km/s) was modeled. The intra-crustal interface correlates with prominent mid-basement, 10-15 km long reflections in the multi-channel seismic profile. Strong secondary reflected PmP phases require a first order discontinuity at the Moho. The sedimentary cover can be as thick as 5 km and the igneous crustal thickness varies from 4 to 11 km in the west, where the profile reaches the Madeira-Tore Rise. In the transitional domain the crust has a complex structure that varies both horizontally and vertically. Beneath the continental slope it includes exhumed continental crust (6.15-6.45 km/s). Strong diffractions were modeled to originate at the lower interface of this layer. The western segment of this transitional domain is highly reflective at all levels, probably due to dykes and sills, according to the high apparent susceptibility and density modeled at this location. Sub-Moho mantle velocity is found to be 8.0 km/s, but velocities smaller than 8.0 km/s confined to short segments are not excluded by the data. Strong P-wave wide-angle reflections are modeled to originate at depth of 20 km within the lithospheric mantle, under the eastern segment of the oceanic domain, or even deeper at the transitional domain, suggesting a layered structure for the lithospheric mantle. Both interface depths and velocities of the continental section are in good agreement to the conjugate Newfoundland margin. A similar to 40 km wide OCT having a geophysical signature distinct from the OCT to the north favors a two pulse continental breakup.


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The subject matter of this book is about piano methodology, including technical, musical, artistic, ethical and philosophical issues and reflections. The purpose of this work is to share a personal professional experience insight in the field of piano performance. This text assumes a certain continuity to the major contributions of artists like Ludwig Deppe, Tobias Matthay, Grigory Kogan, Heinrich Neuhaus and George Kochevitsky. At the same time, it tries to integrate and complement this selected literature, bringing new ideas and hints to specific professional issues.


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Neste artigo apresentam-se e discutem-se os resultados da análise de 74 reflexões realizadas pelos mentores relativamente à oficina de formação em que participaram. Os resultados permitem concluir que os professores mentores consideraram que a formação contribuiu para o seu desenvolvimento profissional e, através deles, para o desenvolvimento profissional dos professores em período probatório que supervisionavam. No entanto, os professores mentores referem-se consideravelmente menos ao contributo da formação para o desenvolvimento organizacional das escolas e preveem escassas repercussões a esse nível. Quanto ao processo de formação, consideram-no útil e de qualidade, valorizando essencialmente os documentos trabalhados nas sessões e as estratégias utilizadas. - Abstract In this paper we present and discuss the results of 74 reflections made by mentors regarding the training workshops in which they took part. The results show that teachers mentors consider that the training contributed to their professional development and, through them, to the professional development of teachers who they supervised during the probation period. However teachers mentors refer considerably less to the contribution of training towards the organizational development of schools and foresee little impact at this level. Asfor the training process, they consider it useful and of quality, valuing mainly the documents worked on during sessions and the strategies used. - Resumen En este artículo se presentan los resultados del análisis realizado sobre 74 reflexiones hechas por los mentores sobre el taller de formación en el que participaron. Los resultados concluyen que los profesores mentores consideraron que la formación contribuyó para su desarrollo profesional, y a través de ello, para el desarrollo profesional de los profesores en periodo probatorio que supervisaban. Los profesores mentores se refieren poco a la contribución de la formación para el desarrollo organizacional de las escuelas y consideran que habrá escasa repercusión a ese nivel. En cuanto al proceso de formación, lo consideran útil y de calidad, valorando esencialmente los documentos elaborados en las sesiones y las estrategias utilizadas.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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The short article attempts to make some very brief reflections on the effects a lack of public policies positively discriminatory in terms of public employment retirement. In particular, the observation of the absurd contradiction between the average age of retirement at the time of death (for men and women) and the average pension time for men and women in public employment in Portugal.


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Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 1 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores (Relatório de Estágio).


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Mestrado, Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 1 de Julho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores (Relatório de Estágio).


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The development of economical relations increases the interaction between organizations and stakeholders. It is no more acceptable to manage an organization under a transactional perspective where suppliers had a fundamental role. Nowadays organizations are being managed under a relational perspective where relations and relationship management in general have consequences in identity management (Hakansson e Snehota, 1989, 1995). A correct perception and management of identity is necessary to achieve distinctiveness in the competitive environment. This way, identity is influenced by relations with stakeholders in general and particularly with competitors. The ICIG concept states that identity is related with the values of the organization and it helps creating distinctiveness in the competitive environment (Van Riel, Balmer, 1997); Baker and Balmer (1997) state that identity is what the organization is; Suvatjis and de Chernatony (2005) refer that expressing identity is a dynamic process that evolves the use of a management model to face context changes; Kapferer (1991) states that brand identity is the project, the self conception of the brand. After reviewing and confronting literature under the plethora of identities’ concepts and perspectives (He, Balmer, 2007) one can’t find an integrative answer with all the elements that contribute to identity of organizations. The authors are strongly interested to contribute to the elimination of this limitation and to answer to strategic management needs. In a marketing context one can find: - the corporate identity approach that is focused in the distinctive attributes of an organization (Abratt, Balmer, Marwick e Fill, Stuart, Balmer and Gray, Alessandri, Suvatjis and de Chernatony) - the brand identity approach (related with the application of corporate identity studies to brands) - Kapferer, Semprini, Aaker, de Chernatony). Kapferer (1991), one of the most prolific authors in this field was the first author to integrate identity in a brand concept. In his view, identity is an emission concept. This idea is shared also by Aaker (1996). Yet, identity has to be managed in a competitive environment which is constantly changing. After reviewing and confronting literature, authors select concepts that are generally accepted by the investigators in order to design a model to analyze and manage identity: - corporate identity models: personality, image/reputation, culture, philosophy, mission, strategy, structure, communication - some of these concepts derive from identity models and others from identity management models; - brand identity models – Kapferer (1991, 2008) identity prism, witch is basis of literature in this field: culture, physical facet, personality, relationship (between brand and consumer), reflected consumer, consumers` self-concept. After discussion authors decide to include other concept in line with other authors` view: country of origin (Aaker, 1996). A discussion eliminates the twin concepts and the final selection is as follows: personality, image/reputation, culture (including philosophy and mission), strategy, structure, communication, culture, physical facet, relationship (between brand and consumer), reflected consumer, consumers` self-concept and according to authors` reflections “relationships” deriving from competitors` actions in competitive environment. Competitors’ actions and decisions have a stronger influence in the organizations` positioning than any other stakeholder as stated before. This is a work in progress towards a new model in identity analysis and management so an exploratory study will follow inquiring experts on identity in order to evaluate these concepts and correct the theoretical perspectives.


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Nos últimos dez a quinze anos temos assistido a um aumento do número de iniciativas com a participação da sociedade civil, no sentido de exercer pressão para a reformulação dos direitos sociais. Estes já não são tão vistos como direitos para aceder aos serviços estruturados e administrados pelo Estado (de acordo com o conceito de cidadania de Marshall), mas como uma reivindicação dos cidadãos para terem um papel ativo na definição das políticas públicas e dos serviços. Este debate tem sido muito intenso entre os cientistas sociais desde a década de 1980 e está bastante presente no sistema de cuidados de saúde. Vários estudos têm salientado a forte tensão entre o tecnicismo da medicina e a organização burocrática do sistema de saúde, por um lado, e o modelo de comunicação quotidiana, por outro lado. De facto, um dos temas centrais das reformas dos cuidados de saúde nos últimos 20 anos centrou-se na valorização da experiência e da perspetiva dos cidadãos. O artigo começa com um breve esboço das novas abordagens sociológicas em torno da relação entre os sistemas sociais e o mundo real – nas dimensões micro e macro; estrutura e ação. Assim, apresenta-se o estado da arte atual sobre a participação nos sistemas de saúde ocidentais, resultante da revisão da literatura, destacando as novas estratégias de envolvimento dos doentes bem como as questões relativas às críticas e às limitações. Para terminar, procede-se a uma reflexão acerca da complexidade da relação entre o sistema de cuidados de saúde e as associações de doentes e utentes.


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Mestrado (PES II), Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 2014, Universidade dos Açores.


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É reconhecida a necessidade de se integrarem as práticas ambientais em reflexões de natureza ética. Uma vez que as ações desprovidas de fundamentação rapidamente se transformam em re-ações vazias e sem sentido, torna-se essencial aliar o "como devo agir?" ao "porquê devo agir (desta forma e não de outra)"? O que a Ética Ambiental procura é dotar os seres humanos das ferramentas que lhes permitam assumir essa intencionalidade de um agir responsável e consciencioso, promovendo um imprescindível olhar crítico sobre os contextos em que nos inserimos.


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Prefácio/Foreword do Livro de Atas do Simpósio Internacional sobre Direitos Humanos e Qualidade de Vida nas Comunidades Falantes do Português nos EUA e Canadá, realizado nos dias 9 e 10 de novembro de 2011.


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Este artigo tem como foco o uso de casos multimédia na formação inicial de professores e procura analisar o seu contributo para o desenvolvimento do conhecimento didático de futuras professoras acerca do ensino exploratório da Matemática, bem como apreciar as suas perspetivas sobre as mais-valias do caso multimédia utilizado como recurso formativo. Analisam-se questionários e relatórios de treze alunas do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo da Universidade de Évora, que trabalharam sobre um caso multimédia que retrata a prática de ensino de uma professora de 1º ciclo. O caso inclui recursos diversificados, sendo os vídeos de sala de aula complementados com o plano da aula, as resoluções da tarefa pelos alunos, as reflexões da professora sobre a sua prática, um quadro de referência sobre o ensino exploratório da Matemática e artigos teóricos sobre ensino de natureza exploratória da Matemática. As alunas em formação apreciaram conhecer e explorar o caso multimédia, ressaltando a possibilidade de através dele conhecerem uma nova prática real de ensino da Matemática; sublinharam a importância de ouvirem as reflexões da professora para dotar de sentido a respetiva prática, revelando as intenções das suas ações; aprenderam também conhecimentos relevantes para pôr em prática o ensino exploratório, nomeadamente relativos ao conhecimento do processo instrucional, tanto no diz respeito à planificação, como à condução da aula.