891 resultados para diagnostic delay


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This paper studies the effect of time delay on the active non-linear control of dynamically loaded flexible structures. The behavior of non-linear systems under state feedback control, considering a fixed time delay for the control force, is investigated. A control method based on non-linear optimal control, using a tensorial formulation and state feedback control is used. The state equations and the control forces are expressed in polynomial form and a performance index, quadratic in both state vector and control forces, is used. General polynomial representations of the non-linear control law are obtained and implemented for control algorithms up to the fifth order. This methodology is applied to systems with quadratic and cubic non-linearities. Strongly non-linear systems are tested and the effectiveness of the control system including a delay for the application of control forces is discussed. Numerical results indicate that the adopted control algorithm can be efficient for non-linear systems, chiefly in the presence of strong non-linearities but increasing time delay reduces the efficiency of the control system. Numerical results emphasize the importance of considering time delay in the project of active structural control systems.


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Diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) is an advanced magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technique. DTI is based on free thermal motion (diffusion) of water molecules. The properties of diffusion can be represented using parameters such as fractional anisotropy, mean diffusivity, axial diffusivity, and radial diffusivity, which are calculated from DTI data. These parameters can be used to study the microstructure in fibrous structure such as brain white matter. The aim of this study was to investigate the reproducibility of region-of-interest (ROI) analysis and determine associations between white matter integrity and antenatal and early postnatal growth at term age using DTI. Antenatal growth was studied using both the ROI and tract-based spatial statistics (TBSS) method and postnatal growth using only the TBSS method. The infants included to this study were born below 32 gestational weeks or birth weight less than 1,501 g and imaged with a 1.5 T MRI system at term age. Total number of 132 infants met the inclusion criteria between June 2004 and December 2006. Due to exclusion criteria, a total of 76 preterm infants (ROI) and 36 preterm infants (TBSS) were accepted to this study. The ROI analysis was quite reproducible at term age. Reproducibility varied between white matter structures and diffusion parameters. Normal antenatal growth was positively associated with white matter maturation at term age. The ROI analysis showed associations only in the corpus callosum. Whereas, TBSS revealed associations in several brain white matter areas. Infants with normal antenatal growth showed more mature white matter compared to small for gestational age infants. The gestational age at birth had no significant association with white matter maturation at term age. It was observed that good early postnatal growth associated negatively with white matter maturation at term age. Growth-restricted infants seemed to have delayed brain maturation that was not fully compensated at term, despite catchup growth.


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Several tools of precision agriculture have been developed for specific uses. However, this specificity may hinder the implementation of precision agriculture due to an increasing in costs and operational complexity. The use of vegetation index sensors which are traditionally developed for crop fertilization, for site-specific weed management can provide multiple utilizations of these sensors and result in the optimization of precision agriculture. The aim of this study was to evaluate the relationship between reflectance indices of weeds obtained by the GreenSeekerTM sensor and conventional parameters used for weed interference quantification. Two experiments were conducted with soybean and corn by establishing a gradient of weed interference through the use of pre- and post-emergence herbicides. The weed quantification was evaluated by the normalized difference vegetation index (NDVI) and the ratio of red to near infrared (Red/NIR) obtained using the GreenSeekerTM sensor, the visual weed control, the weed dry matter, and digital photographs, which supplied information about the leaf area coverage proportions of weed and straw. The weed leaf coverage obtained using digital photography was highly associated with the NDVI (r = 0.78) and the Red/NIR (r = -0.74). The weed dry matter also positively correlated with the NDVI obtained in 1 m linear (r = 0.66). The results indicated that the GreenSeekerTM sensor originally used for crop fertilization could also be used to obtain reflectance indices in the area between rows of crops to support decision-making programs for weed control.


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Tässä tutkielmassa analysoidaan teoksessa ’Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Men-tal Disorders, Fifth Edition’ (DSM-5) ja tarkemmin sen kappaleessa ’Gender Dysphoria’ käytettyä kieltä. DSM-5 on mielenterveydenalan ammattilaisille suunnattu luokittelu virallisesti tunnustetuista mielenterveyden häiriöistä ja se sisältää myös oireiden kuvai-luun perustuvat ohjeet näiden mielenterveyshäiriöiden diagnosoimiseksi. ’Gender dys-phoria’ (vapaasti suomennettuna sukupuolidysforia) on lääketieteellinen termi, joka viittaa biologisesta sukupuolesta eriävän sukupuoli-identiteetin aiheuttamaan henki-seen pahoinvointiin. Sukupuoli-identiteetin ja mielenterveysongelman yhdistäminen sisältää ideologisiin arvoihin pohjautuvia perusteluja ja tässä tutkielmassa analysoi-daan ’Gender Dysphoria’ – kappaleen ideologista sisältöä kriittisestä näkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tarkastellaan ’Gender Dysphoria’ – kappaleessa käytetyn kielen ideologi-sia heijastumia ja niiden sosiaalisia vaikutuksia kolmen tutkimuskysymyksen avulla: 1) Kuinka diagnosoitu henkilö esitetään tekstissä? 2) Kuinka tekstissä rakennetaan kuvaa sukupuolidysforiasta mielenterveyshäiriönä? 3) Miten analyysin tulokset saattavat vai-kuttaa käsitykseen sukupuolen yhteydestä mielenterveyteen ja sukupuolidysforian diagnosoimiseen. Analyysissä käytetään metodina M. A. K. Hallidayn transitiivisuusteo-riaa ja tulosten sosiaalisia vaikutuksia analysoidaan Norman Faircloughn diskurssiana-lyysimallin avulla. Transitiivisuusanalyysin avulla tarkastellaan kirjoittajien tekemiä va-lintoja kielenkäytön suhteen, jotka Hallidayn teorian mukaan heijastavat kirjoittajien henkilökohtaisia kokemuksia ympäröivästä maailmasta. Tutkimus paljasti, että sukupuolidysforia esitetään mielenterveysongelmana erotta-malla se yksilöstä erilliseksi toimijaksi, joka suorittaa erilaisia prosesseja yksilön sisällä. Yksilöistä erityisesti lapset esitetään tekstissä voimakkaasti perinteisiin sukupuoliroo-leihin pohjautuvan ideologian valossa, joka heijastuu oireiden kuvailuun. Analyysi osoittaa myös logiikkaongelmia lasten oireiden kuvailussa, jotka johtavat ristiriitoihin oireiden ja mielenterveysongelman yhteydessä ja kumoavat perusteet, joiden pohjalta lapset diagnosoidaan. Tutkimuksen lopussa ehdotetaan, että sukupuolidysforiaan liit-tyvien diagnoosiohjeiden ja – kriteerien perusteita muokataan yleisesti sukupuoli-identiteetin itsemääräämisoikeuteen pohjautuvaksi ja lasten osalta tekstiin sisällytet-täisiin mahdollisia tieteellisiä perusteluja, jotka kumoaisivat diagnoosiohjeiden nyky-muodossaan sisältämät ristiriidat ja perustelisivat lasten diagnosoinnin oikeellisuuden


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We evaluated the effects of fundectomy and pyloroplasty on the delay of gastric emptying (GE) and gastrointestinal (GI) transit of liquid due to blood volume (BV) expansion in awake rats. Male Wistar rats (N = 76, 180-250 g) were first submitted to fundectomy (N = 26), Heinecke-Mikulicz pyloroplasty (N = 25) or SHAM laparotomy (N = 25). After 6 days, the left external jugular vein was cannulated and the animals were fasted for 24 h with water ad libitum. The test meal was administered intragastrically (1.5 ml of a phenol red solution, 0.5 mg/ml in 5% glucose) to normovolemic control animals and to animals submitted to BV expansion (Ringer-bicarbonate, iv infusion, 1 ml/min, volume up to 5% body weight). BV expansion decreased GE and GI transit rates in SHAM laparotomized animals by 52 and 35.9% (P<0.05). Fundectomy increased GE and GI transit rates by 61.1 and 67.7% (P<0.05) and prevented the effect of expansion on GE but not on GI transit (13.9% reduction, P<0.05). Pyloroplasty also increased GE and GI transit rates by 33.9 and 44.8% (P<0.05) but did not prevent the effect of expansion on GE or GI transit (50.7 and 21.1% reduction, P<0.05). Subdiaphragmatic vagotomy blocked the effect of expansion on GE and GI transit in both SHAM laparotomized animals and animals submitted to pyloroplasty. In conclusion 1) the proximal stomach is involved in the GE delay due to BV expansion but is not essential for the establishment of a delay in GI transit, which suggests the activation of intestinal resistances, 2) pyloric modulation was not apparent, and 3) vagal pathways are involved


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A pilot study has ascribed an important role in gallbladder motility and emptying to the perimenopausal period. To assess the effect of this period on gallbladder emptying and cholelithogenesis, 25 women in the perimenopausal period without gallbladder disease were submitted to cholangiography and two ultrasound exams. The time for gallbladder emptying and the presence of cholelithiasis were assessed. All patients presented a delay in gallbladder emptying with no relationship to the pre- or postmenopausal period. This finding was not related to lithogenesis. Gallbladder emptying time is longer during the perimenopausal period.


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Salivary cortisol is an index of plasma free cortisol and is obtained by a noninvasive procedure. We have been using salivary cortisol as a tool for physiological and diagnostic studies, among them the emergence of circadian rhythm in preterm and term infants. The salivary cortisol circadian rhythm in term and premature infants was established between 8 and 12 postnatal weeks. In the preterm infants the emergence of circadian rhythm was parallel to the onset of sleep rhythm. We also studied the use of salivary cortisol for screening for Cushing's syndrome (CS) in control and obese outpatients based on circadian rhythm and the overnight 1 mg dexamethasone (DEX) suppression test. Salivary cortisol was suppressed to less than 100 ng/dl after 1 mg DEX in control and obese patients. A single salivary cortisol measurement at 23:00 h and again after 1 mg DEX above the 90th percentile of the obese group values had sensitivity and specificity of 93 and 93% (23:00 h), and 91 and 94% (after DEX), respectively. The sensitivity improved to 100% when we combined both parameters. We also studied 11 CS children and 21 age-matched primary obese children for whom salivary cortisol sensitivity and specificity were 100/95% (23:00 h), and 100/95% (1 mg DEX), respectively. Similar to adults, sensitivity and specificity of 100% were obtained by combining 23:00 h and 1 mg DEX. The measurement of salivary cortisol is a useful tool for physiological studies and for the diagnosis of CS in children and adults on an outpatient basis.


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The purpose of the present study was to validate the quantitative culture and cellularity of bronchoalveolar lavage (BAL) for the diagnosis of ventilator-associated pneumonia (VAP). A prospective validation test trial was carried out between 1992 and 1997 in a general adult intensive care unit of a teaching hospital. Thirty-seven patients on mechanical ventilation with suspected VAP who died at most three days after a BAL diagnostic procedure were submitted to a postmortem lung biopsy. BAL effluent was submitted to Gram staining, quantitative culture and cellularity count. Postmortem lung tissue quantitative culture and histopathological findings were considered to be the gold standard exams for VAP diagnosis. According to these criteria, 20 patients (54%) were diagnosed as having VAP and 17 (46%) as not having the condition. Quantitative culture of BAL effluent showed 90% sensitivity (18/20), 94.1% specificity (16/17), 94.7% positive predictive value and 88.8% negative predictive value. Fever and leukocytosis were useless for VAP diagnosis. Gram staining of BAL effluent was negative in 94.1% of the patients without VAP (16/17). Regarding the total cellularity of BAL, a cut-off point of 400,000 cells/ml showed a specificity of 94.1% (16/17), and a cut-off point of 50% of BAL neutrophils showed a sensitivity of 90% (19/20). In conclusion, BAL quantitative culture, Gram staining and cellularity might be useful in the diagnostic investigation of VAP.


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Brazilian researchers and health professionals often face the challenge of having to use tests developed in foreign languages and standardized for populations of other countries, especially in the fields of Neuropsychology and Neurolinguistics. This fact promotes a feeling that some scoring systems may be inadequate for our sociocultural reality. In the present study, we describe the performance of a Brazilian population sample submitted to a translated and adapted version of the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE). Sixty normal volunteers (21 men and 39 women), all Portuguese native speakers, ranging in age from 15 to 78 years (average 43.7) and with an educational level of 2 to 16 years (average 9.9), were tested using a translated and adapted Portuguese version of the BDAE. Cut-off scores are suggested for our population and the performance of the Brazilian sample is compared to that of American and Colombian samples, with the results being closely similar in all tasks. We also performed a correlation analysis between age, gender and educational level and the influence of these variables on the performance of the subjects. We found no statistically significant differences between genders. Educational level correlated positively with performance, especially in the subtests involving reading and writing. There was a negative correlation between age and performance in two subtests (Visual Confrontation Naming and Sentences to Dictation), but a coexisting effect of educational level could not be ruled out.


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The aim of this study was to determine if the diagnostic profile of inpatients of a psychiatric unit in a general hospital influences the length of stay. The results of a retrospective survey comprising the first 16 years of operation of the Psychiatric Unit of the Ribeirão Preto General Hospital (PURP) showed that the progressive increase observed in the length of stay correlated with the increase in percentage of schizophrenia diagnosis, after the 8th year of hospital operation, and of affective disorders, after the 12th year. The length of hospitalization kept increasing until the 16th year, even though there was no change in the diagnostic profile of the patients admitted to the unit. In a prospective study encompassing the next six months, 61 inpatients were evaluated with the Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-III-R and the Brief Psychiatric Rating Scale (BPRS). The results showed that 82% of the inpatients fulfilled the diagnostic criteria for the schizophrenic or affective disorder spectrum at admission, with a discharge rate slower than for other diagnoses, although the length of hospitalization did not significantly differ among diagnostic categories. The results further demonstrated that in every diagnostic category more than 50% of the patients stayed in hospital for more than one week after reaching a BPRS score equal to 6, indicative of discharge. Overall, these data suggest that the increase in length of hospitalization may be due to a higher percentage of patients with a diagnosis of schizophrenia and affective disorder admitted to the PURP. In addition, patients with low symptomatic levels remained in hospital longer than they should have.


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Few data are available in the literature concerning the efficacy of standard hysteroscope disinfection procedures to prevent hepatitis B transmission. The aim of the present study was to determine the risk of hepatitis B virus (HBV) transmission during hysteroscopy among anti-HBc-seropositive women. Serum and hysteroscopic samples were collected from 62 women after diagnostic hysteroscopy. All samples were tested for serologic HBV markers. Polymerase chain reactions (PCR) were carried out to amplify regions C and S of the viral genome and only samples amplified by both pairs of primers were considered to be positive. Anti-HBc was repeatedly reactive in 48 (77%) of 62 serum samples, and HBsAg was detected in 8 (13%). At least one HBV serologic marker was found in 49 (79%) samples. Only one sample was HBsAg positive and anti-HBc negative. HBV-DNA was detected by PCR in 7 serum samples but in only 3 hysteroscopic samples obtained just after hysteroscopy. It is noteworthy that high levels of anti-HBc IgM were detected in one HBsAg-negative patient who showed an HBV-DNA-positive hysteroscopic sample. An elevated sample/cut-off ratio for anti-HBc IgM suggests recent infection and reinforces the need for testing for HBsAg and anti-HBc before hysteroscopy, since acute hepatitis B can be clinically asymptomatic. Viral DNA was not detected in any hysteroscopic samples collected after washing and disinfecting procedures with glutaraldehyde. We conclude that HBV-DNA can be found in the hysteroscope soon after hysteroscopy, but standard disinfecting procedures are effective in viral removal.


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In Neurolinguistics, the use of diagnostic tests developed in other countries can create difficulties in the interpretation of results due to cultural, demographic and linguistic differences. In a country such as Brazil, with great social contrasts, schooling exerts a powerful influence on the abilities of normal individuals. The objective of the present study was to identify the influence of schooling on the performance of normal Brazilian individuals in the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination (BDAE), in order to obtain reference values for the Brazilian population. We studied 107 normal subjects ranging in age from 15 to 84 years (mean ± SD = 47.2 ± 17.6 years), with educational level ranging from 1 to 24 years (9.9 ± 4.8 years). Subjects were compared for scores obtained in the 28 subtests of the BDAE after being divided into groups according to age (15 to 30, N = 24, 31 to 50, N = 33 and 51 years or more, N = 50) and education (1 to 4, N = 26, 5 to 8, N = 17 and 9 years or more, N = 61). Subjects with 4 years or less of education performed poorer in Word Discrimination, Visual Confrontation Naming, Reading of Sentences and Paragraphs, and Primer-Level Dictation (P < 0.05). When breakdown by schooling was 8 years or less, subjects performed poorer in all subtests (P < 0.05), except Responsive Naming, Word Recognition and Word-Picture Matching. The elderly performed poorer (P < 0.05) in Complex Ideational Material, Visual Confrontation Naming, Comprehension of Oral Spelling, Written Confrontation Naming, and Sentences to Dictation. We present the reference values for the cut-off scores according to educational level.


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The objective of the present study was to determine the reliability of the Brazilian version of the Composite International Diagnostic Interview 2.1 (CIDI 2.1) in clinical psychiatry. The CIDI 2.1 was translated into Portuguese using WHO guidelines and reliability was studied using the inter-rater reliability method. The study sample consisted of 186 subjects from psychiatric hospitals and clinics, primary care centers and community services. The interviewers consisted of a group of 13 lay and three non-lay interviewers submitted to the CIDI training. The average interview time was 2 h and 30 min. General reliability ranged from kappa 0.50 to 1. For lifetime diagnoses the reliability ranged from kappa 0.77 (Bipolar Affective Disorder) to 1 (Substance-Related Disorder, Alcohol-Related Disorder, Eating Disorders). Previous year reliability ranged from kappa 0.66 (Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder) to 1 (Dissociative Disorders, Maniac Disorders, Eating Disorders). The poorest reliability rate was found for Mild Depressive Episode (kappa = 0.50) during the previous year. Training proved to be a fundamental factor for maintaining good reliability. Technical knowledge of the questionnaire compensated for the lack of psychiatric knowledge of the lay personnel. Inter-rater reliability was good to excellent for persons in psychiatric practice.


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We analyzed the performance of 162 normal subjects, subdivided into groups according to age and schooling, in the oral comprehension tasks of the Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination translated and adapted to Brazilian Portuguese to obtain a profile of performance for the Brazilian population, as well as cut-off scores for each task, and to determine the best combination of tasks that distinguish normal from aphasic subjects, as a guide for clinicians. The normal subjects were compared to 69 aphasics. Age alone influenced the performance in the designation of actions (subjects above 70 years showing the worst performance); schooling alone influenced the comprehension of forms, colors and numbers (subjects with less than four years of education showing a poorer performance). Both age and schooling influenced the performance in Body Part Identification (BPI) and Complex Ideational Material (CIM) with mean values of 70.5 ± 3.3 (Word Discrimination, WD), 18.9 ± 1.4 (BPI), 14.7 ± 0.9 (Commands), and 10.3 ± 1.7 (CIM) for the whole sample; the cut-off scores obtained were 65 (WD), 17.5 (BPI), 14 (Commands), and 9.5 (CIM) for the whole sample. Logistic regression showed that the combination of BPI + Commands + CIM was the most efficient in differentiating normal subjects from aphasics, with 72.5% sensitivity and 97.6% specificity. However, for low-education subjects, BPI and Commands were sufficient for this differentiation (75.7% sensitivity and 84.7% specificity). The main contribution of this study was to provide reference values that are far more representative of our population to be used by health professionals in Brazil, taking into account cultural differences.


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Primary hyperparathyroidism is an endocrine disorder with variable clinical expression, frequently presenting as asymptomatic hypercalcemia in Western countries but still predominantly as a symptomatic disease in developing countries. The objective of this retrospective study was to describe the diagnostic presentation profile, parathyroidectomy indication and post-surgical bone mineral density follow-up of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism seen at a university hospital. We found 115 patients (92 women, median age 56 years) with primary hyperparathyroidism diagnosed during the last 20 years. We defined symptomatic patients based on the presence of any classical symptom affecting bone, kidney or the neuromuscular system. Surgical criteria followed the guidelines of the National Institutes of Health regarding asymptomatic primary hyperparathyroidism. Symptomatic patients and patients meeting surgical criteria for parathyroidectomy were 66 and 93% of the sample, respectively. Median calcium and parathyroid hormone values were 11.9 mg/dL and 189 pg/mL, respectively. After surgical treatment, 97% of patients were cured, with increases in bone mineral density of 19.4% in the lumbar spine and 15.7% in the femoral neck 3 years after surgery. Greater bone mass increases were detected in pre-menopausal women, men, and in symptomatic and younger patients, both in the lumbar spine and femoral neck. Our results support the previous findings of a predominantly symptomatic disease with a presentation profile that could be mainly related to a delayed diagnosis. Nevertheless, genetic and racial backgrounds, and nutritional factors such as calcium and vitamin D deficiency may play a role in the clinical presentation of primary hyperparathyroidism of Brazilian patients.