979 resultados para diagnosis therapy
Objective: To analyze vascular density and immunolocalization of angiogenic vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and its receptor Flk-1 in the proliferative and secretory eutopic human endometrium. and in three different sites of endometriosis: the ovary, bladder, and rectum. Design: Prospective study. Setting: University hospital. Patient(s): Thirty women with endometriosis (10 ovarian, 1.0 bladder, 10 rectal) and 32 control women (10 proliferative endometrium, 10 secretory endometrium, 4 normal ovary, 4 normal bladder, 4 normal rectum). Intervention(s): Normal endometrial samples were obtained from women during laparoscopic ablation of subserous myoma, and biopsy specimens of endometriosis were obtained from patients undergoing surgery for the diagnosis and treatment of endometriosis. Normal tissues of ovary, bladder, and rectum were obtained from these organs beside the lesions of endometriosis. Main Outcome Measure(S): Blood vessels were quantified according to the number of von Willebrand factor-positive endothelial cells. The VEGF and Flk-1 distribution were evaluated semiquantitatively by immunohistochemical staining. Result(s): More blood vessels were found in cases of endometriosis, particularly rectal endometriosis, compared with the respective control samples and with the eutopic endometrium, and they were localized in endometrial stroma around the glands. The VEGF and Flk-1 expression levels were also higher in cases of endometriosis, especially rectal endometriosis. Conclusion(s): Vascularization and VEGF and Flk-1 expression are significantly higher in deeply infiltrating endometriosis affecting the rectum, reinforcing the hypothesis that antiangiogenesis therapy may constitute a new modality of treatment, especially in cases of deep endometriosis involving the rectum.
Lymphangioma is a rare benign tumor characterized by proliferating lymph vessels and composed of large cyst spaces with endothelium-lined channels of varying dimensions. The incidence of lymphangioma is approximately one in 6000 pregnancies. Less than 1 % of lymphangiomas are purely mediastinal. The great majority of cases are of cystic lymphangioma, but very rarely there is a mixed lesion consisting of multiple cysts of dilated capillary and lymph vessels. We report a case of posterior mediastinal lymphangioma diagnosed at 28 weeks` gestation, in which three-dimensional ultrasonography was helpful in determining the precise location of the tumor. A Cesarean section was performed at 39 weeks and the tumor was resected on the 5(th) day postdelivery; histological examination revealed a mixed cystic lymphangioma. Copyright (C) 2008 ISUOG. Published by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
Background/Aims: To evaluate the behavior of glycosaminoglycans (GAGs) in rat gingiva and the effects of lack of sexual steroids and the hormonal therapy with estrogen and dexamethasone (DEX). Methods: 40 female rats were divided into four groups: GI: animals in permanent estrus; GII: ovariectomized (OVX) animals + vehicle; GIII: OVX animals treated with 17 beta-estradiol benzoate (10 mu g/kg), and GIV: OVX animals treated with 17 beta-estradiol benzoate (10 mu g/kg) + DEX (3 mg/kg). After treatment, the gingiva was removed and its GAGs content was evaluated by electronic microscopy after stained by cuprolinic blue technique. Results: The electron-microscopic data showed that low values of chondroitin sulfate were found in castrated animals (35.05 +/- 3.58%) compared to other groups (GI: 41.17 +/- 1.13; GIII: 48.04 +/- 2.60; GIV: 49.09 +/- 2.68%). In contrast, the amount of dermatan sulfate in GII (57.70 +/- 2.50%) was higher than in the other groups (GI: 46.12 +/- 1.30; GIII: 42.65 +/- 2.98; GIV: 42.68 +/- 5.43%). Conclusions: GAGs may be influenced by estradiol, and DEX did not seem to antagonize the role of estradiol in the GAGs of gingiva. The histotypical structure of gingiva is related to the amount of chondroitin sulfate. Consequently, the estrogen therapy may be important for gingival health. Copyright (C) 2007 S. Karger AG, Basel.
Objective: To evaluate the precision of three-dimensional ultrasonography (3DUS) in estimating the ipsilateral lung volume and the potential of this measurement to predict neonatal death in congenital diaphragmatic hernia (CDH). Methods: Between January 2002 and December 2004, the ipsilateral lung volumes were assessed by 3DUS using the technique of rotation of the multiplan imaging in 39 fetuses with CDH. The observed/ expected ipsilateral lung volume ratios (o/e-IpsiFLVR) were compared to the lung/head ratios (LHR) and to the observed/ expected total fetal lung volume ratios (o/e-TotFLVR) as well as to postnatal death. Results: Ipsilateral lung volumes (median 0.12, range 0.01-0.66) were more reduced than the total lung volumes (median 0.52, range 0.11-0.95, p < 0.001) in CDH. The bias and precision of 3DUS in estimating ipsilateral lung volumes were -0.61 and 0.99 cm 3, respectively, with absolute limits of agreement from -2.56 to +1.33 cm(3). The o/e-IpsiFLVR was lower in neonatal death cases (median 0.09, range 0.01-0.46) than in survivals (median 0.18, range 0.01-0.66), but this difference was not statistically significance (p > 0.05). The sensitivity, speci-ficity, (positive and negative) predictive values and accuracy of o/e-IpsiFLVR in predicting neonatal death was 52.6% (10/19), 83.3% (10/12), 83.3% (10/12), 52.6% (10/19) and 64.5% (20/31), respectively. Conclusion: Although the ipsilateral lung volume can be measured by 3DUS, it cannot be used to predict neonatal death when considering it alone. However, it is important to measure it to calculate the total fetal lung volumes as the o/e-TotFLVR has the best efficacy in predicting neonatal death in isolated CDH. Copyright (C) 2008 S. Karger AG, Basel
Introduction: Some studies have made use of the antioxidative capabilities of high doses of vitamins C and E with the aim of neutralizing the noxious effects of free radicals following spinal cord lesion. Objectives: To evaluate the effects of vitamins C and E, separately and together, on the functional performance of rats that were subjected to standardized spinal cord contusion. Materials and methods: Forty male Wistar rats were used, divided into four groups of 10 animals each. Group 3 received vitamin C 100 mg kg(-1) day(-1) intraperitoneally; Group 2 received vitamin E 100 mg kg(-1) day(-1) orally; Group 1 received vitamins C and E, at the same dosages; and Group 4 was the control. The vitamin therapy was administered for 1 month and then the animals were killed. A direct contusional injury was caused and functional evaluation was performed using the Basso, Beattie and Bresnahan rating scale. The rats were evaluated on the second postoperative day and weekly thereafter, until the end of the experiment. Results: The results were evaluated by means of the one-tailed, non-paired and non-parametric Mann-Whitney test, comparing the groups two by two. No significant difference in functional performance was observed between the groups. Conclusion: The use of vitamins C and E in these rats did not improve their neurological performance. However, histopathological examination showed that the inflammatory response was less intense following administration of the combination of vitamins C and E. Spinal Cord (2009) 47, 458-463; doi:10.1038/sc.2008.155; published online 9 December 2008
Study design: Experimental, controlled, animal study. Objectives: To evaluate the effect of GM1 ganglioside, hyperbaric oxygen and both in combination, in the treatment of experimental spinal cord lesions in rats. Setting: Brazil. Methods: Thirty-two Wistar rats with spinal cord lesions were divided into four groups: one group received GM1 ganglioside, one was submitted to hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT), the third received both treatments and the fourth received no treatment (control). Results: There were no significant differences between the groups in the histological analysis, for any of the variables (necrosis, hemorrhage, hyperemia, cystic degeneration, P>0.06). Neither were there any significant differences in the comparison of left and right sides in the functional tests (P>0.06 for all). No significant differences were found in the locomotor ratings, in the comparison of groups at 2, 7, 21 and 28 days after the surgical procedure. However, in the evaluation on day 14, group 3, which received the combined therapy, showed a significantly higher Basso Beattie and Bresnahan score than the other groups (P = 0.015). Conclusion: The therapeutic effect of GM1 in locomotor evaluation of rats submitted to spinal cord lesion is anticipated by HBOT. Spinal Cord (2010) 48, 808-813; doi:10.1038/sc.2010.37; published online 27 April 2010
Patients with antibody deficiencies are more prone to develop acute neutropenic episodes even during immunoglobulin replacement. The aims of this study were to evaluate the presence of acute neutropenia in 42 patients with primary antibody immunodeficiencies, currently receiving intravenous immunoglobulin (IVIG), and to describe the clinical and laboratory findings during neutropenic episodes. Of all patients, 10 (23.8%) presented acute neutropenia (absolute neutrophil count < 1500 cells/mm(3)) during follow up (mean of 6.4 yr). The absolute neutrophil count ranged from 71 to 1488 cells/mm(3). Neutropenia was not clearly associated with antibiotic prophylactic therapy or immunoglobulin levels, while infections were associated with neutropenia in the majority of episodes. Most acute neutropenia episodes were mild or moderate, except in CVID patients who present more severe neutropenia. Although IVIG may have contributed to reducing the severity of neutropenia, it does not prevent its occurrence in all patients. In conclusion, primary immunodeficient patients, even submitted to IVIG replacement therapy, must be regularly evaluated for neutropenia in order to minimize the risk of infections and its appropriate approach.
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) is an autoimmune disorder characterized by chronic joint inflammation and continuous immune cell infiltration in the synovium. These changes are linked to inflammatory cytokine release, leading to eventual destruction of cartilage and bone. During the last decade new therapeutic modalities have improved the prognosis, with the introduction of novel biological response modifiers including anti-TNF alpha CTLA4Ig and, more recently, anti-IL6. In the present study we looked at the immunological effects of these three forms of therapy. Serum, obtained from patients with RA was analyzed for TNF alpha, IL6, IL10, IFN gamma, and VEGF, and in parallel, circulating plasmacytoid and myeloid dendritic cells (DC) were enumerated before and after three infusions of the respective biological treatments. After treatment with anti-IL6, we found a significant reduction of IL6 and TNF alpha levels and the percentage of both DC subsets decreased. Although the results did not reach statistical significance for anti-TNF alpha treatment, similar trends were observed. Meanwhile, CTLA4Ig therapy led to the reduction IFN gamma levels only. None of the treatments modified significantly VEGF or IL10 levels. These findings may explain why patients with RA improve more rapidly on IL-6 therapy than with the other two modalities.
The use of improved microbiological procedures associated with molecular techniques has increased the identification of Candida bloodstream infections, even if the isolation of more than one species by culture methods remains uncommon. We report the cases of two children presenting with severe gastrointestinal disorders and other risk factors that contribute to Candida infections. In the first patient, C. albicans DNA was initially detected by a nested-amplification and C. tropicalis was found later during hospitalization, while blood cultures were persistently negative. In the second child, there was amplification of C. albicans and C. glabrata DNA in the same samples, but blood cultures yielded only C. albicans. Both patients received antifungal therapy but had unfavorable outcomes. These two cases illustrate that PCR was more successful than culture methods in detecting Candida in the bloodstream of high risk children, and was also able to detect the presence of more than one species in the same patient that might impact therapy when the fungi are resistant to azole compounds.
Background: This study evaluated the effectiveness of adjunctive cognitive behavioral group therapy (CBGT) to prevent recurrence of episodes in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder. Methods: A randomized controlled single-blind trial was conducted with 50 patients with bipolar disorder types I and II followed up for at least 12 months in an outpatient service and whose disease was in remission. An experimental CBGT manual was developed and added to treatment as usual (TAU), and results were compared with TAU alone. Results: Intention-to-treat analysis showed that there was no difference between groups in terms of time until any relapse (Wilcoxon = 0.667; p = 0.414). When considering type of relapse, there was still no difference in either depressive (Wilcoxon = 3.328; p = 0.068) or manic episodes (Wilcoxon = 1.498; p = 0.221). Although occurrence of episodes also did not differ between groups (chi(2) = 0.28; p = 0.59), median time to relapse was longer for patients treated with CBGT compared to TAU (Mann-Whitney = -2.554; p = 0.011). Conclusions:Time to recurrence and number of episodes were not different in the group of patients treated with CBGT. However, median time to relapse was shorter in the TAU group. Studies with larger samples may help to clarify whether our CBGT approach prevents new episodes of bipolar disorder. Our findings also indicated that CBGT is feasible in euthymic patients with bipolar disorder and should be investigated in future studies. To our knowledge, this is the first publication of a controlled trial of CBGT for euthymic patients with bipolar disorder. Copyright (C) 2011 S. Karger AG, Basel
Introduction. Over the past 20 years our knowledge of premature ejaculation (PE) has significantly advanced. Specifically, we have witnessed substantial progress in understanding the physiology of ejaculation, clarifying the real prevalence of PE in population-based studies, reconceptualizing the definition and diagnostic criterion of the disorder, assessing the psychosocial impact on patients and partners, designing validated diagnostic and outcome measures, proposing new pharmacologic strategies and examining the efficacy, safety and satisfaction of these new and established therapies. Given the abundance of high level research it seemed like an opportune time for the International Society for Sexual Medicine (ISSM) to promulgate an evidenced-based, comprehensive and practical set of clinical guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of PE. Aim. Develop clearly worded, practical, evidenced-based recommendations for the diagnosis and treatment of PE for family practice clinicians as well as sexual medicine experts. Method. Review of the literature. Results. This article contains the report of the ISSM PE Guidelines Committee. It affirms the ISSM definition of PE and suggests that the prevalence is considerably lower than previously thought. Evidence-based data regarding biological and psychological etiology of PE are presented, as is population-based statistics on normal ejaculatory latency. Brief assessment procedures are delineated and validated diagnostic and treatment questionnaires are reviewed. Finally, the best practices treatment recommendations are presented to guide clinicians, both familiar and unfamiliar with PE, in facilitating treatment of their patients. Conclusion. Development of guidelines is an evolutionary process that continually reviews data and incorporates the best new research. We expect that ongoing research will lead to a more complete understanding of the pathophysiology as well as new efficacious and safe treatments for this sexual dysfunction. Therefore, it is strongly recommended that these guidelines be re-evaluated and updated by the ISSM every 4 years. Althof SE, Abdo CHN, Dean J, Hackett G, McCabe M, McMahon CG, Rosen RC, Sadovsky R, Waldinger M, Becher E, Broderick GA, Buvat J, Goldstein I, El-Meliegy AI, Giuliano F, Hellstrom WJG, Incrocci L, Jannini EA, Park K, Parish S, Porst H, Rowland D, Segraves R, Sharlip I, Simonelli C, and Tan HM. International Society for Sexual Medicine`s guidelines for the diagnosis and treatment of premature ejaculation. J Sex Med 2010;7:2947-2969.
Introduction. The diagnosis and the treatment of transsexualism, particularly during adolescence, generate considerable discussion among specialists. Many health and legal professionals have not yet reached a strong consensus on medical treatment for juvenile transsexuals. Hormonal therapy cannot only represent a medical procedure to adjust the somatic sex to the psychological gender, but can also be a reasonable means of preventing some juvenile transsexuals from engaging in undesirable and risky behavior. Aim. To report the cases of two transsexual adolescents who resorted to prostitution to afford hormonal medications when treatment was denied because of age criteria. Results. Hormonal medications were not recommended by the endocrinology staff because specific laws regulating this medical procedure for juvenile transsexuals in Brazil are lacking. In response, these adolescents chose to use illegally obtained sex hormones to treat themselves. Conclusions. We propose ""harm reduction"" as a means of coping with this dilemma in some cases. Baltieri DA, Cortez FCP, and de Andrade AG. Ethical conflicts over the management of transsexual adolescents-report of two cases. J Sex Med 2009;6:3214-3220.
Background: A high smoking prevalence has been registered among alcoholics. It has been pointed out that alcoholic smokers may have a more severe course and greater severity of alcoholism. This study aims at comparing smoking and non-smoking alcoholics in terms of treatment outcomes and verifying the efficacy of topiramate and naltrexone to decrease the use of cigarettes among alcoholic smokers. Methods: The investigation was a double-blind, placebo-controlled, 12-week study carried out at the University of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The sample comprised 155 male alcohol-dependent outpatients (52 nonsmokers and 103 smokers). 18-60 years of age, with an International Classification of Diseases (ICD-10) diagnosis of alcohol dependence. After a 1-week detoxification period, the patients randomly received placebo, naltrexone (50 mg/day) or topiramate (up to 300 mg/day). Only the alcoholic smokers who adhered to the treatment were evaluated with reference to the smoking reduction. Results: Cox regression analysis revealed that the smoking status among alcoholics increased the odds of relapse into drinking by 65%, independently of the medications prescribed, using the intention-to-treat method. Topiramate showed effectiveness to reduce the number of cigarettes smoked when compared to placebo among adherent patients (mean difference =7.91, p < 0.01). There were no significant differences between the naltrexone group and the placebo group. Conclusions: The results of this study confirm that the treatment is more challenging for smoking alcoholics than for non-smoking ones and support the efficacy of topiramate in the smoking reduction among male alcoholic smokers who adhered to the treatment. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objective To evaluate the effect of the addition of methyltestosterone to estrogen and progestogen therapy on postmenopausal sexual energy and orgasm. Methods Sixty postmenopausal women in a stable relationship with a partner capable of intercourse, and presenting sexual complaints that appeared after menopause, were randomly divided into two groups: EP (n=29) received one tablet of equine estrogens (CEE) 0.625mg plus medroxyprogesterone acetate (MPA) 2.5mg and one capsule of placebo; EP+A (n=31) received one tablet of CEE 0.625mg plus MPA 2.5mg and one capsule of methyltestosterone 2.0mg; The treatment period was 12 months. The effects of treatment on sexual energy were assessed using the Sexual Energy Change Scale. The ability to reach orgasm in sexual relations with the partner was verified through monthly calendars and by calculating the ratio between monthly frequency of orgasms in sexual relations and monthly sexual frequency. Results There was a significant relationship between improvement in level of sexual energy and the addition of methyltestosterone to CEE/MPA treatment (p=0.021). No significant effect on orgasmic capacity was noted after the treatment period. Conclusion Addition of methyltestosterone to CEE/MPA therapy may increase sexual energy, but might not affect the ability to obtain orgasm in sexual relations.
The present study compared the effects of early short-term with prolonged low-dose corticosteroid therapy in acute lung injury (ALI). In total, 120 BALB/c mice were randomly divided into five groups. In the control group, saline was intratracheally (i.t.) instilled. In the ALI group, mice received Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (10 mu g i.t.). ALI animals were further randomised into four subgroups to receive saline (0.1 mL i.v.) or methylprednisolone (2 mg center dot kg(-1) i.v.) at 6 h, 24 h or daily (for 7 days, beginning at day 1). At 1, 3 and 8 weeks, in vivo and in vitro lung mechanics and histology (light and electron microscopy), collagen and elastic fibre content, cytokines in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and the expression of matrix metalloproteinase (MMP)-9 and -2 were measured. In vivo (static elastance and viscoelastic pressure) and in vitro (tissue elastance and resistance) lung mechanics, alveolar collapse, cell infiltration, collagen and elastic fibre content and the expression of MMP-9 and MMP-2 were increased in ALI at 1 week. Methylprednisolone led to a complete resolution of lung mechanics, avoided fibroelastogenesis and the increase in the expression of MMP-9 and MMP-2 independent of steroid treatment design. Thus, early short-term, low-dose methylprednisolone is as effective as prolonged therapy in acute lung injury.